DCS World Steam Edition News & Announcements
Dynamic Campaign
Development Progress

The DCS Dynamic Campaign (DCSDC) has been a massive undertaking, but we are making steady progress in both the strategic and tactical elements. Here is an outline of our development tasks.

Work continues to configure ground AI forces command and control. There are three main systems: The border and frontline system, navigation based on terrain and surface-type, and a multi-level formation system. These are combined into one code for the final fine-tuning of ground combat. The decision-making system for ground force objectives is being tested and refined as a function of force size, unit locations, and the general objectives of the coalitions.

To improve ground forces movement calculations, a mechanism was created for the DCSDC engine that optimally analyses routes between points, whilst taking into consideration roads, terrain, and potential travel speeds across different types of surfaces. A navigation mesh editor is also being developed to allow campaign creators to modify old terrains to suit their needs. We believe these components can be applied not only within Dynamic Campaigns, but also for non-dynamic DCS missions and campaigns.

Testing of the integrated air force ‘command and control’ of DCSDC into DCS continues This includes both the creation and functioning of the missions and optimization of different mission task flight profiles. Looking ahead, there will be tests made for all components of the strategic AI troop control and player participation.

Testing of Dynamic Campaigns has resulted in a new tracking system that allows a detailed accounting of actions and behaviours. This is critical to the debugging process of such a complex task. The current DCS track file system has also been expanded with the ability to store RTS layer information. The resulting systems will allow you to review campaign events and provide a DCSDC active save system. This active save system will allow you to resume saved games and rewind time to replay an unsuccessful episode of a campaign.

Screenshot Competition
Capture the action!

All winners will receive a feature to showcase their winning screenshots to the community. To reward your artistic and piloting prowess, we have some prizes lined up:

- 1st Place: $100 in ED Miles
- 2nd Place: $50 in ED Miles
- 3rd Place: $25 in ED Miles

Participants must use an official copy of DCS and any relevant modules for the screenshot they submit. The competition is open to all. Please register here.

How to participate:
To register, simply reply to this forum post with your DCS username and include your screenshot.

Screenshot Requirements:
- Resolution: Screenshot must be in high resolution (minimum 1920x1080). File format should be JPEG or PNG. Maximum file size is 9 (nine) Megabytes.
- Content: Only in-sim content. No external software or post-processing enhancements.
- Originality: Must be your own work and not previously published or submitted in other contests.

Uploading Instructions:
- Reply to the DCS Screenshot Competition 2024 forum post and attach your screenshot.
- Include your DCS username in the reply.

- Your entry must be submitted by the 23rd of August, 2024 at 15:00 GMT.

Judging Criteria:
- Visual Appeal: Clarity, composition, and impact.
- Creativity: Originality and story.
- Relevance: How well it represents DCS.

Terms and Conditions:
- DCS may use your screenshots in promotional materials.
- Selection will be done by hand in-house.
- You require a DCS forum account to participate.
- You will be contacted via the forum to claim prizes.
- Stay tuned for the winners announcement.

Peacekeeper Lebanon
UH-1H Campaign by Flying Cyking

The UH-1H Peacekeeper Lebanon campaign immerses players in a series of challenging missions set against the backdrop of Lebanon. Developed by Flying Cyking, this campaign features a compelling narrative, detailed mission planning, and diverse objectives that will test your piloting skills and tactical acumen. From troop insertions and extractions to close air support and reconnaissance, each mission is designed to provide a realistic and engaging experience. This campaign is a must-have for all UH-1H enthusiasts, and is planned for the next DCS update!

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
DCS World

  • Launcher. The launcher requires only Latin characters in the path - fixed.
  • VR. Oculus Controllers. Fixed controller connection.
  • VR. Pimax. Fixed Quad View FOV bug.
  • MP. Issues with special characters in pilot name - fixed.
  • Disabling F11 Free camera in DCS options leads to black screen for tactical commander slot in Multiplayer - fixed.
  • Events. Landing and Takeoff events not registering - fixed.
  • Some textures on Afghanistan terrain are not displayed in the trial version - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. WW2 aircraft AI will not engage in combat in some cases - fixed.
  • Voice Chat full radio not working in dynamic slots - fixed.
  • Input. Partial fix for lag based on high poll rate mouse movement.
  • MP. Server crash when player controlling ground vehicle disconnects - fixed.
  • Effects. Signal flares affect adjustments for FLIR.
  • Spotting Dots - In the previous update, we adjusted this behaviour that many of you noticed. This is still very much WIP and being adjusted. We welcome your feedback and will be monitoring it.
  • Flaming Cliffs 3. User account authorization issues have been resolved. Please contact support if you are still experiencing these issues.

Known Issues:

  • DCS crashes when using new VR Meta (beta) v68 drivers with OpenXR Toolkit.
  • Trial versions of products don't show in the Launcher.
  • Helicopter cargo operations in MP (rope bug) issues.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Crash during rearming F-16C in some cases.

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: AG target diamond wrong location on HUD + jittering.
  • Fixed: Cannot exit AACQ (or Bump AACQ) in bumped mode.
  • Fixed: Possibility of crash when using TGP and laser.

DCS: A-10C Operation Agile Spear Campaign by Combat King Simulations

  • Operation Agile Spear was updated to version 2.3

  • All Missions. Top down review and many bugs squashed big and small. Many thanks to Pyrocumulous! His help was instrumental.
  • All missions. Radio frequencies better coordinated for all aircraft in the strike package
  • All missions. Updated Datalink connections for all like aircraft
  • All missions. Changed all displayed messages to Clearview
  • All missions. Updated to the new F10 menu system which adds new options for the player to manage their simulation's environment. Thanks Gareth Magnall
  • All missions. Wingmen (Pig-2, 3 & 4) changed over to a seperate group for more tasking flexibility. Thanks B.D.
  • All missions. Added the option of a Practice Sortie to each mission. This will allow the mission pilot to exit the primary mission, fly a practice sortie with the same loadout as the primary mission, and then reenter the primary mission. The mission pilot can fly and practice any technique/profile, rearm and refuel as desired, and then re-enter the primary mission when ready.
  • All missions now have the ability to accelerate time (fast forward between waypoints) without missing any mission critical inputs or messages. Thanks Sedlo.
  • All missions, datacards use different font/colors for easier reading
  • All missions. End of mission music added

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Updated all missions to fix fuses issues from update.

DCS: F-16C First in Weasels Over Syria Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Updated all missions to incorporate new AI SAM behaviour.
DCS 2.9.6
Update and CH-47F Status

The comprehensive DCS update introduced significant new content and changes across the platform. Based on the feedback and bug reports, we have been able to identify some key issues that we are working diligently to resolve in a hot fix and before launching the DCS: CH-47F. This includes, but is not limited to issues that some of you may have encountered with the new Launcher, multiplayer dynamic spawn, VR quad view support, controllers, and the module manager. Stay tuned for more news coming soon.

In the meantime, please make sure to check out the Introduction and Cold Start video by Matt Wagner. To best understand what the DCS: CH-47F early access release will entail, and to get you started on learning this aircraft, we have released a draft of the DCS: CH-47F Early Access Manual. Enjoy!

Development Progress

AGM-12 Bullpup
The Bullpup was one of the first mass-produced, guided air-to-surface missiles and entered service before the Vietnam war. It was a Manual Command Line of Sight, or MCLOS missile, which meant that the guidance was provided by the pilot through manual steering inputs.

DCS currently features three variants of the Bullpup, the AGM-12A, the original 1958 variant for the Navy with a 250 lbs warhead and an Aerojet Mk 8 solid motor (initially designated ASM-N-7), AGM-12B, the 1960 improvement with a Thiokol LR58 liquid rocket motor (USN ASM-N-7a and USAF GAM-83A designations), and a 1964 derivative with a much larger warhead and an LR62 liquid rocket motor: the AGM-12C. 3D models were provided by Heatblur Simulations.

All variants of the AGM-12 featured a canard, cruciform aerodynamic configuration and a bang-bang steering system stabilised through a 500°/s roll rate. In addition to the engine nozzle, the rear of the missile included a pair of tracking flares that burned with an increasing intensity over time. To improve the controllability of the missile, the bang-bang canard steering was modulated. Effectively the canards deflected in short pulses, whose length and frequency depended on both the angle of deflection and the rate and duration the stick was moved. A basic form of auto-trim was also used.

One major limitation of the system was a tendency for the control axis to roll left because the roll rate increased during the deceleration to the transonic region. This was caused by delays in the control system. This was compensated for by adding a fixed offset to the roll gyro reading that did not depend on the actual roll rate. All these effects on the control system are fully modelled in DCS.

Rockwell Homing Bomb System
After the AGM-62 Walleye was introduced by the US Navy in 1967, the USAF awarded a contract for their own TV-guided bomb system to Rockwell. This resulted in a series of conversion kits for dumb bombs, dubbed HOBOS, or the Homing Bomb System. These kits consisted of an electro-optical nose seeker section, an aft control section, and a set of strakes running along the body of the bomb. The seeker and guidance used were similar to those on the AGM-62 and AGM-65, and it required the pilot and WSO to align the aircraft with the target using the seeker video feed and lock onto target contrast before release, proving to be difficult in practice.

Different daytime electro-optical and infrared seeker kits were developed for different types of bombs, of which only the KMU-353A/B kit for the Mk-84 low drag bomb saw extensive combat use. This configuration, designated GBU-8/B by the USAF, was used from 1969 onward, and is featured in DCS. The 3D model is provided by Heatblur Simulations.

Despite the low effectiveness of the HOBOS, Rockwell was again contracted to continue their guided-bomb development in 1974. The result was a modular system that Rockwell referred to as Modular Guided Weapon System or MGWS. This resulted in the GBU-15(V)/B family of guided-bombs, also known as the Electro-optically Guided Glide Bombs, or EOGB.

Initially, two variants were developed: The GBU-15(V)1/B with a daylight seeker and the GBU-15(V)2/B with the same IR seeker as the one used for the AGM-65D. The configuration was similar to its predecessor, the GBU-8/B, with the Mk-84 also serving as a basis of this weapon. However it had a significantly larger set of “wings”, a more sophisticated guidance system, and an ability to communicate with the supporting launch aircraft through the AN/AXQ-14 datalink.

These new features significantly expanded the envelope of the weapon at low altitudes compared to the GBU-8/B, and it allowed for employment without a line of sight to a target at the time of release. The weapon followed a 3-stage guidance logic: After a separation manoeuvre, the weapon entered midcourse mode where it would follow a lofted trajectory along the release course. After the WSO spotted and identified the target, they would point the seeker at it and switch the weapon to transition mode. It would then turn to target heading and manoeuvre to keep the seeker at a constant look-down angle, allowing the WSO to adjust the impact angle. Finally, the WSO would select terminal guidance mode in which the bomb would either be automatically guided into impact if locked on, or flown into the target manually.

The GBU-15 is in development.

Summer Sale
Last chance to save

As you may already know, we extended the DCS Summer Sale 2024 on our E-Shop in order to apologise for the delay of DCS 2.9.6. Please enjoy the 50% savings across almost our entire range of modules. Shop now!

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
DCS 2.9.6
Available now!

The latest version of DCS contains an impressive range of new products and features, enhancements, and fixes. A notable addition is the DCS: Afghanistan map! Also included are the new Launcher, the Air Boss deck for DCS: Supercarrier, Flaming Cliffs 2024, and three new campaigns.

Flaming Cliffs 2024
Flaming Cliffs 2024 is designed for new virtual and veteran players looking to expand their collection. In addition to the existing Flaming Cliffs 3 aircraft. F-15C, A-10A, Su-27, J-11, Su-33, Su-25, MiG-29, and MiG-29S, FC2024 now includes three new aircraft: F-5E, F-86F, and the MiG-15bis. It can be purchased as a full product for $59,99 or as an upgrade for Flaming Cliffs 3 owners for only $9,99. This special launch price will be available for the upcoming month, thereafter the upgrade price will increase to $14,99. If you haven’t already seen it, check out the launch trailer!


New Campaigns
DCS: F-16C The Gamblers Campaign by Baltic Dragon
DCS: UH-1H Worlds Apart Stormfront Campaign by Low Level Heaven
DCS: AH-64D The Four Horsemen Campaign by Fight’s On Simulations

DCS Key Updates

  • The DCS Launcher allows players to configure and manage DCS before DCS start up as well as during the DCS runtime.
  • In addition, we have completed a new multiplayer interface which greatly improves respawn functionality by providing dynamic spawn points along with the ability to select spawn locations directly from the mission map. These dynamic respawn slots have been added to allow more flexible mission join management.
  • SAM units are smarter now, and based on their skill level, can turn off their radars and reposition if they detect an incoming anti-radiation missile.
  • Several new ground units have been added such as the MRAP, M1A2 SEP3 and MaxPro.

AI and System Enhancements
AI systems now include more realistic target detection based on alert status and ability to scan area.
Combat landing options for helicopters have been added.
Various bug fixes and enhancements across the DCS Core and many modules.
The T72B3 tank and others are now available for you to control.
The update includes better AI ground unit pathfinding and engagement behaviours.

Graphics and Mission Editor
Graphics have been improved with detailed terrain rendering and new material for fields and towns. Various fixes and enhancements have been made to the mission editor, map interactions, and static object handling.

Weapons Updates
Several weapons, including the AIM-7E/E2 and AIM-9X, have received performance tweaks and bug fixes. Improvements have also been made to other missiles, rockets, and bombs. The WWII Assets Pack has also seen updates to the Wurzburg radar.

2.9.6 is a huge update that includes a long list of fixes and enhancements to DCS: F/A-18C, DCS: F-16C Viper, DCS: F-14 Tomcat, DCS: F-4E, DCS: AJS-37 Viggen, DCS: AH-64D, DCS: Mi-24P Hind and DCS: UH-1H Huey. For a full list of all the latest updates, please read the changelog.

Southwest Afghanistan
Available in the latest DCS version

Afghanistan, often called the “crossroads of Asia” is a landlocked country located at the intersections of Central and South Asia. It shares borders with Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China.

Historical Significance
In the 19th century, Afghanistan became a buffer state in “The Great Game” between the British Empire and Tsarist Russia, both of whom sought control over Central Asia.

Later, the Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989) highlighted the strategic importance of Afghanistan in the Cold War geopolitics. The rugged terrain also played a pivotal role in the resistance mounted by Mujahideen fighters against the Soviet forces.

Post September 2001, Afghanistan became a central theatre in the Global War on Terrorism, leading to a prolonged conflict involving the United States and NATO forces, who aimed at dismantling terrorist groups whilst stabilising the region.

Operational Challenges
Operating in DCS: Afghanistan presents unique challenges due to geography, climate and socio-political dynamics. The combination of high altitude environments and limited infrastructure requires adaptive strategies from foreign military forces and highlights the importance of local knowledge and alliances.

Key features

  • 14 airfields including: Bost, Camp Bastion, Chaghcharan, Dwyer, Farah, Herat, Kandahar, Maymana, Zahiraddin, Faryabi, Qala i Naw, Shindand, Tirinkot, Zaranj
  • Improved clipmap technology
  • Improved Field and town materials

The Afghanistan map is highly detailed with fields, cities, towns and thousands of smaller settlements. We implemented a new method of collecting, processing, importing and exporting data are being OSM type data, as well as determining surface types from satellite images, which are processed, optimised and vectored for subsequent implementation into the terrain module.


You can purchase only the DCS: Southwest Afghanistan region offering you a 471’381 km2 area and 12 highly detailed airfields or the full region 1’449’216 km2 terrain which will be offering 28 highly detailed airfields, check out DCS: Afghanistan.


F-16C The Gamblers
Campaign by Baltic Dragon

The Gamblers campaign was developed by Baltic Dragon and John ‘Rain’ Waters, a former Viper Demo Team pilot, member of the 77th Fighter Squadron, and host of the Afterburn Podcast. In 13 varied missions, you will relive some of the sorties that Rain and his squadron flew during their deployment to Syria, as well as some of the other most iconic moments of the allied involvement within the theatre, including the Battle of Raqqa in 2017, the US TLAM strike against the Shayrat Airbase, and the standoff between US forces and the notorious Wagner group, which is now known as the Battle of Khasham. This campaign also introduces a new, more immersive way of interacting with the environment using the HOTAS. DCS: F-16C The Gamblers Campaign by Batic Dragon.


We hope that this vast DCS 2.9.6 update is to your satisfaction. Please rest assured knowing that we are carefully monitoring the initial feedback of the DCS: Afghanistan, as well as the brand new Flaming Cliffs 2024. We look forward to your comments.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
Introduced a new terrain module: DCS: Afghanistan Map by Eagle Dynamics
Introduced a new terrain module: DCS: Southwest Afghanistan Map by Eagle Dynamics

Presenting Flaming Cliffs 2024 that contains:
Eight existing Flaming Cliffs 3 aircraft:
Three new Flaming Cliffs aircraft:
F-86F FC
MiG-15bis FC

New campaigns:
DCS: F-16C The Gamblers Campaign by Baltic Dragon

DCS: UH-1H Worlds Apart Stormfront Campaign by Low-Level-Heaven Mission Development

DCS: AH-64D The Four Horsemen Campaign by Fight's On Simulations

DCS World

  • New Launcher that allows you to configure and manage DCS prior to starting the program.
  • New Multiplayer “Select Role” interface added to enhance respawn functionality with additional information and the ability to see exact respawn locations on the map and interact with them. Note that spawn locations icons are aggregated based on the map zoom level. A “Server” tab has been added in the briefing images panel in the Mission Editor. This allows you to add an image as a header to the first screen that the connected player sees before joining a coalition. We will monitor feedback for future adjustments and additional features.
  • New Dynamic Respawn slots system has been added that allows mission designers to set up airfields serving any aircraft respawn its associated warehouse without the need of specific placement in the editor. Airfields with active dynamic spawns are specifically marked on the map with a hexagon icon. Parking spots are assigned automatically on a respawn request. We are coordinating with MOOSE, MIST and CTLD developers for supporting these new spawn methods in their scripts (Thank you Pikey, funkyfranky, Grimes, and Ciribob). Additionally, a specific dynamic spawns template system was added to customise dynamic slots properties and restrictions. Detailed description here
  • AI Ground. Added the ability for SAM to evade ARM (enabled by default, but can be disabled in Set Options - Evasion of ARM). Units that detect the missile will turn off their radar(s) and displace. Units that cannot move quickly will simply turn off their radar(s). The higher the skill level, the higher the likelihood that the air defence unit will react to the incoming ARM
  • AI. Performance-demanding logic of target detection and line of sight checks have been moved to a parallel thread. This gives more headroom for the performance, especially on AI-populated dedicated servers with large scale battles. This applies to ground, sea and airborne AI units.
  • AI Ground. Added a new air targets detection system for ground AI.
  • Updated 3D model of M1A2 Abrams.
  • Added M1A2C SEP v3 Abrams unit model.
  • Added MRAP MaxxPro unit model.
  • MBT T72B3 is available for the player control
  • AI Aircraft. Added a new “Combat Landing” option for AI helicopters. This allows for much faster approaches and landing in combat conditions. It also controls the heading to take when taking off again.
  • AI Aircraft. Helicopter terrain collision checks needed for low-altitude flight have been moved to parallel thread.
  • AI Aircraft. AI aircraft set to RTB on bingo with no airbase in their flight plan would endlessly orbit at their last waypoint. The AI is able to find a divert airbase and land.
  • AI Aircraft. AI helicopters will now correctly fly their route after an embarking task.
  • AI Aircraft. AI would sometimes orbit the aircraft carrier after takeoff, endlessly, in some circumstances - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Changed old ED's F-4E AI 3D model to new one by HB.
  • AI Aircraft. Crash AI Helicopter during ATGM attack - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Fixed some issues with helicopter cargo transportation.
  • AI Aircraft. Possible helicopter collisions during disembarking task - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Helicopter wingman can't land during the task Land in some cases - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Plane stops gaining speed during takeoff after refuelling - fixed.
  • AI Ground. Crash during infantry disembarking from helicopter - fixed.
  • AI Ground. CTD when a unit reaches a point with a script in a task - fixed.
  • AI Ground. Infantry with RPG units perform only one shot at helicopters - fixed.
  • AI Ground. JTAC not working with some callsigns - fixed.
  • AI Ground. Artillery “Shoot and Scoot” option added. Currently, it is linked to the “Fire at Point” task in ME. After completing the fire task, the artillery group will immediately relocate within a given radius to avoid enemy counter-battery fire.
  • AI Ground. S-60 AAA engaging missiles - fixed.
  • AI Ground. Incorrect “Ural-375” name changed to “Ural-4320”.
  • AI Ground. Added a feature that allows units requiring longer deployment times (e.g., (SA-11) “Buk”) to be positioned in a combat-ready state if placed in the editor without route points.
  • AI Ships. Possible ATC crash during takeoff from ship - fixed.
  • AI Ships. Submarines do not follow the assigned route - fixed.
  • F10 map. Threat and detection rings of ground units are always visible on the F10 map and cannot be toggled off - fixed.
  • Input. Modifier prevents execution of “Command Menu Next/Preivous/Select/Return” inputs - fixed.
  • Graphic. Shadows on the surface have artefacts when SSS is enabled - fixed.
  • Graphic Effects. Ship wakes moving in reverse have been adjusted.
  • Graphic Effects. Dynamic weather causes water to “follow” client aircraft in multiplayer - fixed.
  • GUI. Options. Graphic Presets. Fixed GUI Error when selecting preset in some cases.
  • IR Render. Added IR signature of ship wake effects.
  • ME. Fixed error when click button Clear in resource payload window.
  • ME. Fixed GUI Error when click button Fill Col in resource payload window.
  • ME. Fixed GUI Error when clicking on a supplier group in some cases.
  • ME. GUI Error if you double-click on the trigger zone window - fixed.
  • ME. Incorrect placement of panels after moving units in some cases - fixed.
  • ME. Map twitches when a unit is selected - fixed.
  • ME. Open/Save mission panel size increased.
  • ME. Switching waypoints through prev and next buttons changes the altitude - fixed.
  • ME. Added a warning, when appropriate, about placing a unit on a sloped surface. A notification will appear on a red background indicating the current value and affordable limit (in parentheses).
  • Mission Planner lets users move static objects - fixed.
  • Mission Planner shows threat and detection rings of hidden units - fixed.
  • MP. Clients can see only their own routes and can't see routes assigned by another client - fixed.
  • MP. DS. Command line options no longer conflict with dcs_start_options.lua settings.
  • MP. Copilot of a multi crew helicopter sees a sling load jumping around - fixed.
  • Rearm Panel. Fixed weapon settings not being applied after rearming using a loadout preset.
  • Static objects. Added handling hit and kill events for static objects
  • Terrain Engine:
  • Improved clipmap technology: more detailed rendering of terrain ground textures.
  • NEW: field and town material for a more realistic experience.
  • Weapons. Added S-5KP and S-5M rockets with corresponding loadout options.
  • Weapons. AGM-45 after launch falls into the water - fixed.
  • Weapons. AIM-7E/E2 mass decreased.
  • Weapons. AIM-9X lift/drag ratio tweak.
  • Weapons. Corrected delay-fuzed bombs’ deceleration in buildings and ships.
  • Weapons. Corrected thrust and drag values for S-8 rocket family.
  • Weapons. Delay-fuzed weapons wedged within ships will now move with them.
  • Weapons. Fixed appearance mismatch between owner and network observers
  • Weapons. Fixed erratic behaviour of parachute illumination flares.
  • Weapons. Fixed mass inconsistencies for several rocket launchers and racks: LAU-68D/A, LAU-131, B-8M1, LAU-3, LAU-10, TER-9A, UB-32A.
  • Weapons. Fixed MIM-104 oscillations just after launch. Missiles switched to PN guidance.
  • Weapons. LS-6 autopilot settings fixed new range tables.
  • Weapons. Mk 20/CBU-99 inaccuracy and premature airburst when equipped with FMU-140 - fixed.
  • Weapons. R-24 missiles. Corrected motor plume position.
  • Weapons. R-24 missiles. Ejector launcher changed to a rail.
  • Weapons. Rocket motors' smokiness now depends on ambient air temperature. Introduced three basic types of contrail (smoky, reduced smoke, minimum smoke) with different temperature-related properties.
  • Weapons. RPG-16 rockets speed is too high - fixed.
  • Weapons. S-75 (SA-2). Added delay of control after launch. Controlled flight begins 2.5 seconds after the booster is separated.
  • Weapons. SM missiles. Adjusted SM family lift/drag ratio.
  • Weapon settings panel. Added descriptions for fuzes.
  • Weapon settings panel. Corrected AGM-45 seeker descriptions.
  • Weapon settings panel. Removed M904 and M905 from fuze options for PGMs.
  • WWII Assets Pack. Wurzburg radar angles fixed

For the full changelog please click here.
Dear Fighter Pilots, Partners and Friends,

The next DCS update, version 2.9.6, has been delayed and is currently in heavy testing and bug fixing. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. It is very important for us to release updates with as few issues as possible and this extra time is genuinely required to deliver a quality product.

Our initial aim was to release this massive update on 26 June 2024 and the announcement was made in our 29 March 2024 Newsletter and 19 April 2024 Newsletter.

Despite the short timeframe for such a large release, we were confident we could do it based on past development experience. Indeed, we reached our internal goal and completed the roadmap that we set for ourselves and even added additional functionality to both the DCS: CH-47F and the DCS: Afghanistan map. However, some unforeseen events prevented us from meeting the schedule and we would like to share with you what caused the current delay.

As you may know, we generally release one new aircraft module or map per DCS update, rarely more. In general, it takes about a month between releases to prepare for the next one. Starting in May, we released products twice a month: DCS: Kola, DCS: F-4E Phantom II, and the DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior. These were planned to be topped with DCS: Afghanistan, DCS: CH-47F, and Flaming Cliffs 2024 with each product having their own specific features requiring careful integration into DCS. This is on top of the new Air Boss station for DCS: Supercarrier, many new module features and bug fixes, as well as substantial improvements to the DCS core. We overestimated our capacity to meet the challenge we had set upon ourselves but we are hopeful that you will understand our decision.

Here is the event timeline for the delayed DCS 2.9.6 update:

We announced the delay in the 21 June 2024 Newsletter. The decision to postpone the release was made based on 19 critical issues (stoppers) related to the DCS Core, Supercarrier, CH-47F, F-16C, F/A-18C, and F-4E. Normally, we have 5-8 stoppers a week prior to a release.

By 26 June 2024 the list of stoppers had increased to 25 related to the above products, in addition to DCS: AJS-37 Viggen, DCS: F-5E Tiger II, Flaming Cliffs 2024, and the new Launcher. By Tuesday, 2 July, a tremendous job had been accomplished by the team and most of the issues were resolved. Nevertheless, the decision was made that the DCS: CH-47F should have additional time for content preparation and more detailed testing.

Everything was moving smoothly when a new set of issues reared their heads. These were subsequently resolved on 3 July 2024 and we were poised to deliver the update together with the full list of fixes, improvements, and new products. However, by the morning of 4 July 2024 our QA team reported new stoppers related to AI aircraft in addition to a broken campaign and so the decision to further delay had to be made.

We know that this is a very eagerly awaited update and that it will provide a lot of new and great stuff for you, including a fix to the DCS: F-15E Strike Eagle radar. However, in good conscience we simply could not let it go out as is.

A new date will soon be announced on our Discord and other social media channels once we have very high confidence in it. We would like to thank you and the Community, our third party developers and especially Heatblur for their cooperation, rapid feedback, and updates on their aircraft.

The whole team at Eagle Dynamics apologise for the inconvenience and undertake to do their very best.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
Summer Sale
Massive Savings

The DCS Summer Sale 2024 is your chance to save big across nearly our entire range of aircraft, terrains campaigns and important add-ons. Hurry! The sale lasts until the 14th of July, 2024 at 15:00 GMT on our E-Shop where you will find huge savings across all our most popular products. Also, the DCS World Steam Edition sale is now open until the 11th of July, 2024 at 17:00 GMT.

Ground Units
Improved AI Behaviour

One of the most commonly requested improvements to DCS has been the behavior of ground Artificial Intelligence (AI) units. In this newsletter, we’d like to bring you up-to-date on these ongoing efforts.

We are currently reworking the target detection of ground units. Here is how it works now: The AI detects a target as soon as it enters the “kill zone” and the target is immediately designated for attack, if the target is within range. In the new version, the range and time after which the target is detected will depend on the crew's level of training, the unit's state (GREEN or RED STATE) and the sights with which the unit is equipped (magnification and field of view).

Let's consider an example:

  • An aircraft approaches a BMP-2. The BMP is in a GREEN state and the crew are visually searching the surroundings). An "average" crew will detect the aircraft at a distance of 2.0-3.5 km, while an "excellent" crew will detect the aircraft at 4-5 km. As you can see, the values "float" because the AI has a probability of detection depending on the range.
  • In another situation, the BMP-2 crew is in RED state with hatches closed and observation only conducted through the commander and gunner sights. Consequently, it will be more challenging for the crew to see the enemy. Additionally, the target may not be in the sights' field of view (for example, the aircraft approaches from a high altitude).

Let's consider another case where we are dive bombing a target convoy from 4000m. Within the convoy are 10 units that include a tank, infantry fighting vehicles, and a SAM. As seen in the screenshot, five units (SAM and 4 IFVs) managed to react to our attack, but only the SAM managed to attack.

Thus, the upcoming change should address this issue of non-air defense ground units being too capable of engaging aircraft. However, as mentioned earlier, this is just our first step and we will continue to refine the ground AI especially pertaining to line of sight such as trees and obstacles, meteorological conditions, target parameters such as airspeed and maneuvering, and manual aiming compared to sensor-aided aiming. We will also add more varied firing methods such as barrage fire versus directed fire, which is particularly relevant for manually aimed guns. Please stay tuned as we keep you updated on our progress of Ground AI.

UH-1H Worlds Apart Stormfront
Campaign by Low-Level-Heaven Mission Development

Introducing the STORMFRONT campaign for the DCS: UH-1H, the latest story-driven campaign set in the SPRING of 2025. As a continuation of the WORLDS APART series, you step into the boots of a German UH-1H helicopter pilot of the renowned German Army "WOLF PACK" Squadron (Heeresflieger). This campaign offers a rich narrative experience with 12 missions, three of which are split into A and B segments, totaling 16 missions. Each mission builds upon the previous, delivering a seamless and evolving storyline with multiple tasks per mission.

STORMFRONT is designed to challenge even the most seasoned pilots, yet it provides extensive support for beginners, ensuring a rewarding journey for all. With countless language outputs and a comprehensive 77-page manual detailing every mission, STORMFRONT immerses you deeply into its demanding yet exhilarating world. Prepare to experience the intensity and intricacy of modern helicopter operations in this meticulously crafted campaign coming in the next DCS Update.

We truly hope you are taking advantage of the important savings in the Summer Sale and that the development progress on the Ground Units AI is to your satisfaction. Please hang in there as we are working on one of the largest updates in the history of DCS, coming to you with impressive new features such as Supercarrier Air Boss station, Flaming Cliffs 2024, DCS: Afghanistan, DCS: CH-47F and so much more! Don’t forget this is also your last chance to benefit from the 30% pre-order discount for both DCS: Afghanistan and DCS: CH-47F.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
Sweet Summer Savings
Up to 50% off almost all modules

Don’t miss the DCS Summer Sale that started yesterday June 20, 2024 and will run until July 14, 2024 on our e-shop, and from June 27, 2024, to July 11, 2024 on Steam. This is your chance to expand your DCS collection with significant discounts on aircraft, helicopters, terrains, and campaigns.

Whether you're looking to master a new module or add a fresh landscape to your missions, our Summer Sale offers the perfect opportunity to do so at unbeatable prices. Don’t miss out on these incredible deals! Shop now!

Development Progress

We are preparing to launch the DCS: CH-47F into Early Access, along with the new DCS: Afghanistan map. Much of the remaining work focuses on the cargo carrying functions, damage model, flight control systems, and avionics. We are also working on the countermeasure systems and door gunners. Furthermore, we are pleased to introduce new pilot models that will enhance the visual authenticity of the cockpit experience.

Based on the results from recent internal and external testing, we have decided to move the launch date to the 3rd of July, 2024. This is your last opportunity to take advantage of the DCS: CH-47F -30% pre order discount that stays valid until launch! Consequently, we have decided to move the whole of our upcoming major update to the same date. So hurry and get your hands on DCS: Afghanistan also with the -30% pre order discount before time runs out.

Early Access Launch Features

  • Highly detailed external and internal modelling, including cockpit and cargo hold.
  • Ability to load and unload cargo from the internal bay based on weight and volume.
  • Single-point sling loading.
  • Unmatched helicopter flight dynamics that only DCS can provide.
  • Basic trim system and AI helper.
  • Fully interactive, VR-ready cockpit.
  • Highly detailed pilots and animations.
  • Two 6DOF highly detailed cockpits and external model.
  • Fully clickable cockpits with mouse interactive control.
  • AI-side gunners equipped with M60D machine guns.
  • High-level Multi-Function Displays (MFD) and sub-pages with ability to build flight plans in flight.
  • Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) and pilot controlled Countermeasures Dispenser System with chaff and flares.
  • Integrated ARC-186 radio with Voice Chat.
  • U.S. Army Paint Schemes.
  • Early Access Manual.

After Early Access Launch Features

  • DAFCS trim system and force trim.
  • Multi-crew. A second crew member can be another player or the AI.
  • Flight engineer functionality on different stations.
  • Gunner on the ramp.
  • Different machinegun models for side and ramp gunners.
  • Night Vision Goggles.
  • Heads Up Display System.
  • Missile Warning System (MWS).
  • Completed MFD pages.
  • Multi-point sling loading.
  • Engine fire extinguishers and EAPS system.
  • Extended range fuel system (ERFS II).
  • Autopilot Hold Modes.
  • More Paint Schemes.
  • Training Missions.
  • Additional Missions.
  • Full manual.

AH-64D The Four Horsemen
Campaign by Fight's On Simulations

Introducing The Four Horsemen Campaign that chronicles the daring adventures of UGLY Flight, a part of 664 Squadron AAC during Operation SHADER. This campaign set on the Syria map features 12 thrilling and immersive missions, each offering a variety of tasks and timelines. Missions are based on real events, reflecting the actual operations conducted by the task force and include both hot and cold starts depending on the task.

The Four Horsemen Campaign offers a meticulously detailed scenario with extensive briefing documents and kneeboards that are available both in-game and as PDFs. The campaign is fully voice-acted by a diverse cast that features over 2,500 lines of dialogue and more than 1,500 triggers to ensure realistic operations and events. Dive into this intense and immersive experience that has been crafted to reflect the true challenges faced by an attack helicopter crew in combat.

Please do take advantage of the fantastic Summer Sale opportunities to add something special to your hangar. We are thrilled to share the progress of the upcoming DCS: CH-47F. Stay tuned for the next update!

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
Flaming Cliffs 2024
Planned Launch Date

Flaming Cliffs (FC) 2024 will expand the series with the inclusion of three new aircraft: the FC: F-5E, FC: F-86F, and FC: MiG-15bis. These aircraft are designed to be less complex and easier-to-learn, making them ideal for players who prefer a more straightforward flight simulation experience. The new models come with DCS Professional Flight Models that ensure a high level of realism.

The F-5E is equally capable of air combat and unguided-ground strikes. Its arsenal includes infrared-guided ‘Sidewinder’ missiles and two cannons for close-in air combat. It is also equipped with a radar that can detect targets beyond visual range. For ground attack, the F-5E carries a large array of unguided bombs and rockets.

The F-86F is a legendary fighter of the Korean War era. It is a very capable dogfighter armed with 50 calibre machine guns and early infrared-guided air-to-air missiles. In skillful hands, it was more than a match against other aircraft of the era and a fierce rival to the MiG-15. The F-86F can also be armed with unguided bombs and rockets for ground attack.

The MiG-15bis was a revolutionary fighter when introduced during the Korean War and outmatched anything in the skies until the arrival of the F-86. It was a small and light fighter but very rugged and tough. Loved by all its pilots it is an outstanding dogfighter when flown to its strengths. It’s armed with both two 23mm guns and a single 37mm cannon that can inflict severe damage.

Existing Flaming Cliffs 3 owners with F-15C, A-10A, Su-27, J-11, Su-33, Su-25, MiG-29, and MiG-29S, can upgrade to the new version for a early mover $9.99 USD fee, offering an affordable way to enjoy these great additions. This special offer will only be available until the end of July, thereafter the upgrade price will increase to $14.99. You can also purchase the FC: F-5E, FC: F-86F, and FC: MiG-15bis individually for the price of $14.99 USD each.

Supercarrier Air Boss
Development Progress

One of the new features coming soon to DCS: Supercarrier is the Air Boss (Primary Flight) deck. This offers fun new features that will allow you to steer your Supercarrier, monitor the flight deck, adjust ship lights, monitor the airspace around you, view Landing Signal Officer information, and have a command view of “the roof”. Air Boss control can be assigned roles in both single player and multiplayer missions. This will add a new dimension for online carrier operations.

Coming soon are the new plane ‘directors’ that will help direct aircraft from their parking spaces to a catapult and from the landing box to a parking space. This functionality is now complete for single player and we continue to work on the much more complex task of implementing for multiplayer. Stay tuned!

New Feature

Our new DCS Launcher will provide a more intuitive interface to set your options before starting DCS. The DCS Launcher will allow you to efficiently organise modules, check for updates, and access various settings from a single location. This update is part of our ongoing efforts to improve the accessibility and functionality of DCS. We aim for the DCS Launcher to be the focus for all DCS information relevant to modules including documentation, training videos, data related to liveries, joystick profiles and much more!

Features Coming Soon

  • The DCS Launcher will continue to evolve with the addition of several exciting features:
  • Documentation
  • Training Videos
  • Liveries (texture templates)
  • Hardware Profiles

We are very excited about Flaming Cliffs 2024 dropping soon and the amazing new features coming to DCS: Supercarrier. Please let us know your thoughts on the new Launcher and see you next week!

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
OH-58D Kiowa Warrior
Now Available as Mission Ready

Experience the ultimate in rotary-wing aviation with the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior for DCS. This meticulously crafted simulation brings the legendary reconnaissance and light attack helicopter to life with unparalleled accuracy and detail. Fly low through challenging terrains, utilizing the Kiowa Warrior’s advanced sensor suites, and weaponry to dominate the battlefield. With its authentic flight dynamics, interactive cockpits and realistic missions scenarios, the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior offers a deeply immersive experience for both seasoned pilots and newcomers alike. Whether you’re conducting reconnaissance missions or providing aerial support to ground units, the Kiowa Warrior delivers a truly thrilling tactical combat experience.

Step into the cockpit of the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior alone or in Multi Crew with a friend to share the adventure. The module features a highly detailed 3D model, complete with fully configured avionics, MFDs, and a working Mast-Mounted Sight. Utilise the Level 2 Manned-Unmanned System to view aerial drone footage, or scan the battlefield using the sensors of other Kiowa Warriors. Share targets with the Improved Data Modem or call in Remote Hellfire Missions with other Kiowa pilots to coordinate attacks. With a wide range of weaponry available including AGM-114K Hellfires, FIM-92 air-to-air Stinger missiles and laser-guided rockets, the Kiowa Warrior is prepared for any engagement.

The OH-58D first flew in 1983 and was the result of the Army Helicopter Improvement Program as a single engine, four-bladed light weight helicopter. The Kiowa Warrior introduced the distinctive Mast-Mounted Sight (MMS) above the main rotor, and a mixed glass cockpit with traditional instruments and as such was the first helicopter equipped with MFDs.

While the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior thrives in its reconnaissance role, making full use of its MMS and the Level 2 Manned-Unmanned System (L2MUM), in more recent conflicts it played a pivotal role not only in gathering critical intelligence but also in actively supporting ground troops through precision strikes on enemy positions, illustrating its adaptability and effectiveness in both reconnaissance and offensive missions.

Armed with a vast array of weapons including the AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, a .50 caliber FN M3P machine gun, FIN-92 air-to-air Stinger missiles and a large selection of rocket types including laser guided Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS), the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior is capable of fulfilling a meaningful role by itself or by supporting other assets in DCS.

Kiowa Warriors serving in the US Army took part in a number of operations including:

  • Operation Prime Chance 1988
  • Operation Just Cause 1989
  • Desert Storm 1991
  • RAID 1989 - 1994
  • Peace Implementation Forces (IFOR) 1995 - 1996
  • Operation Enduring Freedom
  • Operation Iraqi Freedom

The US Army retired the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior in 2017 having accumulated over 800,000 combat hours. It continues to serve with the armed forces of Croatia, Greece, Taiwan and Tunisia to this day.

Key Features of the DCS: OH58D Kiowa Warrior

  • Realistic hand crafted flight model with high precision characteristics of this light helicopter in all ranges of altitude, temperatures and speeds for different weights, flight configurations and conditions.
  • Highly detailed fully clickable glass cockpit with full VR support
  • Can be flown single-player or in multi-crew with a friend
  • Voiced pilot AI assistant
  • Fully modeled armament and weapons systems, including the M3P machine gun, 2,75” rockets, AGM-114K Hellfire anti tank guided missile with four firing modes, APKWS laser-guided rockets, FIM-92 Air-To-Air Stinger system and the handheld M4 rifle with 6DOF functionality when used with VR hand controllers
  • Detailed modeling of the entire electrical, fuel, hydraulic, pneumatic, SCAS and radio systems
  • Full range of sensors and aircraft survivability systems including the Mast Mounted Sight with TV and FLIR cameras, Laser Rangefinder/Designator system, AN/APR-39 Radar Detector, AN/ALQ-144 IR Jammer, AN/AVR-2 Laser Detector, AN/AAR-57 Common Missile Warning System and Flare & Chaff Dispenser
  • Rotorcraft Map System with moving map, digital elevation map, real-time display of navigation and target data
  • Improved Data Modem that allows for Kiowa-to-Kiowa text messaging, target sharing and Remote Hellfire Missions
  • Level 2 Manned-Unmanned System with its capability to display the video feed from a drone sensor or the camera feed of another player OH-58D Kiowa Warrior aircraft
  • Full Night-Vision support with the helmet mounted Optical Display Assembly and gun-mounted IZLID laser pointer
  • Data Cartridge for storing and loading mission data in a web-compatible format
  • Advanced damage modeling and failures for aircraft systems and components
  • Optional Pilot Display Unit heads up display
  • Over 60 liveries including various US Army, Croatian, Greek, Taiwanese and Tunisian units as well as a number of fictional liveries from around the world


The DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior is now available for you to download. Enjoy!

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
Introduced new module: DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior by Polychop Simulations

New campaign: F/A-18C Operation Mountain Breeze by Sandman Simulations

DCS World

  • Ground AI. Late activated infantry units react to explosions that happened in the past - fixed
  • Ground AI. Invisible vehicle travelling causing dust/sand effect - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. F-4E has terrible aim with Rockeye - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. B-52H waggles during bomb run - fixed
  • Weapons. AA missiles. If the lock was lost, in some conditions the missiles went vertically into the sky - fixed
  • VR. Some UI elements are cut off and not shown properly - fixed
  • Fixed crash in weapons MP hot join system
  • FARP warehouse stock movement is not implemented - fixed
  • Weapons. R-24R/T missiles. Corrected motor plume position
  • Weapons. Fixed crash occurred with rail launcher in some cases

DCS: F-4E Phantom II by Heatblur Simulations

  • Performance: Major improvements to Radar raycasting performance, especially on busy MP servers
  • Performance: Radar thread affinity changed - may increase performance where the main thread was saturated on busy servers or missions
  • Performance: Fixed Object Cache being over-saturated causing severe performance loss on busy missions with thousands of objects
  • Performance: NEW: Added special option to reduce radar performance impact - can improve CPU performance on lower end CPUs at the cost of some additional visual noise and clutter on the radar screen
  • Performance: Changed amounts of radar threads across different core setups
  • Performance: NEW: Added Lower Refresh HBUI special option. This option will reduce the UI refresh rate to 30 fps, matching the F-14 Jester UI. This will reduce CPU performance impact on CPU limited machines, especially in heavy missions
  • Performance: Fixed INS, ADI and other various system bugs with the “Reduced Tickrate” option enabled
  • Performance: Refactored some JESTER code paths that may have caused lowered performance when an enemy was nearby
  • CTD: Fixed a crash if Saved Games path had non-standard characters (e.g. Cyrillic)
  • CTD: Fixed crash if DCS install path had Chinese characters in it
  • CTD: Fixed crash on empty coords text entry
  • CTD: Fixed some instances of a CTD after damage and ejection
  • Multicrew: Fixed a major multicrew desync error when someone leaves and rejoins (can be another WSO) the aircraft
  • Multicrew: Reduced network load due to an errant buffeting sensor being propagated across the network every frame
  • JESTER: Fixed being able to spot bandits very far away on the radar scope during some modes
  • JESTER: Fixed JESTER breaking some inputs or being unable to correctly set some switches while using HBUI elements (e.g. the Manual)
  • JESTER: Will no longer call aircraft on the ground as BFM threats or targets
  • JESTER: Fixed doubled calls for some calls, and fixed him saying “Gear Up” and “Flaps Up” randomly at times far after takeoff
  • JESTER: Fixed Jester not asking for alignment when starting cold on a runway
  • JESTER: Fixed missile reports having wrong order of words sometimes
  • JESTER AAR: Added JESTER automatically saying "Ready Pre-Contact" to the tanker (if AAR door is opened within 100m of the thanker)
  • JESTER: Fixed a bug when cycling the AAR door very fast caused Jester to get stuck in radar-on mode
  • JESTER: Fixed Jester being in wrong DSCG mode when switching TGT-FIND/DT fast
  • HBUI: Fixed the Map Markers menu causing the Jester UI to freeze and become unusable
  • HBUI: Fixed a crash when entering empty coordinates in the Nav section of the Jester Menu
  • HBUI: NEW: Added Virtual Browser, and added “Online Mode” levels to HBUI. UI and Browser access is now controlled using a Special Option dropdown which allows selecting between:
  • Full - Free browsing
  • Offline - only offline UI features will work
  • Whitelist (Default & Recommended) - sites defined by a special whitelist file are allowed, anything else is blocked
  • Users can customise the whitelist file: hbui_whitelist.txt found in the Saved Games folder.
  • By default it has regex rules, currently covering:
  • Google
  • Youtube
  • Kneeboard.live
  • HBUI: The Virtual Browser now also has a new landing page, allowing users to add their own bookmarks
  • HBUI: Ensured that the Auto Startup clicks use the enforced version bypassing browsers
  • HBUI: JESTER Radial Menu - Small resizing adjustments to the Jester Wheel (thank you amadeus!)
  • HBUI: Renamed in JESTER Radial Menu "Unknown" to "Bogey" and "Hostile" to "Bandit"
  • HBUI: JESTER Radial Menu - Added "Navigate To Main Menu" bind for Voice Attack users - will also open the wheel if it's closed, so that it can serve as starting point for any VA macro sequences
  • HBUI: JESTER Radial Menu - Rename "Jester Presence > Enable" to "Force" for more clarity
  • HBUI: Added Special Option to select UI Theme (auto, light, dark)
  • HBUI: Added Special Option to shift head-tracking origin vertically
  • HBUI: Updated in game manual to latest version
  • HBUI: Removed browser forward nav button in manual
  • HBUI: JESTER Radial Menu - Improved keyboard controls (W opens, "Back" closes wheel):
  • additionally to their regular function of navigating forward and backwards in the wheel, W ("Center/Click") and "Back" can now also open and close the wheel
  • Radar: Fixed possibly triggering other RWRs through terrain
  • Radar: Fixed WSO maverick slew speed wrong
  • Radar: Improved CAA lock reliability
  • Radar: Fixed aspect switch setting wrong closure
  • Radar: Fixed radar gimbal not boresighting in elevation in cage mode with half action held
  • Radar: Fixed radar starting in standby mode despite being off
  • Radar: Fixed caged mode allowing the antenna to be moved in acquisition
  • Radar: Fixed bug allowing a short half second period of time without raycasting
  • Weapons: Fixed TV weapon gimbal limits
  • Weapons: Fixed gimbal limits not being respected
  • Weapons: Fixed sidewinder gimbal limit
  • Weapons: Fixed sidewinder half-aperture size
  • Weapons: Fixed AGM-12C not arming
  • Weapons: Direct mode now shows the correct solution for the sight depression value in the bombing calculator
  • Weapons: Added time of flight and bomb range to the bombing calculator output
  • Weapons: Fixed various issues with the Shrike WRCS mode
  • Weapons: Fixed Shrikes not updating after settings changed in rearm menu
  • Weapons: Corrected missiles (AGM-45 and AGM-12) ejecting incorrectly
  • Weapons: Made default Shrike volume quieter
  • Weapons: Updated Shrike range calculations and added Shrike range and altitude bias
  • Weapons: Corrected the WRCS AGM-45 Behaviour to give shrike range indications before target insert.
  • Weapons: Changed pylons to rail instead of ejection as this provides a much more realistic profile for AGM-12 and AGM-45A
  • Weapons: Fixed air to ground missiles being fired unarmed if the fuse switch was in the wrong position
  • Weapons: Fixed Normal Jettison consent on ground
  • Weapons: Fixed Mavericks/TV Bombs being jettison despite not being selected
  • RWR: Fixed the “New Guy” audio frequency not changing sometimes or playing the incorrect sound.
  • RWR: Fixed diamond not going to new guy contact for a short period of time
  • RWR: Made aircraft radars that used HPRF for track use MPRF instead (WIP: not yet audible, new sounds will be added)
  • RWR: Fixes to E-2C carrier frequency and beamwidth
  • RWR: Fixed Track Only Radars broadcasting with no target
  • RWR: Added fixed radar for units such as the F-86 Sabre (WIP)
  • RWR: Fixed range being displayed incorrectly sometimes
  • Avionics: Fixed JESTER BATH alignment not finishing in conjunction with HDG MEM available
  • Avionics: Adjusted NWS heading hold toggle function: now the AFCS has to be ON to toggle it
  • Avionics: Small fix to alignment completion
  • Avionics: Fixed a bug where the pitch steering needle was jumping on ILS approach
  • Avionics: Fixed AJB-7 heading oscillations when electric power was being applied
  • Avionics: Added a kneeboard page with diagrams for INS alignment options
  • Engines: Fixed nozzles having insufficient oil pressure at idle
  • Engines: Fixed controls dying too soon with the engines off or windmilling
  • Systems: Added ejection and canopy jettison inhibit when canopy is open (and not jettisoned)
  • Systems: Fixed pod and ECM jettison
  • Systems: Fixed neutral horizontal stab position
  • Systems: Minor improvements to hit damage
  • Inputs: Added 2 missing Crew Chief binds (ARI Disengage check and Stab Aug check)
  • Inputs: Added Slow/Fast binds for HSI course/heading and Reticle Depression
  • Inputs: Changed SYNC knob to sync with right click instead of left click
  • Inputs: Updated Chinese keybinds
  • Inputs: Added bind for "Tanker: Intent to Refuel"
  • Inputs: Ensured that all backend-called commands are executed properly.
  • Inputs: Added (fictional) Tape Player Volume Knob (Recorder-On Lamp rotate-to-dim)
  • Inputs: Fixed following inputs that require rebinding:
  • Fixed Radar-Missile CW switch / binds broken
  • Fixed reversed binds Radar Polarisation CIRC 1 and CIRC 2
  • Fixed 3-pos switches on radar panel / binds to skip centre
  • Fixed Pilot Body SHOW/HIDE binds being reversed (and pedal crank)
  • Crew Chief: Fixed GPU not appearing on some occasions after moving the aircraft
  • Crew Chief: Adjusted GPU appearing/disappearing logic
  • Crew Chief: Fixed GPU spool up sound not playing sometimes
  • Missions: Fixed various issues with training missions (- fixes almost all community reports)
  • Missions: NEW: Added IA missions by Kaba (thank you!)
  • Missions: NEW: Added IA mission Paradise Lost Free Flight by Reflected (thank you!)
  • Missions: Updated missions by Sedlo, Reflected and Activity (thank you!)
  • Missions: Added more slots to Through The Inferno COOP versions
  • Missions: Updated Syria Landing mission to LOC RWY 08, added base
  • Missions: Added base to Caucasus Cold start mission
  • Missions: Updated training missions 1-4 CN localization
  • Visual: Made Cockpit much brighter with Global Illumination Off
  • Visual: Fixed AI afterburner visuals
  • Visual: Fixed nozzle and horizontal stab LoDs
  • Visual: Fixed minor LoD bugs
  • Sound: Possible fix to random sound playing on spawn in multicrew
  • Sound: Fixed gear sound bug on spawn in multicrew.
  • Sound: Fixed Tapeplayer clipping audio
  • Liveries: JASDF Jets now all have olive drab ALQ-131s
  • Liveries: Improved JV Jets nose gear door art
  • Liveries: Fixed JV Jets accidental overpaint on landing light
  • Liveries: Updated IRIAF and IIAF liveries by ISAAC (thank you!)
  • Liveries: Updated helmets on IIAF/USAF Jet by ISAAC (thank you!)

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: MP. SP. CTD at attempt to enter hot AH-64D slot
  • Fixed: CPG WPN page desync in multicrew
  • Fixed: TADS desync in multicrew
  • Fixed: TSD desync in multicrew
  • Fixed: FMC desync for CPG in multicrew
  • Fixed: Synchronization ACQs, Txx and TRN points
  • Fixed: Missiles Shot-At Data Synchronization
  • Fixed: Automatic route point sequencing corrections
  • Corrected route sequencing errors when selecting a different route on the Route Menu (RTM) sub-page or when reversing the current route.
  • WPT APPROACHING and WAYPOINT PASSED advisories corrected. Will only be displayed if neither crewstation is displaying an un-frozen TSD.
  • Distance and direction requirements for automatic route sequencing corrected.
  • When travelling along a route in the same direction as the route sequence, the next point in the route will automatically be selected when within 5 kilometers and passing abeam the currently selected point in the route.
  • When travelling along a route in the opposite direction as the route sequence, the next point in the route will automatically be selected when within 1 kilometer of the currently selected point in the route.
  • When arriving at a point that is not part of the current route but has been selected using the Direct route (DIR) function, the Navigation Fly-To will remain set to that point and will not sequence back to the route selected from the RTM sub-page.

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Selecting different nose fuses will produce dud bombs
  • Fixed: Controls lock after 2nd takeoff with SC disabled- MP Only
  • Fixed: GBU-24s and AGM-154Cs do not release if you drop fuel tank first

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Сrash when switching weapons when using unlimited weapons
  • Fixed: Reverse left arm patch orientation
  • Fixed: Bomb mode selection not updating dynamically

DCS: MiG-15bis by Belsimtek

  • Added Kola Instant Action Missions
  • Campaigns

DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • Mission 10: Chatter about killed enemy AWACS may at wrong time - fixed

DCS: A-10C Operation Agile Spear Campaign by Combat King Simulations

  • Mission 0: Wingman not rejoining. Fixed.
  • Mission 1: Not receiving full points when all targets destroyed and RTB - Fixed. Pig-2 not starting when triggered (sometimes) - Fixed. Added several new Pig-2 voiceovers.
  • Mission 2: Added several new Pig-2 voiceovers. Adjusted scoring objectives. Added several Time Accel zones.
  • Mission 3: Pig-2 not starting when triggered - Fixed. Added several Time Accel zones.
  • Mission 7: Friendly armor blocking taxiway - Fixed.

DCS: F/A18C Raven One by Baltic Dragon

  • Mission 2: introduced a fix to a new AAR bug introduced with last patch: Smoke should refuel normally without breaking the mission
  • Mission 3 (and shorter version): introduced a fix to a new AAR bug introduced with last patch: Smoke should refuel normally without breaking the mission

DCS: Mi-24P The Border - Prequel Campaign by Armen Murazyan

  • Mission 4: Fixed a script error when destroying infantry

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Green Line Campaign by Badger633

  • Printable mission briefs updated.
  • Mission 1: Removed trigger fail. Improved voice timings. Note added to brief.
  • Mission 2: Fail zone adjusted to prevent early fail WP1. Note added to brief.
  • Mission 3: Optional ability levels added. Unexpected fail fixed. Note added to brief.
  • Mission 4: Moving zone fixed. Optional ability levels added. Note added to brief.
  • Mission 5, 7 to 12: Note added to brief.
  • Mission 6: Bulls corrected to WP3. Note added to brief.
  • Mission 5,9,10,11: Temporary fuel bug fix.

DCS: F/A-18C Serpent’s Head 2 Campaign by Badger633

  • Mission 8 all versions: Missing goals fixed.

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion 2 Campaign by Badger633

  • Missions 8, 9-1 9-2 and 12: Matrix will no longer refuel but stay in formation to prevent mission fail due to current refuel bug
  • Mission 13: Sometimes, for some pilots Sting intermittently refuses to attack, fixed.

DCS: MiG-21bis Constant Peg Campaign by Bunyap Campaigns

  • Fixed: Not possible to complete Mission 1 due to the opposing coalition of a friendly F-5E
INS + GPS for F-16C
Development White Paper

The navigation system on the DCS: F-16C Viper is a complicated mixture of technical solutions that supplies the navigation avionics with coordinates, velocities, and angles that are characterized by precision, availability, integrity, and autonomy. This is achieved by the cooperative work of the Inertial Navigation System (INS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) whose navigation inputs are processed through a Kalman filter in the Modular Mission Computer (MMC). Let’s discuss each of the components in detail in the F-16C Viper GPS + INS Whitepaper.


Operation Mountain Breeze
Campaign by Sandman Simulations

In the fall of 2015, the Syrian Civil War rages between the rebels and Syrian government forces. The involvement of several foreign powers, ISIS, and Hezbollah in the conflicts further escalates tensions. The USS Theodore Roosevelt’s Air Wing has been tasked to establish a no-fly zone over the western parts of Syria to prevent attacks on civilians.

This story-driven campaign places you in the boots of a junior, US Navy pilot of the VFA-131 Wildcats squadron. Your skills as an F/A-18C pilot will be tested across 15 challenging missions. You'll receive detailed mission briefings with charts and kneeboards that can be accessed both in-game and PDF briefing documents. Detailed briefings are provided by the squadron skipper and flight lead using “in-game” mission briefings. Performance-based feedback will be provided after each mission. Voice-overs narratives between missions enhance immersion and create a compelling and varied experience.

Prepare for intense dogfights, close air support, SEAD, and strike missions. The Skipper has high expectations for you! Hopefully, you can meet them.

We trust you enjoyed the DCS: F-16C GPS + INS Whitepaper. Please stay tuned for next week’s DCS Update!

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
F-4E Phantom II
Out Now in Early Access

The F-4E, first flew on the 30th of June, 1967, and entered service in 1968. It became the most numerous version built with 1,397 examples manufactured. The “E” is distinguishable from other variants by its internal centerline 20mm M61A1 Vulcan cannon, with 640 rounds.

In addition to the internal cannon, the F-4E includes an impressive variety of air-to-air and air-to-ground weaponry. In air-to-air combat, the F-4E can employ both radar-guided AIM-7 Sparrow and infrared-guided AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles. The F-4E is a very powerful fighter that, in the right hands, can be a potent dogfight adversary. In the air-to-ground role, the F-4E offers a wide array of unguided bombs, rockets, and guided munitions like the AGM-65 Maverick, AGM-62 Walleye, and radar-seeker AGM-45 Shrike.

Heatblur created a deep-simulation of the F-4E radar and Pave Spike targeting pod that accurately mimics the operation, strengths, and weaknesses of these systems.

Leveraging the “Jester” AI system, Heatblur has expanded and improved upon this system to provide unique and intuitive means to work with your AI Weapon System Officer in the back seat. Whether you're engaging in historical missions, testing your skills in dogfights, or simply enjoying the power of the beast, the F-4E delivers an amazing level of detail.

Steam Special Launch Promotion
For a limited time period of 7 days, you can take advantage of a special -20% discount on your purchase of the F-4E Phantom II as a thank you to our dedicated community for your unwavering support and patience:

DCS Update
Development Progress

The latest update for DCS included several enhancements and bug fixes. Notably, improvements have been made to the environment visual effects like updated propeller and jet wash effects. Other additions include new pilot models and animations for the F-16C and F/A-18C, new Fire Control Radar functions for the AH-64D, new weapon fuse configuration options for many western aircraft, integration of the Massun Asset Pack, and more. Additionally, communication bugs post-takeoff in the ATC system and in multiplayer data link scenarios causing FPS drops have been addressed. For the detailed list of all changes, please read the full changelog.

Thank you for your continued support. We are excited to receive your feedback on the F-4E Phantom II and look forward to your reviews!

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
Introduced new aircraft module - DCS: F-4E Phantom II by Heatblur
New campaign - DCS: F/A-18C Operation Green Line by BADGER633

New bomb fuze options for several modern aircraft.
Added the ability to adjust various settings to a range of US air-to-ground armament - GP LD and HD bombs, Paveway II and III, JDAM and CBUs. Adjustable settings include, where applicable, fuze types, arming and functioning delays, airburst altitude, laser seeker PRF code, bomblet release RPM and various external weapon features.
Please see: DCS: Bomb Fuze Update

DCS World

  • Added: Massun Asset Pack - numerous buildings, vehicles and fortifications.
  • Voice chat. Added warning message when the master volume is set to zero.
  • Improved propeller and jet wash effect on nearby vegetation.
  • Effects. Jet wash effect does not show for own aircraft - fixed.
  • Weapons. Corrected Mk-80 series of bombs models fuse animation.
  • VR. OpenXR. Controller/ Input. Change keypressed logic.
  • Cargo transportation. The cargo is teleported from any point on map task - fixed.
  • ATC. After take off comms stuck at abort take off - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. AWACS. Option SILENCE does not work - fixed.
  • ME. Country field is empty when the user selects a ship in some cases - fixed.
  • MP. Eliminated bug that caused FPS drop on the server with many data link clients.
  • VR. Leap Motion Gemini 5.17.1 drivers updated.
  • Added "G Warm Up" option in Gameplay Settings. If enabled, this will set the aircraft to having already performed a G warm up IF the missions start in the air. If the mission starts on the ground (ramp, hot, or runway), the player will still have to perform a G warm up.
  • Weapons. S-25L doesn't guided on laser spot - fixed
  • 3D models. Fixed Land Rovers lods.
  • 3D models. Fixed KS-19 geometry.
  • Ships AI. Fixed CIWS on Molniya-corvettes.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added new model pilot - work in progress.
  • Added improved movements of the pilot head and torso - work in progress.
  • Added Maverick and HMCS Auto-Boresight, automatic for hot starts. Cold starts require manual boresight.
  • Fixed: Increased G-warmup effect time.
  • Added Bomb Fuze Options and Settings from ME - work in progress - missions where laser code is set to anything but default (1688) will need the code edited in Mission Editor using the new method.
  • Fixed: Tuning the IFA alignment and further FIXes.
  • Fixed: Missing scale on the standby attitude indicator.
  • Fixed: GPS time starts at 00:00 when entering a mission.
  • Fixed: FCR Air to Air Header fix.
  • Fixed: Wheel friction imbalance.
  • Fixed: FCR target Min/Max altitudes inverted in negative antenna elevation.
  • Fixed: Handoff from TGP to TV-guided AGM-65's is partially functional using TMS Right.
  • Fixed: RWR displays radars in "Track" mode in the inner "Missile Launch" ring.
  • Fixed: CCRP lateral drop limit too small.
  • Fixed: Scan volume twitching around when bugged target near or beyond gimbal limit.
  • Fixed: RWR SYS Test no longer functions.
  • Fixed: True heading on ICP stuck at 00.
  • Fixed: Boresighting Mavericks is aligning with point mid air.
  • Fixed: HSD zoom glitch.
  • Fixed: Spotlight scan volume and EXP reference box snap from centre of display instead of appearing directly at cursor location.
  • Fixed: Entering OVRD while in spotlight search can cause radar to stop working.
  • Fixed: TGP does not take INS drift into account well (coordinates and height of the point changes).
  • Fixed: Rolls left under positive G.
  • Fixed: Search target hotlines don't work.
  • Fixed: RWS SAM cannot change radar range scale is designated inside an auto-range zone.
  • Fixed: Maverick seeker LOS Slave to FPM at TMS Down ignores SPI.
  • Fixed; Right MFD rocker switch labels incorrectly refer to Left MFD.
  • Fixed: JDAM with nose plugs fitted show 0 second AD in SMS by default.
  • Fixed: Exhaust "turkey feathers" graphical clipping/misaligned.

NOTE: The Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod is in active development for release later this year.

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added improved movements of the pilot head and torso - work in progress.
  • Added Button to disable the pilot moving/looking in the direction of the camera.
  • Added Bomb Fuze Options and Settings from ME - work in progress - missions where laser code is set to anything but default (1688) will need the code edited in Mission Editor using the new method. Also please note that changing the laser code of GBU via the aircraft avionics no longer functions. Code must be set in mission editor, or refuel/rearm.
  • Fixed: AGM-84E/SLAM-ER does not guide to target in TOO.
  • Fixed: No info showing for track files from MIDS if you don't have trackfiles with radar contribution.
  • Fixed: IFF Sensor Depress no longer working and very long delay to IFF.
  • Fixed: AIM-7 Sparrow not guiding when target is at bottom or low half of 12° FLOOD circle.
  • Fixed: SA page MIDS symbols misaligned.
  • Fixed: Unable to enter STT mini-raster on brick in TWS, with sensor control towards the radar.
  • Fixed: SA page TDC acts differently from RDR ATTK and AZ/EL TDC, should work the same way.
  • Fixed: Not designated track files disappear in RWS, if brick trail fades out.
  • Fixed: RSET in TWS should not deselect the HITS option.
  • Fixed: Cannot enter Waypoint Offset minutes and Seconds - getting ERROR message.
  • Fixed: Over bank in PA mode.
  • Fixed: ACQ Point Cue not showing if more than 1 radar track files present.
  • Fixed: ACQ Point Cue stuck on display after its trace file is deleted.
  • Fixed: Gun firing rate is always Low in (and after) A-G mode.
  • Check FCS schedule for errors based on user feedback (https://forum.dcs.world/topic/344261-possible-fcs-schedule-error/)
  • Fixed: AIM-9X seeker becomes stuck.
  • Fixed: AGM-84D RBL mode explodes after launch.
  • Fixed: Pressing cage/uncage for >0.8 seconds toggles AIM-7 LOFT.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added modelling and animation of equipment behind “service hatches”. Keybind to open and close are unbound to “service hatches”.
  • Added FCR C-Scope and FCR Zoom.
  • Added FCR/TADS LINK function.
  • Added C-Scope, Zoom, and LINK descriptions to FCR chapter in Early Access Guide EN.
  • Added FCR multicrew sync (Work-In-Progress).
  • Fixed: Client CPG instals FCR but FCR page for host in pilot seat indicates FCR is not installed.
  • Fixed: FCR installation and power-on indications on FCR-UTIL and WPN-UTIL pages.
  • Fixed: FCR NTS/ANTS are not sequencing for opposite crew members in multicrew.
  • Fixed: FCR NTS/ANTS are sequencing when rockets are fired at FCR targets.
  • Fixed: FCR NTS should not be cursor-selectable if FCR is not the selected sight in the crewstation.
  • Fixed: A single ghost target is appearing in the centre of the FCR page.
  • Fixed: FCR should not autopage on CPG MPD if TDU displays FCR page.
  • Fixed: FCR moving target symbol errors.
  • Fixed: Cannot exit TGT format on FCR page by de-selecting TGT (L4) button.
  • Fixed: Cursor-selecting a target on the TGT format of the FCR page is setting it as an NTS target.
  • Fixed: Missile Constraints Box not displayed on Pilot's FCR page if video underlay from CPG is displayed.
  • Fixed: Firing AGM-114L missile at FCR target causes a crash.
  • Fixed: Additional X symbol is appearing in HMD symbology when a missile is fired at an FCR target.
  • Fixed: Client/CPG weapon usage in multi-crew not synced with Pilot crewstation.
  • Fixed: Auto start sequence doesn't work.
  • Fixed: Engine starters are non-functional above 3500 feet / 1070 metres or low air densities.
  • Fixed: CPG TADS control still possible when using PNVS as NVS sensor.
  • Fixed: TADS FOV and Sensor Select settings when NVS switched off.
  • Fixed: PNVS and TADS video underlay in helmet display should not be roll-stabilised to horizon.
  • Fixed: Edge of HDU combiner lens is not limiting IHADSS video.
  • Fixed: Syncing missing entity.
  • Fixed: Training missions are missing from the game menu.
  • Fixed: Pilot and CPG views are out of place and are limited in movement.
  • Fixed: NAV Fly-To Cue symbol is displayed on TDU when symbology mode is in Hover or Bob-Up.
  • Fixed: If the CPG's TDU knob is set to OFF, "TEDAC Unavailable" is displayed when George is commanded to search
  • George will use HDU if enabled, otherwise will turn on TDU to employ TADS
  • If NVS Mode switch in CPG crewstation is set to NORM or FIXED, George will set it to OFF to employ TADS
  • Fixed: During Cold Start in day time, George should set up the cockpit for day time use.
  • Fixed: PP coordinates are slightly off in the TSD.
  • Fixed: TSD threat rings are not displayed when enabled on the THRT SHOW page.
  • Fixed: TSD FRZ (R4) is becoming de-selected if CAQ is used after PAN.
  • Fixed: User's Guide. Incorrect list numbering on page 336-337.
  • Known issues AH-64D. Will fix ASAP.
  • CPG WPN page and TSD page desync in multicrew.

DCS: A-10C II Tank Killer by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. ARC-210 presets names get erased and modulation mixed.

DCS: Bf-109K-4 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Updated: Free Challenge Campaign Missions #11 & #12 (WIP)

DCS: F-86F Sabre by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Gun Overheat seems overdone, and recovery too long
  • Fixed: AIM-9B should not have the uncage function

DCS: F-5E Tiger II by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Radar clutter issues
    - increased the randomness of the range distribution, increased clutter max range
    - Note: if the track antenna is declined almost maximum, it reduces scan traces on the surface. If you move antenna up, you'll see a lot more ground clutter
  • Fixed: RWR not showing locked radars in Search mode
  • Added: AIM-9J
  • Fixed: TACAN stops working after takeoff
  • Fixed: should not be able to uncage AIM-9B pre-launch
  • Fixed: FFB X axis trim is inverted
  • Fixed: Oxygen Diluter controls incorrect behaviour when assigned to key or button
  • Updated: Laser code setting is removed from aircraft options and kneeboard

DCS: MiG-15bis by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: If strong wind is present in the mission, the controls movement becomes incorrect
  • Fixed: Marker beacon light and sound is active when it should not be
  • Fixed: Target Wingspan action error
  • Increase/Decrease actions are swapped on the non-axis commands
  • Fixed: Gunsight ranging is incorrect
  • Fixed: Human plane wheels are not touching the ground
  • Fixed: Repaired gear won't retract (after damaged at high speed)

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed: Platcam showing a Tomcat as Hornet

Flaming Cliffs by Eagle Dynamics

  • F-15C. Nose wheel steering held wheel castor is very unstable - fixed

DCS: SA-342 Gazelle by Polychop Simulations

  • Added: New rotor blur system
  • Fixed: NADIR needle deviation on SA-342L
  • Fixed: Landing light not visible on SA-342L
  • Updated: Completely new multi crew system with join in progress (Work in progress)
  • Updated: Refined external textures
  • Updated: IR deflector model and textures
  • Added liveries:
  • UK Royal Air Force NO.2 FTS
  • UK Royal Navy Air 705 Squadron
  • LEB Air Force Grey / Green
  • GER Army Green / Black
  • SE Air Force FOA
  • Generic Navy Grey
  • Generic Black Low Visibility

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • New: Navigation Flight Plan B (FP-B)
  • FP-A and FP-B share DST channels 1-29
  • FP-B waypoints must be after FP-A waypoints
  • In ME, a waypoint with the name ‘FPB’ will be marked as the first waypoint of FP-B and all following waypoints will be assigned to FP-B.
  • In MFCD->DST page, FP-A/FP-B channels are exclusive for selection/edit.
  • You can switch FP-A and FP-B navigation plans in UFCP.
  • Fixed: C701TV image too bright issue

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges

  • Hands are correctly positioned now on the stick and throttle in VR.
  • Landing gear is now lowered during repair.
  • At repair, the throttle is always moved to the cut position.
  • Repair now deselects engine emergency regulation mode.
  • Fixed engine fire not repaired in certain cases.
  • Changes to make our interface compatible with the new implementation of ED’s GBU laser code setting.
  • Corrected external lights logic (pending a fix to the formation light of the BE).
  • Exchanged navigation and formation lights labels, to correctly reflect the logic of the aircraft.
  • Fixed minor typo in clickability and input (MRK-->MKR).


  • Made the Sight Repeater in F1BE a true collimating display.
  • Adjusted visual look of Sight Repeater image border, plus other minor improvements.
  • Removed fuel transfer sequence selector (“LISSE, BIDONS”) switch in Mirage F1 BE.
  • Fixed AI police light logic: The light will not be set on anymore at taxi/takeoff.
  • Fixed AI landing/taxi light logic: it will be switched between ‘landing’ and ‘taxi’ modes correctly now. There are still minor issues, which will be addressed in the next update.
  • Implemented engine destruction due to engine overspeed.
  • Engine overspeed warning removed.
  • Adjusted engine oil consumption.

Armament system:

  • Fixed bug that precluded jettison of certain stores in certain situations and configurations.
  • Fixed Sidewinder missile growl not coming on until a heat source is detected.
  • Fixed weapons not firing after reload in unlimited weapons mode.
  • Fixed erroneous launch order for mixed IR and radar guided R530 missiles loadout - with both selected and locked, the IR one will always have launch priority.
  • Flight Model:
  • Adjusted fuselage pylon strength.


  • Updated flight manual: added engine emergency regulation system content.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • IR missile audio will stop now once electric power becomes unavailable.
  • "Throttle Idle Detent - Idle" and "Throttle Idle Detent - Stop" input commands are not toggle commands anymore. Each command now performs the action according to its description.
  • Fixed startup training mission - it was not advancing when moving the throttle from idle to stop.
  • Fixed autostart/autostop sequence macro: throttle will move to idle or stop as needed independently of the current throttle position (idle or stop). In other words, it won't work as a toggle.

DCS: South Atlantic map by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Updated - revamped tree maps across the map using 40% less trees.
  • Updated - Tree mix adjusted to include additional variations.
  • Updated - Falklands Island Bluff Cove area created dredged channel to allow ship movement
  • Removed - Removed the automated shipping for the oil tankers (just didn't work)

DCS: Kola map by Orbx

  • updated - Tree maps (should give more performance in densely tree populated areas)
  • fixed - removed grass from inside Hangers at Bodo
  • new - various small villages added in various locations
  • Updated: Changed the following airfield names
  • Lakselv to Banak
  • Olengorsk to Olenya
  • Severomorsk1 to Severomorsk-1
  • Severomorsk3 to Severomorsk-3
  • fixed - Laselv approach Lighting RW 16
  • fixed - Kemi ILS RW18 not aligned correctly
  • fixed - some train route height adjustment
  • fixed - Bodo some AI collisions resolved
  • updated - Bodo Parking slot names
  • fixed - Bodo AI taxi jams
  • fixed - Bodo all Military hanger height placement
  • fixed - Monchegorsk AI traffic corrections
  • fixed - Monchegorsk Incorrect parking boxes
  • fixed - Murmansk fix taxiway obstructions
  • fixed - Murmansk - various model placement issues
  • fixed - multiple breaks in roads

P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • BBC is available on channel C

DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • New interactive checklists

DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • New interactive checklists
  • Comms issue possible workaround (C-17 voice transmitter shouldn't rtb)

DCS: F-14 Speed & Angels Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • New interactive checklists
  • Skippable briefings

DCS: Mi-24P Outpost Campaign by Stone Sky

  • More information about setting up ICS in the campaign description

DCS: MAD AH-64D Campaign by Stone Sky

  • All missions. The relay station has been changed
  • Mission 8. Fixed a bug with the moving zone
  • Mission 1. Minor changes

DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • All missions: Charts and briefing materials and kneeboards updated
  • All missions: Hornet side numbers fixed to realistic
  • Mission 5: Ai behaviour changed to make sure Enfield 1 gets launched
  • Mission 6: Hornets attacking against ground targets - fixed. Mission sometimes fail even if goals are met - fixed.

DCS: P-51D Debden Eagles Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Fixed game breaking bug

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion by Badger633

  • Missions 6 & 7: EZ refuel version reducing fuel fixed.
  • Missions 8 & 9: EZ refuel versions Fords fuel mass fixed.

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion 2 by Badger633

  • Missions 1,2,3,5,7,10,11& 13: Speed stop added so if time accelerated sim will automatically stop next communication.
  • Mission 4,6,8,9a,9b and 12: Ford fuel mass fixed. Speed stop added so if time accelerated sim will automatically stop next communication.

DCS: F/A-18C Serpent’s Head 2 by Badger633

  • All missions except 2: As requested, enforced turbulence removed, add in your settings if required.

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion by Badger633

  • Missions 6 & 7: EZ refuel version reducing fuel fixed.
  • Missions 8 & 9: EZ refuel versions Fords fuel mass fixed.
  • All Missions: As requested, enforced turbulence removed, add in your settings if required.

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion 2 by Badger633

  • Missions 1,2,3,5,7,10,11 & 13: Speed stop added so if time accelerated sim will automatically stop next communication.
  • Mission 4,6,8,9a,9b and 12: Ford fuel mass fixed. Speed stop added so if time accelerated sim will automatically stop next communication.
  • All Missions: As requested, enforced turbulence removed, add in your settings if required.
  • EZ Refuel Version: This was not using the ‘EZ Refuel’ version of Mission 12. This is now fixed. On start you will get a notification that the campaign has been rebuilt and your position lost. Just skip to your current mission and proceed.

DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Campaign by Baltic Dragon

  • Mission 02: Fixed issue happening to some players with Smoke not breaking away from player's wing. Fixed issues with RTB tanker not giving fuel / erratic behaviour. Fixed issue happening to some players with Smoke not following Flip after launch.
  • Mission 03: Added safeguard for MANPAD, reducing mission difficulty and thus diminishing possible frustration. Fixed problems with tanker on RTB. Fixed problems with no comms after leaving AO.
AH-64D Update Overview
Upcoming Update release: 21 May, 2024.

For the next DCS update, the AH-64D will see the addition of three important features: the Fire Control Radar (FCR) Zoom and C-Scope functions and the LINK function for the FCR and TADS. Both are incredibly useful when engaging targets.

The Zoom function allows you to zoom-in on the FCR Next to Shoot (NTS) target at a 6:1 ratio, or you can use the display cursor on the FCR page to select an area to zoom in on. This is very useful when engaging closely grouped targets.


The C-Scope function, also selected from the FCR page, allows you to place FCR target identification symbols on both your Helmet Mounted Sight and the CP/G TEDAC display. This is an invaluable tool for building situational awareness, and AH-64D players without an FCR installed can still see these symbols using the datalink. Both items are previewed in this DCS: AH-64D FCR ZOOM & C-SCOPE video:
The next update will also introduce the sight select LINK function to the AH-64D. This allows both the CP/G and Pilot to slave the TADS video to the FCR NTS. This will allow you to visually identify FCR targets through the TADS prior to engagement and allow you to perform battle damage assessments after an engagement. LINK also allows you to slave the FCR to the TADS.

You can learn more about LINK here DCS: AH-64 | FCR/TADS LINK

DCS Core
Massun92’s Assets Pack

We would like to thank Patricio Massun for creating his asset pack and his work to assist with integration of the 3D models as part of the DCS Core. Massun’s Asset Pack for DCS includes over 100 terrain objects including fortifications and ground models that can be placed across all DCS terrains. These models are very well designed and aid to create more realistic and immersive missions.

For more information, please check out the Massun Asset Pack for DCS forum. We are currently testing all the models and planning to include them in the next DCS update.

F-5E Tiger II
Development Progress

A favourite of Cold War pilots, the DCS: F-5E Tiger II is a very capable, twin engined, light-weight fighter with excellent close combat and ground attack characteristics. This beautiful aircraft was easy to deploy, maintain and operate and much loved by its pilots. For the next DCS update, we’ve made several improvements based on your feedback.

These include:
  • The Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) now displays radars in search mode.
  • Ground clutter on the radar is now more accurately represented based on altitude and scanning elevation.
  • We’ve added the AIM-9J version of the Sidewinder air-to-air missile.
  • TACAN operation with no weight-on-wheels has been corrected.
  • It is no longer possible to uncage the AIM-9B Sidewinder in pre-launch mode using the Missile Uncage Switch.


We hope that these F-5E improvements will further your enjoyment and make the F-5E an even better addition to upcoming Flaming Cliffs 2024.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
F-4E Phantom II
Last chance to save 25%

The much anticipated launch of the Phantom II is just around the corner. Renowned for its capabilities as a highly effective and versatile fighter-bomber, this iconic jet excels in both air-to-air combat and ground attack missions using a wide array of munitions. With Heatblur’s dedication to ultra-realistic simulation, you can expect meticulous attention to detail from cockpit graphics to the flight model. More details will be unveiled soon.

3D Pilot Models
Development Report

The upcoming pilot models for the DCS: F-16C Viper and DCS: F/A-18C are set to significantly enhance the realism and immersion of these aircraft. We are excited to bring these updates to you, and we look forward to your feedback.

The primary objectives for the new pilot models are to:

  • Enhance visual fidelity and realism in line with new graphical technologies.
  • Improve animation fluidity for more lifelike pilot movements.
  • Incorporate detailed flight suits and equipment specific to the aircraft, reflecting actual gear worn by F-16C and F/A-18C pilots in the mid-2000s

Suit Modelling
The flight suits are crafted with high-resolution textures to accurately replicate the fabric and material properties. Special attention has been paid to the reflectivity and roughness maps to ensure that the suits react realistically under various lighting conditions. Harness systems and life support equipment have been carefully modelled. For the F-16C pilot, the harness connects to the ejection seat precisely as it would in the real aircraft. The F/A-18C pilot features a survival vest equipped with pockets and gear appropriate for carrier operations. The helmets are modelled with operational visors that can move up and down, helmet mounted displays, and night vision goggles.

Subtle in-cockpit movements such as head-turning to check instruments, hand movements for throttle and stick operation, torso movements, and even eye movements are being refined to mimic real-life. We continue to work on making the pilot’s body respond to G-forces more realistically. We hope to include inflation of the G suit during high-G manoeuvres and subtle shifts in weight.

Next Steps
Once these new pilot models are integrated for the first and third person views for the DCS: F-16C Viper and the DCS: F/A-18C, we will implement a similar 3D pilot model to the DCS: A-10C II Tank Killer.

Operation Green Line
Campaign by Badger633

This immersive campaign features 12 unique missions that are interconnected through a continuous narrative across multiple Middle Eastern locations. Both carrier and land-based operations are included. Developed with virtual reality in mind, the campaign eliminates the need for jotting down transient coordinates, thereby maintaining immersion. Optional tanker refuelling is available, though careful fuel management can negate its necessity.

The campaign includes over 1,700 voice-overs, a 'Speed Stop' feature to prevent missing content during time acceleration, and adjustable AI settings for the final four missions to suit different skill levels. Each mission comes with detailed briefings that are accessible in-game and as downloadable PDFs. Customised aircraft skins are included to enhance the personalisation of the gameplay experience.

We hope you took advantage of the F-4E Phantom pre-purchase discount and that the preview of the upcoming F-16C Viper and F/A-18C pilots are to your satisfaction. Also, keep a lookout for Badger633's Operation Green Line campaign, coming in the next DCS update!

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
DCS Update
Introduced a new terrain module: DCS: Kola Map by Orbx

DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED

  • Reset the M00 opening animation to address the issue of not being able to take off directly. (If you encounter this problem, it is recommended to press the radio menu: Ground Crew - Salute)
  • Fixed the issue in M07 where there is no further storyline after shooting down all enemy.
  • Fixed missing Chinese images and translations of some dialogues in M10.
  • Fixed spelling text errors in some MIZ.
  • Fixed missing custom labels for some MIZ.
  • "Hit SA-11 CP" has been removed and "Hit all SA-11 LNs" has been added from the final mission objective in Tutorial - HARM.
  • Changed the activation time of some images in Tutorial - ACM.
  • Fixed the invincibility of some units to correct mission stuck in Tutorial - HMD.
  • Changed the type of IR missile to fixed the mission stuck in Tutorial - CMD IR.
  • Changed some flag to fixed the mission stuck in Tutorial - CMD CF.
  • Reduce the starting altitude to facilitate players in reducing bombing errors in Tutorial - CCRP.

P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • BBC is available on channel C

DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • New interactive checklists

DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • New interactive checklists
  • Comms issue possible workaround (C-17 voice transmitter shouldn't rtb)

DCS: F-14 Speed & Angels Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • New interactive checklists
  • Skippable briefings
Kola map by Orbx Systems
Early Access is now available

Orbx is pleased to announce that its DCS: Kola map is now available in early access. The map covers northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Russian Murmansk Oblast and parts of the Karelia region. It also includes large areas of the Barents Sea and Norwegian Sea to the north and west, ideal for aircraft carrier operations.

The DCS: Kola early access release is offered with a special 20% discount ($55.99 USD), for a limited time whilst the Orbx team work to expand the content, detail, number of air bases, cities, towns, villages and infrastructure. The map price may also increase accordingly, so make sure you secure your discounted version now.

The early-access release of DCS: Kola focuses on a large area that spans the Finland/Russia border and encompasses, central Finland and the western parts of the Murmansk and Karelia regions of Russia (see map). Within that subregion are several higher detailed areas, centered on airports in Finland (Rovaniemi, Kemi Tornio plus two road airbases), and Russia (Olenegorsk, Severomorsk 1, Severomorsk 3, Monchegorsk, and Murmansk International), and their urban and rural surroundings and infrastructure. Outside of this focus area, two airports in Norway (Bodo and Laksekv) and three in Sweden (Kalixfors, Kiruna, and Jokkmokk) are functional but not fully detailed yet.

Key Features of the Early-Access Release

  • Complete base terrain for the entire map area, with detailed topography, summer ground textures summer, shorelines, and lakes and rivers.
  • An initial focus area spans the Finland/Russia border and encompasses central Finland and the western parts of the Murmansk and Karelia regions of Russia (see map).
  • Four high-detail areas, focusing on two airports in Finland (EFRO, EFKE) and five in Russia (XLMV, ULAK, RU-1110, RU-4464, ULMM), and their urban and rural surroundings and infrastructure.
  • Two road runways in Finland, near Rovaniemi and Sodankylä, respectively.
  • Two additional airports in Norway (ENBO and ENNA) and two in Sweden (ESNQ, ESUK, and ESNG) are functional but not fully detailed at early-access release.
  • Significant civilian POIs include bridges, vertical obstructions, monuments, hydro dams, power stations, port facilities, landmark buildings, open-pit mines, towns and small villages, and industrial sites.
  • Improved night lighting for cities and towns.
  • Main road and railroad network, with bridges and tunnels, which are connected across the map that allows long-distance AI routing.
  • Natural landmarks and geographic features, such as Norwegian fjords, detailed coastlines, snowfields, forests and wetlands, tens of thousands of lakes, and large river systems.
  • Map features represent the current era but includes allowances for the late-Cold War era – e.g., operational road runways and fully functioning Russian air bases – to enhance mission options.
  • The Orbx team is collaborating with experienced DCS campaign creators Baltic Dragon and Reflected Simulations to create engaging campaigns.

Additional Features after Early-Access Release

  • Complete set of winter textures that load dynamically based on mission date to accurately represent the cold and harsh climate of the Kola area.
  • Additional detailed military airfields, including Andøya, Bardufoss, Kirkenes, Evenes, Vidsel, Kilpyavr, Alakkurti, and others.
  • Additional military installations like naval and army bases, barracks, ports, storage areas, training areas/ranges, radar and communication sites, and air defense sites.
  • Additional Cold War Era Swedish and Finnish road runways.
  • Additional civilian airports, including Tromsø, Hammerfest, Ivalo, Luleå, and others.
  • Additional detailed cities and towns, POIs, and industrial sites.
  • Improvements to landscape features and detail, as well as additional areas with high-resolution aerial orthoimagery.


Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
Development Progress

“The DCS: Kola map by Orbx will be released into early access on the 3rd of May 2024 bringing a new and engaging region to DCS. Based on the current day, with allowances for Cold War scenarios, the map covers more than 575,000 sq km of land and large areas of the Barents Sea and Norwegian Sea. The early access release will feature summer textures with the highest detail area stretching along the Russian/Finnish border from the Murmansk region of the Kola peninsula in the north to the shores of the Baltic Sea in the south. This area is home to the Russian Northern Fleet, the submarine pens of Polyarny, strategic air bases such as Severomorsk and Olegnegorsk, and several Finnish, Swedish, and Norwegian air bases, and road runways!

We at Orbx are delighted to collaborate with experienced campaign creators including Baltic Dragon and Reflected Simulations to bring exciting campaigns to this map.

Following the early access release, we will deliver major updates starting in June 2024. This includes winter textures and additional airbases such as Andoya, Bardufoss, Evenes, Vidsel, Kilpyavr, Alakkurti, and others. Many military installations and training areas across the Kola map will be further developed with improvements added to terrain detail based on high-resolution aerial orthoimagery. New cities and towns, more custom POIs and vertical obstructions, and complex industrial sites will also be added.

We have recruited a large team of active DCS players to help with all aspects of testing, optimization, and prioritisation to help tune and improve the map.”

– Orbx

Please check out the Development Screenshots. Stay tuned for the early access launch of DCS: Kola.

Flaming Cliffs 2024

Coming Soon! Flaming Cliffs (FC) 2024 is the next chapter of the popular Flaming Cliffs series that features an expanded list of aircraft: The FC: F-5E, FC: F-86F, and FC: MiG-15bis. As with all FC aircraft, these additions are easy-to-learn, with less complex controls, and includes their DCS Professional Flight Models. The more accessible FC-style concept allows new and existing players to quickly jump into the action and have fun at an exceptionally advantageous price point.

Flaming Cliffs 2024 provides an unrivalled sense of flight that only DCS can offer. With impressive and highly realistic 3D modelling, powerful authentic weapons and ease of use, Flaming Cliffs is specifically designed for those of you looking for an unbeatable combat experience, without having to learn all the systems and a very large number of cockpit inputs typical of the full fidelity aircraft in DCS.

Existing Flaming Cliffs Aircraft:

  • F-15C
  • A-10A
  • Su-27
  • J-11
  • Su-33
  • Su-25
  • MiG-29
  • MiG-29S

Three New Flaming Cliffs Aircraft:

  • F-5E for Flaming Cliffs 2024
  • F-86F for Flaming Cliffs 2024
  • MiG-15bis for Flaming Cliffs 2024

All aircraft will be available both as part of the Flaming Cliffs 2024, as well as individual FC dedicated modules for those of you who wish to purchase a single fighter from the pack.

Virtual Carrier Wing 17
Multiplayer Server

The Virtual Carrier Wing 17 operates in the Central EU time zone. Throughout the year, vCVW-17 alternates between training and deployment periods. New student pilots and RIOs are trained by experienced air wing members and human LSOs / AICs are available during missions to add extra realism.

The vCVW-17 strives to mimic real CVW operations in the early 2000s, with every bit of the naval aviation experience imaginable. They take a realistic approach to their operations that covers Cyclic Ops, Close Air Support, Strike Packages, and more. Briefings and kneeboard pages are provided before each mission or training sortie and debriefings are used to provide post-mission evaluation that results in better virtual naval aviators. What are you waiting for? Join Virtual CVW-17 Discord.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics


The Boeing CH-47F Chinook fondly referred to as ‘The Hook’ by US military personnel, stands today as the premier multi-mission rotary wing aircraft in use with the US Army, US Army Reserve, National Guard and 20 other nations including Canada, the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Japan, Italy, Greece, Spain, South Korea, Australia, Türkiye, India and the United Arab Emirates. Embodying a unique tandem rotor design this massive helicopter excels in all its roles, including cargo and troop transportation, sling load operations, search and rescue, casualty evacuation, special operations, and humanitarian assistance in disaster scenarios.

Engineered for exceptional stability and control, the CH-47F twin engine, tandem rotor configuration ensures maximum agility and facilitates straightforward loading and unloading procedures. This design uniquely positions the CH-47F for operation in environments inaccessible to others. The absence of tail rotor interference permits rear ramp access on varied terrains, including unprepared or mountainous locations, capitalising on its remarkable landing capability. Furthermore, the aircraft's design facilitates high-altitude flight up to 20,000 feet, surpassing other helicopters in its weight category.

The CH-47F is equipped with a state-of-the-art, fully integrated digital cockpit management system; the Common Avionics Architecture System (CAAS) Cockpit, in synergy with a Digital Automatic Flight Control System (DAFCS). These advanced systems enhance cargo-handling efficiency while significantly boosting mission performance and all weather situational awareness. CH-47F also offers side and rear door gunner positions, a radar warning receiver with chaff and flare dispensers for auto protection.

With the capability to cover extensive distances swiftly, the CH-47F can be outfitted with extended range fuel tanks and is compatible with air-to-air refuelling, thus extending its operational range further than ever before. This capability underscores the aircraft’s adaptability and endurance, making it a formidable asset in any fleet.

In total some 1'200 plus CH-47 helicopters of all variants were delivered. This icon of a war machine saw combat service in all the major theatres since its inception, notably Vietnam, Iran, Libya, The Falklands, The Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Capabilities of the CH-47F
  • Tandem Rotor Design: The CH-47F features a distinctive tandem rotor system with two counter-rotating rotors. This design provides exceptional handling qualities and allows for a large lift capacity, which is crucial for carrying heavy payloads. The absence of a tail rotor also enhances safety in confined areas and simplifies maintenance, offering unhindered rear cargo and troop loading in addition to side door access.
  • Powerful Performance: Powered by two Honeywell T55-GA-714A engines, the CH-47F offers impressive power and performance. These engines deliver up to 4,868-shaft-horsepower combined, enabling the aircraft to reach speeds over 175 mph (282 km/h) with a payload of more than 21,000 pounds (9,500kg).
  • Cargo Handling and Versatility: The CH-47F's large cargo hold can accommodate a wide variety of loads, from standard palletized goods to vehicles and artillery, as well as the fuel cells for “Fat Cow” operations. Its rear-loading ramp and three external cargo hooks provide multiple options for loading and unloading, facilitating efficient logistics operations under diverse conditions.
  • Advanced Avionics and Systems: The “glass-cockpit” of the CH-47F is equipped with advanced avionics, including a Rockwell Collins Common Avionics Architecture System (CAAS) cockpit, BAE Systems' Digital Advanced Flight Control System (DAFCS), night vision-compatible displays, and modern navigation systems. These enhancements improve situational awareness and flight safety, particularly in challenging environments.
  • Crew Capacity and Configuration: Typically operated by a crew of three (two pilots and a flight engineer), the CH-47F can also carry up to 3 gunners.
  • Enhanced Survivability: Advanced countermeasures suite, which includes radar warning receivers and infrared countermeasures. Its rugged airframe and systems redundancy are designed to withstand significant damage.

The CH-47F is an essential component of any military or humanitarian fleet, capable of performing in the most demanding situations. Its enduring design and continual updates ensure that it will remain a key player in aviation for years to come.

Key Features of the DCS: CH-47F for early access release

  • Highly detailed external and internal modelling, including cockpit and cargo hold
  • Unmatched helicopter flight dynamics that only DCS can provide
  • Fully interactive, VR-ready cockpit
  • Full set of features will be announced prior to early access

Pre-purchase yours today!
Don’t miss the exclusive 30% discount during the pre-purchase phase on our Shop. Hurry! This offer only lasts until launch.

Thank you again for your passion, support and commitment to DCS. We can’t wait to see you in the cockpit!

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics