StormWorks News & Announcements

Dear Stormworkers,

The Sailing Major Update releases in 2 weeks, on the 12 March!

This new update includes the new sail anchor part. When 4 sail anchors are linked together in the editor with the rope tool, a sail is generated. Sails react to wind in the expected way - they will billow out as they catch the wind with simple cloth physics, and catch the energy of the wind. These anchors have an input node to allow the sails to be resized - when this signal is active, the size of the sail will relax towards the area set out by the anchors.

The new keel component is a companion part to sails, adding forces to counter tilt and keep the boat upright. The keel acts a large heavy fin that can be fitted to the bottom of a hull and comes in 3 sizes.

To make sure this is the flappiest update yet, we are also adding flags! The new flags come in 3 sizes, and over 160 different flag designs are selectable. These designs include many countries, flat colors, popular youtubers, community memes such as skill issue, in-game brands such as clam oil, and pride flags! Flag designs are driven by a texture and can therefore be modded.

Sailing boats can be made in the usual Stormworks style, where players have all the freedom to make different sail shapes, rope rigging, booms, etc.

We look forward to sharing this new update with you soon!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers
Fix - reverted propeller change due to changing game behavior for some players
Fix - resolved dropped frames with damage rebuilding

Dear Stormworkers,

Head mounted displays are here! Connect your microcontroller video feed to a seat with a video input, jump into the seat, and use the overlay rendering to show any data over the top of the players view.

The system works in a similar way to the screens and the viewing scope. The resolution is the same as the viewing scope. This is more similar to a head mounted holographic lens rather than a worn augmented reality display, as the image blends additively.

We have also added pitch and yaw rotation output data to the composite output of gimbal cameras. This is in addition to the laser target position which is still being output. This is in response to player requests, to help with logic systems.

This update also includes some fixes. Underwater rendering is fixed for the viewing scope, and other fixes are described in the patch notes below.

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Your support makes these updates possible.

Patch Notes


Feature - #2818 Seat helmet HUD overlay
Feature - Stabilized camera pitch and yaw composite values
Fix - #27099 Viewing scope underwater shading effects
Fix - #26571 Initial world autosave time of day incorrect
Fix - #26574 Underwater propellers applying relative fluid force in wrong direction
Fix - #26570 Jet engine turbines now explode correctly when exceeding their max rps
Fix - #26570 Damage meshes are now rebuilt correctly for all components with self damage mechanics

Dear Stormworkers,

We are hard at work on the upcoming updates, with head mounted displays due in 2 weeks, and the sails major update due in March.

Head mounted displays are effectively a lua driven screen that renders as an additive overlay on top of the players view. This is effectively a head mounted HUD.

Seats with the head mounted display option will have a video input node, which serves as the video feed. The screen is the same resolution as the overlay of the recent viewing scope component.

Sails are in their final stage of testing, and have been very interesting to work on, with sailing being a complex topic with many aspects.

Our implementation of sailing respects many real world behaviours. The size and shape of your sails drives the physics calculations, and the angle of attack relative to the wind controls the amount and direction of thrust. Very slight angles of attack creates an additional wing-like aerofoil effect true to real racing sails.

Real sail boats are very precisely designed, and adjusting any property such as size, center of mass, drag, sail positioning, rudder, etc. by even a small amount can turn a high performance boat into an ineffective design. Similar to real life, not all sailing concepts work. We have been testing and playing, and it is very rewarding to experiment with designs, and see the changes in boat performance and handling change as a result. Learning more about real world sailing has helped me with my in-game designs. We will include an example sail boat as reference in the presets.

As many have pointed out, the hydrodynamics in Stormworks are tuned to be more viscous, to balance the game to work with a broader variety of designs. To manage the impact of this on sails, we are adding the keel component, which applies additional forces to stabilize a sailing boat. These forces include rotational stabilization to avoid being rolled by the wind, as well as momentum stabilization to help ships carry their energy through turns.

We look forward to releasing these updates in the coming weeks and look forward to your feedback!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Dear Stormworkers,

This update introduces the new viewing scope component!

Interact with the viewing scope to enter a full screen mode, which renders a video stream from a camera at native resolution. The viewing scope also renders lua overlay with the resolution of a standard large screen.

The new viewing scope is ideal for observation cameras on helicopters, remote control weapon turrets, submarine periscopes, tv guided missiles, etc. where higher detail on a camera feed is useful.

As well as this new component are a few minor fixes and reworks, please see the patch notes below for full details.

We hope you enjoy this new component and we look forward to seeing your creations and feedback!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Your support makes these updates possible.

Patch Notes


Feature - #2835 Viewing scope component
Rework - Removed deprecated parts from preset starter boat
Rework - #26201 added group id return value to spawnVehicle and spawnAddonVehicle
Fix - #26292 MC editor not sorting logic block items on open
Fix - #26370 Stopped winches autospooling when not using number node for reeling
Fix - #26550 Typo in inverse pyramid 1x2 name
Fix - Resolved crash when near south west corner of arid mainland

Dear Stormworkers,

Happy holidays!

We have had a fantastic time developing the updates of 2024 and are really looking forward to next years updates. In this post, lets announce some of the updates due for release in the first half of 2025!

Jan 15th 2025 - Viewing Scopes

This new component is a new type of screen, that you can interact with to enter a full screen, full resolution video camera feed. The component otherwise works in a similar way to normal screens, and includes a lua overlay of the same resolution as a large screen. We expect this will be very useful for turrets, periscopes, gimbal camera controls, and more.

Feb 12th 2025 - Overlay Helmet

This new feature adds a video input to some seats, which renders over the top of the players screen, as a helmet mounted HUD. This gives the player the ability to have HUD rendered overlay to display information in their normal view as they look around. The resolution of the lua overlay is similar to above, the same as a large screen.

Mar 12th 2025 - The Sails Major Update

We are adding new sails to Stormworks. Sails will be similar to fishing nets with respect to be cloth simulated surfaces, except they react to air movement and wind, applying force to their vehicle. We are also adding keel components to help stabilize the movement and lean of sailing boats.

Apr 9th 2025 - NPC Sentries

We are adding new support for NPCs to equip weapons and engage targets with their handheld pistols and rifles. This will be supported via a lua API.

May 7th 2025 - Firefighting Respirator Outfit

The new firefighting outfit includes a respirator and oxygen tank, to allow fighting fires inside enclosed compartments. Fire within a vehicle does consume oxygen within that compartment, making the air dangerous to breath, so this equipment is essential for larger vehicles such as ships.

Jun 4th 2025 - Bike Seats

As previously leaked, an upcoming update will add support for a saddle-type seat, suitable for quad bikes, etc.

Note that these updates are spaced 4 weeks apart. As previously announced, we want to try making larger minor updates with more meaningful features for a bit and see how that goes. As well as these features, these updates will include other changes, fixes, and improvements, so there is much more than what is listed here.

Beyond this release plan, we have many other ideas and suggestions contributed by players which we look forward to working on, and a big thank you to all those who have provided feedback.

In the mean time, we hope you are enjoying the holiday season and catch you in the new year!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Your support makes these updates possible.

Dear Stormworkers,

Todays update introduces new trailer based cargo missions!

As part of our ongoing mission to improve mission content in Stormworks, we are expanding the cargo missions system to include a series of new types of cargo and locations. Load and transport logs with your own logging truck, or take your heavy goods vehicle to transport goods trailers between farms, terminals, sawmills, and other industrial locations.

After many player requests, we are have increased the lua character limit to 8192 in this update.

We have made several other quality improvements and fixes in this update. Please see the patch notes below for details.

We are breaking soon for the winter holidays and the next minor update is due on 15th January - and its going to be a great update with a very interesting new component. Be sure to check back in with us in the new year for this update.

We hope you enjoy this new update, and happy holidays!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Your support makes these updates possible.

Patch Notes


Feature - #25481 Sawmill and farm locations on Meier and Sawyer isles
Feature - #25481 Trailer cargo missions
Rework - #2548 Doubled Microcontroller lua script limit
Fix - #25838 3x3 Wheel no longer requires research in classic mode
Fix - #25893 Increase reliability of hospital ship zone checking

Dear Stormworkers,

This weeks minor update introduces a new component - the rotating safety light. This component has been requested by players for creating some specific emergency or maintenance vehicles.

This isn't just a small component update, but also includes several important fixes and improvements. Please see the patch notes below for details.

We have been reviewing plans and player feedback, as well as working hard on many new updates. In the new year, our goal is to spend longer on some minor updates, adding some of the features and components that players want but have been too large for a previous minor update. There are some really exciting new components and features on the way that will add a huge amount to the game and how you play Stormworks.

We plan to release a roadmap soon covering our plans for the first half of 2025!

As requested by players, we are also launching a new "complete the set" bundle with a permanent discount of 15% when buying the remaining Stormworks game and DLCs. More info below.

We look forward to your feedback on this new update.

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Your support makes these updates possible.

Patch Notes


Feature - #24388 Rotating warning light
Fix - Resolved issues with large mod network payloads sometimes causing lockup
Fix - #26714 Component translations loading issue
Fix - #26713 Approved glslh files for modding
Fix - #25323 C4 Damage behaviour on static vehicles
Fix - #25946 Preset torpedo now spawns lower
Fix - #26056 Lua Docs bracket mismatch

Dear Stormworkers,

The Asset Modding Major Update is out now!

This new major update introduces the ability to mod asset files in the game, as well as providing tools, workshop and multiplayer support. We have also open-sourced loads of our source artwork in order to help modders create content.

This update has been tested and modified in response to player feedback on the experimental branch. Many thanks to all players who checked out the experimental version and let us know their thoughts!

We are also doing a Q&A with this launch to further discuss with players and help make more plans for the future.

We look forward to your feedback on this new update!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes

v1.13.0 - Asset Modding Major Update

Feature - #2395 Asset modding and mod workshop support
Feature - SDK with compilers and base game files
Fix - #26584 Various crashes on mac involving file reads and addon settings parsing

Modded servers can be identified with a wrench icon in the listing
Currently mods are always downloaded from the server upon joining
Currently modded vehicles cannot be uploaded to the workshop
The game will show a warning when a vehicle with missing definitions is loaded
The parts tray can be sorted by mod name and parts are searchable by mod name
Added a copy path button to mod and addon selection screens to make it easier to add them dedicated server config

More info on modding is available on the wiki page:
The new terms of use and guidelines can be found at

Dear Stormworkers,

On Wednesday 20th November at 4PM UTC, we will launch the new Modding Major Update and do our next Questions & Answers session where we will chat to the community and answer your questions live!

This stream will begin at 4PM UTC, and will be found at the top of the Stormworks Store page on Steam.

Like last time, we will have the question submission website where players will be able to submit questions during the stream, and we will work through and answer as many as we can.

We are interested in talking to modders and getting thoughts and feedback, but are happy to answer any generals Stormworks questions from players too.

Please click the "Set a Reminder" button on the right and join us then for the major update launch and Q&A event!

Many thanks for all your feedback and support.

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers
These patch notes are for the experimental branch.

v1.12.9 Experimental

- Component tray can now categorize by mod name
- Component tray filter now searches matching mod names
- Approved map geometry bin file modding
- Fixed default workshop thumbnail
- Fixed various assets (including all shaders) not overriding correctly
- Show a warning when loading a vehicle with missing definitions
- Prevent uploading modded vehicles to the workshop (more info in previous blogpost)

Dear Stormworkers,

In this minor update, we are adding new pulley components for fluid and electric components!

These new components allow creating pulley systems that allow fluid connections, or electric and data connections. This feature has been frequently requested by the community.

We are also adding new racing clothing and helmet outfits!

As well as these new features, are several fixes and improvements. Please see the patch notes below for details!

Thank you to all the players who have provided feedback on the new Asset Modding Major Update currently available on experimental. We are working on several improvements which we hope to move into Experimental soon.

Something that many players have shared their concerns about is the impact on the workshop of vehicles with modded components. The dependence of modded components on vehicles means that it is complicated to download and try out vehicles from the workshop if they use these modded components. Many players have asked for various new features to address this. We plan on discussing with modders, and also consider what gives players the best experience. While we are considering what the best solution is, we will disable workshop uploading for vehicles that use modded components.

An updated version of modding will launch on experimental soon!

We look forward to your thoughts and feedback on this new minor update.

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Your support makes these updates possible.

Patch Notes


Feature - #23813 Fluid and Electric Pulley components
Feature - #6373 Racing Clothing items
Fix - #8341 Host now has authority over mic/speaker is_transmit state
Fix - #25117 Fluid jet mirrored animation issues
Fix - #25943 Limit maximum fluid cannon force
Fix - Winches now check rope type is valid for a proposed connection
Rework - #25844 Removed rope mass scaling, added rope tension impulses

Dear Stormworkers,

The Asset Modding Major Update will release at 5pm UTC on the 20th November 2024.

Asset Modding

We are launching a new type of modding - the ability to mod game data files, art assets, sound effects, etc. We are open-sourcing loads of our game artwork to assist the modding community.

Some incredible mod creators have been creating these custom mods without tools or help for years. Their creations include new components, sound effects, in game locations, and more. The technical skill to reverse engineer how the game works and develop these mods is incredible, but without official workshop support, the up-take of their creations has been low.

The new major update will add workshop support, as well as multiplayer support, and a modding SDK including compilers and source artwork files.

What Mods Should We Expect?

This new update allows players to modify most game data files, 3d models, vehicle components, etc. However, it isn't possible to modify executable code for safety reasons.

New vehicle components can be created. These can be cosmetic modifications of existing components, although many properties can be modified in the component xml files to update behaviour.

New sound effects can be added, modifying the general sound of the game, or otherwise, creating new buzzer components, etc.

Islands can be modified, creating new locations and landscapes.

Multiplayer Support

When connecting to a multiplayer server, the required mods are automatically downloaded. There is no requirement to sync up mods before hand. Modded servers are clearly labelled with an icon, so you always have the option to play vanilla if you prefer.

Experimental Release

A preview of this new update is available now on the experimental branch (in Steam Betas). This allows creators to check out the tools, learn how the modding works, and play around with the SDK ahead of the big launch on 20th November.

There is also a modding guide available on the Geometa wiki.

With the launch of modding support, there are some sensible rules such as not infringing trademarks, as well as clarifying some legal stuff (you own the mods that you create) and we will update our terms of use in the next few days, and add them to the Steam App.

We are so excited to see what players will create. It is hard to know how many players will get into this type of modding, but we will be looking for feedback and we are open to expanding this further and listening to mod creators. If this is what players and creators want, then perhaps this is just the beginning of new mod support features in Stormworks!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Dear Stormworkers,

In this minor update, we are introducing the new thermoelectric cooler!

This component is similar to a heat exchanger, except that it contains a solid state heat pump which will move heat from the cool loop to the hot loop, given an electric current.

This means its now possible to build cooling units and air conditioners. Previously it has only been possible to heat an area above ambient temperature. However, this new component now allows the opposite.

As well as the new component are some fixes and improvements to the zombies add-on which is active during the Halloween seasonal event! (this can be disabled when starting a new game in add-ons menu)

Next week we are announcing the next major update for Stormworks! This is going to be a very important announcement. It's hard to know exactly how big the impact will be, but I expect it could potentially create a new era of Stormworks. We are really excited to share this news so please join us next week.

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes


Feature - Cryo cooler component
Seasonal - Zombies Script activated for Weapons and Industrial DLC owners
Fix - Fixed various halloween clothing mesh issues
Fix - Fixed zombies script loot respawning bugs and loot balance

The Stormworks Halloween event will begin on the 24th
Fix - removed accidentally included unfinished components

Dear Stormworkers,

Today we release the new dual-wheels minor update.

Many wheels now have a "dual" option in the properties, adding a second wheel to the hub. This is useful for truck creators who want doubled up wheels on hubs, as can be found on real life rigs.

This update also includes some useful minor fixes. Please see the patch notes below for details.

Over the rest of the year, we are planning 4 more minor updates, as well as a major update (more info in a few weeks!). We are working on some larger minor updates with some exciting new components for next year, as well as more major updates.

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes


Feature - #4418 Dual Wheels
Dual wheels are now available as a property on advanced wheel components
Fix - #20107 AI Helicopters no longer try to land while unloaded
Fix - #25242 Orbital emergency missions now expire
Fix - #25308 Winch audio now stops when disconnecting a rope
Fix - #25781 Chat triggering radio item sound effect
Fix - #25745 Network connect event ordering now allows for kicking a player in onPlayerJoin
Fix - #25843 Dynamic objects initial network data (Fish/Creature ball at starter base)

Dear Stormworkers,

This update introduces two small but useful logic changes:

Variable Speed Winches

Winches now have a number input to modify their operation speed (additively with respect to the base winch speed, so that 0 input means the speed is unmodified, while -1 would reduce speed and +1 would increase speed).

Handle Output

Handles now have an on/off output to signal if a player is currently holding a handle. This change is generally useful where players can now get things to happen simply by holding a handle. This state could be used to open a door, release a connector, etc.

As well as these changes are some fixes and improvements, please see the patch notes below for details.

Last week we asked for thoughts and advice from players on how we do announcements in the future. We want to say thankyou to the many players who gave their time to help us on this. Many of the responses were very well written, obviously with a great deal of thought and some even with professional experience. We are considering your feedback and are going to think about it for a bit, potentially making changes in the coming months. Thank you for the help!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes


Feature - #11450 Winch speed input logic node for medium and larger winches
Feature - #5290 Occupied bool logic node for handles
Fix - Rotor light-grey accents rendering with colour in preview
Fix - #24690 #25665 - Addons not defaulting to mission tag when uploading to workshop without any locations
Fix - #25455 - Fixed positions of various mission zones
Fix - #25721 - Reduced refuel mission fill requirement
Fix - #25763 - Added old save compatibility for creature missions

Dear Stormworkers,

Weekly Announcements

In the development studio, there is always something really exciting going on. Perhaps it's a new minor update that players have been asked for, an important fix, a new major update, or increasingly, something on the new game.

We want to share this excitement and fun with players! However, we are also mindful that the way we share this information has a big impact on how much joy it brings players. For example, if we share info on updates that won't release for a long time, or could be cancelled or changed later on, this can just be frustrating.

Our strategy is to develop the new feature, test it and get it ready to release, and only then, think about telling players about it! If its a smaller update such as a minor update, it seems better to announce it as we release it, or if its a bigger update, then a few weeks warning to get excited seems to work best.

This does leave us in the situation where, despite there being loads of interesting things going on, there is often no specific thing releasing imminently and ready to announce. This results in the occasional waffling announcement with no juicy new info, and this too can cause friction with players who are understandably disappointed with the lack of value in the announcement.

Our strategy isn't the only way, and "roadmaps" are common in other games where developers explain their general ambitions for the future. This does create a risk for these developers of under-delivering if their plans don't work out, but otherwise answers a lot of questions.

We post here every week, as we alternate between update releases and informational posts. We are considering dropping the informational posts when there is no specific info to release, meaning that some weeks there would be no communication.

What are your thoughts on this? Would you prefer less frequent announcements in preference to more valuable info? Is there a better strategy that we should adopt? How should we communicate with players?

A Shout out to the Creators

We are often asked who made the creations from the screenshots! These screenshots are from the #vehicle-showcase channel in the official Discord server. We don't say who created the vehicles because it is very difficult to know. On the Discord channel, we can only see who posted the image. Many images are vehicles that are not released on the workshop. Its common for players to collaborate, meaning a vehicle can have many authors. Many images are also of players experiences in single or multiplayer and the person posting the image isn't the one who made the vehicle in the image. These creations often took a huge amount of work to create, and it would be hurtful to see someone else given credit for your work. As with many things in life, it is best not to say something if you can't be sure that you are correct!

This doesn't mean we don't appreciate the hard work and skill that creators are putting into their vehicles. Thank you to everyone who posts their content in #vehicle-showcase, you are amazing, and an inspiration to us.

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Dear Stormworkers,

This minor update includes some subtle reworks, as well as some fixes and improvements.

Pumps and valves now have a logic node that provides flow rate information.

Generally this update is small, but the changes will be useful to many players, so its worth checking out the patch notes below.

Join us again in 2 weeks for another minor update with some new minor features, and then again 2 weeks later for a particularly exciting minor update!

We continue to work on our minor updates, major updates, as well as the new game. For Stormworks, there are some great updates on the way, that we expect will be really important positive steps that players will love, and we look forward to sharing these updates over the coming months.

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes


Feature - Flow rate logic node for pump and valve components
Rework - #2450 Doors are now interactable from a seat
Fix - Regular rx components tagged as DLC only
Fix - #24725 Vehicle editor budget label not updating with undo/redo
Fix - #24899 Reconnecting peer's network id, flashlight and audio data not rebuilt correctly
Fix - #25100 JSI fuel pumps havering above floor
Balance - #25065 Reduced volume and balanced range of fluid pump sfx