StormWorks News & Announcements

Dear Stormworkers,

The third and final Fishing Major Update is just a few weeks away!

This major update releases on 14th August 2024.

The Pot and Line Fishing Major Update introduces lobster and crab pots, and advanced line fishing.

Lobster and Crab Pots

The new fishing pot components can be deployed on the sea floor and will catch crabs and lobsters over time.

Advanced Rod and Line Fishing

New rod fishing mechanics allow you to set the float length, in order to bait deeper or shallower.

Fish will now fight back, and will attempt to run when hooked. Reeling too much while the line is under tension can break the line and allow the fish to escape.

As well as these features are some fishing related fixes and improvements.

This is our final planned fishing major update, with many of the major player suggestions now implemented.

Join us next week for a minor update, and then a couple of weeks later for the new major update!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Dear Stormworkers,

It is minor update release week! As previously announced, this update is a bit smaller than normal as we prepare for the major update due for release in 4 weeks!

Despite being small, there are some useful fixes which will be important to some players. Please see the patch notes below for full details.

Next week we will announce more info on the upcoming major update, and in 2 weeks, we have a minor update with many fixes and some exciting new content!

We hope this new update is of help, and we look forward to your feedback. Check in next week for the details on the next major update!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes


Fix - #25352 Resolve microcontroller logic links sometimes disappearing on undo/redo
Fix - Grounded network vehicle desync when teleporting off of a vehicle (characters vibrating)
Fix - #24400 Resolved RCS thruster mirroring issues
Fix - #24489 Corrected typos in large and huge tank wheels
Fix - Space transport missions spawning at low difficulty
Fix - Missions not respecting spawn biome
Rework - #24316 Simplified Day/Night duration back to a single value

Dear Stormworkers,

The Steam summer sale ends a few hours after this announcement goes live! Stormworks and DLCs are currently on discount.

Recently we have been planning out the rest of the year and have been filling out our schedule with our goals for which new features and components to release, and when, for the rest of the year. As previously announced, the next major update is soon, and we are already working on the subsequent one.

While we have a plan for major updates and new features for this year, this is only a small part of our work plan, with plenty of time protected for bug fixes and improvements. Expect the usual rate of fixes and improvements into the future.

We are in a fortunate position, with loads of great ideas and suggestions that we can work on, that should provide a positive impact on the game for players, and are practical and achievable goals for ourselves. While we have done our best to select the highest priorities for this year, there are loads of great things that we want to do getting pushed into next year.

As well as Stormworks, we are working on our new game, although public release is still a long way off. Our new game is intended as a different type of building game, and isn't intended to replace Stormworks, so our plans for Stormworks support and update continue in parallel.

Catch you next week for the minor update!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Dear Stormworkers,

Today we release the new animal missions minor update!

These new animal missions include lost dog recovery, livestock transport, and if you have the S&D DLC, there are also dangerous animal incidents!

As well as these new missions, there are also several fixes, improvements and lua API changes!

We hope you enjoy this new content and look forward to your feedback!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes


Feature - Animal Missions

Transport farm animals
Find a lost dog
Rescue an animal to a sanctuary
Hunt a dangerous animal
Rescue survivors from an animal attack

Fix - Persisting issues with train brake forces causing twilight zone bug
Fix - #24107 Dropping fish duplicating in multiplayer
Fix - #24199 Survivors picked up by two players at the same time bug
Fix - #24355 Fixed issues with map border teleporting for vehicle groups with keep active blocks
Fix - #24344 Map vehicle icon block data is now persistent when unloaded
Fix - #24131 Minor fish art asset issues
Fix - #24217 Minor control fin art asset issues

Addon Lua:

Feature - #24344 getVehiclesByName Addon Lua function
Feature - getVehicleData now returns name and authors data
Fix - Corrected some integer return value types

Dear Stormworkers,

As usual, our updates are out every few weeks! Here is some info on the next several releases:

3rd July 2024 - Minor update with some new mission content and fixes

17th July 2024 - Particularly small minor update

31st July 2024 - Minor update with some new mission content, rebalancing, and fixes

14th August 2024 - The next major update! More details announced closer to the time

Many thanks to all who have given feedback. We are continuing to review bug reports and feature requests on the issue tracker, as well as feedback and suggestions on Youtube, and the suggestions from the last Q&A.

Return next week for the new missions content and update!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Fix - Fix train brakes using incorrect position if connected to rail while brake is applied.

Dear Stormworkers,

This minor update is focused on fixes and improvements.

These changes are fixes asked for by the community on the issue tracker. The ticket id numbers can be found in the patch notes below, corresponding to the tickets on the issue tracker.

Please see patch notes below for full details.

Meanwhile, development continues on the upcoming minor and major updates!

We look forward to your thoughts and feedback on this new update.

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes


Fix - #22548 Refactored train braking code to fix mirroring issues
Fix - #23555 Fix infinite fuel setting causing funnels to spawn infinite resources
Fix - #23864 Fix DLC lock on uranium processing
Fix - #24094 Corrected finned and non-finned solid rocket booster masses
Fix - #24196 Refactored directional rx fov/falloff for more consistent behaviour
Fix - #23910 Fixed issues with workshop vehicles thumbnails and tags
Fix - #23881 Fixed weather map sampling
Fix - #23864 Separated left and right train piston internal steam compartments

Dear Stormworkers,

We are launching new merchandise!

Check out the new Geometa store on TeeSpring here.

Several players have asked for the return of Stormworks merchandise, so we are pleased to relaunch. Many also asked for items for their kids, so we have also added some baby and kids sized items.

While we have previously made updates for train enthusiasts, truckers, sports fishermen, amateur astronauts, and even volcanologists, there are presumably some players wondering: what is there for the niche crossover between Stormworks players and dog owners?

This is something we have been considering! Please see the new "Dog Breeds of Stormworks" design for you and your good boy.

What happened to the old Redbubble merch?

We are not sure. I think its a common scam on Redbubble where a scammer DMCA's popular content, and if it gets removed (our notice email must have gone to spam) then the scammer bot uploads the stolen designs to its own store. We have managed to remove all the stolen content on Redbubble but we think TeeSpring is probably better.

How much do you make from Merch?

We have set up the TeeSpring store with the default prices, which is typically $6 or $7 profit per item. With Redbubble we were not selling many items, and it probably less than 0.1% of our business. This isn't about generating revenue, its because it is something that some players have asked for, we enjoy making the designs, and because we think its a good service to provide the players who want it.

If this is something you have been looking for, then great! Otherwise, call back next week for the next minor update!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers
v1.11.3 (Hotfix)

Fix - "Refuel and repair" missions not completing correctly
Fix - tow_vehicle type missions not generating sub-objectives correctly
Fix - Some default refuel mission boats incorrect fuel tank name

Dear Stormworkers,

This week, we introduce refuelling missions!

These new lower priority missions involve vehicles and crews who are low on fuel requiring resupply. Deliver and transfer the required fuel type to resolve their emergency.

As well as these new missions, are several fixes and improvements, including a couple of issues that could result in AI vehicles being spawned below the floor, causing poor performance when nearby one of these AI vehicles. Mission and add-on fixes are only applied after starting a new game, as these scripts are part of the game-save file.

Please see the patch notes below for full details.

Many thanks to all those who joined for last weeks live questions and answers stream! There were loads of great questions and it was great fun to chat to the community.

You can view the stream on Captain Cockerels YT channel, where he has kindly indexed the questions with time codes in the description.

We hope you enjoy the new missions and improvements!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes


Feature - Refuelling Missions
Fix - #21006 #23999 Several trainline junctions inverted or derailing
Fix - #21640 AI mission vehicle spawning in floor
Fix - #21708 AI boats spawning in the Beginner Island floor
Fix - #23191 AI boat horn stuck on with inf-electric
Fix - #22066 Scaled vehicle handle counter force with atmosphere factor
Fix - #22250 Adjusted rope forces in space
Fix - Crash caused by physics data access by projectiles after an object was destroyed
Fix - Missions do not despawn full vehicle groups
Fix - Fixed some missions missing names

Dear Stormworkers,

It is minor update week!

This update includes various fixes, improvements, and reworks, as well as a minor location change, adding a frequently requested build area to the military base island.

Please see the patch notes below for full details on this update.

Please join us next week for the developer questions and answers live stream!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes


Feature - #5278 Added workbench to military base

Fix - #23929 Fixed the spawn area for the existing military base workbench
Fix - #23893 Resolved invalid link creation issues with logic node link undo-redo
Balance - #23266 Greatly increased catalytic converter rate
Balance - #23876 Updated cargo rewards
Rework - Unloaded cargo items now despawn when under half the remaining delivery time to reduce undeliverable packages
Fix - #23872 First person items always rendering orange
Fix - #23753 Defibrilator not recharging
Fix - #23797 Starter Boat instrument radio values not clamped
Fix - #23900 Fixed various addon documentation
Fix - #24901 Fixed return values for several addon lua functions
Fix - #23936 Crash when loading a vehicle during a merge-tool operation

Dear Stormworkers,

On Thursday 30th May, we will do our next Questions & Answers session where we will answer your questions live on Stream!

This stream will begin at 5PM UTC, and will be found at the top of the Stormworks Store page on Steam.

Like last time, we will have the question submission website where players will be able to submit questions during the stream, and we will work through and answer as many as we can.

Please click the "Set a Reminder" button on the right and join us then for this event!

Many thanks for all your feedback and support.

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Dear Stormworkers,

The Commercial Fishing Major Update is OUT NOW!

Check out this new update for fishing nets, fish finding sonar, population and value variance, and more!

Please see our recent announcement for details on what to expect.

Please see the patch notes below for technical info on this update.

Please jump into game and check it out!

We look forward to hearing what you think, as well as your ideas for what you would like to see next in Stormworks!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes

v1.11.0 - Commercial Fishing (#2588 #12567)

Feature - Fishing Net
- Link four fishing net hooks with rope logic links in a planar square to genearte a net
- The sides of nets can be extended and contracted similar to a winch
- Pulling nets through the water will cause them to billow out
- Fish stick to the net and can be released via a logic node input

Feature - Fish Biomes and Rarity
- Fish now spawn in appropriate biomes based on longitude and depth
- Fish prices are now scaled based on biome rarity
- Fish hotspots exist in the world where the maximum fish density is increased 4x
- Fish hotspot map data can be purchased from fishing data vendors
- Added server.getFishData addon lua command to fetch default prices, equipment type and resource type

Feature - Fish Finder
- Detects a random fish in the area and outputs the yaw angle and distance.

Dear Stormworkers,

As previously announced, the next major update is the Commercial Fishing Major Update and it is out on Wednesday the 8th May which is next week at 5PM UTC!

As a quick reminder of what to expect:

New fishing nets are built from 4 net rope links, and use simple softbody cloth physics. Fish can be caught by these nets, and released using a logic node. Nets can be expanded and contracted via logic on their anchors.

New fish abundancy systems mean that different species are fish are found in high abundance only in specific locations.

Fish value varies from one species to the next, with some much more valuable than others.

Locate fish using the fish finding sonar component. Position and depth info is very useful for setting the depth of nets, etc.

We are planning one more fishing major update and are carefully listening to players for future updates!

Catch us next week for the release :-)

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Dear Stormworkers,

Crew Overboard!

This minor update introduces new search and rescue mission content - person overboard missions!

These new missions involve locating and rescuing crew members who have fallen overboard from a vessel. Their location is unknown and they require locating and rescuing to a medical facility.

As well as the new mission type, are several important fixes and improvements. See the patch notes below for details.

Join us again in 2 weeks for the Commercial Fishing Major Update!

We hope you enjoy the new content and fixes, and look forward to your feedback!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes


Feature - Man Overboard missions

Fix - #24563 Aerial mobility issues at ground level
Fix - #24867 Gas spawners now spawn at high pressure
Fix - Internal issues caused by detecting ocean floor in unloaded tiles
Fix - #23286 Furnace heating due to coolant loop pressure issues
Fix - #23430 Fix radiation leaking for doors, fluid ports no longer create fallout
Fix - #23534 Added additional server side checks for creative menu client events
Fix - #23564 Ignore static vehicles when building unloaded radar data

Addon Lua:
Default missions decorative NPC support
getTile no longer returns nil for unloaded ocean tiles
getComponentData now returns:

Dear Stormworkers,

Prepare to cast nets and commence trawling - it is almost time for the Commercial Fishing Major Update!

On the 8th May, we are launching this new major update. Lets discuss what to expect:

Fish will be found most abundantly at specific places on the map. Different species of fish will have different locations and depths. Information on these locations will be purchasable (in a similar way to off shore oil deposits in the oil updates).

The new fish finding radar part will allow to scan the water for fish. This data will assist in locating the highest fish density areas and help with important information such as depth of fish, which is useful for setting your nets.

By creating rope links between fishing net anchors, you will be able to create rectangular nets, simulated with a simple cloth-type simulation. These nets can be extended and contracted, and also have an openable release in their centre to release your catch. Fish that swim into nets are picked up and are visible on the nets.

Fish will be priced differently depending on species. With some fish more valuable than others, and some locations more abundant than others, there is more strategy to operating an efficient fishing vessel.

This is a free major update, and will be available to all Stormworks players on 8th May, at 1700 UTC.

Catch us next week for a minor update, than then 2 weeks later for the major update!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Dear Stormworkers,

It is minor update week!

This week, we are adding the ability to spawn some fuel type gasses using the fluid spawner block. This is to allow players to make custom gas storage tanks, which can be useful for submarines, space rockets, etc.

As well as this change, there are many fixes and improvements. Please see patch notes below for details.

We have another minor update in 2 weeks time with fixes including a fix for the notorious movement while jumping issue.

Catch us here next week for more details on the next major update!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes


Feature - #21752 Added air, oxygen and hydrogen spawning to fluid spawners
Fix - #24716 Remove ctrl+s opening save menu from vehicle editor
Fix - #23301 Fixed handheld gun inventory mesh issues
Fix - #23351 Fixed throttle lever clicking noise when no power
Fix - #23657 Fluid compartments default air is now spawned after resolving fluid spawners
Fix - #23419 Initialize vehicle positions with their physics position before triggering lua load callbacks
Fix - #23548 Fix setVehicleKeypad not working if input 1 is unchanged
Fix - #23432 Remove cross from none type map label
Fix - #23432 Fix handling of tile marker icons for deletion
Fix - #23432 Remove all map labels with the target map_id
Fix - #23418 Retain capitalization for notification titles
Rework - #23416 Prevent notifications of different types stacking

Dear Stormworkers,

This week is announcement week, where we talk about upcoming changes to Stormworks.

More fishing major updates are planned! Many players have given really valuable and detailed feedback, and we have been doing our best to plan out further expansions to fishing.

These updates are planned to be released in an incremental fashion - please do not expect all improvements and ideas to be implemented at once! These major updates will be a bit smaller than in the past (probably more similar in size to the Fishing Major Update) in order to better control quality and give players more chance to provide feedback as we go along.

As well as fishing updates, we have loads of other stuff in the works, including search and rescue content, new components and more!

Some players have been asking if the next DLC is fishing. We did discuss this in the last Q&A, and concluded that while there is loads of possibilities for what content we could create, we prefer to release the fishing updates as a series of free major updates, rather than a DLC. We have no DLC planned for this year.

We will release more info soon, including the exact features we have planned, as we get closer to the release of the next major update!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Dear Stormworkers,

It is minor update week! This weeks update includes a bunch of reworks, improvements, and quality-of-life fixes, as well as a bunch of bug fixes.

This update adds keyboard movement to some of the editor cameras that did not have them. It is a minor change, but is a player request that is great to add because it makes the various editors more consistent.

In response to player feedback, we have also reworked the oil spills, as well as adding the "clear oil spills" button, a change that will be supported by a great many players!

Several important issues have been resolved such as some of the dedicated files being missing from the main application (Steam adds these automatically to "dedicated server" applications). This change will help many dedicated servers.

Please see the patch notes for full details on this weeks changes and improvements.

We look forward to your thoughts and feedback on this update.

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes


Feature - Added directional WASDEQ movement to vehicle editor and addon editor cameras
Feature - #20199 Clear oil spills button
Rework - #22954 #23920 Rescaled and rebalanced oil spills
Rework - #22954 #23920 Fixed oil spill cleaning issues
Rework - #22954 #23920 Fixed oil spill map edge coordinates wrapping crash
Fix - Fix issue with fluid level resolving not respecting a to b oil resolution as expected with pressure leveling
Fix - #22814 Handheld and vehicle mounted weapon projectile start positions at high speed
Fix - #23111 Aljon hospital name
Fix - #23258 Fix ocean water surface clipping for ultrawide aspect ratios
Fix - Fixed arecibo observatory microcontroller
Fix - #24422 Included missing Valve dedicated server files
Fix - #24574 Diesel burner air consumption values
Fix - #24552 Modular engines air consumption not reacting to pressure

Dear Stormworkers,

It's announcement week!

Next week we will release a minor update, with several important fixes and reworks.

In the coming months we have minor updates planned every other week as usual, as well as the next major update in development and testing, but still a couple of months away.

Over on the Stormworks Discord server, we have been working on the meta-gamification, and our Stormwoofs bot now gives a variety of roles automatically to players based on play time and workshop subscriber count.

Users who have associated their Steam account with their Discord account (by using the /verify command in our Discord server) can now check their playtime and subscriber count using the /stats command! The bot will update your stats every couple of weeks, and gives out the Stormworker role to players with 1000 hours play time. Other roles are available for 2K, 4K and 8K hours, and creators also get various creator roles for 25K, 100K, 500K, and 1M subscriptions on the workshop!

There are some huge numbers here, with Sebastiaz holding the top creator role, while several others are very close to hitting the 1M mark. The kinds of numbers that many creators are achieving is truly remarkable, with many having more subscriptions than copies sold of the game!

While we are enjoying rewarding players for their achievements, it is just a bit of fun, and a side project to the main focus of development. However, if you have ideas of how you would like to see us improve these meta-game elements, please do let us know!

Catch you next week for the update!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers