Stationeers News & Announcements
This update features some updates to the logic system, especially around traders, as well as some fundamental changes to the modding system, localization, and some nice new features, including being able to melt ice with your welder, as well as a lot of bug fixes.

It's been a while since the last update, and the reason for this is that we've been working hard on the new terrain system. While it is not included in this update, it will be available on the beta branch shortly after this update goes live.

Preview: Massive Terrain Upgrades (Beta Branch Coming Soon!)

The main goals of the new terrain system are to allow us to have more interesting play areas in hand crafted worlds, a better-looking terrain by reworking how it is being rendered as well as better voxel data for a much smoother terrain.

For now, here are some images and photos. These are test 4km x 4km maps, the final ones will be different and will be 8km x 8km. Keep in mind that these are all work in progress and things will be changing fast.

Walking across 1.5km across moon like crater. One of about 5 similar craters on this test map

The terrain system has been rewritten from the ground up

New level of detail system for distant terrain

Looking across kilometres of terrain on a test map

An alien world

Melt Ice Instantly with Welding Tools

You can now melt ice directly using the welding torch or arc welder. Simply aim at a stack of ice to start the melting process. This feature should make handling ice significantly easier, especially in early-game resource management.

Enhanced Automation: Trader Logic & Circuit Improvements

We've expanded the capabilities of the logic system, especially around trader automation and data display. The Medium Satellite Dish now includes an internal stack allowing integrated circuits to read detailed information about traders, their available goods, and even gas trades. Additionally, the Hash Display Circuitboard has a new Mode setting, enabling easy switching between Prefab and Gas/Liquid data, all controllable through your integrated circuits. These changes significantly boost the potential for automating complex trading setups.

New Achievements

Several new achievements have been added, offering unique challenges. Here are a few highlights:

  • The Spice Must Flow - Mine 10,000 units of Cobalt Ore.
  • And Yet It Moves - Track celestial bodies using a ground telescope at full alignment for 10 cumulative minutes.
  • Some Assembly Required - Write your first integrated circuit script.
  • Stack Overflow - Write data to the internal stack of another device via integrated circuits.
  • Soot Happens - Survive an Ash Storm on Vulcan (outside creative mode).
  • Why Is It Still Mark Watney? - Survive for 30 days consuming only potatoes or baked potatoes.
  • Syolnet Green is... Plants! - Harvest plants 1,000 times.
  • Khajiit has wares if you have coin - Generate over ten thousand revenue from trading.

We've also hidden a few secret achievements for you to try and uncover!

Localization Improvements & Multiplayer Connection Fix

We've made significant improvements to localization, addressing numerous translation and display issues - especially in Simplified and Traditional Chinese. Additionally, we've resolved a serious multiplayer issue that previously prevented connections for players with extended or special characters in hostnames. This should drastically improve connectivity for our international player community.

After this going live on the beta branch the community jumped into action and translated almost everything available meaning that ~99% of the XML data has now been translated for Simplified Chinese. We want to build a pipeline that will automatically include community localization but in this case they have been manually added to the build. A big thank you MRhythm for coordinating this!

Expanded Modding Flexibility

We've enhanced our modding framework, allowing mods to easily overwrite existing worlds, difficulty settings, and start conditions without causing conflicts. Additionally, modded content will now be clearly indicated in-game, making managing your mod library much simpler.

These changes will break a lot of mods. However, it fixes a lot of long-standing issues, some that have been there since launch.

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log 0.2.5499.24517

  • Fixed missing recipe for gas mask
  • Fixed a few nullrefs which were stopping the main menu from showing up after failing to join a game.
  • Fixed a few terraforming exceptions on joining a game.
  • Fixed clients can't connect after engine upgrade.
  • Commented out some terraforming code (temporarily) which was throwing exceptions.
  • Fixed error spam when looking at drinking fountain when it has no pipe connected to it.
  • Added very basic saving and loading for new terrain (currently not async).
  • Fixed minables not generating deterministically in new terrain.
  • Added some more debugging for tracking terrain voxel densities.
  • Tweaked voxel debug position for new terrain.
  • Made terrain generate around point function generate in a cube instead of a sphere.
  • Fixed some chunks not generating if they are on the very edge of the world resulting in some holes in the terrain.
  • Removed mineable type from octree data. This will be stored elsewhere.
  • Fixed new terrain not saving in backups or autosaves.
  • Changed new terrain flag to be a symbol definition and added it 'Stationeers > Symbol Definition' menu
  • Fixed nullref when exiting tutorials.
  • Added Models and scripts for future content.
  • Added gameplay scripts and data classes for deploy action.
  • Added prototype deploy action to Rocket Space Map. This is in preparation for rocket deploy missions.
  • Allowed new terrain chunks to be different resolution.
  • Fixed possible nullref when mining on new terrain.
  • Fixed switchgrass had two mature stages.
  • Added the ability to melt ice using the welding torch or arc welder. This will call smelt on the stack of ice once every 0.5 seconds.
  • Fixed locker kit having the wrong default option selected. LastSelectedIndex was being serialized into the prefabs so it may have been affecting other kits as well. This field has now been marked as nonserializable so all kits will use their 0th constructable as the default.
  • Added Pneumatic Mining Drill to the Mining Supplies Package
  • Fixed low quality, pixelated lens-flare for the road flares
  • Fixed station batteries, small and large, not requiring frame support
  • Removed a couple of storm sounds that were too tonal.
  • Added more aggressive distance cut off for wind turbine audio.
  • Changed Reduced audio voice limit as a possible fix for audio stuttering and volume issues noted in larger bases.
  • Fixed SensorLenses would get burned by fire when worn while helmet was closed.
  • Fixed Glasses would get burnt when helmet slot was closed.
  • Fixed the broken build state of the Area Power controller being visible in the blueprint when placing it.
  • Changed audio voices back to 64.
  • Lowered large transformer reverb send.
  • Changed Some ambience audio clips to load into memory compressed instead of streaming from disk as the streaming thread was getting overwhelmed in larger bases.
  • Changed Rocket Avionics, Rocket downlink and rocket batteries to be single build-state devices. Build-states on these single grid devices was inconsistent with other devices in the game.
  • Tweaked priority of rocket engine sounds.
  • Fixed issue with filter degradation in the FilterMask when not being worn
  • Added work in progress chunk pool class and wrapper class. The intention of this pool is to be a normal object pool except allowing for if a chunk at a specific position is requested, and one already exists that has been used for that location and level of detail, it will be returned instead so that it does not need to be recalculated
  • Fixed Pressure Regulator and volume Regulator setting tooltip not showing input setting for back regulators.
  • Added chutes to meson scanner rendering
  • Fixed Meson Scanner not showing burnt cables and burst pipes
  • Changed some rocket manufactory recipes to used steel instead of iron
  • Deprecated old heat-exchanger devices.
  • Changed OreScanner, MesonScanner & Celestial Scanner recipes to: 5 silicon, 5 Electrum, 5 Waspaloy.
  • Fixed Rocket Uplink buildState used cable coil heavy instead of standard cable coil.
  • Fixed storms not moving items on dedicated server.
  • Added Every 4 mine actions undertaken at an asteroid deposit will add 1 scan point to the location.
  • Fixed Rocket umbilicals revert to closed state on load.
  • Fixed Inworld liquid could be hidden under floors & liquid visualiser would sometimes clip through ceilings.
  • Added Confirmation panel step to delete node button on spacemap.
  • Fixed small typo in english.xml
  • Fixed thumbnails for pickaxe and emergency pickaxe
  • Fixed thumbnails for composite wall 1 and iron wall 1 being incorrect in Stationpedia
  • Changed Stationeer Difficulty now has a 1.5x distance Multiplier between spaceMap locations.
  • Added SpaceMapDistanceMultiplier value to DifficultySetting. This Setting does not apply to the Distance to orbit.
  • Added the ability to close the large fridge from the inside of the door. The trigger collider used on the outside now extends through to the inside.
  • Added beds suspending life functions for humans. The ILifeSuspender interface now requires the class to implement IsSuspendingLife, instead of IsPowered, and leaves it to the implementing to decide what the requirements for this are.
  • Added automatically changing name from Recruit to the players steam name if it is found when loading the player cookie
  • Added new 4x4km grand canyon map for internal testing the new terrain system. It is currently not accessible in the game and will be enabled at a later time.
  • Added first pass on terrain chunks loading near dynamic things.
  • Made mineables generate correctly around player as chunks are created.
  • Added first pass on lod for distant terrain chunks.
  • Changed the display name of Insulated Liquid Tank Big to Liquid Tank Big (insulated) and Insulated Liquid Tank Small to Liquid Tank Small (Insulated) to bring the naming convention more in line with the Insulated Tanks.
  • Removed Duplicate ItemKitRocketBattery prefab.
  • Fixed mining was doing unnecessary work on zero density chunks.
  • Fixed some terrain chunks leaving small bits of unmineable terrain.
  • Fixed mining performance issue on large terrain sizes
  • Fixed nodes not collapsing correctly when mining on new terrain.
  • Made various improvements to chunk dirtying logic to remove allocations and unnecessary lookups.
  • Fixed mining new terrain doing unnecessary work subdividing nodes when sampling density.
  • Potential fix for T-Ray scanner throwing exceptions
  • Updated wrong texture file for Sugarcane plant.
  • Fixed Fragment Handler exception when de-serialising atmospheric data on joining a server with a very large base.
  • Changed reduced reverb on loud distant objects.
  • Fixed Meson Scanner throw exception trying to render an invalid batch.
  • Changed Gas Generator Audio Reverb setting.
  • Fixed "Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not supported" spamming in dedicated server console.
  • Fixed string Format error spam that could occur when looking at a pipe atmosphere or any other atmospherics device when the pressure inside was greater than 1GPa.
  • Updated Build a basic power setup helper hint to match Europa power supplies start conditions.
  • Fixed apc still works when destroyed
  • Fixed APC reversed blueprint
  • Fixed incorrect build-state tools on composite window shutter connector
  • First pass on improved lod system for new terrain.
  • Disallowed mining below bedrock level on new terrain.
  • Fixed can't close manual hatch when on a ladder
  • Made mining work again on new lod meshes.
  • Changed lod prefab so only lod0 meshes will have a mesh collider. This should speed up generation for distant lod meshes.
  • Fixed Some atmosphere grids get stuck with high winds on clients.
  • Fixed medium shelf blocking grid extending too far out from the front of the shelf
  • Removed old chunk object and replaced it with a non monobehaviour chunk.
  • Made mining work with lod meshes for new terrain.
  • Changed lod lookup to be an array of lookups, one for each lod level. This allows lod objects of different levels to exist at the same point which fixes a bunch of problems when multiple dynamic things are requesting lods of different sizes.
  • Improved performance of checking loaded/unload lod areas.
  • Added a min and max terrain height to trim out unnecessary lod objects far above and below the terrain bounds.
  • Fixed editor script being included in the build causing it to fail
  • Enabled smooth normals for angles under 30 degrees on new terrain
  • removed smooth normals for new terrain
  • Changed all power tools to consume a standardized amount of power (1000 joules) on use. A property was added (BasePowerUsage) that can be overridden on subclasses as necessary.
  • Added first pass of stack on MediumSatelliteDish. Added a small stack to the dish along with template for some instructions. These will allow the dish to read and write extended data associated with the current communicated trader. This will be able to be used to more easily automate trader contacting using the internal stack system on the dish itself.
  • Optimised collider setup on large Wind turbines. Colliders on the rotating blades was causing the physics tree recalculations every fixed up-date. Fixed update is now 1ms faster on large Europa playtest base.
  • Separated occlusion testing and rendering for mineables for new terrain system and made it allocation free. Occlusion testing is now done once per second but this is a first pass and will be made much smarter
  • Fixed Ice will now melt when put into DynamicGasCanister slot when the canister is empty.
  • Added a cached vector3 position to chunk objects alongside the Vector3Int to reduce the large cost of casting these every time we submit the mineables to the renderer
  • Updated the new mineables code to not use dictionaries as this was costing a lot to look up.
  • Added checking for mineable occlusion to the player moves event so that we are only updating the mineables when required while the player is moving around
  • Added an event that will run when the current player moves a about a chunks worth of distance
  • Added an AllTick that runs alongside ServerTick or ClientTick
  • Fixed AllTick being run every millisecond
  • Added first pass on pooling system for lod meshes.
  • Changed Ambient light mode from trilight to skybox when in game (it will remain as trilight mode in main menu scene and new world scene).
  • Changed added easing to transition in and out of eclipse so the change is less sudden.
  • Changed skybox settings during eclipse. Europa skybox will now experience a dawn moment, the sky will lighten, although some stars will still be faintly visible.
  • Changed Ambient Lighting settings during eclipse. Eclipse on Europa will still be dark, but terrain, mine-ables and structures will still be faintly visible.
  • Changed reduced the default ambient light max intensity value from 0.36 to 0.3
  • Fixed Default value for ambient light not being set on planets with no atmospheric scattering. This resulted in it retaining the default unity value of 800% an the terrain being very over exposed.
  • Stopped DynamicGasCanisters returning the relevant kit when being deconstructed after they have been broken. Created a new property inside the DynamicGasCanister script for getting the _hasBlown state.
  • Added TraderInstruction enum parsing to logic system.
  • Added second pass on internal stack memory for MediumSatelliteDish. Working implemenetation for TraderInstruction.WriteTraderData. This is written with the index to start writing at. Three instructions will then attempt to be written to memory, being the traders Id hash (its type), some trader meta data, and then some signal data. Third pass will feature implementations for filtering actual trade buy and sell data into the stack, not just meta data.
  • Removed temporary property from DynamicGasCanister left over from previous commit.
  • Made lod requesters remove themselves from lods correctly when destroyed.
  • Fixed RocketMotherboard required a connected rocket in order to open the map. The panel will now open with no valid rockets connected, but certain rocket specific fields will be blank/un-interactable
  • Changed layout launch mount nodes with relation to home planet nodes on the space-map. Launch mount symbol now appears laid over the plant and rockets travel "up" into orbit.
  • Moved some helper functions into a dedicated LodHelper class.
  • Fixed several issues where lod objects were being queued up for generation multiple times.
  • Fixed two dynamic location panels created for starting node when loading game with existing launch mounts.
  • Added Third pass of internal stack for MediumSatelliteDish. WriteTraderData will write three meta data memory to stack. WriteTraderBuyData will populate the stack at a index to a max count with buy data, WriteTraderSellData will do sales. This will populate the stack with their respective packed memory. Only working for trades that are items, currently, but this will change. Currently you can use filtering, but the filters are applied to everything. Intention is to change this to only use that since the last Write command, but that will come in third pass. Non valid (i.e. old) WriteTraderBuyData or WriteTraderSellData will be cleared when next tick is processed.
  • Removed apply queue for terrain mesh jobs as it is not needed.
  • Added ability to pre-populate lod pools.
  • Removed unused Obi Solver plugin as it was causing builds to fail.
  • Experimental fix for multiple concurrent clients joining causing multiplayer desync issues.
  • Prevented DynamicThings from taking damage while inside a parent slot that hides them. They still take damage if not hidden.
  • Added Gas Type trading to the MediumSatelliteDish Internal Stack. Now basic gas trades both buy and sell will be added to the internal stack. Their gas types will be condensed into a single bitflag that can be interrogated for gas types.
  • Added overlay text option for ImGuiDebugHelper.
  • Removed unused test lod requester class.
  • Added Fourth pass of internal stack for MediumSatelliteDish. Now have Buy and Sell Child prefab data loaded into the stack. Additionally Gas data is loaded into the stack as well. Filters are applied to child items as well. Now fully functional at interrogating trader inventory. Next change will ensure the filtering is local to that "block" of write instructions, allowing the internal stack to be segmented for multiple requests.
  • Added Fuel Mix and Air Mix GasType enums, as these are just a flag combination. They now have recognized sprite images as well. This means that the Hash Display circuitboard will recognize Air (Oxygen and Nitrogen) and Fuel (Volatiles and Oxygen) and display an image for that. Useful with traders.
  • Added Hash Display Circuitboard now has Mode, that is used with the new HashType enum, with both HashType.Prefab (default) and HashType.GasLiquid. Consoles now accept setting their circuitboard mode via the logic slot set/load instructions (ss or ls). This allows you to set a console circuitboards mode from IC.
  • Fixed Harvester contained coroutines. Moved to Unitask reducing potential for memory churn when TryPlantSeed or TryHarvestPlant was called via any IC scripts, which could be often.
  • Fixed DEFINE instruction would produce NaN as it was configured to not check Enums or other defines.
  • Cleaned up some of the achievement code a little, with some minor optimizations.
  • Added "The Spice Must Flow" Achievement for mining 10,000 Colbalt Ore.
  • Added "And Yet It Moves" Achievement for tracking celestial bodies using a ground telescope at full alignment for ten minutes cumulative.
  • Added support for stat based achievements
  • Added "Some Assembly Required" Achievement for writing a script to an integrated circuit.
  • Added "Stack Overflow" Achievement for writing to the internal stack of another device using an integrated circuit.
  • Added "Soot Happens" Achievement for surviving an Ash Storm on Vulcan when not in creative.
  • Added "Why Is It Still Mark Watney?" Achievement for surviving for 30 days eating only potatoes or baked potatoes.
  • Added "Syolnet Green is... Plants!" Achievement for harvesting 1000 times from plants.
  • Added an Achievements command for debugging achievements.
  • Optimized the Update100MS and Update1000MS method caching as well as made their assessment automatic, meaning that those using the methods in future won't have to also remember to update the "Is" method.
  • Added "Khajiit has wares if you have coin" achievement for over ten thousand revenue from trading.
  • Added a hidden achievement.
  • Removed steam check before awarding achievements. This check was redundant. It also generated a lot of memory garbage, as it was looking through all steam achievements each time. Additionally more minor cleanup to achievement code, including auto generating more of the backing dictionaries. This makes it much easier to add new achievements.
  • Added three more hidden achievements.
  • Fixed use of Allocating Physics commands that have been replaced with non allocating version. Note: this will limit explosions to interacting with a maximum of 1000 colliders. This is quite a lot. Previously explosions were causing a lot of memory garbage to be cleaned up. Now it will not cause this, but there is a hard cap of 1000 things being interacted with. This might need some refining further.
  • Removed Old terrain lod when new terrain flag is active.
  • Changed LOD settings to increase render distance of new terrain from (4,4,4,4,4) to (8,8,8,8,16). This pushes rendered terrain out past the far clip plain distance.
  • Reverted change to terrain job processing to ensure we wait to finish jobs before the next frame.
  • Added difficulty setting for calm weather period multiplier. This will, if set, multiply the initial calm weather grace period at the start of a game.
  • Added difficulty setting for Achievements. Modders can set or use this with any modded difficulty settings. All difficulty settings work for achievements except for the "creative" difficulty setting, which by default is "disabled".
  • Removed duplicate IThreadedWorker class.
  • Changed LodObjects that have requesters to have a 10x load value.
  • Fixed thread profiler not working with terrain threads. use profiler enable command to profile terrain threads.
  • Added "spherising" to new terrain shader
  • Added ability to have voxel type in octree. Not fully implemented yet or used for anything but the option is there and can be used for multiple things
  • Added calculating normals from voxel data to achieve smooth normals
  • Made ProcessJobs wait for executing lod object jobs as soon as ExecuteAll is called. This may be less performant but does fix error spam and a few strange issues where the dirty indices array would not be emptied after all jobs were finished leading to some lods not being able to be dirtied again. More improvements to come on this.
  • Added various different data classes now receive what mod they are being loaded from as part of their initialization, allowing them to remember what mod they are from for later display.
  • Fixed the spawn item data in the new world process was very large text, using headers for the whole lot. Now they are sized the same as the rest of the text. Additionally there was a whole bunch of background image gore with how the UI elements were rendered, this has been cleaned up with icons to indicate better what can be clicked on and what cannot be.
  • Fixed the mod load order was being done in reverse. This needs to be checked, but it was very unintuitive. The mods were being loaded in the reverse order from what was displayed visually - probably confusing a lot of people.
  • Added image that shows over top of modded Worlds, Start Conditions, and Difficulty Settings. This means that you can see what content is modded or has been overwritten easier.
  • Added Difficulty Settings can now be overwritten with mods. If a mod is loaded, and the difficulty already exists, the mod will overwrite that difficulty setting instead of throwing an error and stopping as it currently does.
  • Fixed incorrect spherical effect variables on terrain2 material
  • Cleaned up the starting equipment list to make it more readable.
  • Added SortOrder attribute option to world settings, so that modders and others can sort the order their worlds will appear in the world settings list.
  • Added a yellow mod icon to the starting screens so you know if data is being overwritten or loaded from mods.
  • Fixed mods could not replace various things, such as worlds or difficulty settings. Confirmed that mods can now replace worlds, difficulty settings, and start conditions. You don't need these to be different file names either, the XML is very permissive. This should allow, now, the replacement of pretty much anything data wise in the game that in the past would throw errors (such as star maps).
  • Fixed modconfig.xml was being generated inside the executable folder, or trying to at least. This caused critical issues and wiped the mod order constantly, breaking mod loading for GeForce now users and lots of other people. But even if that had worked, the mod loading was broken anyway. Now the mod loading is done in the order displayed in the load order list, loading the "core" mod at the spot indicated. There may be issues with this that still need to be resolved. The modconfig file will now be generated in wherever save and settings files are generated.
  • Removed sever expensive memory allocations for new collections in the Lod requester logic. These collections are now cached and reused.
  • Changed LodManagers work loop to be state-based. The manager now goes through one step each frame. certain steps like applying the meshes or waiting for the jobs to complete will run over multiple frames to ease frame-time spikes.
  • Added caching of marching cubes object as well as the mesh object to the lod object to reduce allocations
  • Added back face rendering to terrain terrain. This helps a lot with terrain seams and should help us hide them in a naive way without the need to perfectly fix them in an expensive way
  • Moved consolidation of queued up lod changes to where job are assigned. This helps to fix missing lods in some instances.
  • Fixed Upright wind turbine data can't be read as the port is power only. Changed the port to be power and data. (Credit: Tsoleht)
  • Fixed Sun flare not showing through the glass of the StructureCompositeWindowShutter prefab.
  • Rewrote new terrain shader to fully support the required features and removed a lot of the unused features
  • Fixed rare null reference occurring when autosave is attempted during a specific phase of character death.
  • Lods will now overlap at lod boundaries to hide seams (wip).
  • Fixed Tablet not working until hands are swapped if it was in the left hand when the player loads a world.
  • Fixed VoxelTerrain.cs generating 50kb GC per frame due to multiple new array creations in the Minable batch rendering code. Refactored to use pre-allocated array and removed all GC allocations.
  • Fixed if statement formatting for previous commit
  • Changed OnNextDay to be specific function calls rather than a subscription delegate event list. This is much more readable and debuggable in the code, and reduces memory churn. Added the IOnEachDay interface that is checked against to make it easy to add classes to this. Entity was already using this kind of functionality so it has been migrated to this, reducing memory churn when instantiating new entities such as chickens and players.
  • Added a timeout on the capsule lander light. It will now stop working at the end of the first day.
  • Changed IAnimComponent to use a serializable base class and then cache it only when generating the base prefab. This means each time it is instantiated a GetComponentOnChildren does not need to be run, as this was always being run for everything thing when they were instantiated.
  • Fixed a serious potential issue that prevents joining or hosting multiplayer games with hostnames that may contain non-ansi characters. This potentially affected a number of users who are using different languages and their computers or the destination hosts were using an extended characterset. A new and more advanced system is used to get the current host ip, however this requires extensive testing. It may also fix some other hostname issues that players are experiencing.
  • Changed reduced the amount of the most distant terrain Lods as they were over the horizon.
  • Changed Mineables are now only rendered on LOD0 Meshes and on chunks that have a rendered mesh (i.e only mineables that are close to the surface are rendered)
  • Changed some VoxelTerrain functions and fields to be static.
  • Added Some profiling tags
  • Fixed LodMesh prefab not on terrain layer.
  • Changed tooltip when hovering over the handles of the CrateMkII from saying "Button1" to "Drag" to bring it in line with the DynamicCrate.
  • Fixed some text boxes contained illegal string keys and would cause exceptions if they were localized.
  • Added additional localization commands to assist with debugging and fixing localization issues.
  • Fixed a number of text renderers had no font switching occurring and did not have localized strings. More of this to follow.
  • Fixed a variety of font and localization issues with Simplified and Traditional Chinese (credit: MRhythm)
  • Fixed a massive quantity of localization issues due to missing calls for Localized font. This includes the Hash Display, trading screens, spawn screens, and others. (credit: MRhythm)
  • Changed LodObject helper class to be pooled. This reduced the amount of GC allocation when requesting and un-requesting terrain lods.
  • Changed increased the size of the LodMeshRenderer pools (the lower level lod pools now have a much larger starting count)
  • Fixed a performance issue with Objectpool class where returning an object to the pool could be very expensive for large pool sizes.
  • Cleaned up lod classes a little, made pooled mesh object use naming convention for pooled objects.
  • Moved the lod object pool to a new LodObjectCache class which will also hold and manage the lookup for currently active lod objects. This is because these two things are tightly coupled - getting/returning from the pool will add/remove from the active lookup.
  • Added additional checking for prefabs to the localization checkkeys command.
  • Fixed 42 missing strings for prefabs. (credit: NoName)
  • Fixed dedicated server build failure due to missing server specific imgui helper function definition
  • Fixed could spawn under terrain when terrain height at starting point was higher than 40m.
  • Increased distance of GetSafePoint for spawn raycast.
  • Removed unused debug draw on lodmeshpool
  • Fixed missing RW_Server check in localization.cs
  • Changed ImguiHelper class to be active when RW_Server defines is enabled. This should help prevent some dedicated server builds failing.
  • Refactored access to the terrain octree to be accessed only through the voxel terrain manager instead of directly accessing it
  • Fixed error spam when reloading into a world caused by pools not being correctly reset.
  • Changed lod object pools to have one pool per lod level.
  • Added back missing code to remove rendered mineables from a chunk when returning lods to pool.
  • Fixed a few instances where lods would render around dynamic things when they shouldn't
  • Reverted Imgui changes from rev24361 to test if they were the cause of steam build to failing to run.
  • Fix for Dedicated Server build issue.
  • Reinstated Imgui Change from rev24361 as it was not the source of build issue.
  • Changed LodManager now only moves off idle state when it has pending work to do.
  • Fixed Black seems at lod overlaps. Overlap meshes shadow casting is now disabled.
  • Made dynamic things request new lods after they have moved a set distance rather than when their chunk has changed.
  • Fixed rendered mineables not being cleared when leaving a game.
  • Removed unused TerrainManager class.
  • Added desired depth parameter for getting octree density. This fixes marching on higher lods not sampling corresponding higher octree levels resulting in very large seams.
  • Changed lod bounds to extend out into the next lod by one rather than back into the previous lod by one. Turning off shadows on the boundary is less reliable now as the next lod up will not always be higher so have removed setting of boundary indices for now. Will revisit this.
  • Removed the remainder shadow boundary culling code as it was no longer required.
  • Changed Liquid Particle solvers to have their game objects deactivated when idle. The particles had quite a high physics overhead when sitting idle in the scene. This will mean higher cost to physics system when water is spreading as the activation and deactivation of particles causes some physics tree re-calculations.
  • Fixed null ref when closing and then creating a new game.
  • Fixed an issue where Sounds triggered by interactables were calling play logic multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue where Looping sounds that were paused for concurrency were getting stopped.
  • Added Concurrency setting for wall light sounds. (on-going work to reduce number of virtual voices in large bases).
  • Fixed OnOff sound reversed for wall light.
  • Added Audio Concurrency Setting for Atmospherics Devices and Volume pumps to reduce number of virtual looping sounds on large bases.
  • Added AudioUpdate for things that need to change audio values on a regular tick. (this logic currently runs in UpdateEachFrame but can be moved over as an on-going effort to reduce update churn)
  • Changed Things that run updateEachFrame now have this cached on the prefab on prefab load (in the same way as 100ms and 1sec update is handled).
  • Removed some unused shadow changing code on the lod object.
  • Added TerrainSettings to world settings data for loading individual octree terrains with their respective settings and textures.
  • Changed Furnace audio to be distance culled. Added audio concurrency setting for furnace and arc furnace audio.
  • Changed Moved Furnace and character audio logic into audioUpdate.
  • Changed Audio Update does not run in batch mode.
  • Fixed a tooltip issue where it incorrectly indicated that the stack in hand was full when hovering over another item in a locker. The tooltip now correctly appears when the player has a full stack in their active hand and is hovering over another stack of the same type inside the locker.
  • Changed Move Audio Behaviour for CombustionCentrifuge from UpdateEachFrame to AudioUpdate.
  • Added Audio Concurrency Settings for Deep Miners and Centrifuges.
  • Added SuitStorage to PoweredDevices AudioConcurrency.
  • Added Audio Concurrency Setting for Batteries & Transformers.
  • Changed Moved WindTurbine audio logic onto AudioUpdate and added separate audio concurrency setting for large wind turbine.
  • Fixed prefab audio issue with on windturbines on previous commit.
  • Fixed a few issues where lod meshes were not being returned correctly to their cache.
  • Smoothed suit foley audio to suit slower audio tick rate.
  • Fixed Recursive call in PooledAudioSource.ReturnToPool(). It was calling Stop(), which would recursively call ReturnToPool.
  • Added warning for possible issue when already returned lod meshes are returned to the pool again.
  • Fixed HighPassFilters not being disabled when audio-sources were disabled.
  • Further smoothed character foley audio.
  • Removed HPF Filters from wind-turbines audio to reduce their DSP load.
  • Changed moved some more classes over to using AudioUpdate.
  • Changed reduced ambient light during eclipse on Europa.
  • Changed Ambient audio loadType back to streaming.
  • Changed Temporarily disabled out of bounds check and Made Terrain not block atmospheres until issues are resolved with these functions.
  • Added TerrainSpawnRequest class for spawning initial terrain colliders around player spawn location.
  • Fixed bug where if the player is a client and has the IC editor window open and a storm happens, setting the pause toggle button to true would cause the player to get pushed around by the storm while their screen does not update. Setting the pause button to false after that would push the player back to their initial position. The player no longer moves when the pause toggle is true under those conditions. Caused by clients being able to pause the game when they should not have been able to.
  • Refactored LodMeshCache to more clearly define the difference between deactivated and uninitialized objects.
  • Renamed LodMesh to LodMeshRenderer
  • Fixed Client being able to pause their game from using the pause button inside Stationpedia in multiplayer. The pause button now has no effect in multiplayer.
  • Changed moved request Lod logic into LodManager Update loop.
  • Fixed lumps around mine-ables with new terrain.
  • Added rolling lookup for lodobject state to track empty lod objects that do not require mesh recalulation.
  • Changed recursive RunJobState method into a while loop.
  • Reverted spawnpoint changes for now as the terrainspawnrequest was causing some missing lods. Will try using the octree data to determine spawnpoint instead.
  • Fixed player spawning under the terrain. Will now look at the octree to determine where to spawn.
  • Added check to stop moved things requesting lods multiple times in the same frame.
  • Cleaned up creating of new lod objects.
  • Added total count to lod object cache.
  • Changed the lod object pool over to a more simple pool system which incorporates the active lookup concept rather than using the object pool alongside another active lookup. This saves having the active lod objects in two active collections. This also fixes several issues with missing lods due to a long-standing bug with the old pool system.
  • Added another hidden test map into temporary folder in streaming assets. Folder/file structure is still wip.
  • Changed max terrain height in VoxelTerrain from 64 to 256. Terrain height information will eventually be moved into xml data.
  • Added check so lod deletion queue can ignore already deleted lods.
  • Added New Minable Generation algorithm and data classes. Weights are equally assigned for now to leave an even distribution of generation shapes for easier review.
  • Changed sizes of lod object pools based on lod level. Will tweak these as we establish reasonable upper bounds.
  • Changed normalised Minable density setting. 1 is now standard density.
  • Optimised minable vein placement algorithm.
  • Fixed World-size not being applied to voxel terrain on loading map.
  • Fixed issue where putting a ProgrammableChip into an advanced tablet would cause it to clip through the screen. This was happening because the OnEnterInventory method for the ProgrammableChip was overridden without calling base.OnEnterInventory.
  • Changed exception to a console window error when reactivating a lodmesh that is already active.
  • Upped the pre-populate size of the level 4 lod mesh cache.
  • Fixed Valve flow direction arrows being applied incorrectly to the digital valves. The digital valves can mix fluids in both directions but the direction arrows present when trying to construct either of them implied that the flow was one-way.
  • Moved Minable RenderBatch Generation onto OcclusionManager threaded work.
  • Increased Minable render distance to 96m.
  • Added Minables can now be mined.
  • Fixed ThreadWorker.Workers and ThreadWorker.NextWorker were incorrectly set to static.
  • Added VeinGenerationWorker class.
  • Refactored Minable Vein Generation to be multithreaded.
  • Fixed issue where SuitStorage would not remove gas from stored suit's waste tank if the suit had no internal pressure. This meant that it would work normally if moved from the player's suit slot directly into the SuitStorage, but not if dropped on the ground first.
  • Fixed respawning not cleaning up lods for old player body. Now on respawn, lods will be cleared and regenerated. Still more work to be done on this.
  • Added remove requesters step to lod manager processing.
  • Added restriction for generating lods so it won't generate at values less than zero. This may be updated to use map specific sizes.
  • Added back in lod object debugging and removed some unused chunk debugging code.
  • Made dynamic things stop/start requesting lods when they enter/exit a slot
  • Fixed OutOfBounds terrain being rendered.
  • Removed 4k test map.
  • Added 64m and 128m test maps with offset correctly authored.
  • Fixed Offset not being correctly applied to terrain resulting in spawning in a corner of the map. This issue was compounded by our test maps being incorrectly authored.
  • Added new 4K test map with correct offset values.
  • Changed Some VoxelTerrain functions to be static.
  • Moved Minable Textures out of resources folder.
  • Simplified DrawMeshInstancedIndirect.cs and cleaned up to be allocation free and removed a number of unused methods.
  • Added Spherization to Minables shader.
  • Optimised Minable rendering to use DrawMeshInstancedIndirect.
  • Fixed issue where social media buttons would not work when clicked inside the GameMenuPanel but would work when clicked inside the MainMenuPanel. This occurred because the method for the buttons in the GameMenuPanel was not set.
  • Fixed bug where multiple requesters could not find existing active lod meshes.
  • Moved stale lods list into lod manager.
  • Moved remove lods into its own step in run job state.
  • Fixed lod mesh cache getting into a bad state when lod object meshes are cleared before re-processing. Lod object meshes will now be retained if they are still active.
  • Fixed hitching when executing terrain jobs due to too many worker threads being initialized. Will now use processor count - 4.
  • Changed 64x63 test map to use only full voxels (the other test maps have a layer of half voxels several layers deep that make mining feel weird)
  • Hooked up old mining behaviour to new terrain system.
  • Fixed Build Error
  • updated 4096x4096 text world to use correct ore weights and mine amounts/times.
  • Changed Moved ore goggle meshes to XML data.
  • Fixed Ore Goggles now work with new terrain.
  • Increased render distance of explosives.
  • Added Staggered explosion behaviour to remote detonator.
  • Fixed Explosions now work with new terrain
  • Fixed Missing Shader form previous commit.
  • Changed 64x64m test world to have maximum ore density.
  • Moved vein registration into oct-tree space (to ensure consistent behaviour when doing integer division for registration).
  • Added vein de-duplication step for new vein generation algorithm (prevents minables of multiple types from generating at the same location).
  • Fixed Dirt Canister not showing DirtCanisterState if it was in the world and did not have a parent Voxel Tool
  • Added first pass on separating terrain deltas from map terrain data. This is to lay ground work for serializing terrain delta state.
  • Changed Delta Node now calculate their partner node on the readonly octree as needed rather than caching a reference to it.
  • Refactored some functions in VoxelOctree that had unclear arguments.
  • Fixed Items fall through the world when loading a save with new terrain. Added InitialiseLodsOnLoad() to LodManager which generates all requested lods in a single frame before unpausing game on Load.
  • Added NewTerrain now only serializes delta changes rather than full terrain file.
  • Fixed an issue where new terrain would not deform when explosion happened.
  • Added flood fill method for filling voxels inside the terrain mesh.
  • Added a few helper methods for getting neighbour nodes from any given octree Node.
  • Added Clients now receive New Terrain deltas on join.
  • Fixed Issue with Dirt Canister not showing the correct DirtCanisterState in the world or on the client. This was caused by the SetDirtCanisterState method not being called at the appropriate times.
  • Added Clients now receive terrain change updates from server.
  • Added horizontal size to floodfill to stop the progression if the edges of the map are reached. This should just be a precaution as the map will usually fill the entire octree horizontally.
  • Added new method for generating terrain from a heightmap that only generates a "crust" and then floodfills under it which is much faster than before. This also fixes the "spongy" terrain that we were experiencing before
  • Added missing horizontal size to floodfill
  • Changed UV coordinates for charging bars color.
  • Fixed Visualizers on the DirtCanister prefab. Incorrect visualizer meshes and UVs were being used.
  • Fixed a small issue where Client joining a session threw a null reference exception and prevented the host from continuing to play. This was to do with the new terrain trying to be loaded while the terrain settings were null.
  • Removed some unused debug functions from VoxelTerrain.
  • Fixed Voxel tool now works with new terrain.
  • Cleaned up some places where vector3s were being handle ambiguously in terrain and minable functions.
  • Fixed new Terrain and minables did not align with the large grid. When the terrain mesh and minable position is set they are now offset by 1/2 voxel size.
  • Added function on node to get siblings directly below.
  • Added new fill method for octree.
  • Fixed an issue where the Voxel Tool would not use the last bit of dirt inside the equipped Dirt Canister. This was caused by an incorrect comparison in CanRemoveDirt that checked if the CurrentCollectedDirtValue was greater than UsageEachVoxelPlacement, instead of greater than or equal to.
  • Fixed Desired depth not being evaluated correctly in getDensity function. This fixed the last of the terrain seam issue and improved fidelity of distant terrain.
  • Fixed a number of places were a depth argument was taking in a size for octree calculations (and updated those functions to work correctly with the correct input).
  • Changed baked terrain data is now stored in a ReadOnlyVoxelOctree, changes made by the player are stored in the object based tree VoxelOctree. This results in a 90% reduction in terrain ram usage 6GB to 600MB and a 70% reduction in terrain load times 13s to 4s (tested on 4k map).
  • Added ReadonlyVoxelOctree class this is a highly optimised octree that is backed by a byte array and is readOnly.
  • Added some additional debugging info for terrain performance testing,
  • Fixed a performance issue with ReadOnly octree which was causing get density function to take too long to run.
  • Added HelpText for TestOctreeCommand.
  • Removed un-needed locks on some lod Manager functions (all calls were coming from main unity thread).
  • Changed Terrain Lods will now refresh faster when there is less work scheduled (i.e during mining).
  • Fixed Bug where having sequential ladders on opposite sides of a wall would cause the player to teleport to the other side of the wall.
  • Added changes to New terrain ore veins are now saved and synced to clients.
  • Added wip octree fill method which is significantly faster.
  • Cleaned up relationship between readOnly octree and delta octree.
  • Added IOctTree and INode interfaces.
  • Fixed VoxelTerrain.MaxDepth pointing to Octree when ReadonlyOctree was initialised.
  • Changed Octree Constructor to require a pointer to a masterOctree it can be null if the constructed octree is the master Octree.
This hotfix resolves the critical multiplayer bug preventing joining any server. It also contains some other minor fixes such as not going back to the main menu after failing to connect to a server.
This hotfix adds the missing recipe for the gas mask.

Additionally, we are aware that there is a blocking issue with multiplayer and will deploy a fix as soon as possible.

In the meantime, the 'previous' branch has been updated so you can safely play multiplayer using that branch.
Engine Upgrade
We've updated Unity to align with our other projects and leverage recent editor improvements. While most changes will be invisible in the final product, some saves may see minor performance gains.

The update spent extra time in Beta since upgrading engine versions often introduces risks. For example, this update caused significant UI issues, which should now be resolved. However, please report any lingering problems. As noted in a recent post, our beta userbase has decreased due to more frequent updates, which has also reduced issue reporting.

Gas Mask
The new Gas Mask accommodates two filters, filtering specific gases while blending with the ambient atmosphere. This feature is particularly useful for managing contamination in bases or isolating sections with abnormal atmospheres.

Bespoke Storage Options

We've introduced bespoke storage options: single-slot shelves designed for specific items. The initial implementations are for the Gas Mask and Fire Extinguisher, both emergency items that benefit from being easily accessible.

Future Content

In the change log you will see a lot of work is being done on the terrain update as well as some other features that will be released at a later time. You won't find any of this enabled, but we will post some screenshots soon with our progress.

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log 0.2.5366.24104

  • Added first pass of global vegetation visualiser. It currently shows the global count of gorse, flax and grass and uses the clutter system to draw them.
  • Fixed soybeans not inhaling Nitrogen. Added life requirements data for soybean and updated plant.xml for soybean to point to the new life requirements data.
  • Added Grow-able plant versions of the Global Vegetation plants: Grass, Flax and Gorse.
  • Fixed null ref when looking at certain plants with the plant analyser tablet.
  • Fixed ImGui related build issue.
  • Added first pass on new terrain generation and put it behind a feature flag.
  • Removed some references to deleted objects in the worldmanager.
  • Removed some unused classes.
  • Committed removed metafile for terraforming script.
  • Fixed editor script being included in the build
  • Fixed Global Vegetation was using incorrect model for gorse and flax.
  • Fixed NRE when deconstructing iExtendable Structures.
  • Changed clutter chance calculation to use System.random as simplex-noise algorithm was not returning an even spread of results.
  • Added Models and scripts for future content.
  • Added easier to use debug helpers for imgui
  • Added first pass on mining new terrain.
  • Fixed error in WorldManager prefab instance in Scene.
  • Updated unity version to 2022.3.7f1
  • Added default colors for imgui debug methods.
  • Fixed an issue loading old saves with active weather event whether a partial weather event could trigger. (i.e items would get damaged and force applied but no weather effects)
  • Added scripts and prefabs for future content
  • Fixed Error spam when using vegetation debug command.
  • Changed Power Generated by wind turbines during storms is now effected by the storms wind strength, it will vary over time during the storm rather than be a fixed value.
  • Fixed mining new terrain was not subdividing octree in certain instances.
  • Fixed terrain generated from heightmap was offset from origin.
  • Improved performance of mining on new terrain (more improvements to come).
  • Fixed Performance regression in UI Update loop caused by creative spawn panel. There are still a number of issues with the panel so plan is to replace it with a new system as it is very old and poorly optimised.
  • Updated rider unity integration module
  • Updated unity linux toolchain modules
  • Fixed a performance issue with OreScanner cartridge. Players with one or more OreScanner cartridges in their saves will see increased fps.
  • Changed Global Vegetation can now use any plant type. Global vegetation plants now have a GeneCollection that represents the global average genetic make-up.
  • Added Dynamic Atmospherics Scattering driven off GlobalAtmosphere composition. (Only enabled when mixing to GlobalAtmosphere is enabled)
  • Added white GGHost logo to PreferredServerProviders folder and a commented reference in ServerProviders.xml
  • Added LayoutElement component to the ServerProviderButton.prefab
  • Moved serverProviderPanel from join game menu to create world menu
  • Refactored a few parts of terrain generation for better clarity.
  • Added Gas Mask. The gas mask just mixes with the external atmosphere while filtering any gas based on the filters inserted into it's two slots.
  • Added very basic first pass on minables showing up in new terrain. Not yet threaded.
  • Made mineables in new terrain drop ore when mined.
  • Added new Creative spawn panel. The old panel was rendered un-usable by the engine upgrade. The new panel uses Imgui and is much more resilient. Items are now listed by their localised prefab name and search functionality has been improved. Clicking on an icon or text will select the prefab and close the panel. Clicking on a plus symbol next to an item will spawn it while leaving the panel open. The window is now resizable and the previous search will be remembered upon re-opening the panel.
  • Fixed Server Build error.
  • Fixed Custom plants not showing in new spawn menu
  • Removed ability to click on text to select spawn prefab in creative spawn menu as the method to calculate it did not always work.
  • Tweaked terrain shader for new terrain.
  • Added the ability to specify a prefab hash for a slot during asset creation that restricts the slot to only accept the specific item.
  • Added gasmask storage that can only store the gasmask storage
  • Fixed gas mask slot types not being the correct type
  • Fixed missing thumbnails and blueprints
  • Added stationpedia entries for the new storage and the gas mask
  • Added fire extinguisher storage
  • Fixed authoring tool copy function being broken (hold F and attack to copy a target structure)
  • Fixed issue with server list not displaying
  • Made new terrain block air in most cases (wip - some edge cases still remain).
  • Added verbose logging in MoveToParent to help debugging corrupted saves
  • Fixed Stationpedia being moved offscreen when attempting to drag on while on the main menu. The window is still draggable while the game is running but will be fixed in place when in the main menu.
  • Fixed 'Mark Watney' and 'Still Mark Watney' achievement no longer working after plant update.
  • Removed unused plant prefabs (which are no longer in world manager).
  • Removed unused scripts inheriting from plant.
  • Slowed down mining slightly on new terrain.
  • Removed kit, recipe and related assets for stellar anchor which was partially removed from the game some time ago.
We have found and fixed the issue that caused us to roll back the last update.

The Issue
The last update introduced a critical issue related to plants. The new method for importing these assets made them susceptible to system language settings. While we have global settings in place to prevent such issues, they didn’t work as expected in this case.

The issue didn’t surface during testing, and we later discovered it only occurred on Windows 11. Since all our development machines run Windows 10, we were unable to reproduce it initially.

Another factor was the lower number of players on the beta branch. Over the past year, our update cadence has increased to roughly one update every two weeks. While this has encouraged more players to stay on the default branch, it also means fewer bug reports are coming from the beta branch. Overall, this is a positive trend, but it does reduce the chance of catching certain issues early.

Rolling Back
After spending an entire evening trying to resolve the issue, we decided the best course of action was to roll back the update. This allowed us to fix the problem without the pressure of the update being live.

Rolling back an update is always a tough decision, as it can disrupt players who have already loaded the new content. Fortunately, this update didn’t contain a lot of new content, so the impact on saves was minimal.

Thank You!
A huge thank you to the community members on Discord who helped us diagnose and retest the issue. Your assistance was invaluable, especially with such a difficult problem to reproduce.

We deeply appreciate your patience and support during this process!
This Issue has now been resolved.

Thank you all for the excellent response, feedback, and helping us work the issue.

We really appreciate the Stationeers community!

Due to a critical issue we've had to roll this patch back.

Not everyone was experiencing this issue but enough that it justifies rolling back until we can resolve the problem.

This update is still available on the Beta branch.

If you have been playing on Default and have any of the new items(any of the 3 new plants or the Icarus suit) then you will need to switch to beta.

The update will be available on Default branch as soon as we have a solution.

Data Defined Prefabs
Until now our pipeline for creating new prefabs, things in the game, was very Unity dependant. This process has largely stayed the same since the beginning of the project, and while it does allow us to add new things to the game quickly it does not follow the data driven mindset that we now follow.

We've taken a small subset of prefabs, plants and moved them to be defined entirely in XML. This means that to add a new plant we simply create a new custom plant in our game data XML. This data points to the relevant meshes and textures that are loaded at run time, instead of build time.

A few extra tools have been included with the game to help generate the blueprints and thumbnails required.

thing blueprint <Mesh Path> <Angle Threshold> <Merge Distance> <Scale> // Generates blueprint

thing thumb <Reference ID> <Zoom> // Generates thumbnail from thing by reference id

We would like to roll this out to all kinds of things the game but have started with something smaller to prove the concept. Being able to define completely new devices purely from XML would be the ultimate goal but we will see how this goes before making any decisions.

New Plants
We've also added 3 new fruit plants to help test the new system. When consumed these new plants will have a positive effect on your mood, but they are not currently used in any recipes, they will be later when we do a food update.

The new plants are Strawberry, Blueberry, and Watermelon.

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v0.2.5314.23994

  • First pass on moving plant life requirements to xml.
  • Added Scripts and models for future content.
  • Fixed Multigrid structures not registering to every cell they block.
  • Fixed Global Atmosphere mix calculation issue in previous commit (rev.23875)
  • Added Prototype Global Liquid Renderer. Very large quantities of Liquids in the global atmosphere will now be rendered via a liquid plane.
  • Added strawberry xml plant example.
  • Added first pass on importing plants from xml. Meshes, textures and plant stages can be defined in xml and will be imported at runtime. Blueprints can also be created but for now, the wireframe edges will have to be manually entered into the xml. Later on we plan to make this automatic or add a tool to export edges for custom meshes.
  • Fixed nullref on dedicated server when instantiating prefabs from source list.
  • Added Missing scene update from last commit
  • Fixed normals on strawberry meshes.
  • Added thumbnails for strawberry plant and seedbag.
  • Made custom plants fail to register if their name is already taken to stop potential name conflicts with existing things.
  • Changed Global Liquid visualiser now uses the same system as in-world liquid. Global liquid will now not be drawn inside rooms.
  • Removed 1st global liquid prototype from scene.
  • Missing class name changes from last commit.
  • Removed some unused files and directories
  • Removed associated meta files for removed directories
  • Added scripts and prefabs for future content.
  • Made organics printer recipes resolve their prefab references after all data files are loaded.
  • Moved blueprints out to their own file and made them DataCollections.
  • Renamed CustomPlants.xml to plants.xml.
  • Moved tomato plant and seedbag to xml.
  • Renamed PrefabResolver to DataResolver.
  • Removed Director.cs
  • Refactored WeatherManager to remove un-necessary abstraction & complexity in Storm scheduling code.
  • Added Additional storm properties to the weather event data. ParticleId, Allowed Directions, Damage Multiplier.
  • Changed Storms can now come from any of the 4 cardinal directions.
  • Changed Worlds can now have multiple storm types.
  • Changed Moved weather data into a library in weather.xml. WorldSettings can now reference weatherID form the library or they can declare them inline.
  • Fixed items in input slots being invisible in tier one manufacturing machines
  • Fixed some manufacturing machines / printers only allowing ingots in their input slots. It is intended for them to be able to get blocked up if you poorly manage your manufacturing
  • Added plant meshes and textures to streaming assets.
  • Removed a few empty directories.
  • Updated SeedBag template material with new normal and spec textures.
  • Changed plant template to Plant script rather than Potato.
  • Stopped nullref when plant blueprint is not setup. Instead a default blueprint will be used and an error will be logged.
  • Added blueberry and watermelon plants.
  • Added Rain Storm particle effects and sounds.
  • Changed Exposed Weather Event Fog start and end distance and weather audio to XML.
  • Added Rain weather event to weather library.
  • Updated plant blueprint default mesh.
  • Added ServerProviderPanel for managing ServerProvider buttons
  • Added empty ServerProviders xml file for populating button data
  • Added ServerProviderButton prefab
  • Added system for setting up and managing links to server providers
  • Slightly changed how damage from toxic gases is calculated. Partial pressure thresholds are per gas rather than combined. This may change as we test further.
  • Moved water usage, breathed gases and toxic gases for plants into the liferequiements xml.
  • Fixed normals for plant meshes.
  • Changed Updated stationpedia to show in-world volume of each Liquid type.
  • Changed In-World Volume Multiplier for gasses is now calculated at run-time based on gas Properties. In as a general rule the more cryogenic the liquid the lower in the inworld volume multiplier. This will solve pressure anomalies and run-away phase change effects that were happening to players condensing cryogenic liquids in world grids. Under the old fixed multiplier of 50x some condensed Gasses would take up more volume once in liquid form which would spike the pressure causing a feedback loop of Condensation phaseChange.
  • Added Rain and snow weather effects will now trigger when Condensation/Freezing happens in the global atmosphere.
  • Added Snow Weather Effect.
  • Moved switchgrass, potato and corn to xml.
  • Added ability for custom plants to be set as microwave ingredients, chemistry ingredients and animal food.
  • Fixed potato meshes having bad normals.
  • Added IAnimalFood to some plants and refactored how animal food is registered.
  • Updated ItemSwitchgrass mesh.
  • Added blueprint edges for a few more plants in xml.
  • Added command for generating blueprint wireframe edges with the format: "thing generateblueprint <mesh path> <angle threshold> <merge distance>". This will output edges to a text file which will have to be added the blueprints.xml manually for now.
  • Fixed life requirements not being set on xml based plants correctly.
  • Moved fern and darga fern to xml.
  • Removed unused seedbag meshes.
  • Committed auto prefab changes from editor due to new IsCustomThing field.
  • Tweaked generate blueprint command to output a file with a more descriptive name.
  • Added blueprints for darga fern and fern.
  • Updated normals for darga fern mesh.
  • Fixed an issue with LerpToGlobalAtmosphere() function that was causing Rockets to generate large numbers of instanced atmosphere grids. Issue introduced in rev. 23827. This was causing frame-time degradation and occasional frame-time spikes due to garbage collection. Users who were experiencing this issue may find it takes a few minutes for the performance issue to resolve upon loading the game as the erroneously created atmosphere-grids will have been serialized and will take several minutes to clean-up.
  • Fixed deconstructing cladding not using any power. They now use a small amount
  • Added blueprint info for migrated plants.
  • Moved soybean, cocoa, sugarcane, wheat, mushroom, rice and pumpkin to xml.
  • Added max stack quantity and reagent mix to xml based plants.
  • Converted hades flower and winterspawn to xml.
  • Added scale variable to MeshReference so imported models can be scaled appropriately.
  • Added Models/scripts for future content.
  • Fixed a tooltip error.
  • Fixed all obj normals.
  • Moved celestial textures into their own folder
  • Fixed plants from xml not showing up in the debug spawn menu.
  • Moved celestial textures back to root texture folder for now so as not to break mods.
  • Fixed switchgrass not producing the hay item when harvesting.
  • Updated ItemStrawberry mesh and blueprint.
  • Added a new command 'plant grown all' which makes all plants progress to the next growth state
  • Fixed some plants not showing the correct growth state. For example the strawberry was showing the wrong mesh when it was fruiting and not showing the correct mesh until it was seeding. All the new plants have been fixed as well as a few existing plants such as the tomato
  • Stopped plant grow all command moving plants to dead stage. Specifying a plant tray with plant grow <id> will still move plants to dead stage.
  • Updated ItemSwitchgrass mesh.
  • Added thumbnails for new plants and seedbags.
  • Updated ItemSwitchgrass thumbnail and blueprint.
  • Changed "thing generateblueprint" command to just "thing blueprint".
  • Added wip thumbnail generator command that can be used to generate a thumbnail for a thing: "thing thumb <reference id> <zoom>".
  • Fixed blueprint wireframe generator not including some edges.
  • Added switchgrass blueprint wireframe edges back in.
  • Updated blueprint wireframes for ItemFern and ItemDargaFern.
  • Increased size of ItemFern slightly.
  • Added editor tool to generate wireframes.
  • Fixed an issue where rockets saved while in space would get deleted on load due to an incorrect grid registration.
  • Fixed seedbag blueprint wirefame being slightly offset.
  • removed missing script reference from Asteroid.prefab
  • Fixed game loading issue when current weather event is null.
  • Fixed server provider button logos not being centered on the viewport
  • Removed Debug.Log calls
  • Removed chat popup window when running in editor.
  • Moved a few reagent classes into their own files.
  • Removed missing script on some voxel prefabs to stop errors while starting dedicated server.
  • Added Icarus suit to the tool manufacturing. You must own Icarus to be able to print it
  • Added new help text for the thing command
Liquid Device Interaction
A system to allow liquids to interact with devices has now been added that will mean that some devices will now have an adverse reaction to being submerged in water. Devices currently behave in one of two ways when in contact with liquids, they will either fry the attached cable or enter into an error state.

Manufacturing machines will enter an error state when in contact with liquids, and Area Power Controllers, Transformers and Station Batteries will blow the cables directly connected to them.

Before a device's cable blows you will be given some time visual and audio cues.

Currently the list of devices affected in this way is pretty short, but more interactions may be added later now that we have the system in place.

Better Water Visualizer
The liquid visualizer had a lot of literal edge cases where it would not look that good, for example the liquid could clip through some configurations of walls and windows, as well as being hidden under flooring.

This is no longer the case as we are doing a simple check to see what configuration of walls is around the liquid visualizer and shift it as necessary.

Additionally, the screen space affect that you see when you're underwater would stop working if you left a game and started a new one, but this has now been resolved.

Buoyancy Changes
A quick addition to the buoyancy system has allowed us to select some objects to not be buoyant. Again, we've just picked a select few items to enable this on and will add others as we see fit.
The current list of things that will sink are ores, ingots, and crates.

Pools of water
To prevent a small film of liquid spreading through your entire base we made the decision to have small "pools" of water not spread at all. The result of this was that it was easy to end up with lots of small pools around your base that were hard to collect. We've done two things to help with this:

Floor Drain Collection Radius
Floor Drains will now collect liquid from a 6-grid radius allowing you to have fewer floor drains to handle spilled liquids.

Liquid Vac
The Liquid Vac is much more powerful now cleaning up liquids 50 times faster. This, combined with being able to see the small pools on top of flooring, should allow you to quickly clean up any pools of liquid.


Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v0.2.5284.23867

  • Fixed BatteryChargerSmall not being able to be connected to logic
  • Changed SpaceOreStackSize from const to static for modding purposes
  • Fixed Mars was getting too cold at night during its Solar apo-apse.
  • Changed Global Atmosphere now has a fixed volume and its state is serialised in the save data.
  • Changed Reworked how the global atmosphere is created and simulated. Phase-change can now occur in the global gas mixture. Gasses will now freeze into "icecaps" or condense into "ocean". Currently this simulation is not exposed to the player. We will be investigating ways of surfacing phase changes in the global atmosphere to the player in future updates via storms and or other visualisers.
  • Fixed launch mount kit being invisible
  • Updated Some future asset blockouts.
  • Moved Methods form PoweredVentMultiGrid into a static library so they can more easily be used by other classes.
  • Fixed some build issues due to imgui
  • Fixed Pressure of canisters not displaying properly in their Stationpedia entries
  • Fixed small Typo in Stationpedia entry for Large Extendable Radiator
  • Renamed IsUnderLiquidLevel helper to IsSubmerged.
  • Increased Liquid draining speed of Passive Liquid Inlet.
  • Fixed Passive Liquid Inlet not draining liquid from neighbouring grids when its grid was empty of liquid.
  • Increased Speed of Liquid Vacuum.
  • Added ISubmergedHandler to allow devices to have special behaviour when submerged. Currently, manufacturing machines will error when underwater and transformers and apc's will blow their cables.
  • Added Prototype Extendable structure for testing.
  • Fixed placement issue with structure Extension prototype.
  • Added boolean value for buoyancy so that non-buoyant dynamicThings sink but not as fast as falling
  • Fixed Flickering liquid blocks when liquid was falling.
  • Fixed Underwater effect would not play upon loading into a game for the 2nd time.
  • Removed Min liquid height clamping. (previous band-aid fix for liquid hidden inside floors).
  • Fixed Liquid would sometimes be "hidden" underneath floors, it is now offset to the correct height so it sits on the floor.
  • Fixed Liquid Visualiser Z-fighting and clipping through walls that were placed on an internal face of a grid.
  • Optimised Liquid Rendering Update loop. Render batches are now calculated and prepared on the gameTick thread using a double-buffer approach. This avoids blocking the main game thread with a costly iteration of all atmospheres and a needless recalculation of the water meshes every frame.
  • Fixed Liquid Vacuum and Liquid inlet not considering in-world liquid volume when performing their liquid movement logic.
  • Fixed Liquid Visualiser Prep running in batch mode.
  • Fixed Manufacturing machines would still build when in error state.
  • Changed SubmergedHandler system to instead be handled case by case on device in the power tick. Made input and output cables on transformers, batteries and apcs burnout when the input/output port itself is under water rather than the entire device.
  • Updated IsSubmerged to use the render threshold rather than zero for minimum atmosphere volume checks.
  • Added 100ms update and 1000ms update to Thing. These are opt in slow ticks for main thread game logic. (i.e audio, fx)
  • Added Spark effect and sounds to Apcs and transformers that are submerged in liquid.
  • Refactored some duplicate code from battery, apc and transformer into ElectricalInputOutput.
  • Added submerged effects to station battery.
  • Refactored ISubmergeable functionality to bring it more in line with project standards.
Stationeers now has in world liquid simulations. Because of the phase change update, liquids became a major part of the game. They were allowed to exist in the world, but they were represented by a foggy steam effect, and they moved around in all dimensions just like a gas. The motivation behind adding realistic fluid movement is an expectation that the game created for itself. Stationeers has the best atmospheric simulation in gaming, and the game deserves to have fluid simulations accompanying it.

Flowing Water

Liquids now flow horizontally and preferentially pool downwards. Lower areas of your base will be prone to flooding when liquid pipes unexpectedly break, or conditions for phase change causes gas to condense around you. Fluids in world have an exaggerated volume, to allow for meaningful interactions with in world liquids to happen. It turns out, it is difficult to collect enough ices to create thousands of litres of water while on a barren lifeless world.

Stationeer's atmospherics operate as 2m*2m*2m cubes that update every half second. This presents limitations in terms of first person fidelity, and propagation speed. For liquids, we wanted to make sure they felt fluid enough to not feel too gamey. We got around many of the issues with grid based spread and flow by utilizing a new physics based solver.

We use a series of CPU driven particles to represent and test paths that fluids want to take. These Physics solver balls allow liquids to drop down ledges, or get sprayed out diagonally, to allow fluids to move multiple squares at a time, all without the same limitations as our .5s tick grid atmospheres. We'll also soon be utilizing this system to better implement smaller liquid interactions such as pipe bursts, sprinklers and ice melting.

Visual effects

All this time, we've been saying liquids instead of water, and thats on purpose. All gasses in Stationeers can condense into liquids. Other fluids such as Liquid oxygen and liquid volatiles all look different in world. Unlike other games, we even allow separate fluids to mix and we accurately blend their colors together to really inform you of the disaster that may be mixing underneath you.

We've also worked significantly on creating effects that make liquids look cool while still matching Stationeer's scale and style. Water spreading has droplets that represent the physics solver fluid simulations. When water is spreading throughout already connected tiles, we analyse the volume, displacement and directional mixing ratios to create flow effects on the surface of the water to represent its movement direction and rate.


All dynamic things except for entities, such as players and chickens, are buoyant. In the future we might expand this system to have things have different buoyancy or make some objects not be buoyant at all but during this first pass everything behaves the same.

Making fluids meaningful

Representing fluids is important in of itself, but there are more game play systems we want to tie into. Vents are currently examples of devices that are aware of the surface level of the water, and will only start mixing with liquids when submerged, as opposed to interacting with the whole grid as normal. In the future we'll be making more devices interact with the fluids specially; such as APCs, transformers, and Batteries shorting out.

Fluids do currently interact with terrain. However, there are lots of edge cases that might cause water loss, or unexpected behavior. Once the new terrain system is done, we'll revisit how liquids interact with voxels, and potential performance improvements. This could eventually lead to us supporting larger liquid structures such as lakes, or weather effects that reflect global condensation like rain.

Liquid Vac
Because liquids dont behave like gasses, small puddles often are left behind when draining areas. We've added the liquid vac as a way to allow players to manually interact with in world water. It has two modes, inwards, and outwards, so you can manually relocate water to another place in the world. We originally had it operate with liquid canisters that could be interchanged, the balance of canister sizes for other gameplay reasons prevented it from being super useful. In the future we plan at looking at a more solutions, such as a being able to attach to a dynamic canister, and having a gas vac variant as well.

Manual Floor Hatch
While testing fluids flooding many of our bases, we kept wanting something that felt like a horizontal version of the manual hatch door. So we've added one so you can unwittingly spin the hatch wheel and dump a flood of water on yourself.

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v0.2.5259.23818

  • Fixed incorrect thumbnail for composite wall
  • Made vertical sleeper shorter to avoid interference with ceiling
  • Made vertical sleeper for Droid shorter to avoid interference with ceiling
  • Updated blueprints and colliders for vertical sleeper and vertical droid sleeper.
  • Added first pass on in world liquids and 'particle' based liquid solver. Currently, liquids can be lost when pooling on terrain. The exact interaction between liquids and terrain voxels is yet to be decided.
  • Fixed Modded worlds with invalid GlobalAtmosphereData will fail to load.
  • Added Modded Worlds with an invalid weatherEvent will now fail to load on game data Initialize.
  • Deleted a number of now un-used rocket meshes and classes from the old rocket system.
  • Changed Condensation Fog effect will now only render when gasses are condensing into liquids in an atmosphere cell.
  • Fixed Network Message Dictionary was not regenerated in rev 23691.
  • Added missing server checks around some imgui code.
  • Added some more server tags around imgui code.
  • Fixed Critical game initialisation error for German players. The game data loading was throwing an exception due to an outdated stationpedia page in the german_help.xml
  • Added Liquid Solver commands to support Liquids profiling.
  • Changed Solar Processing tick to be a unitask (It was still using a unity co-routine).
  • Fixed Solar Panel CollisionMask for RayCast had a number of layer enabled that should have been dis-abled.
  • Fixed Solar Panels would sometimes not generate any power on dedicated server despite being correctly pointed at the sun. This was due to some objects from the main menu scene not getting disabled on the dedicated server and thus blocking the solar panel ray cast to the sun.
  • Refactored AtmosphericEventInstance to be a struct to reduce allocations.
  • Some minor optimisations to liquid solver.
  • Fixed smelting an ingot would give oops Achievement.
  • Simplified Rendering of Liquids in world, its now allocation free and much faster but is limited to drawing 1023 atmospheres.
  • removed slot filter type from autolathe
  • Fixed hydroponics larry not stacking hay when harvesting from switchgrass.
  • Moved some liquid debug logic and changed numbers to use the StringManager.
  • Fixed Would get not thirsty prompt when hydration was not full when using drinking fountain.
  • Changed Increased speed to use drinking fountain.
  • Fixed Missing model for ItemKitRocketLaunchPad. kit model was still using an old rocket model. It has been updated to the correct model.
  • Removed bobblehead from thumbnail scene
  • Added manual floor hatch to door kit
  • Fixed Incorrect shadow distance on window shutters.
  • Fixed Missing Material on broken build state of composite window shutter causing loading error on save games.
  • Fixed Open and Close animation for the ManualFloorHatch. The door now moves underneath the frame instead of on top of it
  • Fixed Solar distance Temperature offset was being applied twice. This was causing Vulcan to get extra very hot during its close approach to Janus.
  • Fixed Tanks not showing their MAXPressure in Stationpedia
  • Fixed dynamic Canisters in Stationpedia not showing the correct units of the MAXPressure value
  • Fixed issue with players being unable to interact with the switches of tools such as the Tablet and the MiningDrill when they didn't have power.
  • Fixed owning the EVA Supporters DLC granting access to the marine and hard suit bobbleheads in the printer
  • Made liquid visualizer particles work on clients.
  • Added first pass on liquid visualizer particles.
  • Changed LiquidFlow network update type from volume to grid
  • Fixed Reading IsSeeding from a Seedbag using proxy slot would through a null reference exception.
  • Fixed Prefab issue on ManualHatch that was breaking loading of Tutorial3.
  • Made water pools not spread out if they are under a certain threshold.
  • Changed networkupdatetype for liquid flow from grid to statechange.
  • Decreased liquid in world render threshold to approx 10 moles.
  • Updated underwater camera shader
  • Made floor drains and passive vents not take in liquids if they are above the liquid level in their atmosphere.
  • moved in world liquid flow rate into a static parameter for now.
  • Added ability for liquids in world to have an exaggerated liters per mole ratio to allow reasonable amounts of in game gas to be meaningfully represented in world, currently at x50.
  • Fixed animation speed of door to match up with the manual hatch
  • Added Liquid Vacuum recipe to tier2 tool printer.
  • Added Liquid Vacuum. A tool for cleaning up liquid in your base. It has an inwards and outwards mode setting.
  • Added different color visualization of different kinds of liquids
  • Fixed liquid solver out of bounds exception when reaching the max number of liquid solvers
  • Fixed missing liquid colour for hydrogen and added GetGasColor to be used later for gas particle
  • Updated the min render size to be half of what it was. This does mean that it can potentially be hidden bellow floors
  • Fixed the usage of a lot of magic numbers and cleaned up the liquid solver file a bit
  • Polish pass on Liquid Vacuum sounds and animation.
  • Added first pass on showing liquid flow direction
  • Added camera effect for being under liquid
  • Fixed back face culling being turned on for liquid renderer
  • Fixed missing references in the scene
  • Updated the flow texture on the water shader
  • Fixed possible null ref when resetting liquid flow flags.
  • Changed Passive Liquid Inlet mixing behaviour so it works more nicely with the new liquid sim.
  • Changed atmos tablet no longer shows volume value of individual gas types of liquids in world.
  • Changed all uses of Liquid volume to correctly pass through the scalar function.
  • Lowered mole threshold for horizontal liquid solver to 500moles from 1000moles
  • Fixed Minimum liquid render threshold now considers InWorldVolumeMultiplier.
  • Changed Minimum liquid render height to 12cm.
  • Fixed water color alpha was set to zero.
  • Fixed liquid shader flickering when interacting with other transparent objects.
  • Fixed liquid visualizer particles not taking the color of their liquid.
  • Updated flow visualizer texture
  • Removed unused test liquid shader.
  • Updated liquid flow texture on batched liquid material.
  • Removed empty OutlineEffect directory.
  • Moved some textures to their appropriate folders.
  • Changed passive liquid inlet will now draw from neighbouring grids (up to 6 grids away) if its current grid is empty.
  • Changed Liquids in world will now only mix sideways with other liquid neighbours if both grids have rendered liquid.
  • Made grow light thicker, so it looks better with wall piece.
  • Fixed index out of range exception when max rendered liquid grids is reached.
  • Added buoyancy for dynamicThings not including entities. Angular damping has also been added for dynamicThings that are below the water volume threshold for the grid that they reside in.
  • Fixed UnderWater camera effect not disabled when returning to main menu.
  • Fixed Wind sounds play underwater.
  • Changed Active Liquid Outlet atmospheric Logic to Run on OnPreAtmosphere(). This is so any overVolume caused by the process will be resolved in the following liquid mix step.
  • Changed Greatly increased the Minimum gas volume for World Atmospheres.
  • Added Recache Atmosphere Mixing pressure values after Liquid Mix in MixInWorld().
  • Fixed Pressure spikes when liquid solver particles resolved.
  • Fixed Large pressure differentials and air movement when liquids are more than one grid deep and being filled from an already full grid.
  • Changed When Liquid Solver particles are ripe but un-expired they will only merge with existing atmospheres if it has rendered water.
  • Fixed liquid visualizer particles were not being cleared when exiting world.
  • Tweaked uv distortion for liquid flow texture.
  • Added Placeholder water footstep sounds and underwater ambience sounds.
  • Added flow direction force to objects floating in water.
  • Added velocity damping to objects floating in water.
  • Changed liquid flow direction to use absolute volume difference rather than ratio.
  • Added 2nd pass for Water footstep audio and underwater ambience.
  • Fixed Breathing sounds play when underwater with helmet open.
  • Fixed Able to breath underwater with helmet open.
  • Fixed liquid flow looking unnecessarily turbulent. Opposite directional flow will now cancel out.
  • Changed IC10 Sleep command to use GameManager.GameTime instead of DateTime.Now.
  • Fixed IC10 Sleep Command was not respecting pause state.
  • Added Moles per Litre In-World for liquids to Stationpedia.
  • Updated Passive Liquid Inlet description.
  • Added max liquid render distance to liquid blocks and visualizer particles.
  • Fixed an issue with liquid mixing in world where the volume left for gas was different in two different functions causing oscillations.
  • Fixed Fake liquid pressure was being used in pipe-networks in some cases where it shouldn't, causing confusing pressure readings when pipe was almost full. Fake liquid pressure now is only used in things/networks that have the prevent state-change flag.
  • Fixed Passive Liquid Inlet did not draw from the grid it was in.
  • Fixed blueprint for ItemLiquidVacuum
  • Fixed liquid solver particles not spawning on dedicated server.
This hotfix includes fixes for two critical issues.

The first was a fix for some modded worlds having an empty global atmosphere caused by a change in the data that is not yet reflected in mods. If this invalid data is detected in mods, the mod will simply not be loaded.

The second was a localization issue that was preventing the game from launching for some languages.
Support the Developers

We frequently get asked by the community how they can further support the development of Stationeers. We've decided to add three superficial Support the Developer DLCs. We picked bobble heads as the simple "thank you" item to our players who want to further support our team. These 3 figurines can be mounted to appliance benches. and do nothing... except wobble after bopping their heads when you walk past.

Passive Vent (Valve)
We've added a new type of passive vent with a built-in valve. Not only does this cut down slightly on complexity of a common use case of valves and passive vents, but it also means that when you close the valve the network is truly isolated at the passive vent instead of the isolation happening within closed pipes. We dont normally combine device functionality, but this singular mash up was requested enough, and provides solid utility to justify its existence.

New Locked Branch
There is a new Steam Branch is called 'preterrain - pre-terrain rework update'.

We have some big new changes coming to Stationeers' terrain and atmospheric systems. This work does mean that there will be disruption to saves and mods. This branch exists to allow people to go back to play older saves.

Some mods will be broken with this update due to some low-level data changes that, in the long run, will improve authoring of worlds both for us and modders alike. Saves on un-modded worlds should be un-affected for now, however it is likely that some save may break in the future.

Please be patient with us as we work on these new systems. Once we're done there will be a much greater range of cool stuff we can do with worlds.

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v0.2.5218.23679

  • Fixed chemistry station sliding drawer being on the wrong layer.
  • Fixed inverse kinematics being applied to offline players. This was the reason for players looking in weird directions when offline
  • Fixed cargo larry could take growing plants out of trays. Restricted cargo larry from interacting with plant slots.
  • Fixed fire extinguisher triggering when picking it up out of a locker. This will also stop tools triggering when holding them in your active hand and clicking on an interactable.
  • Changed Mars World setting to use new GlobalAtmosphereData format for global Temperature and composition.
  • Added new WIP WorldSetting Imgui window for testing changes to global temperature curve and global composition in real time.
  • Changed Authoring format for Global Atmosphere Composition and Temperature in WorldSetting. The previous version will remain compatible for now. This is being done to provide a framework for other gameplay elements to easily impact global temperature. (notably Solar Radiation variance over the year)
  • Added prototype Block out meshes for future content.
  • Changed moved some more Imgui calls inside !RW_SERVER defines.
  • Changed updated WorldSettings to use new GlobalAtmosphere authoring format.
  • Removed references to a number of deprecated systems in the worldSettings classes.
  • Changed Interim Commit of Big CleanUp of WorldSetting.cs to remove a lot of data duplication and confusion around where the worldSettings data is stored.
  • Fixed Storm temperature change is now hooked into the new worldTemperature system.
  • Changed Improved authoring formatting for Storms in WorldSettingData and exposed some additional variables.
  • Updated WeatherEvent in WorldSettings.xml to the new format.
  • Added SolarRadiationTemperatureOffset curve to Mars. Mars will now be a little colder during the day when it is at its furthest point from the sun.
  • Added SolarRadiationTemperatureOffset to worldSetting in the Global Atmosphere Data element. This allows world author to offset the global temperature at day or night based on the distance from the sun.
  • Added 2nd pass on IMGui worldsetting tool.
  • Fixed advanced composter can't be activated by clients.
  • Changed Vulcan day temperatures get a lot hotter (around 1000 degreesC) when its elliptic orbit brings it in close to the Blackhole. This aligns with the local winter at the players latitude. In winter the days will still be very short but it will get extra hot for a few minutes due to the massive increase in solar radiation from being so close to the sun.
  • Added Tools to world setting imgui window to edit ghg curves.
  • Added GHG Index Curves for global atmosphere gasses.
  • Tweaked position and blueprint for a future asset.
  • Updated names of future assets in english.xml.
  • Tweaked collider arrangement for future asset.
  • Added Passive Vent (Valve).
  • Changed Global TemperatureOffsetData now eases between day and night values (sine curve ease, previously used lerp)
  • Changed Reauthored Mars Global Temperature Curves to include GHG Index and Atmospheric Density curves.
  • Added Temperature Offset curves for GHGIndex and Atmospheric density to Global Temperature Calculation.
  • Fixed Passive Vent Valve so that it can be interacted with via the RoboticArmDockAtmos
  • Fixed issue with DLC detection
  • Changed name of pipe cowl to Passive Vent (Pipe Valve)
After initially making LArRE we received lots of requests and ideas from the community for extra functionality. Originally, we kept LArRE's scope and capabilities limited, so we could prototype properly in a quick and maintainable manner. Now, with all the positive feedback, instead of making one complicated device that does everything we decided to split these functions up into specialized versions. There are four new arms that replace the existing one.

Each arm is constructed by placing the corresponding dock. The new docks differ from the old LArRE arm in that arms can move off the rail into the dock, allowing other arms constructed on the same rail and move freely past.

New LArRE Arms and Docks

The cargo arm is made to interact with slots of devices and structures and is useful for things like changing filters, pulling items from lockers, and other slot-based tasks.

A key thing to note with the cargo arm is the concept of the target slot. This is a special slot targets a slot on the target structure and will be what the item that is picked up when the arm is activated. The target slot can be set by a dial on the dock, or by logic.

The collector arm acts as a vacuum cleaner when set to inwards, sucking up loose nearby items, and when set to outward will eject the items.

The hydroponics arm can plant and harvest plants as well as place fertiliser into plant trays. It has an additional hopper slot which will feed items into the 'hand' slot when the hand slot is empty. Harvesting a different plant while the hand slot is full will be possible if the hopper slot is empty. The full behaviour of these two slots is described in the Stationpedia.

The atmospherics arm has a storage canister and can pump gas in or out. It has a filter slot so you can selectively extract gasses from a space.

When activated over a passive vent it will 'dock' with the passive vent and pump in or out of it, depending on the mode of the arm is in.

The bypass dock does not have an arm associated with it but allows for any arm to move off the main rail to allow other arms to move past.

Rail Network Changes

New Rail Pieces
LArRE rails can now operate in all axis. This means arms can travel on walls facing sideways, and on floors facing upwards, etc. Several new pieces such as inner and outer corners, and quarter corkscrew pieces allow a full range of mobility.

Multi Arm Rails
Rail network logic also has some new rules. Multiple docks can be built on a single linear rail, to allow multipurpose tracks. Though arms will collide with one another, so it's up the player to use the above-mentioned dock changes, and bypass docks to avoid traffic jams. Rails also now support being connected in a loop. Any LArRE Attempting to navigate to a location on a loop will take the path with the least stations.

Dock Restriction
One new restriction is the inability for LArRE to interact with anything directly under its dock, as activate will attempt to trigger a dock/undock. This was required to keep LArRE's operation simple, without forcing every model to have an additional control.

Proxy Slot Reading

Since LArRE arms perform contextual actions on the devices they are over, they have the ability to potentially operate on multiple slots. We've added the concept of proxy slots to allow players to know the details of the slot they are about to interact with. These are listed in the Stationpedia as slots with the type "proxy", and they allow logic systems to point towards a static slot irrespective of the arm's internal variables changing what slot is focused. An example of this is the Cargo LArRE slot #255, which will show the slot of what his slot index dial is pointing towards.

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v0.2.5195.23625

  • Fixed cargo and hydroponics larry calling onserver behaviour incorrectly.
  • Fixed larry bypass docks not resetting their open state when the rail network is rebuilt.
  • Fixed missing material on Nitrolyzer device pins.
  • Fixed Network error caused by Larre Harvest action. This would cause error spam on client and result in client desync.
  • Fixed hydroponics and collector larry not being paintable.
  • Fixed hydroponics larry not being able to pick up something when it's hand is full but the extra slot is empty.
  • Fixed missing material in GrowLight on anim.
  • Fixed material on security printer.
  • Fixed missing material on grow light broken build state
  • Fixed missing textures for prefabs
  • Added window button for iterating through prefabs to find missing prefab materials under Stationeers/prefabs/scan all prefabs/find missing materials
  • Removed un-used renders from drills. Fixed missing material reference on Cryotubes.
  • Fixed RailNodes were not thread-safe as their transform values were not cached.
  • Fixed Open Close Logic on LArRE docks could be set when the arm was not in a valid open/close position. Now the open/close value can only be set when the arm is on a dock or Bypass node.
  • Fixed missing material on hydroponics display.
  • Added material for hydroponics larry display off state.
  • Added Stationpedia description for Shower.
  • Fixed Wind turbines could play audio when partially constructed.
  • Improved descriptions for PressureExternal and PressureInternal Logic Types in Stationpedia
  • Fixed larry arms animation state could get out of sync on clients.
  • Fixed Merge Logic was not properly isolated between servers and clients as Client behaviour was implemented in the OnServer Class.
  • Tweaked hydroponics larry display off material.
  • Fixed Byte Array error that could occur on client due to potential Null reference exception in LandingPadCenter.IsTraderReady() setter.
  • Moved colliders on larry arms to IgnoreRaycast layer to stop the tooltips for the dock showing when hovering over the arm.
  • Added Radiation and solar heating values to Atmosphere debug (only valid on server)
  • Fixed Atmospheres in partially build frames inside bases would inappropriately radiate heat with the global atmosphere. This could cause bases on Vulcan or Venus to heat up unexpectedly quickly.
  • Fixed Vacuum atmospheres trapped in terrain would get left behind after mining. Added additional Check to Atmosphere.IsLive to ensure these are cleaned up.
  • Fixed collector larry could not take in new items until being fully emptied.
  • Added display screen functionality to collector larry.
  • Removed empty directory
  • Fixed Removing a frame that was embedded in terrain could cause the vacated grid to not join an adjacent room.
  • Fixed Sometimes Rooms wouldn't generate correctly when building frames in partially mined terrain grids.
  • Moved 'end position' property from base larry dock to collector larry dock.
  • Fixed cargo larry and hydroponics larry had inconsistent delay times when animating.
  • Fixed issue loading old saves with certain lArRE configurations.
  • Fixed larry 'Idle' logic value not being set correctly when the arm is down. Idle will now mean the arm is up and stationary.
  • Re-enabled larry recipes on the electronics printer.
  • Added Network sync for several Larre values.
  • Reduced Size of some of Larres network read/writes.
  • Added Cargo LArRE now shows the icon of the target slot item on its display.
  • Added stationpedia descriptions for new larry docks.
  • Fixed old larry moving off its rail when setting activate at its dock.
  • Fixed collector larry can't move to bypass when full.
  • Fixed EjectPosition of Collector Arm was not updated on Anim Animation Complete.
  • Added Collector Arm can Output to Chute inlet.
  • Changed Collector Arm will now only import/export from chute bins when in the correct mode.
  • Changed Lowered LArRE Collector arm operation sound volume.
  • Fixed null ref for clients when building the atmos larry dock due to uninitialized internal atmosphere.
  • Fixed linear rail network indices could appear incorrect for clients when splitting rail networks.
  • Added Movement Sound for when LArRE moves into/out of dock.
  • Fixed LArRE rail movement audio not playing on clients.
  • Fixed mode switches sometimes don't initialize to the correct state. Added 'Undefined' to SwitchColorState so that the first time the color state refreshes it will always update the material.
  • Fixed atmos larry arm not moving on dedicated server.
  • Tweaked the order of build and process update for larry so the arm state is always sent to clients first.
  • Fixed Material issue with future asset.
  • Changed Hydroponics LArRE Proxy slot now points to plant slot in target planter. (or input/output slot of target chute bin)
  • Fixed Collector Arm sounds would sometimes not play on clients
  • Fixed larry bypass audio not stopping when the dock is turned off.
  • Fixed inconsistent power state on the Landing Pad pumps
  • Added stationpedia descriptions to linear rail pieces.
  • Removed 'CurrentIndex' logic value from larry and added 'Extended' which will indicate if the arm is down or not.
  • Added new tooltips to the base robot arm class, including position, index, and "status"
  • Fixed Writing Setting value to Larre when it was Docked (closed) would cause it to get into an errored state.
  • Reworded LARrE one of the tooltips from Activated to Extended
  • Fixed LArRE Idle state not set correctly when doing bypass move
  • Added internal atmos data to atmos robot arm
  • Fixed Target index can now be set on larre when it is in a bypassed state
  • Fixed Hopper Slot named incorrectly on hydroponics Larre
  • Added more detailed tooltips for the collector arm
  • Added HarvestedHas Logic Slot variable. Returns the Prefab Hash of what will be harvested from the plant. 0 if plant is not mature.
  • Changed the outer corner to make the arm rotate sideways rather than straight on.
  • Tweaked the handling of inner corners for larry's linear rail. Should now be able to traverse a few arrangements where it would previously get stuck.
  • Added Info about Proxy slot to Cargo and Hydroponics LArRE Stationpedia description.
  • Added Quantity and Ratio logic values to LArRE Collector.
  • Fixed Localisation error with LArRE Collector slots in stationpedia.
  • Fixed cargo arm being able to view inaccessible slots
  • Added Target slot name and occupant to LArRE Cargo info screen tooltip.
  • Removed non-threadSafe call from RoboticArmDock.CanAccessSlot.
  • Added left and right 'corkscrew' linear rail pieces.
  • Tweaked ordering of rail pieces in linear rail kit.
  • Fixed added missing worldmanager changes in base scene.
  • Added thumbnails for linear rail corkscrew pieces.
  • Fixed Robotic Arm Dock Hydroponics reading the contents of Chute bins if they contained plants
  • Fixed incorrect tooltip text on collector larry.
  • Fixed slot strings for collector dock in stationpedia
  • Fixed incorrect position for collector arm
  • Added Code to get LArRRE Current Junction Index.
  • Fixed LArRE arms could reach through walls and frames.
  • Allowed larry arms to traverse a looping rail network correctly. The arm will move to the target along the shortest path.
  • Fixed LArRE blocking logic was registering a false positive with floors under planter trays preventing interaction.
  • Changed linear rail deconstruction tool to be wrench.
  • Changed prevented interaction with activate button when arm action is blocked.
  • Added Tooltip to LArRE when arm action is blocked by wall or frame.
  • Removed unused CanConstruct checks in larry code.
  • Added Gas Tooltip to Atmospherics LArRE pipe meter.
  • Added Input atmosphere logic values to LArRE Atmospherics arm. If the Arm is connected to a passive vent this will show the passive vents pipe atmosphere information, other wise will show the world atmosphere that the arm will interact with.
  • Fixed Atmospherics LArRE was interacting with the atmosphere at the arms rail position and not at the vent position.
  • Increased Shadow draw distance for small devices from 5m to 10m
  • Fixed atmos LARrE not taking damage from over pressure
  • Added small offset to vent atmos sampling for atmos robot arm
  • Fixed Atmos LArRE doing Atmospherics calls when destroyed on the main thread.
  • Fixed ErrorSpam when LArRE destroyed.
  • Fixed Filter slot on atmos LArRE was not filtering when outputting.
  • Fixed LArRE would not exit bypass state in certain configurations when TargetIndex was not set to the Home Docks Index
  • Fixed Regression from rev23616 where LArRE would be allowed to exit bypass state when another LArRE was occupying the dock rail.
  • Made larry move towards the closest station index when looping rather than using the shortest distance.
  • Added Clarification to Atmospherics LArRE description around atmospherics logic values.
  • Added 'position' to the larry base tooltip which will be the last index visited. Also added this to the logic values.
  • Fixed NRE when deconstructing collector larry dock.
  • Fixed issue with arms moving in the wrong direction when building a looping rail network with multiple docks.
This hotfix fixes a network error caused by Larre Harvest action. This would cause error spam on client and result in client desync.

A large amount of work has gone into the LARrE system since the last update that is not yet been activated and there are some other known, less critical issues, that will be fixed with the next update.
Stationeers is a challenging game due to the depth of many of its mechanics. Much of this depth can be overlooked, as players just intuit what the complex simulation is doing as a natural expectation of real life. As you play more and more, and reach into the hundreds of hours, you start to understand the systems as they exist in game. You eventually master how to interact with the simulation and how the game systems interact with each other.


So we've added achievements to Stationeers to highlight player accomplishments. The achievements generally represent large milestones players pass as they start or finish projects in their bases. However there are many which are more abstract milestones, or rights of passages, players encounter while playing the game; such as bursting a pipe, or cancelling an airlock cycle. We've avoided silly/goofy ones, so you wont need to be struck by lightning while riding a chicken on a Tuesday.

Notable Updates
Performance Improvements
Following on from the last bugfix update is a big project 'cleanup'. This involves removing unused or duplicated assets, ensuring that textures are imported and compressed correctly, and tweaking a few assets here and there. The result is that we've shaved off about 1.5 GB from the install size. We've also dramatically reduced the memory footprint of game. While we've taken care of most of the low hanging fruit there's still some obvious, though significantly more involved, areas where we can reduce resource usage.

Server List
The server list has been having issues for some time now, frequently being down for short periods of time, and eventually crashing completely. After a complete rewrite of the server it is now far more responsive, and less prone to failure.

It is possible to change where Stationeers looks for it's master server, allowing communities to run their own server lists if they wish. This is done via the NetConfig.xml in the games StreamingAssets folder.
In the near future we plan on making the server list software available via a git repository so that communities that want their own personal server lists can do so. without writing their own one from scratch.

Save Game Error
Last patch had an issue that could cause some saving loading issues. This issue has been resolved but if you continue to have issues with this then please let us know.

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v0.2.5165.23502
Upcoming LARrE Changes
You may have noticed a large number of changes in the patch notes that refer to LARrE. These changes will not take affect in this update but are a work in progress for the next patch.

  • Changed cargo larry current slot index logic type to 'TargetSlotIndex'.
  • Added prefabs for arrow buttons and small info panels which will use the material changer anim component.
  • Added material changer anim component to replace the existing material changer.
  • Added material changer anim component to larry arms upper emissive strip.
  • Swapped material changer anim component with a more lightweight script. Changed larry arms and docks to use this script instead.
  • Updated larry hydroponics arm model.
  • Updated Steam Achievement commands and implemented first steam achievement
  • Deleted extra seed bag textures and material, and updated models and prefabs.
  • Fixed wrong smoothing group on can mesh.
  • Added steam clear all command for testing (editor only)
  • Added Support to show devices that implement iProxySlot in Stationpedia.
  • Fixed Some string allocation on LogicSlotReader and LogicBatchSlotReader tooltip methods.
  • Changed Reallowed spawning of new LArRE Variants. LArRe variants now show up in Stationpedia.
  • Added TargetPrefabHash LogicType to Cargo LArRE, this is shows the prefab hash of the device that LArRE will try to interact with.
  • Added Cargo LArRe now has a Proxy Slot (index 255) that can be read from using the Slot Reader or LS command. This proxy slot points to the slot that LArRE will interact with on the Device that it is above (i.e if Cargo LArRE is above a locker the player can select which slot to proxy into by turning the setting wheel to change the TargetSlotIndex)
  • Fixed arrow buttons on larry docks will now increment/decrement the target index more intuitively i.e. the arm will always move in the direction of the arrow.
  • Fixed linear rail indices being incorrectly offset when you have two docks facing opposite ways.
  • Changed a few variable names in RoboticArmNetwork.cs for clarity.
  • Fixed SmartStow key-bind would trigger when typing G into an input window.
  • Changed arm is stationary checks to use approximate comparison between current position and target index.
  • Renamed larry's CurrentIndex to CurrentPosition to avoid confusion as it is a float.
  • Fixed clients could see incorrect larry arm position after setting the starting dock
  • Fixed issue where larry network generation was non deterministic which could cause arms to load in at the wrong index.
  • Changed atmos larry filter slot name from 'Slot1' to 'Filter'.
  • Fixed Error Spam from fertilised eggs when exiting game.
  • Fixed Hydroponics Tray (non data variant doesn't block rail pieces).
  • Added Proxy Slot to Hydroponics LArRE. Reading slot 255 will give you information about the slot that arm will interact with. TargetSlotIndex is exposed as a read only value on Hydroponics LArRE. This means that LArRE will be able to read the growth data from plants in standard and data Hydroponics Trays.
  • Fixed Some textures in streaming assets were being loaded multiple times.
  • Fixed Textures loaded from streaming assets were not being compressed.
  • Added first pass on info panel tooltips for larry docks.
  • 2nd pass on Texture Compression of Streaming assets. Reduced application base Memory footprint from 5GB to 4.4GB
  • Fixed incorrect materials on powered vents, refrigerated Vending machine & LandingPad Liquid connector
  • Updated some models import settings to removed unused materials.
  • Fixed incorrect materials on ExportGate, Import Bin, Purge Valve and Advanced furnace.
  • Reduced size of some 8k Main-menu scene textures.
  • Deleted some unused skybox textures.
  • Updated larry dock thumbnails.
  • Deleted some unused models in resources folder.
  • Moved some Models and materials out of resources folder.
  • Fixed larry arms getting stuck when running into one another. Now, if an arm runs into another and errors, you can set its target index in the opposite direction and it should be able to move away successfully.
  • Changed tooltip on larry dock arrows from 'Position' to 'Target Index'.
  • Updated a number of models import settings to remove unused materials and animations.
  • Fixed incorrect materials on PlantGeneticAnalyzer and PlantGeneticStabilizer.
  • Fixed smart rotate not working correctly for linear rail pieces.
  • removed unused materials rigs and animations from a number of models.
  • Deleted some old unused models.
  • Fixed Incorrect material on ChuteValve
  • Removed old gas filter and gas tank storage models.
  • Removed unused materials from itemkit models.
  • Removed un-used materials from items.
  • Fixed incorrect material on plant sampler.
  • Added Sounds to LArRE Cargo and Hydroponics Arms.
  • Removed unused materials form item models
  • Fixed larry atmos and collector arms staying extended when resetting the network.
  • Fixed larry collector arm being movable when extended.
  • Removed un-used Materials, Animations and Avatars on structure Models.
  • Fixed Incorrect materials on AirConditioner, Autolathe, Autominer, Centrifuge, PackagingMachine and AirlockGate.
  • Fixed move audio playing when changing target index when larry arms are extended.
  • Removed unused materials from structure models.
  • Fixed Incorrect materials on CornerLocker, ElectronicsPrinter, Furnace, CombustionCentrifuge & Harvie.
  • Fixed some inconsistency around setting target index when larry arms are extended.
  • Fixed incorrect materials on SolarPanels, weather station, Printers, shutters and lockers.
  • Removed Unused materials from more structures.
  • Deleted some unused models.
  • Fixed Missing materials in character customisation scene.
  • Moved A large number of models and materials out of Resources folder.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with larry 'moving' variable. Arms should now be correctly blocked from activating while moving.
  • Cleaned up larry dock base class. Removed concept of 'busy' and replaced it with IsMoving and a check for Activate.
  • Fixed missing textures on t1 printers, Interior door triangle and grow light.
  • Fixed Entity Decay timer runs when paused.
  • Fixed missing materials on Shutters, Hoppers, LArRE, Direct HeatExchangers, Smart canisters, Printer Mods, Pickaxe, Signs, Airlock Anim.
  • Fixed some Heavy cable colliders not large enough.
  • Fixed Some Saves not loading, this could also present as an error joining the world on a dedicated server.
  • Fixed TraderSave data with Invalid Id was not getting handled correctly on load.
  • Fixed FireExtinguisher throw NullReference Exception when quitting game.
  • Changed larry arm animation method to be two separate up and down animations. This will make checks about arm state and playing audio much simpler.
  • Fixed material missing material on grenade
  • Fixed added random seed to explosions so that they don't all look identical
  • Fixed collector larry sounds not stopping when turning off the dock.
  • Removed 'IsOperating' and 'Animating' properties from larry docks as they are covered by the new ArmState variable.
  • Fixed newly build docks not having their arm state set correctly.
  • Removed 'Operating' and 'Engaged' properties from atmos larry as these will be handled by ArmState.
  • Changed larre dock ArmState be saved as an XmlEnum rather than a byte.
  • Changed Atmospherics LArRe Internal Volume to 500L and made its Vent speed the same as Active Vent.
  • Added Atmospherics LArRE can now dock with passive Vents
  • Removed Incorrect Deprecated tag on Atmosphere.PressureGassesAndLiquids.
  • Added colliders to larry arms to stop player clipping through them.
  • Tweaked hydoponics larry arm collider size.
    * Fixed incorrect model for welding torch
  • Fixed cables not burning when attacked with a welding torch
  • Fixed Collector arm working at infinite distance when outside.
  • Changed LArRE Atmospherics and Collector arms Mode switch to only light up when arm is in active position.
  • Added Achievement for failing walls
  • Fixed walls not taking damage properly based on the pressure delta. Note: previously the amount of damage taken once over pressure was essentially a static range. Being very over pressure will result in wall failure much quicker.
  • Added Hurry Up Achievement
  • Fixed missing material on 45 degree reinforced solar panels
  • Added Oops Achievement
  • Added Aimee Does Not Understand Achievement
  • Added 1.21 Gigawatts Achievement
  • Added Tidy Achievement
  • Added Zzzt Achievement
  • Added Take a Load off Achievement
  • Added Jetpack Critical Achievement
  • Added Muffin Man Achievement
  • Added Mark Watney Achievements
  • Added It's Gonna Blow Achievement
  • Added Power Overwhelming Achievement
  • Added My Next Form Achievement
  • Added Furnace Apprentice, Journeyman, Master Achievements
  • Made sure linear rail network creation on load was consistent with other network types.
  • Added BlastOff Achievement
  • Added Cleared To Land Achievement.
  • Fixed Trader Time remaining would sometimes not count down.
  • Fixed Trader Time remaining could go into negatives.
  • Added CheckAchievementYouStillOpen.
  • Added 'Good Morning' achievement.
  • Fixed clear all achievements command not clearing the cache.
  • Added That'll be 3.50 achievement.
  • Added Achievement Gotta Grow Fast.
  • Fixed hurry up achievement not working correctly for all airlocks
  • Fixed HydroponicsTrader Plant Sampler Buy.
  • Added 'Welcome Aboard' achievement.
  • Tweaked 'Welcome Aboard' achievement slightly.
  • Added Achievement Medic!
  • Moved IsBatchMode check into AchievementsEnabled property.
  • Changed jetpack critical achievement to only fire when jetpack is on.
  • Changed GottaGrowFast Achievement to trigger upon opening plant genetics panel.
  • Added new brutal and hydration Achievements
  • Added Handling for Achievements that need to be calculated on Server
  • Added 'Brutal Legend' achievement.
  • Tweaked 'Brutal Legend' achievement slightly
  • Added LArRE dock recipes to electronics printer.
  • Updated achievements with a standard "precheck"
  • Added IsBrutal flag to StartConditionData. Changed 'Brutal Legend' achievement to use this rather than string comparison.
  • Added High Quality H2O achievement.
  • Fixed Trader achievements can trigger on load or on join.
  • Fixed PowerOverWhelming Achievement Completes on unfinished battery.
  • Fixed Structure achievements completing on game join or load.
  • Fixed TakeALoadOff, PowerOverWhelming & Tidy Achievements not working on clients.
  • Fixed ThatllBe350 Achievement does not run on client.
  • Fixed Achievement ItsGonnaBLow would fire on pipes being destroyed by liquids or ice.
  • Fixed Achievement ItsGonnaBlow could fire on game load or join.
  • Fixed Incorrect bool check on BrutalLegend achievement (would exit early if if IsBrutal was true)
  • Fixed 1.12Gigiwatts Achievement not firing on Clients.
  • Fixed A Bit Windy Achievement not firing on Clients.
  • Fixed JetpackCritical Achievement not firing on Clients.
  • Fixed ZZZt Achievement not firing on clients.
  • Moved GameState.Running check into the precheck method for achievements.
This patch is largely focused on improvements and bug fixing. Specifically, we wanted to address community feedback with the tutorials, but we also used the opportunity to investigate some longer standing issues. Additionally, new art was ready, so we added a new visual variant of the computer.

Tutorial Updates
We've made a load of tweaks to the tutorials based on observing first time players. These changes mainly involved wording changes, making use of more paint colours to specifically reference objects, and adjusting the layouts of the tutorials to help lead the player to the right location. We'll continue to tweak the existing tutorials as well as adding new tutorials where needed.

Quick Stow
We've moved the functionality of double click, now called smart stow, to its own binding. The double click functionality was interfering with other input making it feel slow and laggy. Instead of double clicking with the mouse you can now right click to achieve the exact same behaviour, and instead of double tapping 'F' you can now press 'G'. The grab action has now been remapped to 'H'. Of course, these are the defaults and can be rebound.

Less Restrictive Construction

A long standing, and frustrating bug, has been the inconsistent placement of cables in half constructed walls. This issue meant that while you could place cables down, you'd have to remove the wall to pull the cable back up again. We performed a pass on all the wall build states so cables are entirely accessible through half constructed walls.

Wall Mounted Devices
Wall mounted devices require support, however at some point a restriction was put on the placement of these devices that meant that every grid, up to four if you were placing on a corner, needed to be present. While this was an intentional change at the time it has long been a pain point, and we've decided that any support will do. This means that you can now freely place these devices on the edge of walls or frames.

Mystery Gasses
A pretty big bug with atmospherics has now been resolved. Deconstructing frames would sometimes lead to a global atmosphere gas mixture being created in its place. The related issue also caused rooms sealed with terrain to have similar issues. This dangerous gas from outside entering into your base was often catastrophic and frustrating for players. Base construction on Europa, Vulcan, and Venus should now be much more straight forward and intuitive.

Retro Computer Variant
This is exactly the same as the existing computer, except with a more 70s cabinet style.

Upcoming LARrE Changes
You may have noticed a large number of changes in the patch notes that refer to LARrE. These changes will not take affect in this update but are a work in progress for the next patch.

Patch Artwork

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v0.2.5137.23331

  • Fixed some small errors with the tutorial text
  • Added being able to place wall mounted devices on the edges of support.
  • Fixed Unable to deconstruct some cable types when they were on a half constructed wall.
  • Fixed trader selling silver in place of nickel on Vulcan and Venus
  • Removed the dust storm from tutorial 2 world setting.
  • Changed the colour of the generator and apc in tutorial2 to green, changed the colour of the hydroponics trays to blue.
  • Changed position of hydroponics trays in tutorial2 to discourage accidently trying to connect the gas input of the portables connector to the trays.
  • Changed The entry point to the 2nd stage of tutorial 2 to highlight the generator and APC.
  • Changed moved all tutorial2 data into the Tutorial2 xml file.
  • Fixed Tutorial2 go outside step could fail to complete if you hadn't closed you helmet.
  • Removed the dust storm from tutorial 2 world setting.
  • Changed the colour of the generator and apc in tutorial2 to green, changed the colour of the hydroponics trays to blue.
  • Changed position of hydroponics trays in tutorial2 to discourage accidently trying to connect the gas input of the portables connector to the trays.
  • Changed The entry point to the 2nd stage of tutorial 2 to highlight the generator and APC.
  • Removed Double mouse-click action. We concluded that the input latency issues caused by waiting to evaluate whether a click was a single or double press was not worth the utility. It was contributing to an overall feeling of sluggish-ness when interacting with the UI which added an additional un-necessary pain-point to an already challenging Interface for players to engage with.
  • Converted arc furnace to use animation components rather than unity animator. Functionality should be unchanged.
  • Moved some models into their appropriate folders.
  • Added first pass on new larry dock kits and models with added build states.
  • Added build states to larry docks and added docks to their respective kits.
  • Made larry arms collide with each other if they are on the same rail.
  • Added debug DrawWireCube function for editor use only.
  • Fixed Deconstructing a fully build frame would sometimes spawn a Global-Atmosphere gas mix at the frame's location.
  • Updated larry dock blueprints.
  • Removed unnecessary function setting first person helmet layers. This is now handled elsewhere.
  • Fixed linear rail station nodes blocking the default tooltip info from showing up.
  • Changed larry arm method of animating into a bypass node.
  • Removed linear rail placement restrictions for inner corner pieces. Will address placement issues if and when they come up.
  • Removed DoubleClickDelay from settings window.
  • Fixed RMB turns on/off Tool when in MouseControl mode.
  • Added Smart Stow will select the stowed slot in the inventory window if that window is open.
  • Changed Right-Mouse-Button replaces double click slot action. Moves item into active hand, or runs smart stow when right-clicking on a hand slot.
  • Added Smart Stow Key-bind (Default to G). This replaces Double Press F (Previously not able to be rebound). It will move the object in your active hand into the best available slot in your inventory.
  • Fixed issue where deconstructing a StructureGasTank or a Furnace would not spawn the internal atmosphere in the world
  • Updated some colliders on linear rail and dock kits.
  • Added linear rail bypass dock kit.
  • Updated linear rail bypass dock blueprint and thumbnails.
  • Added ThingCountCondition.
  • Added Build a Platform with frames step as the 1st Helper-hint.
  • Removed DoubleClick Delay slider from settings.
  • Added first pass on hydroponics larry functionality
  • Updated the behaviour of the Cancel keymap to also restore UI visibility if it had been hidden
  • Fixed Deleting frames with authoring tool could spawn GlobalAtmosphere in some cases.
  • Updated prefab names, blueprints and thumbnails for new larry docks and kits.
  • Removed old blueprints and thumbnails for larry docks and kits.
  • Moved get cell below larry arm functionality to a function on base class.
  • Changed RMB will no longer run a drag from slot command. This is no only done with LMB.
  • Tweaked blueprint material to make visibility better
  • Updated hydroponics larry behaviour. Hydroponics larry will be able to harvest, plant and clear as well as take and insert into chute bins. It will not be able to drop things onto the ground. It has two slots which will behave like a stack so you can harvest seeds and plants in the same pass. It can also harvest while holding seeds/plants and will merge into an existing held stack.
  • Fixed Arc Furnace so that losing power or having the player press the activate button will deactivate it without a delay
  • Added new retro computer variant in the computer kit
  • Made a few tweaks to hydroponics larry logic to improve clarity.
  • Added first pass on larry cargo arm. Cargo larry can take from and insert into slots on a device using the slot index set on the dial or set through logic.
  • Changed the atmos analyser to use the players position instead of the tablet position when finding the world atmosphere as sometimes it was misleading when the tablet was in a different grid, or potentially a different room than the player.
  • Fixed SmartStow did not close Blueprint cursor.
  • Fixed Reinforced Wall does not block light on completed build-state.
  • Fixed exception being thrown by the arc furnace after it has finished smelting. Ensured that cancelation token was used when the smelting thing became null.
  • Fixed Extreme ShadowCasting mode was causing dynamic Items to not cast shadows.
  • Fixed a bug where the helper hints panel was preventing tooltips from displaying on other UI overlay panels
  • Updated thumbnails for pressure regulator
  • Fixed typo in the description of the LogicSlotTypeOccupantHash
  • Added Null check to ThingRenderer.SetLayer. Possible cause of Helmet desync issue on client.
  • Fixed Cursor iPhysicals were getting registered.
  • Added First pass on CollectorArm behaviour. Collector Arm will vacuum up items when activated or shoot out the collected items depending on its mode.
  • Replaced small info screens on hydro, cargo and bypass larry docks to use device part prefab.
  • Added small info screen device part prefab.
  • Fixed null entry in computer kit
  • Changed Collector arm auto deactivates when full or given a move command.
  • Added Sounds to Collector Arm.
  • Added Sounds to Atmos arm.
  • Changed Atmos Arm and Collector arm can have their target index set while Operating. The move action will not execute until operating is false.
Tutorials were disabled after the phase change update due to many base breaking changes. Like with any work we do on the game, we have to judge the amount of work required vs the fun the players will have. Stationeers is notoriously a hard game to learn, and new players over the last few months haven't had anything to help them get started. We decided to try a new approach to tutorials, with a low technical overhead, to see if using a new style of guidance could help players in the first few hours of Stationeers.

The old tutorials would take weeks of work from multiple people to create each one, and then a large amount of work to update them as the game changed. This process was enormously costly, even before taking into account maintaining them.

The new system, along with the new design approach, will allow us to create a new tutorial in a very short time. We've started with three tutorials and will be rolling out new ones as they are created.

Helper Hints

Our new system to help guide players is called "Helper Hints". These exist to offer subtle guidance for what can become medium to long term projects for players. Like Stationpedia's F1 quick access, helper hints can easily be expanded and hidden by pressing F2. They can be disabled completely from the settings menu for players who don't want the guidance at all. Also, individual hints are expandable and collapsible, to reduce their visual footprint on the screen. You can also dismiss incomplete hints, in addition to un-dismissing already completed ones if you want to read the information again.

We've authored a few chains of hints that lead to player to making the basics of survival. The first hour has slightly more hints to help point players towards the key kits and devices of the game. Once the player has been introduced to a device, we believe that they'll experience the pros and cons that come along with building it, and the game will naturally progress from there. These hints should be seen as way to point you towards the game content, and not an objective quest you must do.


These new tutorials are meant to teach high level concepts, while avoiding focusing on the details of individual machines. Stationeers has too many devices that are necessary to play, and its impractical to cover them all. More importantly, until a player has experienced a problem first hand, it's difficult to teach them about all the possible solutions.

The new tutorials focus on a few abstract concepts such as room construction, inventory/slots, connecting devices, and moving air. The helper hint system is utilized to give instructions to players, in a very non hand-holdy way. The tutorials are short, yet slightly free form to ensure players really understand what they must do. We've kept the number of steps in each tutorial fairly low, meaning that if you need to start over, you'll quickly get back to where you were. An experienced player can complete these in 30-60 seconds.

With these simple concepts introduced to the player we hope that during a normal play session the loadout of the lander, combined with the default helper hints, should prevent players from being stuck with no idea where to go.

Tutorial History

Stationeers went through several types of tutorials, with the first being hard coded. These were often buggy and hard to maintain because the writer had to consider everything the player might do to change the state of the world they were tracking. In stationeers, there are many different ways to accomplish the same objective. Multiple iterations of a single tutorial level with this approach took weeks of time.

The next approach to tutorials involved generic events spread across the whole game. These were also somewhat hard to maintain, and their distributed nature cluttered up the project. Large reworks, such as the multiplayer refactor, phase change, or the rocket update, all broke large sections of this approach.

Somewhat separately, the tutorials created during this time, were very polished, and pretty looking; they even came with embedded video clips. This level of polish took months of time to accomplish. Unfortunately, they failed to teach players what to expect while actually in the game. They also suffered from utilizing unrealistic bases, and designs that didn't represent normal gameplay. Your grandmother could follow the very detailed steps, and not get 'stuck', but then have no idea how to start the game once left alone on the moon with a lander.

With our newest approach, we've taken a step back, and let go of the players hand. The things we're trying to teach are far simpler than before. Bases are made from walls and frames, things need to be connected, air exists and can be moved, etc. As much as we would love to try and teach every little nuance of the UI, tips and tricks of some devices, or time saving shortcuts, new player that are initially overwhelmed just aren't ready to hear them. You have to be able to build a small base before you'll appreciate lessons about pressure regulators, or want to know the pros and cons of multidimensional solar tracking.

We'll be looking for feedback to ensure this approach of teaching works for Stationeers. Our current goal with the tutorials is to give new players a better expectation of how they might play. If the reception to this style is positive, this system also allows us to easily create more specific tutorials that cover intermediate and advanced concepts in the game, in a much straightforward and maintainable way than in the past.

- Mason 'Timberfox' Henrickson, Design Director

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v0.2.5116.23239

  • Changed 'in room' objective condition to 'in cell'. Will check when a dynamic thing is in a grid cell.
  • Fixed water purifier not showing up in the "Used in" section of the stationpedia entry for Charcoal
  • Removed head torch from tutorial start conditions
  • Fixed OxygenTank would some-times not spawn on brutal start in Venus. This was due to spawnDatas positionRule defaulting to None when none was specified. Changed to default to Random.
  • Fixed new one way pipe valves having incorrect smart rotate setup.
  • Added missing recipe for astroloy sheets to autolathe
  • Fixed digital flip flop splitter from having quantity increment indefinitely when output is blocked
  • Fixed one way pipe valves placement cursor was one grid too high
  • Fixed Couldn't harvest switchgrass when a hay item was in hand.
  • Fixed Some plant interactions didn't complete on clients (harvest action would fail when a plant of the same type was already in hand)
  • Changed Spawn menu will always be available when playing in editor.
  • Added Expand Attribute to WorldObjectiveData, when true objective will autoExpand when triggered.
  • Added WorldObjectives will now collapse on completion.
  • Added spawn points to tutorial data.
  • Added tutorial spawn point object. Set to not spawnable for now as should only be used in tutorials.
  • Re-enabled helper hints and tutorial menu button.
  • Changed ExportWorld command will now put the spawndatas in a separate file. The spawnDatas will be correctly formatted.
  • Added Serialization Code for SpawnData, ThingSpanDatas and children and ActionDatas and Children.
  • Changed Tutorial2Starts with 50% nutrition and 75% hydration
  • Fixed Eat and Drink HelperHint doesn't complete in Tutorial2.
  • Added SurvivalPropertyAction and SurvivalPropertyCondition.
  • Changed the linear rail inner corner piece to occupy a single small grid rather than 2x2x1
  • Added a button on the LArRE dock to set it as the 'starting dock' which will set its station index to zero. Stations to the left will have negative indices and stations to the right, positive.
  • Allowed multiple LArRE docks on the same rail.
  • Allowed LArRE to travel backwards from the dock.
  • Fixed some NREs when removing docks from a linear rail network
  • Fixed infinite loop when connecting linear rails in a loop. Rails can be built in loops but larry will treat them as having a set start and end index and won't be able to move directly from the end to the start and vice-versa. This may change in future but for now is more important to avoid any possible infinite loop behaviour.
  • Fixed Incorrect autoignition Temperature on one-way valves.
  • Fixed Pipes placed adjacent to frames will not always radiate and convect with the world Atmosphere.
  • Fixed Incorrectly Authored colliders on lockers.
  • Added tablet step of tutorial2 can now be completed by looking at a pipe with the tablet.
  • Added Expand tags to Tutorial2 objectives.
  • Fixed All steps show at start of tutorial 2.
  • Changed notice condition to use a LocalizedStringReference. Updated tutorial objectives for new notice condition format.
  • Fixed ore scanner cartridge (colour) so that the colours displayed on the tablet match up with the colour of the ores when viewed with SensorLenses with the OreScanner chip
  • Removed unused NoticeCondition.
  • Replaced notice conditions with list of LocalizedStringReferences on objective.
  • Updated Visual dressing of Tutorial 1.
  • Removed old tutorial files.
  • Changed Tutorials default to Normal difficulty.
  • Removed Storm from tutorial1.
  • Made a few tweaks to tutorial 1 wording
  • Changed Structures no longer report worldchange checks on when game state is Joining.
  • Updated Tutorial1 with WorldAtmosphere RoomIds.
  • Added WorldAtmosphereSpawnData now Serializes RoomId and assigns it on game start (this avoids costly room regeneration step that could block the game-thread for several seconds on scenario start)
  • Changed ExportWorld command only saves Room Atmospheres.
  • Fixed default StartIndex on Iron wall kit was 4 (defaulted to window instead of IronwallVar1)
  • Small changes to tutorial 1 layout from design review.
  • Tweaked tutorial 2's text slightly and hid a few details from the auto generated text.
  • Re-exported tutorial 2 to have the new formatting
  • Added Completion pop-up at the end of tutorial.
  • Added popup Action. Pop-ups can be triggered from any completed WorldObjective
  • Changed Tutorial 1 button image
  • Fixed a bug where one-way liquid pipe valves would deconstruct into a gas valve kit
  • Added Summaries to Tutorial 1 and 2
  • Updated Structure build state tooltips to display while holding Sheets as well as Tools
  • Re-enabled HelperHints in worldSettings.
  • Updated tutorial 2 text. Removed tablet step.
  • Added Delay to Tutorial complete popup.
  • Fixed the formatting of tooltips when trading where the item had child items as well
  • Updated helper hint dismiss 'x' icon to a simpler graphic
  • Added is powered condition check to door in tutorial 2
  • Added handling for inner corner pieces. Inner corner pieces will override their neighbour rails arm positions as they are overlapping.
  • Removed hard coded grid bounds for larry dock.
  • Replaced thing names with stationpedia links in tutorial text where relevant.
  • Set base power usage of power tools to be 5
  • Fixed clients could not set starting dock for a linear rail network with multiple docks.
  • Changed wreckage names to all just be "Wreckage" as some objects were producing incorrectly named wreckage pieces. Also cleaned up some pointless placeholder text descriptions for a number of Stationpedia entries
  • Added setting to toggle the display of the Helper Hints panel
  • Set inner and outer corner linear rails to spawnable.
  • Updated linear rail inner corner piece placement rules. Will now only be placeable next to straight pieces.
  • Made finishing the room step in tutorial 1 more forgiving on minimum room size.
  • Added another hydroponics tray to tutorial 2 to make the connect the trays step less confusing.
  • Extended Gas Condition to support pipe Networks.
  • Fixed child conditions not being applied correctly in some cases for ThingPrefabCondition and NetworkCondition.
  • Fixed WorldAtmosphereSpawnData was not applying serialized rooms if they were a vacuum.
  • Added Tutorial 3 for teaching basic atmospherics interaction.
  • Removed Find another tank step in tutorial3
  • Fixed Spelling error in Tutorial3
  • Updated button image for tutorial 3
  • Added missing image for tutorial 3
  • Minor changes to tutorial3 text
  • Changed Tutorial3 to start with full toolbelt.
  • Fixed some minor grammatical errors
  • Fixed issue with Tutorial3 where the tutorial HelperHints were showing "{Thing: ItemSuitHardBackpack}"
  • Removed Pressure Regulator step from tutorial3 and replaced with a valve.
  • Changed Some steps in Tutorial 3 and reworked some wording.
  • Fixed Short shadowdistance of wall lights
  • Tweaked tutorial 3 text slightly.
  • Fixed respawn prompt showing up for clients when falling asleep in a sleeper.
  • Changed the minimum charge value for a selling a battery to a trader from 100% to 99%
  • Added Time Attribute to Worldobjective. Objective will need to evaluate as true for the supplied time before it will be completed.
  • Added CursorThingCondition.
  • Further Text revisions to Tutorial3.
  • Fixed Several errors in tutorial3 text.
  • Made a few tweaks to tutorial 3 text
  • Moved tutorial 1 and 2 objective headings to english.xml
  • Changed HelperHints that are triggered by an objective complete condition will wait 1.5seconds before activating.
  • Added Sounds to HelperHints.
  • Fixed issue with traders where some food items could be sold at a quantity less than 100%
  • Changed Moved portables connector into the corner of room in tutorial3 to make connecting easier.
  • Fixed Incorrect Thumbnail colour on cursor for painted items when dragging from the world.
  • Added HelperHints that have no completion conditions will complete when dismissed.
  • Fixed Some HelperHints were not being triggered due to prefabHashes of trigger objects not being registered.
  • Fixed Some banding on Medium shadow quality setting.
  • Added Dismiss to Acknowledge Notices to WorldObjectives that have no completion condition.
  • Fixed Confusing text in Plants need darkness helper hint.
  • Fixed Duplicate text in Refill water bottle helper hint.
  • Fixed Cooked Baked Potato helper hint would trigger as soon as a potato was planted. Now triggers when potato is harvested.
  • Added ability for docks and bypass rails to shift arm off the main rail track.
  • Added first pass on new LArRE docks.
  • Reverted Changes from rev22741 and rev22742. The issue that this change was attempting to fix has been resolved at the serialization step instead of in the assignment UI.
  • Fixed Exterior Vent and door buttons would become greyed out upon assigning interior door/vent in airlock consoles.
  • Cleaned up larry dock code a bit and moved some linear rail shared behaviour into a base rail class.
  • Added linear rail bypass node. When an arm is on this node, calling activate on its dock will shift it off the main rail.
  • Moved larry dock and bypass rail into a base class for rail devices.
  • Fixed Alternate completion condition for GrowPlantsForOxygenAndFood hint was not hidden.
  • Fixed Unit error in PressureCondition Tooltip.
  • Fixed parsing error in WorldObjectiveCanistersInfo HelperHint.
  • Added AcknowledgeAndDismiss Notice to AdvancedMining HelperHint.
  • Fixed TierTwoMachinesPart2 HelperHint would not complete in certain cases.
  • Fixed Hid Stacker (Reversed) condition check in Stacker HelperHint tooltip.
  • Fixed Nested ConditionCollections would not display in HelperHints.
  • Fixed Missing pipe-meter regression in tutorial 3.
  • Fixed HelperHint sounds play when helper hints are disabled.
  • Improved Tutorial2EatFood text and tutorial2DragTank text for improved clarity.
  • Fixed Tutorial1 would not complete if the final room was larger than 18grids, can now be up to 21 grids.
  • Fixed Tutorial1PlaceDoorCondition could be completed by placing a door in the incorrect spot.
  • Added Addition Information to Tutorial1CompleteFrame Condition.
  • Added Can now place any type of iron wall to complete Tutorial1PlaceWall & TutorialCompleteWall Condition.
  • Fixed ObjectiveConditionCollection did not support NetworkConditions, TraderConditions, CursorThingCondition.
  • Fixed Sometimes new HelperHint sounds doesn't play.
  • Tweaked timings on time conditions for tutorial3
  • Changed name of Kit (Power Controller) to Kit (Area Power Controller)
  • Changed Standardised Tablet cartridge names i.e. AtmosAnalyser -> Cartridge (Atmos Analyser).
  • Changed Tutorial HelperHints will auto-dismiss on completion.
  • Fixed a bug where dropping ore into a mining pack wouldn't merge the ore even though stacks with sufficient space were available
  • Fixed first person helmet showing incorrectly when exiting a seat.
  • Added Auto Expand to the helper hints. By default all helper hints will expand but this can be turned off by unchecking the option on the helper hints panel
This hotfix adds the recipe for Astroloy sheets to the Autolathe, fixes some issues with plant interactions, and fixes the oxygen tank sometimes not spawning on Venus.

Changelog v0.2.4945.22690

  • Fixed Some plant interactions didn't complete on clients (harvest action would fail when a plant of the same type was already in hand)
  • Fixed Couldn't harvest switchgrass when a hay item was in hand.
  • Fixed one way pipe valves placement cursor was one grid too high
  • Fixed digital flip flop splitter from having quantity increment indefinitely when output is blocked
  • Added missing recipe for astroloy sheets to autolathe
  • Fixed new one way pipe valves having incorrect smart rotate setup.
  • Fixed OxygenTank would some-times not spawn on brutal start in Venus. This was due to spawnDatas positionRule defaulting to None when none was specified. Changed to default to Random.
  • Fixed water purifier not showing up in the "Used in" section of the Stationpedia entry for Charcoal
We have multiple smaller additions to the game this week, while we polish the larger upcoming work we've done on tutorials and additional LArRE mechanics.

Reinforced Walls

Joining the reinforced window, there is now a reinforced wall, and both now exist on the reinforced wall kit. To make them more practical in dangerous areas, such as rocket silos and furnace rooms, the pressure they can withstand has been increased significantly. The new reinforced wall can withstand a pressure of 10 MPa, and the reinforced window has been increased from 1 MPa to 8 MPa. The wall damage rate is not just a linear interpolation of the over pressure amount, but instead it is related to the percentage of over pressure. This means these walls should give you a fair amount of (literal) extra breathing room while your based explodes around it.

Window Shutter Wall

The new window shutters were designed in a way to act like a network, without using cables, so players could have clean looking windows. However, this came at the cost of not being able to effectively transmit the open/close data over long distances. We've added a new window shutter variant that now looks more like a wall, to allow shutter controllers to be located further away from the window shutters they control.

One Way Valve

The previous one way valve, while very useful, could not be turned off. This made the emptying or the maintenance of systems unnecessarily complex, with players often having to use regular valves before or after the one way valve. The old valve in existing saves will remain in place, until replaced by rebuilding.

LArRE Door

While new LArRE arms, and track pieces are still in development, we have created a sealable door that can be released now. He comfortably passes through it when open, allowing for the traversal of multiple environments via airlocks.

A New Name

Due to overwhelming feedback, coming in day and night, the device formerly known as "LARrE" will hence be written as "LArRE", short for (L)inear (Ar)ticulated (R)ail (E)ntity. This is still pronounced as "Larry".

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v0.2.5085.23101
Included in these changelogs are a large amount of changes related to a new helper hint system, Tutorials, and Larre improvements that are not yet finished or exposed in this build.

  • Added missing closing bracket on good food quality description
  • Removed unused material Depth.mat
  • Fixed publish save button not working.
  • Fixed a number of inconsistent render and shadow draw distances on structures and items.
  • Added Extreme Shadows setting with increases the overall draw distance of shadows.
  • Updated Shadows Quality setting to also effect shadow render distances. (previously shadows would pop in and out at low to medium distance). Now shadows will draw much further away for small items on the High and Extreme settings.
  • Added RenderDistance Setting. This allows for much further render distances if player's Hardware allows. The current render distance value is equal to the new "Low" Setting with Medium, High and Extreme settings allowing for increasingly further rendering of structures.
  • Added basic furnace (art asset)
  • Added kit for basic furnace (art asset)
  • Fixed bug where certain LARrE placements would cause it to not detect the object below it correctly
  • Fixed incorrect tooltip text when hovering over an occupied planter with a tool or non-plant stackable in hand.
  • Fixed Error when changing shadow settings and then exiting to main menu.
  • Fixed RefreshRate and and Anti-aliasing settings were not being applied on application launch.
  • Fixed LanderCapsule Door in main menu scene was being registered to the world in error causing the 4 grids at 0,0,0 to be blocked.
  • Fixed a bug where tooltips for status icons would remain visible after the icon was no longer displayed
  • Fixed CompositeWindowShutter glass blocks sun lense-flare effect.
  • Added reinforced wall (art asset)
  • Fixed Resolution dropdown was not updated when reverting to default settings on video settings page.
  • Fixed clients not being able to pick up loose ore by using a mining drill
  • Fixed mining belts not merging loose ore into matching stacks
  • Fixed a bug where pressing ESC with an open code editor that was paused would unintentionally close the window.
  • Fixed Chute Export bin throws errors when powered with no chute connected.
  • Refactored how LArRE's movement works to handle vertical cornering.
  • Added vertical corners to linear rail.
  • Added thumbnails for linear rail vertical corner pieces.
  • Renamed SlotId to SlotIndex
  • Added Constructors for generating a ThingSpawnData from an existing Thing in the world.
  • Added BuildStateAction and extended other actions to support structures.
  • Added ExportWorld Command args: Id(string),isTutorial(boolean).
  • Refactored behaviour from DynamicSpawnData into new abstract parent class ThingSpawnData and added StructureSpawnData to support spawning of structures on a new world creation.
  • Added Interim Commit of ExportWorld Tool. Currently exports the world to a NEW world setting in the local streamingAssets/Data folder. It will save Structures and dynamic things as spawnDatas that will be spawned on starting the world. This uses the startconditions data framework to serialize the world and is much more lossy than the existing save-game system. It only saves Data that is captured by the existing ActionData types in ThingSpawnData (i.e setting values on logic chips are not saved but open/closed, on/off states will be). Pending: Serialization world atmospheres and network atmospheres.
  • Fixed NRE's when loading old saves due to rev.23041
  • Refactored ActionData Evaluate function to take in a Generic Type of IEvaluable.
  • Added ExportWorld Tool now saves WorldAtmospheres, Network Atmospheres and InputSetting, OutputSetting and Setting values of devices.
  • Added LogicValueAction for setting a logic value via SpawnData.
  • Fixed a bug with Access Cards where certain access values weren't properly being sent over the network.
  • Fixed a bug on the phase change diagram where "Infinity" was displayed in the system language; It now uses the language chosen from the game settings.
  • Added new pieces for robot arm. (horizontal rail pieces and door) (art asset)
  • Fixed the OGRE activate button highlight box display size
  • Fixed missing slot hash on portables connector
  • Added (WIP) first two tutorial levels and their start conditions and helper hints.
  • Updated cable network condition to consider all connected devices rather than just devices connected by data.
  • Added NoticeCondition for helper hints to display info text as a separate bullet.
  • Added removed world objectives back to worldsettings.xml.
  • Re-enabled helper hints window in base scene.
  • Updated tutorial names in the tutorial menu.
  • Made a few tweaks to tutorial 1's structures and atmospheres
  • removed ItemKitSensor recipe from PipeBender.xml
  • Changed ItemKitSensor recipe in electronics.xml to take 10 seconds and cost 500 energy
  • Added reinforced wall to Kit (Reinforced Walls). This will have a max pressure delta of 10MPa.
  • Renamed reinforced Kit (Reinforced Windows) to Kit (Reinforced Walls).
  • Fixed Horizontal mining drill bouncing issue when at dock
  • Fixed Volumetric light setting not showing properly in the settings panel
  • Added window shutter connector. The shutter connector will allow the connecting of window shutters via a piece that functions more like a wall.
  • Updated some incorrect thumbnails for regular valves.
  • Replaced one way valves with new variant which has a lever.
  • Added broken reinforced wall. (art asset)
  • Added liquid one way valve (art asset)
  • Deleted water one way valve (art asset)
  • Added liquid one way valve (art asset)
  • Changed reinforced windows max pressure delta from 1MPa to 8MPa.
  • Updated one way liquid valve mesh and thumbnails.
  • Updated basic valve names in stationpedia to be more consistent with other devices.
  • Added broken build state for reinforced wall.
  • Fixed smart rotate not working on window shutter controller.
  • Added first pass on Linear Rail Door
  • Made a few tweaks to linear rail door. Added animations and ability to open with crowbar.
  • Updated reinforced wall kit to required astroloy instead of steel
  • Changed reinforced wall to require astroloy sheets for its final build state
  • Added broken state for Larre door (art asset)
  • Tweaked blocking grids for linear rail straight and corner pieces. Will now block only its own grid square.
  • Fixed Fridge button being the wrong colour when off
  • Added ability for helper hints to ignore pre-spawned things.
  • Added 'thing in room' condition check for helper hints.
  • Fixed scanner lenses effects saying active when you die. Moved entity OnStateChange into Human as it was only applicable to humans.

A New System

The Stationeers team often plans updates around polishing and iterating on features and systems that either need the most amount of work to be fun, or conversely, the most fun systems that can be expanded to have even more gameplay. Well, today is an example of us adding a cool new feature, that wasn't explicitly required, but fits the game well by allowing cool new structure system that can interact with other aspects of the game.

LARrE, the Linear Articulated Rail Entity is a track mounted robotic arm. The arm moves from its dock along placed tracks towards station track pieces, which are addressable by their index. When activated, it behaves just like a Harvie, picking up, or putting down an item, or for plants, harvesting fruit, or seeds, and clearing the crop if it's not harvest able. Other than planter trays, LARrE is currently only allowed to place items into import chute bins, and he can take items from the new export chute bins.

In the future we may add other robotic arms to this system. Things we've discussed include allowing arms to place canisters into refill stations, or use water bottle fillers, or arm variants that can activate buttons, or read logic from nearby devices. Also allowing an arm to read genetic plant data, use appliances like microwaves and giving LARrE a Harvie-like emotive face have also been discussed

Export Chute Bin

We've added a new chute bin, the Export Chute Bin, to allow items leaving chute networks to be slightly more controllable to players (and LARrE). In the process we've also renamed the existing Chute Bin to Chute Import Bin.

Workshop LARrE example

We've also uploaded a level to the workshop with a LARrE setup. It has an IC which demonstrates using the stack to pair plant tray device references with their station index.

Your support makes these updates possible

Included in these changelogs are a large amount of changes related to a new helper hint system that is not yet live in this build.

Change Log v0.2.5064.23017

  • Fixed possible null ref when saving SpawnActionData if the passed in player variable is null
  • Fixed bug where you could exit the lander before the door opens. Will not unlock just after the door pops off.
  • Updated burnt heavy cable model. Now, it looks more obviously burnt
  • Fixed plants being offset from their trays when far from origin. Also fixed plant sway speed being super fast when far from origin.
  • Fixed capsule's mesh overlapping problem between net and interior wall again.
  • Fixed lander capsule header in start conditions screen was showing up even if no lander is present such as in the asteroid map.
  • Fixed a bug on new world creation where some items would spawn with an incorrect custom name
  • Fixed spray gun lever animation speed was too slow
  • Fixed spawning items into slots with spawndata could cause errors if the slot location was unset.
  • Added Mods published via workshop menu will receive a default thumbnail if none is supplied (previously publish action would fail without providing any feedback as to cause of failure)
  • Added ProgressBar to Workshop publish action.
  • Fixed Jetpack keeps using gas when moving into a room when playing on a no-gravity world (Asteroids).
  • Refactored SpaceMapData and SpaceMapNodeData to inherit from DataCollection base class and Initialise in the same way.
  • Changed SpaceMaps are no longer required to be authored inside worldSettingData. They are now inside the base gamedata and worlds can subcribe to a spaceMap in a similar style to start conditions.
  • Added Prefab command (for running spawnPrefabs validation scripts).
  • Updated exceptions thrown by custom spawndata to identify when a prefab has an unsupported colour applied
  • Added WorldObjectives.xml containing draft WorldObjectivesData for building helper hints.
  • Fixed bug where you would respawn in a lander after dying and waiting for your body to decay
  • Refactored TradeCondition to Evaluate a Generic Type, renamed to ConditionData. ConditionData can now be extended to support WorldObjective Conditions.
  • Fixed Water Replenishment Trader buy would never evaluate as true.
  • Made clients not call WaitForDecay when a character dies.
  • Fixed decay timers being reset on load. Entities will now save their current decay time.
  • Made a few tweaks around bodies decaying. Now the first five human bodies will decay much slower. Subsequent bodies will decay at normal speed for performance reasons. If you take all the inventory items off a body, this will cause it to decay at normal speed.
  • Fixed DynamicSkeleton not calling base physics update which meant its positions for clients could be incorrect.
  • Fixed loaded control settings values not being reflected in the settings menu when restarting
  • Fixed flare gun not having the correct thumbnail when painted
  • Fixed LogicDial behaviour to fit with the behaviour of other dials in the game
  • Added InteractableCondition and ThingPrefabCondition classes.
  • Added Classes for WorldObjective and WorldObjectiveCollection with hooks for evaluation and added to gameData
  • Added Interactable Lookup to Thing (Keyed by InteractableType).
  • Added WorldObjectiveCollections to WorldSettingData.
  • Moved Data Condition child classes into their own files.
  • Fixed world objectives not initializing their conditions and triggers
  • Added BuildStateCondition.cs
  • Added ReagentCondition.cs
  • Added first pass on evaluating objective conditions. Actual evaluation call is commented out for now.
  • Added LogicCondition for WorldObjectives.
  • Added Profiler tags for HerlperHints evaluate Loop and added Lazy evaluate function for AB testing.
  • Added Tooltip method to WorldObjective.cs
  • Added saving and loading functionality for world objectives
  • Added PartialPressure option to GasCondition.
  • Fixed WorldObjectiveState Not having correct data pointer when created.
  • Added Data for Stations, Concepts and Trading Trees to WorldObjectives.xml
  • Added Room Atmosphere caching job. Each room now caches a read-only copy of its aggregate atmosphere data.
  • Updated GasCondition to handle PartialPressure and evaluate Rooms.
  • Added Room Condition
  • Added PressureCondition
  • Moved SEPERATOR constant to base class ConditionData.cs.
  • Added prototype improved harvie system. Is not currently included in the world manager and is subject to change.
  • Added ObjectiveCompleteCondition.
  • Cleaned up serialization logic for WorldObjectiveStates inline with project standards and implemented syncing to clients.
  • Refactored WorldObjectiveState to be Ireferencable.
  • Added PlantRecordCondition and PlantStatusCondition
  • Added PlayerCondition, GrowthStateCondition and TemperatureComparableCondition.
  • Added generic EnumReference class.
  • Hooked up triggered and completed variables on objective state - objectives should now appear and complete correctly
  • Fixed thing list being passed to world objective evaluation was sometimes incorrect
  • Cleaned up WorldObjectiveState collections initialisation.
  • Moved a number of classes out of ConditionData.cs into their own files.
  • Fixed ViewModel game for Helperhints not populated when loading
  • Fixed GasConditions not working for Rooms
  • Added AsString() overloads to GameString that take in a Stringbuilder.
  • Added background to helper hints panel. Made panel resize as you clear off items so as not to block other in-world raycasts.
  • Tweaked prototype harvie mesh
  • Enabled HelperHints on clients.
  • Fixed HelperHints will Initialize correctly on legacy saves.
  • Updated objectives panel background sprite
  • Fixed room objective sub-conditions not being appended to the hint text
  • Tweaked objectives layout slightly
  • Added more natural sounding text for the most common interactable conditions on the objectives panel.
  • Changed completed objectives have only their title crossed out rather than the entire text block.
  • Added ThingPrefabCondition can now be declared as a child of NetworkCondition (i.e check if these things exist together on a network of type)
  • Added MachineTier Attribute to BuildStateCondition.
  • Added NetworkCondition, SizeCondition and TraderContactCondition.
  • Adding Trading WorldObjective Tree to Mars WorldSetting.
  • Added hidden attribute to areaPowercontoller reversed Condition in BuildAndPowerAutolathe Objective.
  • Wording changed to OnOff interactable condition hints.
  • Added ConditionData and conditionDataCollections with the Hidden Attribute will not show in the helperHints.
  • Fixed room conditions evaluating false when the condition room type is unset but the room has a set type. Previously unset room type conditions would default to 'none'. Now they will default to 'undefined'. Undefined means the condition will accept any room type. Default means the room must be a default room.
  • Added an 'undefined' room type and renamed 'none' to 'default'. (These were not being used in many place and are not saved anywhere so felt it was safe to do so).
  • Split first build autolathe objective into a power objective and an autolathe objective.
  • Added if a ConditionCollection only has one visible child element the condition compare header will not show.
  • Changed Power world objective to require building of solid-fuel generator.
  • Fixed StartConditions using HardCoded GameString references. Modders will be able to localise any Names and Descriptions in start conditions by adding <Record> elements to the <Interface> Element in the language xml.
  • Added WorldObjective strings to localisation
  • Added WorldObjectives now have an optional info element that will show when the item is expanded.
  • Added some additional info fields to some helper hints.
  • Fixed Centrifuge hint not getting triggered.
  • Fixed Helper-hints with no completion objectives would get crossed off immediately.
  • Added Support for stationpedia links in Localised Info text of helper hints.
  • Enabled HelperHints on Moon.
  • Added expand and collapse button to helper hints panel
  • Added helper hints panel into base scene
  • Improved wording of room size condition.
  • Added Concepts HelperHits Tree.
  • Added CustomNameCondition.
  • Changed Helper hints text tweaks for better legibility.
  • Added CablesBurn and smelt Ice helper hints.
  • Fixed Clients dismissing HelperHints would not propagate back to server.
  • Moved EvaluateObjectives into ServerTick
  • Changed BuildState Condition Tooltip text from "Must be completed" to "Must be fully constructed"
  • Tweaked helper hint panel position and toggle button to be similar to the stationpedia button on the top left
  • Added a new keybind for toggling helper hints (F2). The toggle ui default keybind will now be keypad * instead of F2. Renamed the toggle ui keybind to 'toggle ui visibility' to avoid conflicts from saved keybinds.
  • Updated helper hints button icon
  • Fixed Keep offline plyers alive objective would not complete if you placed left or right variant of sleeper.
  • Added separate entries in HelperhintsManager._IEvaluablesByType lookup for each network type (previously grouped all structure networks together which meant the Network conditions were slow to evaluate.
  • Optimised HelperHints Evaluation loop, adding separate collections for trigger objects and condition objects, reducing the total number of objects evaluated in each step.
  • Fixed prototype harvey not animating correctly for clients
  • Added HelperHints Command for helper hints debugging
  • Fixed Rockets that had their Target position set via logic during the final frames of the Landing animation step would explode.
  • Added dismiss all and show dismissed buttons to helper hints panel (wip)
  • Hooked up helper hint button logic and renamed the 'dismiss all' button to 'dismiss completed'
  • Added Altitude Logic Value to Rocket Avionics.
  • Changed dial control back to initial version
  • Changed HelperHints now only build string and apply to TMP instance when Dirty.
  • Added Labeller can now set Mode and Setting Values on Logic dial.
  • Changed ISettable to take in any logicType (It will default to Setting).
  • Removed mode from rail harvey. Will now perform actions contextually. Allowed rail harvey to apply fertilizer and clear plants.
  • Fixed incorrect name for capsule door wreckage
  • Updated rail harvey's dock mesh to remove mode switch. Added basic corner rail piece.
  • Added some unique HelperHints for Vulcan.
  • Fixed PressureCondition not working correctly when value was set to zero.
  • Fixed Pressure, Mole and Gas Conditions not always working with rooms.
  • Fixed PressureCondition Unit error in tooltip.
  • Fixed insulated canister storage could not be put inside a CardboardBox.
  • Changed Disposable carboard packages now insulate their items.
  • Changed Portable Generator fuel canister now spawns inside an insulated canister storage.
  • Added PortableAC Package to Survival supplies starting crate.
  • Tweaked rail harvey movement to allow the use of non-junction straight pieces
  • Made rail harvey arm rotate in the direction of its current rail
  • Updated chute export bin to animate when importing an object
  • Added chute export bin to the standard chute kit
  • Added thumbnails for rail harvey components.
  • Committed scene worldmanager changes as the scene was out of sync with the prefab
  • Set rail harvey kit to not spawnable and updated its paintable material
  • Set rail harvey components to spawnable
  • Tweaked rail harvey rotation around corners to avoid clipping when close to walls or frames
  • Fixed Incorrect tooltip in mining charge.
  • Minor changes to Autoland tooltip in Rocket UI to improve legibility. Changed name of "Optimal" Land Altitude to "Low".
  • Updated rail harvey name and description in english.xml
  • Added Sheets and cable coils now show on your screen when in the active hand (like tools).
  • Fixed LARrE dock placement cursor being inaccurate.
  • Added end cap to left side of LARrE dock to make it more clear you can't connect rails to that end.
  • Renamed Chute Bin to Chute Import Bin
  • Added Robot Arm rails now allow pipes and cables to be placed in the same grid if the open ends of both items are in different grids (in the same way that pipes and cables are able to be in the same grid)
  • Fixed some objects not being set as paintable if they spawn disabled.
  • Made LARrE drop held items on the ground if you activate while holding something but find no device built underneath.
  • Split LARrE components into a specific LARrE kit and a more general Linear Rail kit.
  • Added recipes for LARrE to electronics printer.
  • Updated meshes and thumbnails for linear rail kit and LARrE kit.
  • Updated max stack sizes for linear rail and LARrE kits.
  • Fixed Robot arm could add and remove items from closed bins
  • Changed ChuteExportBin will now close unless there is something in its bin slot.
  • Fixed KitLinearRail had 150sec build time, changed to 5sec.
  • Added Placeholder sounds to robot arm animation.
  • Added Plant,Clear and Harvest sounds to robot arm.
  • Fixed Many SmallGrid objects not blocking rails (due to incorrect SmallGridCollisionType).
  • Added RobotArm animation sound.
  • Fixed LARrE sounds not turning off when error-ed or switched off.
  • Fixed Broken gas canisters did not mix with the environment
  • Fixed Destroyed gas canisters didn't have their broken state serialized.
  • Changed reduced volume and radius of robot arm sound
  • Fixed error when trying to set diode slide scale to nan
  • Fixed Harvest sound playing when trying to harvest plant that isn't fully grown.
  • Fixed could not add fertiliser to hydroponics tray.
  • Fixed a number of issues with sounds not playing (or playing in the wrong location) when planting, clearing and harvesting plants.
  • Removed some unused depth cutouts on a few devices
  • Updated main menu scene to include landing capsule and remove rovers
Starting Gear Selection

Continuing off the work of the last few patches that have updated the basic survival and starting aspects of Stationeers, we've created a new flow to world creation, where you get to select and see what starting conditions your new world will have. We see this as a distinctly different choice over the general difficulty, that largely influences the first dozen hours of your gameplay.

This new screen not only lets you choose, but also shows the gear in a straight forward and not overwhelming manner. Hovering over the lander crates will show you all nested information as a tool tip, but for more complex containers, you can expand them to better investigate their contents.

Mod-ability and steam workshop support was a focus from the start. Any workshop starting conditions subscribed to will automatically appear in the selection window. This applies to any difficulty mods too. The intent of this is for these 'simple' mods to be more safe and straightforward for people to enable, disable, and use, when compared against more complex mods which can often require much more fiddling.

We've also finally got the player starting gear and respawns moved into this system, which has allowed us to have the player enter their world in a more physical way. The standard starts now place the player inside a falling landing capsule, which comes with its own emergency supplies per player. This allows multiplayer servers to scale better with more players, as they by default, bring some of their own water and food.

You can read more about some of our previous game start changes here:

Brutal Starts

While we want to leave a lot of the different playstyle choices up to players and modders, we felt that a really minimalist "brutal start" play style made sense for us to offer to all players. Brutal Starting conditions embrace all the problem solving that Stationeers's gameplay creates. They represent you crash landing on a planet, with next to no gear. These starts give virtually no guidance, nor extra building components, and players pick the priority of every little aspect of getting their first base up and running.

Composite Window Shutters

The previous window shutter acted more like a door than a window, was impractical to easily add to a base, and had perpendicular data connections that made any form of automation a very ugly.

The new window shutter places like a wall, so it can be built on top of existing windows. Instead of having to wire each window shutter, a new window shutter controller panel can be placed and wired, to act as a single point of control for an array of shutters. The controller logic will jump between adjacent shutter, and set them to the same state of the controller whenever open/closed is changed.

Patch Artwork

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v0.2.5025.22811

  • Tweaked lander capsule triggers for popping off the door.
  • Updated several IExitable prefabs to ensure their camera points were correctly set. Chairs will no longer update every physics tick.
  • Fixed players spawning in slots could sometimes have an incorrectly offset camera. Have moved logic which handles camera position out of every IExitable and instead put it in Entity.
  • Tentative fix for dropped dynamic things flying off in random directions.
  • Fixed laptop blueprint was incorrectly rotated.
  • Fixed Issue with liquid evaporation where a liquid could rise above its maximum liquid temperature but would not evaporate. Now liquids that are heated above their maximum liquid temperature will boil off quickly.
  • Changed PortableAC. Now requires coolant to be supplied via a liquid canister. In cooling mode the AC will move heat from the world to the coolant canister, Efficiency will decrease if the canister is hotter than the operating environment. In heating mode the AC will move heat from the coolant Canister to the world. If the coolant freezes or their is no coolant, the AC will use its built in electric heater instead. If the coolant canister pressure rises above 4Mpa the excess gas will be moved into the AC's internal atmosphere. Opening the AC using the lever will dump the internal waste gas into the world. If the Ac is connected to a portables connector the waste gas will mix into the connected pipe network.
  • Fixed a bug where the IC code editor window would still receive certain keyboard inputs when helper window search fields had focus
  • Updated help key to allow opening stationpedia while editing IC code
  • Fixed MoveToWorld setting local players root transform rotation. For the local player this should be zero and the rotation will be set on another child transform driven by the camera.
  • Fixed ProcessUpdateTransform method was calling move to world for the local player. This should only be affecting other players as the local player will handle this themself.
  • Fixed look direction can be incorrect when your character exits slots.
  • Fixed clients not correctly exiting slots when other players pull them out.
  • Disallowed the use of the words "backup", "saves" and "autosave" in save file names. Using these words in saves can cause various issues when loading the save file list. Previous saves will be unaffected.
  • Fixed furnace import bin being active while the furnace isn't fully built
  • Updated the behaviour of Rocket AutoLand - toggling it off will now shut off all engines and reset the throttle to max
  • Updated Rocket IC housing to use less power - it now uses 5w instead of 50
  • Updated the behaviour of AutoShutoff in the Rocket UI to leave any IC housing powered on
  • Fixed objects having the wrong rotation when being precision placed
  • Made lander capsules always be sent to clients at the top of the NewToSend list as they must exist before players so players can be inserted into them.
  • Added handling of saving and loading of delayed spawn actions such as popping off the lander capsule door.
  • Added first pass on lander capsule which players will spawn in the first time they join a world. After spawning in, the door will auto pop off but can also be manually popped off if needed.
  • Added Start Condition Wrapper Data class for selected start conditions on new game. Valid Start conditions for the world are defined on worldsettings.xml.
  • Added Brutal Start condition. A single crate with the bare minimum needed for survival.
  • Added 1st pass of start condition selection screen.
  • Added WIP Start condition UI for showing contents of start condition.
  • Updated start screen crate contents tooltips to show reduced contents depth
  • Added Passive vent can be upgraded to insulated passive vent with Adhesive Insulation.
  • Fixed KeyBinds being able to change the FOV of the camera in the menu
  • Added internal storage slots for lander capsule
  • Tweaked slots on lander capsule
  • Added WindTurbine to Europa Brutal Start conditions.
  • Disabled raycast target on several components of ui prefabs which were causing spam of ui hover sounds
  • Fixed WorldManager Changes not applied in scene.
  • Removed Window Shutter from Stationpedia.
  • Added Composite WindowShutterController and Composite Window Shutter to Kit (CompositeWindowShutter) and removed the old window shutter.
  • Renamed Kit (Window Shutter) to Kit (Composite Window Shutter).
  • Added Composite Window Shutter Controller. This is a wall like piece that has logic and power connections. It is able to control the open/close function of all connected window shutter pieces.
  • Added Composite Window Shutter. These are a networked set of Windows with shutters. The shutter can be open and closed manually and a group of connected windows can have their shutters closed via a Window Shutter Controller.
  • Recreated the world info prefab
  • Made start conditions list items a little smaller
  • Added a water bottle box and cereal bar box to the slots in the lander capsule.
  • Changed Max Temperature of Portable AC to 50degreesC from 30degreesC.
  • Changed Kit (Window Shutter) recipe to 2 Steel 1 Solder.
  • Added optional WorldInject Element to StartConditionData. This Allows Modders to specify which Worlds they want their start condition to be available on. i.e <WorldInject Operator="Any"> <World Id="Mars"/> <World Id="Moon"/> </WorldInject>
  • Changed Replaced SolarPower Packsge with Gas Power Package in Mimas Brutal Start.
  • Added Portables and Crate Slot type.
  • Fixed Crates and Canisters could span in the wrong slots on Lander.
  • Changed All SpawnDatas are now located in StartConditionData.
  • Fixed GasTanks on Lander not showing on startCondition Menu panel.S
  • Added Radial spawn rule option for spawnDatas. Allows important start items to spawn in a more controlled manner.
  • Fixed A new batch of atmospherics Workers were being created on each world load. Potential cause of Atmos thread lag after multiple save/loads.
  • Added scroll box to start conditions info box
  • Added movement or jumping to get you out of a seat
  • Added light to inside of lander capsule
  • Changed Prevented un-assignment of External Vent on AirLock when Internal vent is assigned. The order of the airlocks assigned devices determines the assignment on deserializing and the first vent in the list is assigned as the external vent. Reassigning the external vent when an internal vent is assigned puts the list in a non-deterministic order when cause the vents to get swapped on reload.
  • Changed Applied Change from rev22741 to standard Airlocks also.
  • Changed lander capsule door back to draggable thing and made it deconstructable with the angle grinder
  • First pass of entry vfx
  • Added an entry animation to the lander capsule
  • Fixed Terrain Generation Lag when loading into a save. In some cases this could cause the game simulation thread to lag out for a number of seconds. This terrain generation work has now been moved earlier into the terrain loading sequence which will result in slightly longer load times.
  • Fixed Large objects travelling fast in the space level would overwhelm the terrain generation system and cause the simulation thread to lag out permanently.
  • Updated serialization for lander capsules
  • Removed delayed open interaction from the lander capsules spawn conditions as it will now be done in the ControlledDescent method
  • Made sure lander door pops off after its controlled descent and also when the world is loaded mid descent
  • Commented out code for missing EntryEffects class - to be added back in once this goes in.
  • Fixed missing entry effects script
  • Fixed No StartCondition available for Asteroids world. If a world setting has no start conditions listed then the default setting will be added.
  • Added new graphics for starting condition buttons
  • Changed WindowShutterController open variable cannot be written to when device is unpowered.
  • Fixed Player could interact with disabled panel on window shutter controller when device was turned off.
  • Changed WindowShutterController now ignores multiple Open interactable calls of the same value.
  • Added distinct button background images to the starting condition selection screen
  • Made lander capsule descent target height closer to the ground
  • Added wip thruster effects to lander capsule
  • Changed Lander will no longer drift away if bumped when in zero gravity worlds (asteroids world).
  • Fixed fall-back spaceMap was missing names for all its locations.
  • Fixed lander effects not being disabled correctly when loading a game
  • Made lander capsule terminate its descent if it hits something to stop it going through structures
  • Fixed first Simulation Tick after loading into the game having a larger DeltaTime and affecting the LightStress of plants
  • Changed Plant Life tick now runs after the atmospherics calculation on the gameTick. The first life tick of a plant would not see the correct lit state as the lit state had yet to be calculated.
  • Fixed Compilation error from rev22766.
  • Updated the Game Name text field to now be on the final screen
  • Updated new game menu texts
  • Fixed plant serialization not including PlantStatusTypes
  • Fixed canister slot visible in insulated canister storage.
  • Fixed Unpack button for insulated cannister package not available.
  • Added StartCondition for Asteroids World. Includes Ingots Crate, Rocket Crate, Liquid Oxygen tank and Liquid Volatiles Tank.
  • Fixed lander capsule position being way too high on load if saving while still descending.
  • Changed lander capsule to use Mode to track its state instead of an IsDescending bool.
  • Fixed Asteroid belt start had an over-pressurised LiquidVolatiles Tank.
  • Changed Vulcan and Venus Brutal Start to include a tank of oxygen and a 12L canister of water.
  • Locked lander capsule when it is descending to stop players jumping out or opening the door too early
  • Added Ambience and door release sounds to lander capsule.
  • Fixed decent unitask not being cancelled correctly when terminating the descent.
  • Fixed door open events being fired multiple times when landing.
  • Fixed lander door getting stuck when loading a game.
  • Updated lander thruster material to make the transparency behaviour more consistent
  • Fixed can't deconstruct lander capsule. Moved lander proximity trigger to 'ignore raycast' layer. Will now no longer block deconstruction.
  • Fixed Camera shake on Lander Capsule was incorrectly implemented, it was shaking the capsule, I have changed it to use the existing camera-shake effect on the camera controller.
  • Fixed lander capsule door could be stuck closed on load.
  • Fixed a Clients could get stuck in lander capsule on load.
  • Added LanderCapsule now spawns with a breathable internal atmosphere.
  • Added Vent depress effect to capsule on landing.
  • Polish pass on Lander capsule event timings.
  • Added Audio to Lander Capsule Landing sequence.
  • Changed First Game save now runs after the player exits the LanderCapsule.
  • Changed Increased force of lander capsule door ejection.
  • Changed increased range of lander capsule thruster audio.
  • Changed Decoupled LanderCapsuleFX from Landing simulation loop (that only ran on server).
  • Fixed Camera Shake not working on clients.
  • Fixed Thruster FX not turning off on LanderCapsule on clients.
  • Fixed compile error caused by Accidental commit in rev22789
  • Fixed Slot Rotations for lander capsule storage slots.
  • Added WaterBottleBag and CerealBarBag. These spawn in the starting lander and contain starting food and water for each player.
  • Fixed players not being moved to lander capsules correctly on dedicated server. Removed wait for inventorymanager when executing move player as it is no longer needed and will wait forever on dedicated server.
  • Fixed bug where loading a saved game with plants would cause the plants to accumulate excessive amounts of light stress
  • Fixed WorldManager SourcePrefabs not updated in scene.
  • Changed Impact sound of capsule door.
  • Fixed Door Collider of lander capsule interactable on clients after landing.
  • Updated start screen list to expand container contents when clicked
  • Added data references to default spawn and respawn conditions for starting conditions that were implicitly using the default settings. Going forwards StartConditions will need to explicitly define their player spawn and respawn kits.
  • Fixed start conditions list tooltips flickering and sometimes not showing up correctly
  • Removed MiningSupplies package from Asteroids Survival Crate.
  • Added 2x Oxygen tank and 1x Nitrogen tank to Asteroids StartCondition.
  • Tweaked lander capsule slot positions slightly as bags were clipping with their holders
  • Optimised Concurrency behaviour when registering a new sound that subscribes to a StopFarthest type concurrency.
  • Added Open/Close Sounds to Window shutters.
  • Fixed Incorrect thumbnail for lander capsule.
  • Updated start conditions screen to make landers and player capsules distinct elements
This hotfix includes Several fixes for starting gear, items exiting boxes correctly, plant and recipe configurations, and more.

Changlog v0.2.4945.22690

  • Fixed The final item removed from a disposable packaging object would not have its interactions enabled due to the script mono-behaviour being disabled.
  • Fixed bug with the plant life requirements for SeedBag_Cocoa and SeedBag_SugarCane not matching the life requirements of ItemSugarCane and ItemCocoaTree
  • Fixed cooking requirements for cooked rice and cooked soybeans so that the recipe requirements match for both the automated oven and the microwave
  • Fixed a bug where portable atmospherics would produce infinite free nitrogen when deconstructed
  • Fixed water bottle pack had the incorrect blueprint
  • Changed hydroponics supplies crates on vulcan and venus were to mkII crates
  • Removed s on water bottle box (art asset)
  • Removed s on water bottle box
  • Fixed wrong material for build states of security printer and tool manufactory
  • Fixed bdse and other related ic commands using the incorrect instruction format from rmap
  • Fixed Explosions do not mine terrain on dedicated server.