DCS World Steam Edition News & Announcements
DCS Core

  • Weapons. Crash WeaponBlocks.dll!wRadarSensorBase::getRadarAimError - fixed
  • ME. Absolute Mission Time trigger interface change, added time and date input
  • Crash in some cases when several AIM-120 initial target gets destroyed before they reach it - fixed
  • Crash in some cases when certain MODs installed and corrupt “database” in simulation - fixed
  • AI. RU AWACS - no answer on DECLARE command - fixed

DCS Update
Development Progress

Mission State Save is a new feature permitting you to create and fly scenarios over several sessions whilst preserving and carrying forward mission progress, without the need for complex scripting. Mission Save works by generating a new mission file at any point during the flight. The generated save mission carries over the date and time, all units state and location in addition to other mission state relevant parameters.

We are releasing this feature as early Work-in-Progress to gather your feedback to help us refine and prioritise future improvements. We are also looking forward to requests from script creators.

For more details about this feature, please see the Mission State Save guide.

New Campaigns
Included is the new DCS: F/A-18C The Rampagers by Baltic Dragon, offering modern naval aviation on the USS Harry S. Truman, and the DCS: Mosquito FB MkVI Freeman’s Folly Campaign by SUNTS, featuring WWII missions based on historical squadron records and weather data.

DCS Core Updates
AI Aircraft improvements include several changes to aircraft flight and formation behavior and helicopter attack patterns. Certain AI aircraft received changes to their loadouts offering more accurate weapon support.

AI Ships and Ground vehicles have received some improved effects notably the addition of a lighter grey smoke to designate vehicle damage at 50-25% of its HP. This combines with the existing more pronounced smoke effect for vehicle damage ´near death’ of 25%-0% HP.

Weapons updates include significant changes to the AIM-120 missile’s fuzing logic and conical proximity sensor pattern. The R-24 missile has undergone a comprehensive overhaul, covering aerodynamics, motor performance, warhead configuration, and guidance. Several surface-to-air and anti-ship missiles, such as the Hawk MIM-23, Kh-25MPU, Kh-22, and MIM-72G on Chaparral, have received adjustments to their flight characteristics, drag profiles, and/or guidance.
Core, GUI, and Mission Editor changes addressing longer mission load times or delays when occupying multiplayer slots have been implemented. Various interface issues such as the ESC menu failing to appear under certain conditions, F10 map zoom lock issue, and some dynamic spawn at FARP issues, have also been resolved. The Mission Editor now provides better sound file handling, more icons in draw tools and new absolute mission time trigger type.

Other fixes and additions involve model and visual tweaks for multiple units, including adjustments to recoil effects, dust visibility, and collision models. Certain 3D missile models details have been updated. The encyclopedia entries have been expanded to include the SA-5 (S-200) site and updated AIM-9 Sidewinder information. An IR jammer issue on the Su-25T has also been corrected to ensure it only affects missiles in the tail aspect.

A known issue remains where unusually large explosion craters can appear in rare instances. The development team is actively investigating and working on a fix.
Module Updates

For the F-16C Viper, the TGP target tracking jitter issue that had been affecting precision strikes has been addressed. IR missile detection problems have been resolved, ensuring proper threat awareness before launch. Additionally, the CCIP bomb aiming calculations have been corrected, improving ground attack accuracy.
F/A-18C has received fixes to its speedbrake compensation system when using the EXTEND button. The RAID antenna elevation displays now show correct information, and the anomalous drag properties associated with the BRU-41 weapon racks have been eliminated.

Some important improvements to the AH-64D have been implemented. Multicrew operations now benefit from enhanced FCR synchronization, while the position hold function no longer exhibits oscillation problems. George AI has received a comprehensive update with revised engagement ranges and burst intervals for more effective gun employment. Two longstanding issues—wheels sinking into terrain and No-Fly Zone desynchronization in multi crew—have also been addressed.

The Mi-24P Hind has gained new capabilities with the addition of SYNC mode for the ASP-17 gunsight and R-60 missiles that now properly react to flares before launch. You will also notice that landing gear problems following repairs have been corrected.

The Ka-50 Black Shark 3 ABRIS map labels have been corrected. The Shkval targeting offset issues, and mirror reflections during rainfall have also been fixed. Finally, the windshield wipers now do what they are supposed to do, wipe.
Our remastered F-5E Tiger II features enhanced visual effects with improved afterburner visuals and more realistic cockpit shaking under high G maneuvers.
For classic jet enthusiasts, the F-86F Sabre has received an important input fix, resolving a joystick assignment error that prevented proper VOIP control mapping and restored full functionality.

Flight training in the Yak-52 fixes include wheel brake disengagement during hot starts and improved pneumatic starter parameters.

The Flaming Cliffs 2024 module brings exciting new content with additional instant-action missions in Afghanistan for the Su-25T. Visual enhancements include overwing vapor effects on the Su-27 and Su-33, adding some atmospheric realism.
Finally, our historical WWII collection sees the Mosquito FB Mk VI receiving Russian localization for its lessons, making this iconic aircraft's training materials accessible to more pilots around the world.

Mosquito FB IV Freeman's Folly
Campaign by Sunts Simulations

Accessible for novices and veteran Mosquito pilots alike, the Freeman’s Folly doesn’t require the WWII Asset Pack and delivers 16 total missions brimming with authentic details. Enhanced by nearly a thousand voice-overs, images, and interactive ground-crew sequences, each mission features historically accurate flight plans via F10 map depictions, as well as unique in-flight GEE-H and AI Mark VIII radar oscilloscopes. Watch the unique explanation video and prepare to embark on a richly detailed WWII adventure that captures the spirit of Mosquito operations with compelling storytelling and historically informed gameplay. Get the DCS: Mosquito FB VI Freeman’ Folly Campaign now!


F/A-18C The Rampagers
Campaign by Baltic Dragon

From realistic departure and recovery protocols to fuel management, air-to-air refueling, and a host of mission types such as CAS, E-CAS and DEAD, the Rampagers campaign immerses you in carrier operations with detailed briefings, kneeboards, and voice-acted dialogue. The campaign’s 3,000+ lines of chatter, original soundtrack, and multiple possible endings promise over 50 hours of replayable content. Purchases also support donations for Syrian war refugees. The DCS: F/A-18C The Rampagers Campaign by Baltic Dragon is available in the latest DCS update.

For a detailed list of all the improvements and additions made in this week’s update, please do read the changelog. This is also your last change to take advantage of the DCS Spring Sale savings on our E-Shop, hurry! Offers end on the 23rd of March, 2025 at 23:59 GMT.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
Introducing Mission State Save feature that will allow you to save mission states between mission play sessions. It is working with custom unprotected missions that you can make in mission editor to make any story for yourself and play it over several sessions and save meaningful mission parameters and events like destroyed units, date/time and current location of all aircraft and their waypoints etc. Mission state save generates a new .miz file which you can edit in the mission editor before continuing your story if needed. Dedicated server has a new .sav file type to support automatic mission state save and be less demanding on server administrator. This feature is WIP and initially aimed at the average user with no advanced mission scripting knowledge. We want to form its future updates based on your feedback and also add some support if possible that will be requested by community advanced content creators.
For more details about this feature, please see the Mission State Save guide and quick guide video from SUNTSAG: DCS Mission State Save - Initial Release Version:

New campaigns:
DCS: F/A-18C The Rampagers Campaign by Baltic Dragon

DCS: Mosquito FBMkVI Freeman's Folly Campaign by SUNTS

DCS Core

  • 3D models. Fixed recoil effect on BTR 80/82.
  • 3D models. Fixed seasonal textures for SA-10 (S-300) site.
  • 3D models. Fixed visibility of some model elements through dust for most ground units.
  • 3D models. Fixed missing collision model for the Buk C2 SAM.
  • Added liveries for some Egyptian aviation
  • AI aircraft. Tuning of the AI helicopters attack patterns for better use of standoff capabilities
  • AI aircraft. AH-64s spin 360 degrees at the airfield in the presence of wind - fixed
  • AI aircraft. Deck operations. When start from six-pack with wingman crew can drive a player into a dead end - fixed
  • AI aircraft. F/A-18C will now not turn off its radar if it is locked onto by an enemy aircraft
  • AI aircraft. F-117 cannot reach service ceiling - fixed
  • AI aircraft. Fixed issues with helicopter landing on uneven surfaces
  • AI aircraft. Flight of four ship Tu-22M3 can't climb to assigned altitude - fixed
  • AI aircraft. IL-76MD weight corrected
  • AI aircraft. Incorrect wingman trajectory for Orbit task in line abreast formation - fixed
  • AI aircraft. MiG-25PD countermeasures dispensers are removed
  • AI aircraft. MiG-29 uses speedbrake and clips runway on landing - fixed
  • AI aircraft. The aerobatics task will be performed every time the aerobatics start point is passed.
  • AI aircraft. When assigned the Orbit task to helicopters, they fly to nowhere - fixed
  • AI aircraft. Wingman crosses the leader's trajectory twice on left turn in line abreast formation - fixed
  • AI aircraft. Wingmen do not follow the leader when performing a task Orbit - fixed
  • AI aircraft. TF-51D. Fixed bug on rudder on all liveries
  • AI aircraft. B-52 loadout and onboard sensor changes. Added TGP section in loadout with Litening option for TGP. Added more currently available in DCS world laser bombs in loadout. (B-52 loadout missing or not propper modeled. - Aircraft AI Bugs (Non-Combined Arms) - ED Forums)
  • AI aircraft. APK-9 datalink pod added for Su-24M for Kh-59 usage
  • AI aircraft. New option “Allow Formation Swap Side” - When enabled this allows tactical formation turns, and disabled the AI will follow regular turn behaviour. This option will be off by default in missions created before this update, and enabled by default in new missions. The mission maker can decide which option suits the scenario.
  • AI aircraft. Added new “Anchored” orbit for tankers. This allows custom leg length and width for orbit.
  • AI ground. HY-2 Silkworm anti ship missile. The calculation of the target visibility range to the horizon has been corrected. The missile will be launched at a greater range if it is located on a hill.
  • AI ground. Added "gray smoke" effect when unit HP reaches 50-25% (25-0% range has "black smoke").
  • AI ground. Target lock is not reset when quickly moving the crosshair IR SAM to another target - fixed.
  • AI ground. Shoot and Scoot - No Scoot if task pushed after another fire at point - fixed.
  • AI ground. The size of the MG cartridges on pickups has been reduced.
  • AI ground. Fixed firing effect for BMP-3.
  • AI ground. IR SAM target acquisition timer and sound delay - fixed.
  • AI ground. Improved DM of Gun 15cm SK C/28 Naval in Bunker (possible to destroy by hitting the gun.).
  • AI ground. Several vehicles' model aiming points were shifted up by 1.7m. Aim points used by AI do determine if they can attack a vehicle and hit it.
  • AI ground. Added RPN S-300 to ARM recognition list for symbology fix
  • AI sea. Fixed missing missile model on missile launcher at Oliver Perry.
  • AI sea. Missing of a 3D model of the Bazalt missile in the launch container and the early closing of the container lid of the cruiser Moskva - fixed.
  • AI sea. Harpoon explodes in launcher La Combattante 2 - fixed.
  • Briefing. Added QNH in hPa/mbar
  • Core. Loading process adjusted which will help in sporadic situations when user may have experience longer mission load times and longer MP slot occupation response
  • Core. Observer-side jettisoned bombs being left indefinitely alive in some cases - fixed.
  • Core. Set AI Life trigger action used with sea platform causes DCS crash - fixed.
  • Debriefing. No bullet/shell counts in debriefing when A/C shooting - fixed.
  • Encyclopedia. Added SA-5 (S-200) site.
  • Encyclopedia. Added field artillery leFH 18/40.
  • Encyclopedia. Added/updated info about Sidewinder AIM-9 missiles family in encyclopedia
  • Graphics. HUD Symbology affected by engines heat blur effect - fixed
  • Graphics. Manual fog settings cause a black screen in some case - fixed (DCS Graphic Bug with Heatblur and Landing light in the F14A Zone 5 campaign Event 5 - General Bugs - ED Forums)
  • Graphics. Helper gates size change feature fix for MT
  • GUI. ESC menu does not work due to hidden active chat window -fixed (Esc key not working - Controller & Assignment Bugs - General - ED Forums)
  • GUI. Dynamic spawn does not use normal default gun ammo type but uses first ammo type in the list instead - fixed
  • GUI. Dynamic Spawn. FARP Dynamic Slots report occupied after a "blocked" spawn attempt - fixed (FARP Dynamic Slots report occupied after a "blocked" spawn attempt - Multiplayer Bugs - ED Forums)
  • GUI. Score Window does not record kills in Multiplayer - fixed. (Score Window does not record in Multiplayer - Multiplayer Bugs - ED Forums)
  • GUI. Zoomed-out F10 map cannot be zoomed-in using mouse scroll wheel in ascertain cases - fixed. (F10 Map Stuck on zoom out/Multiplayer - General Bugs - ED Forums)
  • Historical mode. ZSU-57-2 added to 15 countries.
  • Historical mode. Added field artillery leFH 18/40.
  • ME. Better management of sound files. Saving the sound file when changing the trigger type to one that also uses the sound file.
  • ME. Difference of helicopter and payload elements camouflage - fixed
  • ME. Ships 'All' category cannot be selected - fixed (Change Ship Category in ME - Mission Editor Bugs - ED Forums)
  • ME. Unit selection in Unit List is bugged when group is HIDDEN ON MAP - fixed ("Set Invisible" command does not work in multiplayer - Multiplayer Bugs - ED Forums)
  • ME. More icons added to the Draw Tool
  • ME. Copying helicopter with hardpoints disabled, then changing it to another helicopter type results in being unable to rearm - fixed.
  • MP. AI Task Push does not work for multiplayer client - fixed ("Set Invisible" command does not work in multiplayer - Multiplayer Bugs - ED Forums)
  • MP. Scenery Destruction Zone is not synced for clients on dedicated server - fixed (Object Destruction Zone (works on host, but does not work on dedicated server) - Multiplayer Bugs - ED Forums)
  • Scripting API. net.lua2json(t): Crashes game if t contains cycles (SEGFAULT) - fixed (net.lua2json(t): Crashes game if t contains cycles (SEGFAULT) - General Bugs - ED Forums)
  • Scripting API. Smoke markers generate a ghost icon of ZIL-135 P1 neutral unit - fixed (Smoke markers generate a ghost ZIL-135 P1 neutral unit - Ground AI Bugs (Non-Combined Arms) - ED Forums)
  • Scripting API. Static PAD Single gives wrong external category (Ship) - fixed (Static PAD Single gives wrong external category (Ship) - Object Bugs - ED Forums)
  • Scripting API. net.lua2json : array - index 0 incompatibility - fixed (net.lua2json : another bug detected (array - index 0 incompatibility) - General Bugs - ED Forums)
  • Su-25T. IR Jammer. IR jammer suppresses missiles from all directions. Fixed. Jammer will suppress missiles only in the tail sector.
  • Weapons. AGM-45A Shrike fins instantly snap to actuated position - added actuator model
  • Weapons. AIM-120. Added late arming of the missile fuse at 150 meters before the target. This will avoid detonation on the flight path when flying close to another aircraft or missile. This only works when the range to the target is known.
  • Weapons. AIM-120. Implemented 30 degree conical side directional pattern of proximity fuse sensor - “Wagon Wheel”
  • Weapons. BetAB-500ShP. Animations corrected
  • Weapons. BGM-109 start sequence settings updated. Booster trail updated
  • Weapons. Corrected flight dynamics and motor of SAM Hawk MIM-23 missile
  • Weapons. Corrected some missile engine smoke effects. Missile turbojet engine smoke effect updated.
  • Weapons. Eliminated glossy finishing of Kh-25 missile skin
  • Weapons. Illuminating bombs now can be locked as target by IR missiles
  • Weapons. Improved synchronization of the time of missile detonation for clients in MP
  • Weapons. Kh-25MPU missile retargeting to other target that placed quite far from primary one - fixed
  • Weapons. Kh-58 missile aiming error for moving target. Missiles always arrive at the stern of the ship. Fixed.
  • Weapons. Fixed an issue with shell disappearing when firing at long range.
  • Weapons. MIM-72G Chaparral. Renew the model of the motor block. Added variable smoke opacity. Added more gain in the guidance loop.
  • Weapons. R-24 missile overhaul. Updated aerodynamics, motor, warhead, guidance
  • Weapons. RGM-84 booster trail updated
  • Weapons. S-5 rocket rotation animation is missing under some circumstances - fixed
  • Weapons. SA-13 and SA-9 missiles. Reduced arming time from 5 sec to 2 sec after launch
  • Weapons. Kh-22 antiship missile. Corrected aerodynamics data, increased drag
  • CTD. Dedicated server crash when changing missions with webgui - fixed
  • Known Issue: We are aware about bug with oversized explosion craters appearing in some cases, it is very sporadic bug and we are working on debugging it

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: TGP tracking target has jitter.
  • Fixed: Player IR missiles can see through player aircraft prior to launch.
  • Fixed: CCIP bombs consistently fall short from target.

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: FCS compensation for speedbrake deployment is tied to the Airbrake EXTEND button, instead of the speedbrake position itself.
  • Fixed: Antenna elevation carat and B-sweep "swapped" in 1LOOK RAID.
  • Fixed: BRU-41 with 6 BDU-33 appears to create excessive drag.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Improved FСR synchronization.
  • Known synchronization bugs that we are working on:
  • FCR animation for all users (currently only displayed for helicopter host).
  • RMAP background (missing) on ​​first client login if HOST scanned and stopped. With subsequent scan packets, everything is displayed for everyone.
  • Fixed: Position Hold oscillation:
  • When initially engaged, Position Hold can cause some large oscillations in attitude and lateral velocity. At times, the Position Hold can generate a ground speed in the opposite direction well beyond the initial position and velocity when initially engaged.
  • When disengaged, Position Hold seems to generate an erroneous input through the SCAS. For example, if the helicopter was in a stable and trimmed hover and the Force Trim/Hold Mode switch is pressed to the aft position to disengage Position Hold, the green SCAS indicator may jump aft, incurring a nose up attitude when such a movement was neither commanded nor necessary.
  • Fixed: RWR displays AI AH-64D FCR as "U" Unknown Fixed-Wing, even when AI AH-64D does not have FCR installed.
  • AH-64D FCR removed from AH-64D RWR classification library.
  • Fixed: HAI - The left wheel sinks into the ground upon landing.
  • Fixed: No fire zone NFZ desync in multicrew.
  • Fixed: RFHO target data erased when FCR selected as sight on FCR-equipped AH-64D.
  • Fixed: Firing RF missile using TADS is advancing FCR Next-To-Shoot (NTS) target.
  • Fixed: NTS is not sequencing when firing RF missile while FCR is selected sight.
  • Fixed: Cued LOS Reticle displaced downward in CPG HDU when FCR slaved to FXD.
  • Fixed: Displaying COM page on right MPD causes C/S> error on left MPD.
  • Fixed: De-selecting G/S on VIS page is enabling VSEL (T6) if a CPG underlay is selected.
  • Fixed: George CPG unit IFF label errors. Labels updated in the following manner:
  • Inappropriate characters removed.
  • Prevent overflow of characters outside of Target List.
  • Revised confusing nomenclature of some unit types.
  • Fixed: George CPG ranging behavior when employing gun.
  • When tracking a target with the gun actioned, George will continuously lase to ensure accurate ballistics calculations prior to firing.
  • George will only engage target within 2500 meters when in ROE FREE FIRE. May be overridden to engage out to full range of gun using Consent To Fire command.
  • Fixed: George CPG gun burst interval when firing gun in ROE FREE FIRE.
  • George will pause between bursts to wait for rounds to impact target before firing another burst. May be ordered to fire another burst early using Consent To Fire command.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added: SYNC mode functionality for ASP-17 sight
  • Added: functionality for R-60 missiles to react to flares before launch
  • Fixed: Gear not lowered after repair

DCS: F-5E by Eagle Dynamics

  • Improved the appearance of the afterburner.
  • Improved shaking effect of cockpit element under G load.

DCS: F-86F by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: VOIP controls cannot be assigned to joystick.

DCS: Yak-52 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Wheel brakes can not be disengaged after a hot start.
  • Improved. Pneumatic starter parameters

DCS: Mirage F1 by Aerges

  • Default load out setup is now empty pylons and pylons can be removed to have a 'clean' aircraft.
  • Fixed the inability to click the right canopy handle when the canopy is open.
  • Ejection handles click spots positions are updated now correctly.
  • Fixed all weapons released at once with 'Single' release mode selected.
  • Weapon release sequence is interrupted now when 'Bombs, rockets, missiles..' button is released in 'Salvo' mode.
  • IDN 'Additional target selector switch' now stops when it is in 'Dist' mode, and min/max distance limit was reached.
  • Mach/Airspeed indicator reference airspeed bug (and the corresponding knob) animation was made unlimited.
  • The F1BE rear seat ‘IDN TACAN distance failure bar’ is functional now.
  • Fixed F1BE rear seat 'IDN VOR failure' flag - it was mixed up with the 'TACAN distance failure' bar.
  • Fixed F1BE rear seat 'IDN general failure' flag - it was mixed up with the 'IDN VOR failure' flag.
  • Standby horizon indicator A/C symbol movement was adjusted with the cage knob pulled.
  • Fixed broken standby horizon indicators cage function in F1BE.
  • Fixed standby horizon jitter when it is caged.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Standby horizon cage operation was fixed. Previously the displayed pitch/roll were changing even with the gyro being caged.
  • Standby horizon cage knob operation was adjusted. Now the gyro is caged when the knob is pulled at more than 90% of its total movement. The knob now stays pulled in the caged position.
  • The standby horizon failure flag is visible now when the gyro is caged.
  • Fixed standby horizon jitter when it is caged.

DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024

  • Su-25T. Added Afghanistan instant action missions
  • Su-27/33. Added an overwing vapor effects

DCS: L-39 Albatros by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added Instant Action missions for Afghanistan map

DCS: Black Shark 3 by Eagle Dynamics

  • ABRIS. Map does not show Airport points label - fixed
  • ABRIS. Pre-recorded refpoint label is suffixed "REFPOINT" (Prepare Mission) - fixed
  • Missing mirrors reflection in the rain - fixed
  • The Shkval always lock on the lower part of the object - fixed
  • Windshield wipers can swipe raindrops now

DCS: Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added RU localization for lessons. (It’s been done earlier, but not mentioned)

DCS: AV-8B Hormuz Freedom Campaign by SorelRo

  • AV8_C1_M1 mission. Weather updated to remove the old sand storm and add the fog. Voices updated for the main character. Triggers revised and additional dialogue added.

DCS: F/A-18C Inherent Resolve Campaign by Looking Glass

  • Mission 6 - VBIEDS. FIXED bugs causing mission failure. Made various changes to gameplay for improvements, timings, friendly troops.

DCS: Outpost AH-64D Campaign by Stone Sky

  • Mission 2. Fixed problem with landing on Arleigh Burke.

DCS: MAD AH-64D Campaign by Stone Sky

  • M02. Restored corrected mission.

A-10C / A-10C II Basic Flight Training Qualification Campaigns by Maple Flag Missions

  • Mission A-10C - BFT05 - Basic Maneuvers. Updated triggers to match practice mission.
  • Mission A-10C II - BFT05 - Basic Maneuvers. Updated triggers to match practice mission.

DCS: P-51D Blue Nose Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • All missions: AI lead restricted from using WEP during climb

DCS: Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • All missions: AI lead restricted from using WEP during climb

DCS: P-51D Debden Eagles Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • All missions: AI lead restricted from using WEP during climb

DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations
All missions: AI lead restricted from using WEP during climb

DCS: Spitfire IX Beware! Beware! Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • All missions: AI lead restricted from using WEP during climb

DCS: F-16C Arctic Thunder Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Mission 7 kneeboard typo fix

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Green Line by Badger633

  • Missions 4: Carrier parking at end of mission fixed

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Mountain Breeze Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • Mission 6: Fixed Syrian ships killing each other
Germany Cold War

The DCS: Cold War Germany map, long requested by our customers, recreates central Europe at the height of the Cold War in the 1980s. This map of West Germany, East Germany, parts of Poland, Czechoslovakia, and the Low Countries centres on the strategically important Fulda Gap and also includes areas of the Baltic Sea for naval operations. The map measures 980x800 km and accurately reproduces the cities of Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Magdeburg, Leipzig, Hannover, Lübeck and others.

The map features over 100 highly detailed military airfields and heliports such as Ramstein, Spangdahlem, Hahn, Bitburg, Sembach and large civil airfields like Tegel, Schönefeld, Tempelhof, Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Hannover. Numerous army bases, listening posts, naval bases, training grounds, weapon storage facilities, and the militarized frontier between East and West Germany.

Ugra-Media has invested in detail, providing users a rich environment for endless complex missions and campaigns with accurate reproduction of the road and rail network, along with the power plants and electricity grid, industrial sites, mines, tunnels, stadiums, rail yards and stations, as well as cultural landmarks.

The initial release of the map will focus on the central portion of East and West Germany with summer textures that will allow the creation of unlimited "what if" scenarios in Europe. Later updates will add additional detail, airfields, and other features to the north and south, as well as west to include parts of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Denmark with Spring, Autumn, and Winter textures. Check out the development screenshots and stay tuned for more information!

Steam Spring Sale
Don’t miss some amazing deals

We are pleased to inform you that the DCS Spring Saving are now available on Steam too! From today until the 20th of March, 2025 at 17:00 GMT you can enjoy all the same discounts across our aircraft, terrains, campaigns and important add-ons. Enjoy!

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
Spring Sale
Up to -50%

Don’t miss this chance to expand your DCS collection at special springtime prices. Head to our E-Shop to explore all available offers and secure your must-have modules before the sale ends! See you in the skies.

The DCS Spring Sale 2025 has already begun on our E-Shop and will run until the 23rd of March, 2025 at 23:59 GMT. We are also pleased to announce our participation in the DCS Steam Edition Spring Sale 2025, which will commence on the 13th of March and end on the 20th of March 2025 at 17:00 GMT.

Mission State Save
Development Progress

We are pleased to share good progress on the Mission State Save Option. This feature is aimed at giving players an easier way to set up their own mission context and environment (story) with basic mission editor skills and be able to keep progress made by transferring achievements to subsequent sessions of the same mission automatically. It’s designed to enhance long-term gameplay, providing a seamless experience for those engaging in lengthy or complex missions. Additionally, we are making it compatible with multiplayer nuances. We hope you’ll enjoy it! The new Save feature will allow you to save mission states between missions. It will also allow you to make mission changes at the save point in the Mission Editor.

The feature is now integrated with the existing DCS architecture. The current efforts are focused on adding specific dedicated server controls for running persistent missions and saving them on demand. As always, community feedback will be vital to our development process. Once this feature will be available, we encourage all participants to provide as much detailed feedback as possible so we can plan future improvements.

The Mission State Save feature is aimed at giving players an easier way to create new missions based on the saved events state of the played mission. New Save does not save the state of everything in a mission but rather applies the theatre of operations events to a newly generated mission. This allows you to create linked missions with persistence between them.

You can save the mission state at any time during the mission or generate a new mission from the state you get at debriefing after you exit the mission. The new mission file will have its time and date set to match the day and time the previous mission was saved at, and groups that were destroyed will be deleted from the mission and groups that were activated will be added as active. If you save a mission state while controlling an aircraft in flight, the aircraft will spawn at the location it was flying when the mission ended. The same transfer of spawn position will also happen at airfields or FARPs when the aircraft is on the ground. Ground unit current positions, speeds and waypoints will also be saved between missions. We are also working on adding new types of triggers that will activate by absolute time passed in the mission, not just time passed since the start of the simulation process.

All warehouse states are also transferred. We are working on adding and refining the parameters that are transferred to new mission files. The Mission State generated file will be compatible with the Mission Editor, just like a regular mission file, so you can adjust it as needed to best support a storyline you want. Additionally, we worked on multiplayer functionality to give dedicated servers the option to generate these files automatically at the end of a mission or on demand by the admin panel button. Also, we have developed a new dedicated server mission format .sav to support seamless mission persistence, when a mission is converted to .sav, the server will automatically save the last state of that mission after mission end or restart, while saving on demand will give you a new .sav file at the location of your choice. The dedicated server interface also will allow conversion between .miz and .sav formats.

That way you can run missions lists which will iterate through different types of missions and keep persistent missions automatically updated after the server switches to another mission.

This feature won’t break protection of DCS paid single player campaigns and is aimed at user generated content only initially.


In the DCS: AH-64D Outpost Campaign by Stone Sky, mission 2 now has a corrected landing procedure on the Arleigh Burke. For DCS: F/A-18C Operation Green Line by Badger633, the boat movement issue in mission 1 is fixed, and F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion 2 sees its mission 13 carrier parking conflict resolved. Ground Pounder Sims updated mission 10 in the F-16C Last Out Weasels Over Syria 2 Campaign to prevent the rotor from engaging MiGs prematurely, while F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North mission 5 received various minor tweaks. Finally, Baltic Dragon’s F/A-18C Raven One: Dominant Fury underwent an overhaul in missions 4, 8, and 9, addressing progression blockers, datalink fixes, and comms improvements. To experience these important campaign fixes, please update to the latest DCS version now!

Black Angels
Air Race

This weekend, make sure you tune in to an exciting new DCS Mustang Air Race Championship, hosted by our dedicated community members Black Angels. Inspired by Nick Grey’s recent feedback, they have improved their race result export system to update in near real-time, ensuring that pilots can see their lap times both on their Discord and on the event homepage. Join in for free practice sessions on the 7th and 8th of March, with the main competition taking place on the 9th of March featuring the iconic P-51 and free TF-51 Mustangs.

In their commitment to expanding air racing throughout the DCS community, the team will release their racing script for anyone interested in creating their own thrilling events. They also invite participants to #FlyTogether by offering a gift voucher for any Eagle Dynamics module as a prize. If you’d like to get involved please visit the event page, or simply cheer on the racers on the Champions page.

We truly hope you take advantage of the fantastic savings available in the DCS Spring Sale 2025 and that the development progress on the persistent save feature is to your satisfaction.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
DCS Campaigns

DCS: AH-64D Outpost Campaign by Stone Sky
- Mission 2. Fixed problem with landing on Arleigh Burke.

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Green Line by Badger633
- Mission 1: Boat movement fixed.

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion 2 by Badger633
- Missions 13: Carrier parking conflict on return resolved.

DCS: F-16C Last Out Weasels Over Syria 2 Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims
- Mission 10 - Rotor engaging Migs when already clear of the fight - fixed.

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims
- Mission 5 - Various minor updates and fixes.

DCS: F/A-18C Raven One: Dominant Fury by Baltic Dragon
- Mission 4: fixed issue with mission not progressing after overflying Power Chord.
- Mission 8: general overhaul of the mission, with new prompts, fixed datalink, updated comms and several smaller bug fixes. Note: known issue with overlapping comms during departure, will be fixed for next patch.
- Mission 9: fixed issue with Scuds shooting too early; fixed garbled comms from Cutlass towards end of the mission; added missing prompt for freq change to Strike; added unlimited fuel for flight lead.

The following campaigns have had issues with broken file names fixed, and now the campaigns are fully playable:

DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations

DCS: F-16C First in Weasels Over Syria Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

DCS: MAD AH-64D Campaign by Stone Sky

Mi-8MTV2 Oilfield Campaign by Dmitry Koshelev

DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED

DCS: UH-1H Worlds Apart Stormfront Campaign by Low-Level-Heaven Mission Development
Development Progress

Appearance of Missile Contrails at Low Temperatures
Modern missiles use reduced-smoke solid-fuel rocket motors, as well as liquid-fuel motors. However, these cease to be “low-smoke” at altitude due to the drop in air temperature. The exhaust of solid-fuel missiles, such as the AMRAAM’s HTPB/AP fuel, contains Hydrogen Chloride HCl, which at low temperatures forms crystal hydrates that generate a dense contrail. The exhaust of liquid-fuel missiles contains water vapor, which also generates a dense contrail in cold air.

In winter, a contrail can appear even at low altitudes. At Arctic temperatures, the contrail may appear even at ground level.

In the screenshot, an F-15C aircraft launches a missile at a target high above it. As illustrated in the image, the first part of the missile's flight has a “low-smoke” trail where the air temperature is above -25°C. As the missile climbs, a dense contrail appears as the air temperature falls below -25°C.

On the Kola map, you can set the air temperature down to -30°C, and this results in “low-smoke” missiles having trails at surface level. This is an important tactical point, as the smoke trail reveals not only the missile launch but also its trajectory.

Trajectory Fluctuations of Older Generation Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) Systems
We recently added authentic guidance algorithms for the older Soviet SA-2 and SA-3 SAM systems. Due to the low angular accuracy of first generation radars, and the design features of the radio command control system, noticeable fluctuations are observed in the flight path of SAM missiles. These limitations lead to increased errors in the targeting, which was compensated for by large warheads.

We have implemented two guidance modes for these missiles. By default, the improved proportional navigation mode is used, but if the target uses a jammer, or has a velocity of less than 100 meters per second, pure pursuit is used.

Realistic Pattern of Proximity Fuze
We recently added new and more realistic SAM missile proximity blast patterns for fuzes. The proximity blast pattern is now a more realistic, “wagon wheel” shape rather than spherical.

This allows the SAM missile warhead to more effectively fuze when the target is in the lethal area of the expanding rod zone. This increases the SAM lethality. This new mechanism allows us to set unique shapes and sizes of patterns based on fuze and warhead types. It is an important step in the development of munitions for DCS. You can expect the first implementation of this feature for the AIM-120 air-to-air missile in the next update.

Marianas 1944
Development Progress

The free Marianas 1944 map currently in development will focus on the brutal battles between the United States and Japan for the islands of Saipan, Guam, and Tinian in the summer of 1944. This coincided with the Battle of the Philippine Sea that saw large-scale naval warfare between aircraft carrier task forces.

World War II History and Key Battles
The Mariana Islands became a flashpoint in 1944, and it shaped the outcome of the Pacific Theatre of Operations (PTO). Three major operations stand out:

  • Battle of Saipan (15 June – 9 July 1944)
  • Battle of Guam (21 July – 10 August 1944)
  • Battle of Tinian (24 July – 1 August 1944)

Each of these iconic battles, fought across rugged terrain in sweltering summer heat, showcased the evolving tactics of amphibious warfare combined with naval close air support. These battles changed the course of the war in the Pacific by establishing air bases within striking distance of Japan.

Modern vs. 1944 – Island by Island
While the modern Mariana Islands map features contemporary infrastructure, airfields, and urban centers, the DCS: Marianas 1944 map will present a significantly different depiction of these islands.


  • Today: It is one of the largest U.S. military bases in the Pacific, and it includes expansive naval and air force installations that cover much of the island.
  • WWII Era: Small towns, villages, and relatively little infrastructure.


  • Today: Sparsely populated and far removed from its former prominence in global history.
  • WWII Era: An agricultural hub in the summer of 1944, it was later transformed into a crucial military staging area during the final stages of the war, including B-29 bombing missions over Japan.


  • Today: A popular destination with golf courses, resort areas, and recreational facilities, it reflects a strong tourism industry.
  • WWII Era: Dominated by plantations and small-scale settlements.


  • WWII Era & Today: Rota remains one of the lesser-developed islands in the chain, with minimal changes over the decades. Rota offers a quieter pace of life in the Marianas.


  • Today: Largely uninhabited since a volcanic eruption in the 1980s, it is mostly untouched by modern development.
  • WWII Era: Home to a local population and Japanese military presence.

The goal of DCS: Marianas 1944 is to faithfully recreate the conditions that defined the battles of 1944. You can look forward to authentic period-based airfields, buildings, vegetation and agriculture, roads and rail lines. The 1944 version poses the unique challenges of older navigation technology, limited logistical support, and high-stakes amphibious operations. This WWII-era environment will offer an immersive glimpse into the intensity of the Pacific War.

We look forward to sharing more details on DCS: Marianas 1944 as development continues. In the meantime, make sure you explore the free DCS: Marianas map, and stay tuned for future updates on this thrilling journey back in time.


by Matt Wagner

Your overwhelmingly positive response to Matt Wagner's January Q&A has not gone unnoticed! Many new and interesting questions came from the previous video, so this one will seek to provide some answers, such as the status of the dynamic campaign and future aircraft development. Watch the February 2025 Q&A video:


Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
East Afghanistan
Out Now!

The next region of DCS: Afghanistan is now available: East Afghanistan! This new area leverages our latest map technology and lessons learned from previous terrains, including the Southwest region. The eastern region is characterised by its rugged, mountainous terrain, interspersed with agricultural areas around Bagram and along waterways. Kabul, the capital and largest city in Afghanistan, includes several points of interest such as hospitals, historical sites, monuments, and unique neighborhoods. The Eastern region also includes the urban areas of Bagram, Gardez, Jalalabad, and Khost and 10 highly-detailed airfields:

• Bagram

• Kabul

• Jalalabad

• Gardez

• Khost

• Sharana

• Bamyan

• Urgoon Heliport

• Ghazni Heliport

• Khost Heliport

Along with the release of the Eastern region, the entire map offers improved surface textures, ground clutter, noise, and normal maps. We have also upgraded the transition between ground texture types and increased the visual quality of surfaces throughout. In the months ahead, we will continue to enhance the map’s performance and visual fidelity, as well as improving AI pathfinding.

For carrier ops, the current update now expands to include the Arabian Gulf, albeit at a lower resolution. In parallel to continued improvement on the Southwest and Eastern regions, we now move our focus to North Afghanistan. New missions for DCS: Black Shark 3 and DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024 have also been added for DCS: Afghanistan, enjoy!

Flexible purchase options provide customers the choice of purchasing one or more of three regions of Afghanistan: Southwest, East and North. You can purchase DCS: Southwest Afghanistan and DCS: East Afghanistan for $29.99 each. Alternatively, you may purchase the entire DCS: Afghanistan map for the early access discounted price of $55.99. This will include all current and future regions and updates.

DCS Update
Development Progress

DCS Core
This week’s update saw numerous changes and improvements including AI aircraft being unable to react to radar-launched missiles outside of visual range if not equipped with an onboard radar warning receiver. The initial implementation of tactical turns when flying in a two-ship with an AI wingman has also been added, and AI aircraft now use enhanced lead pursuit for more timely rejoins. Various additional improvements have been made to the S-3B. The Mi-28 can now land on small helipads, and the MiG-31 damage model has been upgraded. Ground and naval AI also saw improvements with Chinese Assets pack ships. The HQ-7B short range SAM has received accuracy refinements, and artillery now fire at secondary targets again.

Graphical and performance improvements to the DCS Core include the addition of both High and Low SSAO effect options and a number of shader compilation errors have been fixed. This update also saw important bug resolutions to the Mission Editor. The dedicated server saw certain options improved in addition to bug fixes. Numerous weapon improvements for both SAMs and Tomahawk were implemented, and magnetic north has been updated to better reflect current real world deviation.

Eagle Dynamics Modules
The DCS: F-16C Viper saw the following improvements: addition of a mouse click function on the throttle to move between OFF and IDLE; the Ground Moving Target game crash is now fixed; Dogfight Mode stuck with NO RAD indication is fixed; new parking brake and anti-skid control bindings added; pilot survivability improved.

The DCS: F/A-18C continues to see enhancements such as adjustments to the AIM-9X tracking near gimbal limits; similar pilot damage modelling as the Viper, and several fixes including a PDLT crash in EXP mode; interface between the data link pod and the AGM-84 fixed; and AUTO bombing mode based on an OAP now fixed.

Both of these aircraft and the DCS: F-5E also include air-to-air infrared-guided missile seekers being actively distracted by flares prior to missile launch. This makes pre-emptive flares effective when flying against these aircraft. AI aircraft saw a large number of behaviour and functional improvements.

DCS: F-5E Remastered improvements include more correct radar display when powered off and refined gun dispersion. The DCS: L-39 Albatros saw fixes for certain clickable cockpit elements, while the Yak-52 control binding animation and auto start issues were fixed. WWII Warbirds such as the DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt and DCS: P-51D Mustang benefit from corrections to their engine performance and lighting systems, respectively.

Third-Party Modules
Magnitude 3, developers of the DCS: MiG-21bis, have fixed SPO-10 lights, while IndiaFoxtEcho has upgraded collision models, cockpit functionality, and gunsight operation for the DCS: MB-339A/PAN. Deka Ironwork Simulations brought loadout panel improvements to the DCS: JF-17F Thunder, solving mission editor freezes and refining data link text overlay. For a more detailed list of all the changes in this week’s DCS Update, please read the complete changelog.

DCS: F-4E Phantom II by Heatblur, saw numerous bug fixes and mission improvements.

DCS: Mirage F1 by Aerges also saw a large number of improvements to systems and input bindings.

We hope you enjoy exploring the new East Afghanistan region and take advantage of the many improvements included in this update. As always, stay tuned for more news.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
Introduced a new terrain module: DCS: East Afghanistan Map by Eagle Dynamics

DCS Core

  • Added method for IR missiles seekers to react on flares before missile launch (from cockpit). Each module needs to add usage of this functionality separately.
  • AI Aircraft. Aircraft without RWR will be able to detect incoming missiles only visually at close distance, not BVR.
  • AI Aircraft. AI rejoin lead pursuit rules and timings were adjusted for better experience.
  • AI Aircraft. AIs anti-ship aircraft with Kh-35 missiles do not attack - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. AIs can't launch AGM-84E in some cases - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. B-52H has random landing gear failure on runway 21L NTTR for both air start and ground start aircraft - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Mi-28 explodes during start from a small little helipad - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. MiG-31 cannot be destroyed if shot from directly behind - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Parked AIs switch from normal position to upside down (dedicated server only) - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. S-3B refuelling pod lights texture correction was done.
  • AI Aircraft. S-3B tanker has issues refuelling some AI aircraft in certain conditions - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft. Sometimes AI aircraft park into space of not fitting size after landing - fixed.
  • AI Aircraft - Added Tactical Turns. When flying as a 2 ship, with human lead AI is now able to perform on command tactical turn, Use radio menu to command.
  • AI Ground. Artillery doesn't shoot at the second target - fixed.
  • AI Ground. China Asset Pack: HQ-7B radar and launcher units revised (Thanks to currenthill).
  • AI Ground. CIWS shoots above the target- fixed.
  • AI Ground. Scout HL with DShK gun traversal angles adjusted.
  • AI Navy. "Moscow" cruiser can't fire all 16 P-500 missiles - fixed.
  • AI Navy. China Asset Pack: 052B, 052C, and 054A revised (Thanks to currenthill).
  • AI Navy. Fixed the lack of smoke on the Kuznetsov 2017 aircraft carrier.
  • Graphics. Added two options for SSAO effect - "Low" and "High".
  • Graphics. Adjusted IR appearance of clouds; reduced cloud temperature for FLIR devices.
  • Graphics. Raindrops functionality changes when different aircraft cockpits entered in MP - fixed.
  • Graphics. Several shaders compilation errors - fixed.
  • ME. A fog/haze can appear in a new unsaved mission - fixed. Fog setting will not be inherited from a previously launched mission.
  • ME. Anti air ground units can’t be set to attack specific air units - fixed.
  • ME. Briefing pictures change issues - fixed.
  • ME. GUI Error when deleting a waypoint with a task - fixed.
  • ME. Sometimes unit heading value can become "-1" - fixed.
  • ME. Static units could not be rotated via widget buttons - fixed.
  • MP. Dedicated server can start from random mission in shuffle mode now.
  • MP. Dedicated server keeps fog setting from previous mission - fixed.
  • MP. On dedicated server AI helicopters sling load rope glitching and extending - fixed.
  • MP. Random camera rotation at spawn on client - fixed.
  • MP. Server crash when cargo destroy() whilst hooked - fixed.
  • Radio transmission leaves constant static noise - fixed.
  • Scripting API. Added possibility to pass args and return values from mission scripting a_do_script() and a_do_file() APIs.
  • Triggers. 'Missile In Zone' Trigger doesn't work for Kh-41 missile - fixed.
  • Weapon. AIM-9P3, AIM-9P5, AIM-9JULI. The low-smoke motors of these missiles will produce denser smoke as altitude increases and temperatures decrease. AIM-9M and AIM-9X already do so.
  • Weapon. BGM-109 Tomahawk will no longer perform cruise fly at high altitude, only at low altitude.
  • Weapon. China Asset Pack: HQ-7B, HQ-16, and HHQ-9 missiles revised (Thanks to currenthill).
  • Weapon. China Asset Pack: YJ-12 missile switch to ED’s edition.
  • Weapon. SA-3 5V27 missile will not guide during booster stage.
  • Weapon. SA-5, 5М28 missile. Engine smoke of second stage tuned. Added inversion contrail at low temperatures.
  • Weapon. SAM SA-2/3. Added realistic missile trajectory fluctuations due to older generation radar angular inaccuracy.
  • Weapon. Several negative drag errors in logs - fixed.
  • World. AI Helicopter cannot land if in the range to 400 m placed Comm Tower due to oversize of bounding box - corrected.
  • World. US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency released the WMM update, 2025-2030 data. Its data has been integrated into the DCS magnetic variation interface.
  • 3D models. Fixed season textures for HEMTT tanker trucks.
  • 3D models. Fixed the disappearance of TLC fragments in some camera positions.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added AIM-9 seekers tracking flares prior to the missile being launched.
  • Added Throttle OFF/IDLE Mouse Click on the throttle (key command/binding no longer required).
  • Fixed: PDLT cycle with EXP causes freeze/crash.
  • Fixed: Using GMT causes a game crash.
  • Fixed: Special key bind for parking brake / antiskid not working.
  • Fixed: Damage model - Pilot cannot survive any explosive hit.
  • Fixed: Dogfight mode gets stuck in NO RAD.

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added AIM-9 seekers tracking flares prior to the missile being launched.
  • Fixed: AIM-9X doesn't track at the edge of seeker gimbal.
  • Fixed: EXP modes slew range.
  • Fixed: Datalink AWW-13 got stuck after firing AGM-84.
  • Fixed: AUTO release cues don't obey OAP's.
  • Fixed: Wrong IFF Code rejection behaviour.
  • Fixed: Damage model - Pilot cannot survive any explosive hit.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Freeze when player crashes.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: After 3rd shot of S-24 missile, aiming sight moving mark raise on its own
  • Fixed: Cargo Door not opened when loading side gunners

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Collision when parking F/A-18C on Supercarrier Deck Population mission.
  • Fixed: Client is ignored by taxi director when trying to move from a parking slot.
  • Fixed: Carrier deck crew rejects helicopter payload change.
  • Fixed: AI aircraft's launch bar cannot catch catapult shooter correctly.
  • Fixed: "Waiting for ATC Status" Message displayed in campaigns.

DCS: F-5E by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added AIM-9 seekers tracking flares prior to the missile being launched.
  • Adjusted: M-39 guns mounted on F-5E dispersion adjustment, other aircraft with the same gun can have different dispersion due to other factors like mounting points etc.
  • Fixed: Radar grid is displayed after complete power off - some fixes for radar scale brightness.
  • Fixed IRIAF skins for F-5E Remastered being not localized correctly.
  • Fixed: Damage model - Pilot cannot survive any explosive hit - Pilot hitbox FAR too large.

DCS: L-39 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Gunsight Target Distance buttons don't work.
  • Fixed: Some errors in the cockpit clickable.

DCS: Yak-52 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Engine Start Button Cover bindings don't work.
  • Fixed. Chronometer stopwatch minute hand show number of passed hours instead of minutes.
  • Fixed. Smoke apparatus toggle control fails to cycle.
  • Fixed. Cockpit visual recon not functioning.
  • Fixed. Trim Tabs in the Special Menu doesn't affect the plane.
  • Added. Moving throttle now updates the throttle position in the exterior model.
  • Improved. Automatic start-up procedures.

DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. 'Engine Degraded' with WEP usage.

DCS: P-51 Mustang by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed. Landing lamp is covered with non-transparent material.

DCS: WWII Assets pack by Eagle Dynamics

  • Ju-88A-4 Fixed. Wrong damage visualisation on distanced LODs.

DCS:Black Shark 3 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed ATGM suspension in 2011 version
  • Added Afghanistan instant action missions

DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Su-27. Added Afghanistan instant action missions
  • Su-33. Added Afghanistan instant action missions

DCS: Afghanistan by Eagle Dynamics

  • Improved ground noise and vegetation distribution textures for the entire Afghanistan map
  • Improved mid- and far-range ground noise quality for the entire Afghanistan map
  • Improved Normal Map surface textures for the entire Afghanistan map
  • Improved surface textures of settlements and fields
  • Fixed visual errors on small vegetation with SSS shadows enabled
  • Fixed many bugs in incorrect build of geometry of roads, rivers and lakes
  • Improved road network - multiple gaps in major highways removed
  • Improved road network - roads in the terrain are more consistent with the roads on the map in ME
  • Ground vehicles no longer fall through bitumen slab bridges
  • Cars and small objects in static scenes are now aligned with the slopes of the ground
  • Improved unique scenes of the city of Herat
  • Optimized unique airfield scenes
  • Added FLIR textures for civilian traffic models
  • Tarinkot airfield: the size of ground mounds along the runway has been reduced
  • Tarinkot airfield: fixed a bug where the airfield heading and the airfield heading name did not match
  • Tarinkot airfield: fixed helicopter explosion when entering the runway
  • Camp Bastion airfield: the road network, settlements and fields in the vicinity of the airfield have been improved
  • Camp Bastion airfield: ground mounds along the runway no longer obscure the PAPI view
  • Camp Bastion airfield: added night lighting of the airfield
  • Camp Bastion heliport: added night lighting of the airfield
  • Kandahar airfield: added night lighting of the airfield
  • Kandahar airfield: fixed errors in taxiing
  • Kandahar heliport: added night lighting of the airfield
  • Qala i Naw airfield: sharp changes in runway altitude have been corrected

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges

  • Fixed the low fps problem in intensive missions with triggers.


  • AP disconnect/disengage in F1 BE now occurs if pilot's stick 'Autopilot disconnect trigger' or 'Autopilot disengage lever' are activated at any seat. Previously the same switches at different seats were conflicting with each other.
  • Restored INS drift in F1 EE.
  • Fixed small control stick oscillations in pitch with autopilot engaged.
  • Fixed autopilot unable to intercept radials and ILS localizers when in close proximity, but flying with low relative angles.
  • Fixed F1 BE standby horizon roll jitter at forward seat.
  • The F1 BE TO-FROM indicator is functional now at the rear seat.
  • Modified F1 EE IDN logic when no Tacan signal is received and RNAV modes are selected.


  • 'Request AWACS Declare' quick access radio command was added to input.
  • Restored missing trim hat sounds of rear seat pilot's stick in F1 BE.
  • Fixed mixed up animation of 'Autopilot disconnect trigger' and 'Autopilot disengage lever' switches of the pilot's stick.
  • F1 BE rear cockpit stick PTT button is animated now.
  • Fixed stick PTT button animation not releasing with comms menu in certain cases.
  • 'Stick Push-to-talk button' command now moves the stick Push-to-talk button. The command activates Voice Chat communication.
  • 'Alternative Push-to-talk button' clickable control doesn't affect the pilot's stick PTT button animation anymore.
  • Stick and alternative push-to-talk buttons input commands now include 'Voice Chat' in their names for clarity.
  • Pilot's stick 'Search light' (Police light) button is animated now.
  • 'Search light' (Police light) button can't be activated from the rear cockpit of F1 BE anymore.
  • 'Combat flap retract lever' ('Palette volets de combat') is now purely mechanical. I.e. it can be moved without electric power available.
  • Added 'Cycle combat flaps' input command.
  • 'Cannon 300-600m and missile lock/unlock button' input command (forward seat throttle button) can't be activated from F1 BE rear seat anymore.
  • 'Heading selection knob - Clockwise/Counterclockwise' input commands can't be activated from F1 BE rear seat anymore.
  • Heading selector and Omnibearing selector knobs now can be controlled by joystick axes.
  • Fixed Air Conditioning System 'Master valve control switch' keybindings being reverted.
  • All control stick buttons and levers are now under the same category ('Control stick') in DCS Controls Options.


  • Modified refuelling instant action mission after latest AI changes. The tanker now enters directly into the racetrack pattern, without performing a re-entering maneuver.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Minor changes in input commands naming: 'VOIP' -> 'Voice Chat'.

DCS: MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3

  • Fixed SPO-10’s light operation

DCS: MB-339A/PAN by IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations

  • Added: Generator 1 and 2 Reset (clickable and keybindings)
  • Fixed: ADI does not move when mission starts in cold & dark
  • Fixed: Gunsight 100mls wrong setting
  • Fixed: Gunsight brightness
  • Fixed: Background luminosity at night too high
  • Update: Collision model

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • Update. Now use ME loadout panel to edit GBU and BRM-1 laser code (not applied for LS-6-100)
  • Update. Control indicator
  • Fixed. ME freeze caused by changing laser code of dual GBU loadout on right wing
  • Fixed. Abnormal TACAN program behavior after quit APR TCN mode
  • Fixed. Datalink pod text overlay

DCS: F-4E Phantom II by Heatblur Simulations

  • JESTER: Fixed Jester Wheel Radar Target Lock/Focus not using proper icons
  • JESTER: Tweaked Jester to allow locking targets that are not quite dead yet (life <10% instead of 20%)
  • Systems: Updated RWR database (Mirage F-1AX, F-1CX, Aegis search radar, Atlantic Conveyor ship)
  • Systems: Fixed internal wing tanks not feeding when selecting an inexistent external tank
  • Systems: Fixed Pave Spike continuing to rotate with a target after commanding STOW
  • Flight Model: Fixed a bug causing incorrect changes to the total moment of inertia from fuel
  • Inputs: Added self-accelerating INC/DEC binds for Bomb Interval Knob
  • Missions: Frog-7 campaign:
  • Fixed AI taxi crashes and some other AI issues
  • Missions: Training Lesson 1a Startup:
  • Added text to remind to not move the landing gear lever
  • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
  • Missions: Training Lesson 1b Startup:
  • Updated instructions
  • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
  • Re-recorded voiceover for improved quality
  • Missions: Training Lesson 2 Taxi:
  • Updated instructions
  • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
  • Improved trigger conditions for roll checks
  • Missions: Training Lesson 3 Normal Takeoff:
  • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
  • Bugfix to allow users to enable/disable cockpit highlights
  • Missions: Training Lesson 4 Visual Landing:
  • Updated instructions
  • Added Kobuleti landing clearance triggers
  • Ground crew now waits with shutdown request until previous task is done
  • Bugfix with cockpit highlights sometimes not disappearing
  • Missions: Fixed HOBOS missing in related Instant Action Missions
  • Missions: Several Fixes to Instant Action Missions
  • Updated Chinese localization

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

  • Updated Chinese localization and encyclopaedia entries
  • Livery: VF-33 Starfighters AB201 updated - Thanks Yae Sakura!

DCS: AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

  • Fixed CTD on third spawn in certain missions
  • Fixed a bug with no shadows when mirrors were on
  • Updated the manual

DCS: AH-64D The Four Horsemen Campaign by Fight's On Simulations

  • M2. Possible loss of LOS on ground troops, causing trigger to not fire - FIXED
  • M6. Gunslinger landing spot too close to Ugly 5-1, preventing take off - FIXED

DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED

  • Custom Liveries - Due to the previous version's modification of the priority rules for liveries files, there should no longer be a situation where the ranking of campaign liveries files is superior to the default liveries files. If you find that this situation still exists, please manually remove the excess files in the 'liveries' folder. The correct liveries files will be named with the prefix .
  • M00 - This mission will disable the latest "Super Carrier Deck Taxi Guidance" to avoid any issues.
  • M04 - This mission will disable the latest "Super Carrier Deck Taxi Guidance" to avoid any issues.
  • M10 - This mission will disable the latest "Super Carrier Deck Taxi Guidance" to avoid any issues.
  • M11 - Fixed audio and BGM loss and confusion caused by string stream errors.

DCS: P-51D High Stakes Campaign by Dmitry Koshelev

  • All missions received some additional static units for key air bases.
  • All missions have updated weather.

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Oilfield Campaign by Dmitry Koshelev

  • Updated subbase and Maykop airfield objects.
  • Updated weather (added haze for more realistic visibility).
  • Added client CH-47F in to MP mission

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Spring Tension

  • Bug with Mi-28 AI in mission 12 - fixed.

DCS: F-5E Aggressors Air Combat Maneuver Campaign by Maple Flag Missions

  • Added an F-5E FC version of the campaign to the package.

DCS: F-5E Aggressors Basic Fighter Maneuvers Campaign by Maple Flag Missions

  • Added an F-5E FC version of the campaign to the package.

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Mountain Breeze Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • All missions with AAR – a safeguard added to prevent AI stuck with the tanker

DCS: F-16C Last Out Weasels Over Syria 2 Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Mission 9 - Incorrect takeoff time in briefing - fixed.
  • Mission 10 - Rotor TACAN not working - fixed.
  • Mission 12 - Boomer TACAN not working - fixed. Adjusted altitude check trigger during departure phase.
  • Mission 13 - Adjusted altitude check trigger during departure phase.

DCS: F-16C First In Weasels Over Syria Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Mission 1 - Adjusted altitude check trigger at H4 to allow more tolerance.
  • Mission 12 - Minor alteration to campaign complete text.

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

  • Mission 4 - Various minor updates and fixes.

DCS: F-5E Black Sea Resolve '79 Campaign by SorelRo

  • Voices redone and more voices added
  • Triggers reworked
  • Navigation aids added, guidance from Overlord when going off-course on long legs.
  • Easier ways to finish a mission
  • Ability of players to select to be Immortal at any time during the missions
  • Ability to report Winchester and Bingo fuel state, this will trigger a win to live and fight another day.
  • Mig-21 and Mig-23 AI flights were tweaked to be more manageable. Pilots fatten up to 1000 kilos in some cases.
  • AI F-4 updated to use the Heatblur F-4E
User Files
Free Content

From within the Downloads drop-down on the DCS website is a wealth of community-created content within User Files. All this content is free and includes single-player and multiplayer missions, campaigns, liveries, documents, device profiles, sounds, and many other types of free content that can expand and improve your DCS experience. This is a powerful resource for DCS players that guarantees endless gameplay and customization.

Upon selecting User Files, you may filter content based on its Type, Localization, Map, Unit, Content Creator, and more.

In addition to the mission content included with aircraft modules like interactive training missions, instant action missions, and missions, a wealth of free mission content is also available within User Files. Each entry will often include comments, screenshots, and other details to allow you to best find content that interests you. This can range from simple engagements to large-scale campaigns that include hundreds of active units. Many very talented mission and campaign creators offer thousands of missions and campaigns for your enjoyment.

Although most aircraft modules include an offering of liveries spanning multiple squadrons and countries, we are limited to how much we can include to save hard disk space. User Files includes over 13,000 skins across every player aircraft in DCS. If there is a particular livery you are looking for, there is a good chance that it is included here.

These are the two most popular categories of User Files, but there are other valuable offerings:

  • Documents. There are over 1,100 documents that span aircraft tutorials, checklists, map and airfield diagrams, kneeboard templates, and much more.
  • Device Profiles. We are living in a golden age of flight simulation peripherals, and although we include default mappings for many popular DCS aircraft, we cannot include them all. User Files includes 670 controller profiles across a wide range of peripheral manufacturers and aircraft.
  • Sound. Like skins, DCS also allows you to replace default sounds with your own. User Files includes 364 sound offerings to cater to your audio needs.

None of this would be possible without the outstanding support and dedication of the User Files contributors. Thank you!

DCS: La-7
Development Report

Recent development efforts have focused on fine-tuning the aircraft’s distinctive flight model, capturing the potent climb and maneuverability that made the La-7 a fearsome adversary during World War II. Work on the cockpit has advanced significantly, with an emphasis on historically accurate instruments and systems that reflect the era’s engineering intricacies.

Octopus G has also continued to refine the La-7’s damage model for an authentic representation of its strengths and vulnerabilities in combat, while dedicating careful attention to external and internal artwork for a truly immersive experience. We appreciate your patience and enthusiasm as the team moves forward, and we look forward to delivering more detailed previews and updates in the coming months. Stay tuned for further announcements as the La-7 nears completion.

Many thanks for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
Pacific Theatre of Operations

With the creation of the free modern-day Mariana Island map, we announced our intention to create a World War II scenario that covers the momentous Mariana Islands events of Summer 1944. In addition to an almost complete recreation of the map based on our latest map tools and years of historical research, we have also been creating AI air, land and sea units from the United States Navy and the Imperial Japanese armed forces for this period and location. This is in parallel with player-controlled aircraft such as the DCS: F6F Hellcat.

As part of Operation Forager, these scenarios will provide the most important mission types of the era including the air-to-air, air-to-ground, and anti-ship spread over the battles for Saipan, Guam, Tinian, and The Battle of the Philippine Sea.

Mariana Islands 1944 Map & WWII Pacific Pack
Although we were able to use some of the elevation mesh from the modern-day version of the Marianas map, the vast majority was redone to account for the correct buildings, airfields, agriculture, roads and rails, ports and urban areas. We also retextured the entire map surface to improve quality and accuracy. Based on our experience with the modern-day version, we are carefully ensuring good performance too.

Detailing the vast number of units for this theatre has extended the development period and hence the release of the Hellcat too. In parallel, we’ve been creating a large PTO assets pack including the SBD-5 Dauntless dive bomber, A6M5 Zero, Nakajima B6N Jill torpedo bomber and D4Y Judy dive bomber for the Imperial Japanese Navy.

Naval operations will naturally form a critical aspect of Operation Forager and we’ve been developing many vessels spread over different types. For the USN we have the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier, Iowa-class battleship, Cleveland-class light cruiser, and Fletcher-class destroyer, and for the IJN we have the Shokaku aircraft carrier, Yugumo-class destroyer, Kongo battleship, and Mogami cruiser currently.

As the ground battles between the US Marine Corps and the Imperial Japanese Army raged furiously across Saipan, Guam, and Tinian, we’ll be including multiple tanks, amphibious vehicles, artillery, anti-aircraft, guns, and infantry.

We are planning more aircraft such as the SB2C Helldiver, TBF Avenger, and Catalina for the USN and the D3A Val and B5N Kate for the Japanese. All these and a substantial number of other assets and AI units will be available in the DCS: WWII Pacific Pack. Please be aware that owners of the existing WWII Assets Pack will benefit from a 30% discount.

Development Progress

We are refining both flight systems and overall immersion for the DCS: CH-47F. Below are some of the key developments currently in the works:

Low Speed Regime Modes for DAFCS
We are introducing refined low-speed control logic for the Digital Automatic Flight Control System (DAFCS), including Transitional Rate Command, and Position Hold. These features aim to enhance control authority and stability when operating in tight confines or during hover transitions.

More Accurate Damage Model
Ongoing improvements to the damage model will better reflect real-world vulnerabilities and structural limitations of the CH-47F, adding an extra layer of realism to combat and challenging operational scenarios.

CDU & MFD Enhancements
Continuous upgrades to the Cockpit Display Unit (CDU) and Multi-Function Displays (MFD) will provide more accurate data presentation and system interactions. A proper Standby Flight Display (SFD) is also slated for a future update.

Advanced Rope Physics
We’re working on a new rope physics model that offers improved behaviour, supporting multiple ropes simultaneously. This will significantly enhance sling loading operations and troop insertion/extraction scenarios.

New Skins
You may also expect a variety of new liveries in an upcoming DCS update.

Lunar Sale
Final Hours

Last chance to expand your DCS experience with something you have dreamt of getting for a great price. Pick up something fantastic now with up to 50% discount in the DCS Lunar Sale 2025. Head to our E-Shop or Steam to secure these limited-time offers before they expire. Hurry! The sale ends on the 10th of February, 2025 at 15:00 GMT.

Many thanks for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
DCS: AH-64D Outpost Campaign by Stone Sky

Mission 8. The error of the object destruction zone, leading to a texture bug, has been fixed.
DCS: F/A-18C Inherent Resolve Campaign by Looking Glass

Mission 13 - Operation Kayla Mueller. Mission overhauled. Improved target sets and mission flow. Improved gameplay, order of targets. Fixed bugs preventing progress.
DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations

Missions 9, 10 and 12. AI gets stuck while refueling - fixed
DCS: F/A-18C Operation Mountain Breeze Campaign by Sandman Simulations

M2 – Missing voice line added
DCS: F/A-18C Flaming Sunrise Campaign by Sandman Simulations

All missions – taxi sequence adjusted to prevent collisions if taxi director disabled
DCS: MAD AH-64D Campaign by Stone Sky

First mission - fixed coordinates error
A-10C / A-10C II Tactical Training Qualification Campaigns by Maple Flag Missions

TAC23, TAC24 and TAC25 missions for the A-10C II campaign. Corrected radio issue.
TAC23, TAC24 and TAC25 missions for both A-10C and A-10C II campaigns. Corrected crashing rescue helo.
DCS: UH-1H Peacekeeper Lebanon Campaign by Flying Cyking

Mission 01. Adjusted ADF Almirante Lynch Frequency to 380Khz to Avoid overlap with Gecitkale overlap. Adjusted Kneeboard with new frequency. Adjusted Voice Overs with ADF Frequency. Rework of approaching ship VO, taken out the black smoke advice. Smoke is white now. Subtitle correction.
Mission 05. Further Hover Trigger adjustment. Switched off Nav Radio by Default in Hot Start Version to avoid annoying beep beep tone.
Mission 09. Checked Camp Marjayoun rearm function and resaved Mission due to some players seem to have problems with rearming at the camp. Cannot reproduce.
DCS: F/A-18C Arctic Thunder Campaign by Baltic Dragon

M01: added safeguard to encounter with Backfire; added clearer instructions for the player during intercept phase
M02: fixed a bug with mission stalling when Rovaniemi air defences take out enemy missiles; fixed several floating statics at Vuojarvi airstrip; fixed missing tower call.
M03: updated placement of some statics at Vuojarvi; fixed Bullseye waypoint number on the kneeboard.
M04: fixed placement of some statics at Vuojarvi; removed debug message; updated placement of objects at the hill (last part of mission)
DCS: A-10CII Iron Flag Campaign by Baltic Dragon

M 1-5: Updated most subtitles for better consistency; updated manual reference pages.
DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Dominant Fury Campaign by Baltic Dragon

All missions: fixed the S-3 skins broken with the last update.
M03-07: updated mission to new standard with I/R system removing the SPACE BAR presses, seamless frequency changes, datalink etc. Fixed issues with too much radio static.
M07: fixed issue with smoke not appearing on the water for target practice
DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Campaign by Baltic Dragon

M02: fixed problems with Smoke refusing to refuel during the mission
M03: fixed problems with wingman not refueling during the mission.
M06: fixed issue with script error during the flight
M10: updated push time to take into account longer launch process; fixed rare issue with first SAM hitting the player; fixed problem with flight lead flying on afterburner most of the way to the target.
DCS: F/A-18C Operation Green Line by Badger633

Missions 8, 9 ,11, 12: Mig Weapons adjusted ACE level.
DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion by Badger633

Missions 3 all variants: F4 incorrect attack fixed.
Mission 9 normal variant: 420 not followfixed
DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North by Ground Pounder Sims

Mission 16 Part 3 - Fixed incorrect data link ID
Mission 2 - Various minor fixes and updates, minor alterations to briefing
Mission 3 - Various minor fixes and updates
DCS: F-16C Last Out Weasels Over Syria 2 by Ground Pounder Sims

Mission 1 - Ship not engaging - fixed
Mission 10 - Fixed rare chance of triggering the ‘engage Mig’ and ‘avoid Mig’ outcomes simultaneously
Mission - 13 - Improved failsafes on AI triggers during SA-11 phase
DCS: AV-8B Kerman Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

Mission 5 - Minor adjustments to AI behaviour when bombing tanks.
Mission 6 - Moved Chieftain closer to reduce radio degradation
Mission 7 - Minor adjustments to AI behaviour when bombing tanks
DCS: P-51D Blue Nose Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Removed MW50 for 109s
Bf-109 skin updates
DCS: Spitfire LF Mk. IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Bf 109 skin updates
Typo fixes
DCS: P-51D Debden Eagles Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Removed MW50 for Bf 109s
Bf 109 skin updates
DCS: FW 190 A-8 Horrido! Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Bf 109 skin updates
DCS: Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Lead no longer has MW50 so that he doesn't use it during climbing
Bf 109 skin updates
DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations

109 skin updates
DCS: UH-1H Paradise Lost Campaign by Reflected Simulations

F-5 skin assignment fixes
DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations

F-5 skin assignment fixes
Some F-5s had all aspect Atolls - fixed
DCS: Spitfire LF Mk. IX Beware! Beware! Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Bf 109 skin updates
DCS: Mosquito FB VI - V for Victory Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Bf 109 skin updates
DCS: F-16C Arctic Thunder Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Cross runway ATC message comes at the holdshort point now.
Mission 9 safeguard triggers added
Mission 9 kneeboard weather data fixed
Typo fixed in the startup sequence
Mission 4 typo fixed in briefing and target photos
Lunar Sale 2025
Year of the Snake!

There has never been a more exciting time to delve into a new module, or two, in this exciting DCS Lunar Sale 2025 where most of our popular modules including aircraft, terrains, important add-ons and campaigns are on sale with up to 50% savings. Hurry! Offers end on the 10th of February 2025 at 15:00 GMT on the Shop and on Steam.

New and Free Su-25A “Frogfoot”
Development Progress

The Su-25 “Grach”, NATO codenamed “Frogfoot”, has been the backbone of Soviet, and later Russian, close air support aviation for decades. Its mission effectiveness, survivability and ease of operation make it a remarkable aircraft. Armed with laser-guided missiles and rockets, bombs, canister munitions, unguided rockets, and cannons, it packs a powerful punch to this day.

Our completely re-created Su-25 “Frogfoot” will soon be introduced as a new free aircraft to DCS. This Su-25 will feature a highly detailed and accurate external model and a cockpit that embodies the highest graphical standards. Based on the Flaming Cliffs series, aircraft operations will be tailored towards ease-of-use aiming to establish bindings and modes of operation. The new Su-25 will share the same exact flight dynamics as its predecessor; accurate performance, enhanced damage modelling and new liveries.

As is the case for the Su-25T and TF-51D, the Su-25 will be a free offering for players to enjoy DCS, improving the choices for high fidelity Red Air aircraft alongside the full fidelity DCS: MiG-29A Fulcrum currently in development and planned to come on sale soon.

MiG-29 Helmet Model
Development Progress

An aspect of the DCS: MiG-29A coming to DCS later this year is the new pilot model. As further advancements to new pilots are introduced for the F-16C, F/A-18C, and AH-64D, the MiG-29A pilot will feature precision modeling and animations including uniforms, harnesses, patches and other elements. Special attention is being made to the helmet including the Helmet Mounted Sight.

Please don’t miss the special offers available during the Lunar New Year sale. Expand your hangar fleet and enjoy fabulous campaigns at great prices now available on our DCS E-Shop and on the DCS Steam Edition, both running till the 10th of February 2025 at 15:00 GMT. Enjoy!

Thank you all for your passion and support.

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
DCS Update
Development Progress

We released a new update to DCS this week that included important updates to both the DCS Core and many modules and campaigns. You can find the complete changelog here.

DCS Core
AI aircraft received numerous improvements such as consideration of obstacles and other aircraft when takeoff, landing, and taxiing; correction of the S-3 B refueling lights; improved formation keeping for World War II aircraft; and more. Ground unit AI also saw improvements with JTAC infrared point designations; many AAA sound enhancements; and new desert liveries to name a few. There were naval improvements like fixing the Close-In Weapon System (CWIS) and a livery fix. In addition to a lot of attention to the AI, the weapons saw improvements like elimination of Maverick camera shake, Hellfire accuracy improvements, more accurate guidance method for the SA-11, general flare resistance for many seekers, and other weapon changes to create enhanced accuracy and realism.

F-16C and F/A-18C
Both flagship modules saw improvements like eliminating the F-16C radar override crash, improved radar control and tracking, continued adjustment to the recently added false targets, and other items. The F/A-18C saw corrections to air-to-ground Expand mode scanning, changes to coupled autopilot, and fixing the video display from the Walleye to the datalink pod.

This update saw further improvements to VRS entry feedback, fixed two crashes, added the ability for George to target inactivated units and engage units when fog is set to AUTO, and corrected FCR RF handover to the CPG. The wheel chocks also received a texture and we improved other avionics systems.

Following its recent release, we were pleased to add seven new liveries, made corrections to both the 3D model and textures to better match the liveries, corrected formation lights, provided a texture template, and other improvements.

There are of course many other improvements, fixes, and new additions in this update for the Mi-24P, Mi-MTV2, Flaming Cliffs 2024, many of our third party partner aircraft and campaign developers.

Development Progress

The Fiat G.91, also known as "Gina," was an Italian tactical support and reconnaissance aircraft developed in the 1950s. Operated also by Germany and Portugal, it made a significant mark on military aviation history. The G.91A version that was chosen by the Frecce Tricolori aerobatic team became famous for its spectacular execution of the "bomb" maneuver, characterized by high-speed passes just a few meters above the ground. Operationally, the G.91 was used by Portugal during the Colonial War where it played a crucial role in Angola and Mozambique.

IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations is currently developing four versions of the G.91 for DCS: the G-91A, R-1B, R-3, and R-4. All of these are aimed at delivering an accurate and faithful representation in every detail.

In 2024, IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations focused extensively on redesigning the cockpit to meet the highest standards. The next step will be an additional external model revision for even further improvements.

Flight Model
The G.91 flight model is being developed using the panel method philosophy, dividing aerodynamic surfaces (such as wings and tailplanes) into smaller sections. Forces and moments are calculated for each section, ensuring an extremely realistic simulation in all flight conditions. Aerodynamic data is derived from the aircraft's authentic profiles, while performance data comes directly from the operational manual of the Bristol Siddeley Orpheus engine. This approach makes the G.91’s flight model even more advanced than the excellent MB-339.

The G.91’s systems are entirely based on operation and maintenance manuals. Key features include separate load bars, pumps, accumulators, bypass valves, oxygen systems, and more that will ensure an unprecedented level of detail and accuracy.

IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations has already implemented most of the weapons used by the G.91, including all fundamental parameters for the AS-20 Nord missile.

With DCS: G.91R, IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations aims to deliver the most accurate reproduction of this rare and iconic aircraft ever created for a flight simulator. Please stay tuned for more information on this exciting new addition to DCS.

Lunar New Year Sale, Chinese New Year
Get up to 50% savings

As is the tradition with DCS, we are delighted to bring you amazing deals throughout our Lunar New Year Sale with up to half price savings across most modules. The sale has now started and will run until the 10th of February at 15:00 GMT. Don’t miss out!

We hope that you've enjoyed the most recent DCS update and videos, and we look forward to bringing you the next set of enhancements and new features soon. Please make sure you take advantage of the great deals in the Lunar New Year sale. Good luck to all of you and best wishes from all of us for this coming year.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
DCS Core

  • Aircraft AI. B-52. Incorrect connection during refueling - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. Helicopters cannot retrieve cargo from moving ship - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. Ka-50. Rotor tip lights do not match blade tips - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. AI BF-109 still benefiting from MW50 even if the MW50 tank is set to empty- fixed
  • Aircraft AI. AI aircraft do not consider obstacles after landing and ram other planes on taxiways - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. S-3B refueling lights adjustment
  • Aircraft AI. WW2 Vic formation No.4 can't keep up - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. KC-135MPRS Losing altitude when called up as tanker - fixed (https://forum.dcs.world/topic/366604-kc-135mprs-losing-altitude/)
  • Ship AI. Fixed 054A CIWS
  • Ship AI. Fixed 071 livery
  • Ship AI. LS Ropucha damaged LOD missing - fixed (https://forum.dcs.world/topic/360244-ls-ropucha-damaged-lod-missing/)
  • Countries. Mi-8MTV2 added to Iraq
  • Dedicated Server. Server completely breaks down when the mission stops in Web GUI - fixed
  • Dedicated Server. Missions list shuffle function do not work - fixed
  • Graphics. Fix artifacts on clouds
  • Graphics. Fix for artifacts at intersection with fog when camera is placed directly on top layer of the fog
  • Ground AI. JTAC is capable off to continue use lase and use IR pointer after his destruction - fixed
  • Ground AI. JTAC. IR pointer is not shifted to other target - fixed
  • Ground AI. KS-19 sounder fixed
  • Ground AI. New sounds for Flak 38
  • Ground AI. New sounds for Flak M42 37mm and Twin Bofors 40mm, autocannon settings sound update
  • Ground AI. New sounds for Oerlikon 20mm Gun
  • Ground AI. New sounds for S-60 57mm gun + minor fixes
  • Ground AI. New sounds for twin and quad 20mm Flak gun
  • Ground AI. S75 ZIL truck model issue with windshield fixed
  • Ground AI. Added desert camo and updated other liveries for T-72B3
  • Ground AI. Sound Update for cannons
  • Ground AI. Added civilian Ural trucks models and updated liveries
  • GUI. Radio messages clipped by F10 map bar - fixed
  • GUI. Message history window won't close after exiting track - fixed
  • GUI. Most logbook A-10 patches are not usable - fixed
  • Scripting API. onPlayerTryChangeSlot() not called for dynamic spawns - fixed
  • MP. Events of user draw visibility control doesn't applied to client connected after trigger was fired - fixed
  • MP. FARP warehouses not synchronized on player join - fixed
  • Weapons. Active Maverick camera starts to shake at certain camera angles - fixed
  • Weapons. AGM-114L. In the case where not the entire target is visible in the AH-64 sighting system, the missile will hit the designated target, and not the neighboring ones.
  • Weapons. BLG-66 animation corrected
  • Weapons. Buk SA-11. 9M38 missile guidance method changed to proportional navigation
  • Weapons. FFAR Mk 5 engine fire is detached far from exhaust nozzle - fixed
  • Weapons. IR missiles began to ignore flares more often - fixed. Flare efficiency has been returned to previous values.
  • Weapons. Kh-29T. Eliminate erratic maneuvers to the loft trajectory transition
  • Weapons. SA-2, V-755 missile. Liquid engine smoke of second stage tuned. Added inversion contrail at low temperature.
  • Weapons. Оnce LS-6-500 bomb it is released from the pylon, it transforms into an LS-6-250 bomb - fixed
  • Weapons. Rail launcher disappear after helicopter fires last missile against air targets - fixed
  • NS430 memory leak - fixed

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed Crash when click OVRD on MFD.
  • Fixed: Radar elevation control freeze after fail to track in VSR.
  • Fixed: RWS DTT attempting to drop single track drops both and resets radar back to search.
  • Fixed: While in STT the radar footprint freezes in HSD in the last azimuth setting and does not follow the target.
  • Fixed: HMCS Boresight locking - No rad but locking anyway.
  • Fixed: A-A radar false targets appear with radar not emitting.
  • Fixed: AGM-154A fired off angle but in-zone has a chance of not guiding.
  • Fixed: FCR TWS Can reset/drop track even if radar maintains trackfile/trackfile is not dropped.

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: EXP radar scanning speed and aperture seems tied to aircraft's speed.
  • Fixed: If Auto CPL is used with TOT it does not account for the waypoints in the sequence.
  • Fixed: DL13 display no longer shows the video feed from the AGM-62 Walleye before launch.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added default value of the VRS audio notification in the Special Options to disabled/un-checked.
  • Fixed crash when George AI try detect targets.
  • Fixed crash when trying to display all targets (left long) in the George target list. (Crash in DLC Mission).
  • Fixed: George AI detects unactivated units and fires at them.
  • Fixed: George AI does not see the targets when fog is in Auto mod.
  • Fixed: When the aircraft is at a sufficient bank angle (estimating >20 degrees perhaps) and slew inputs are applied to the TADS with LMC enabled, the LMC slew behavior becomes bizarre.
  • Fixed: FCR RF Handover does not work with the front seater.
  • Fixed: TSD Cursor show option should be independent between phases.
  • Fixed: Closing AI Interface while player is in CPG seat is disabling C-Scope in CPG crewstation.
  • Fixed: Wheel сhocks miss texture.

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Starting cold & dark the crew will not direct planes (multiplayer).
  • Forced option 'disable deck crew' don't work.
  • Fixed: Switching to Airboss view shows incomplete player aircraft.
  • Fixed: Wheel chocks are placed permanently in some cases.
  • Fixed: Stuck at Awaiting requested crew member.
  • Fixed: MT IFLOS lights are difficult to see.

DCS: F-5E by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed errors in liveries:
  • Added tie-down hooks (under the fuselage and under the wings) to the Aggressors. Changed the side numbers.
  • Removed the extra antenna on the Swiss and Austrian aircraft, under the fuselage in the nose.
  • Made a version of the antenna set for the 70s on the MiG-28, as well as on the Vietnamese and Iranian liveries. Removed the RWR antennas and installed a Skyspot antenna. Partially painted over the steel plates on the engine nacelles.
  • Returned the formation lights to some liveries.
  • Added protective brushes to the gaps under the flap rod on the fuselage.
  • Removed and corrected several minor errors and inaccuracies in the liveries.
  • Added template.
  • Added livery:
  • Aggressor VFC-13 11
  • Aggressor VFC-13 21
  • Sundowners VFC-111 01
  • USAF "Southeast Asia"
  • IRIAF F-5E Standard
  • IRIAF - 43rd TFS
  • IRIAF - 41rd TFS
  • Fixed: Some activities take up to 5 times longer.
  • Fixed: Attitude Indicator rotation is backwards.
  • Fixed: Flight Manual - Errors and typos in Hydraulic Systems diagram.
  • Fixed: The antenna crashes into the hatch.
  • Fixed: Fix the profile shape of the front of the suspension tank.
  • Fixed: The texture of the cross under the screwdriver has shifted from the screw cap and dirt.
  • Fixed: The RWR antenna is missing, on the rear, on the right.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: “Launcher arm” usage leads to rockets being fired in some cases

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Helicopter weight is different from the one that was set in ME in certain cases

DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024 by Eagle Dynamics

  • А-10A. Added new IA missions for Marianas and Caucasus
  • Su-25. Added new IA missions for Caucasus
  • MiG-29. Added new IA missions for Afghanistan
  • F-15C. Added new IA combat missions for Marianas

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges

  • Input and clickability:
  • Clickability of F1BE rear canopy left handle (“Canopy open/close”) is now operative.
  • F1BE ejection handles clickspots tooltips were updated (the word “Alternative” was removed).
  • Fixed some 'Wrong connector name' messages in dcs.log.
  • Removed 'Fuel transfer sequence selector switch' from F1BE input as being not applicable to that version.
  • Both TRAP 136 (“Green”) and TRAP 137B (“Red”) radio panels frequency, channel and function selectors can now be controlled by both left/right mouse buttons and by mouse wheel.
  • IFF Mode 1 and Mode 3A code selectors now work with both left/right mouse buttons, as well as with mouse wheel.
  • F1EE IDN "Additional vector bearing/distance adjustment switch" values of acceleration with time were reviewed to make fine adjustments possible.
  • Systems and general:
  • Pylon loadout configuration standardized with modern DCS standards: Now the default setup is empty pylons but pylons can be removed to have a 'clean' aircraft.
  • Fixed engine fire lights that stayed lit after all electrics were turned off.
  • The F1BE rear seat safety pin doesn't block the front seat ejection anymore.
  • F1BE rear seat VOR/ILS control panel is now properly initialized to 'ON' state at hot start.
  • Fixed pre-programmed radio frequencies of F1BE and F1EE Iraq quickstart missions.
  • F1BE rear seat cockpit lighting is off, and rear seat safety pin is installed now when the 'Solo Flight' option is enabled.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • CLB-200, BIN-200, BR-250 and BR-500 models improved.
  • Jettisoned canopy is restored now at aircraft repair.
  • Batteries’ temperature and capacity are now restored to initial values at aircraft repair.
  • Rear seat cockpit lighting is off, and rear seat safety pin is installed now when 'Solo Flight' option is enabled.

DCS: MB-339A/PAN by IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations

  • Fixed: ADI does not move when mission starts in cold & dark

DCS: MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3

  • Increased radar return signature brightness
  • Added missing pointers for VR controls

DCS: Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3

  • Fixed floating radio and fuel gauge displays
  • Fixed propeller blur effect
2025 and Beyond
A Look Ahead

2025 promises to be a busy and exciting year for Eagle Dynamics, with the continued improvement of DCS Core, the enhancement of existing modules, and the launch of new and valuable products. Along with our 3rd party affiliates, we aim to elevate DCS to new heights and we hope that this video offers a good glimpse into some of the exciting things we are up to. While several of the products featured will be released in 2025, the video also focuses on our development priorities and objectives, many of which such as Dynamic Campaign, have been in the works for far longer than planned, draining more resources than expected, and sometimes creating frustration for many. This seems to be a constant with technology and engineering projects the world over and ‘par for the course’. But as we push the envelope and seek to achieve ever higher levels of realism and authenticity, we promise to do our very best to meet your expectations. Thank you for standing with us and for helping us improve and grow DCS, and thank you for your understanding and support as we move onwards and upwards.

Landing Gear Modelling
Development Progress

Previously relying on a simplified single-component system, our team has transitioned to a two-component model (strut and tire), solving complex second-order nonlinear differential equations to replicate real-world suspension behavior.

The new model supports various suspension types, such as oleo-pneumatic, rubber stack, and spring-oleo systems, allowing high-precision tuning using drop-test data. A specialized tool was developed to simulate drop tests, ensuring accuracy in energy absorption, displacement, and force metrics.

Tests based on real-world Mi-38 helicopters and WWII-era Bf-109E warbird undercarriage performance demonstrate the model's versatility when compared to similar aircraft in DCS (the Mi-8 and Bf-109K-4), even when dealing with conflicting reference data. These advancements allow for realistic suspension behavior across multiple aircraft types, enhancing the overall flight model fidelity. Please read about the extensive development process behind the new suspension model in the Tire Strut Suspension Modelling white paper.

Mi-24P Hind
Livery competition

Please join us in congratulating the winners of the Mi-24P Hind Livery Competition! While our original plan was to select just three winners, the outstanding quality of so many submissions has led us to include more. Check out the winners below:

Top Three Winners

Runner-Ups (Each Awarded 15,000 ED Miles)

A huge thank you to everyone who participated, your continued passion and support drives the development of your DCS. We look forward to bringing you all these new liveries for the Mi-24P Hind in an upcoming update!

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
DCS in 2024
A Look Back

We combined Open Beta and Stable into a single release version only at the start of the year. This meant more time to prepare new releases, test updates, and check fixes and new additions. We remained firmly committed to enhancing both core features and module specific improvements throughout 2024 with well over 500 core fixes and updates, nearly 130 of which addressed AI behaviors alone. We also rolled out substantial changes, enhancements and bug fixes for all of our products, for example: F-16C (200+ items), F/A-18C (150+ items), and AH-64D (nearly 200 items).

Q1 and Early Q2 Milestones
In late February, we boosted terrain scenery performance through optimized instancing and improved streaming. The AH-64D received its long-awaited Fire Control Radar (FCR), while the F/A-18C received a new pilot model and helmets. We also improved cockpit and external textures across most Flaming Cliffs 3 aircraft, released a number of fixes for Combined Arms, and launched the “F-15C Aggressors” campaign. April saw more realistic G-effects, improved INS+GPS logic, and the new “Mi-24P Outpost” campaign. In early May, we unveiled the eagerly awaited DCS: Kola Map by Orbx.

Mid-Year Releases
Late-May brought the release of the mighty DCS: F-4E Phantom II by Heatblur Simulations, the “F/A-18C Operation Green Line” campaign, and the free Massun Asset Pack. We also introduced bomb fuse options, pilot model and animation updates for the F-16, and added new FCR modes to the AH-64D. In early June, the very capable DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior by Polychop Simulations arrived alongside the “F/A-18C Operation Mountain Breeze” campaign.

Summer Highlights
July featured the launch of the DCS: Afghanistan map and Flaming Cliffs 2024, complete with three new aircraft and campaigns. We also introduced a new launcher, a Select Role interface, and Dynamic Respawn, alongside AI performance refinements. Notably, the F-16C and F/A-18C radar systems were updated to address false targets, while the Supercarrier gained an Airboss (PriFly deck) feature. In August, we released the DCS: CH-47F, improved the cargo system, introduced a route tool for Select Role, and added the RMAP FCR Mode to the AH-64D.

Fall Advancements
Late September saw significant technology improvements, including the removal of the single-threaded version, the introduction of new Spotting Dots, and major performance optimizations. We enhanced terrain VRAM usage and implemented radar shadows for ground radar in the F-16C, F/A-18C, and AH-64D. Additionally, we rolled out crucial CH-47F features and fixes and substantial updates to the Syria map. October brought our first-ever campaign-only patch and then two new campaigns later in the month, along with F/A-18C loadout enhancements, an AH-64D FCR Air Targeting Mode, and more CH-47F improvements.

Year-End Updates
December opened with the DCS: F-5E Remastered update, new fog/dust and volumetric lighting, a revised selection tool for the Mission Editor, three campaigns, and new features to the Supercarrier deck crew. Shortly thereafter, we launched the DCS: Iraq map. Finally, on Christmas Eve, we delivered high-resolution Heavy Metal Assets for free, a major update to Spotting Dots, critical HUD and FM improvements for the F-16C, and pivotal FM and VRS and flight model enhancements for the AH-64D.

2025 and Beyond
We would like to extend our sincere thanks for your continued support and dedication throughout 2024. We remain committed to enriching DCS. Please stay tuned for the 2025 and Beyond video coming very soon!

F-100D Super Sabre
Development Report

The F-100Ds’ development team, Grinnelli Designs, recently traveled again to Texas to work with the Collings Foundation’s F-100 Super Sabre. This unique opportunity allowed them to capture authentic cockpit audio during flight, preserving the raw and immersive sounds of this iconic aircraft. Please watch the F-100D Dev Log: The Road to Realism - Part 2.

Beyond their work in Texas, they have been focusing on refining the cockpit model. By enhancing the geometry and textures they have ensured that even the most intricate details are represented with precision.

Grinnelli Designs has made substantial improvements to testing and verifying the flight model through the implementation of in-house physics simulation tools. This allows them to quickly verify the accuracy of any changes to the flight model. Work has taken place in other areas such as the “Hun’s” unique Radar Warning Receiver (AN/APR-25 RHAW), Weapons Systems, Electrical Systems, Damage Model, Low Altitude Bombing System, and much more.

“These efforts define our commitment to creating a highly realistic and immersive experience that reflects the legacy of the F-100 Super Sabre. Thank you for your continued support.”

- Grinnelli Designs

SATAC 2025

The 51st PVO Regiment proudly announces SATAC 2025. SATAC, short for Squadron Air to Air Championship, is an annual event set to provide a prestigious platform for competitive Air-to-Air sportsmanship, welcoming all squadrons and airframes to participate! The inception of SATAC dates back to 2011, and the tradition continues as we invite all competitive Air-to-Air squads to compete against the finest that DCS has to offer in a highly immersive and realistic combat environment. Our format is designed to promote the utilisation of various aspects of the simulation, including different weapon types (ARH/SARH/IR) air-to-air missiles, dissimilar air combat training (DACT), and the full range of modern DCS aircraft, each playing its unique role in SATAC 2025. Please sign up now!

Once again, all our very best wishes of health, love and happiness to you and your families for the year ahead. Thank you for all you do to support our work, we really appreciate it. Here’s to a great 2025!

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
DCS Assets
Development Report

Earlier, we released new units as part of the Heavy Metal Core pack. It’s with great pleasure that we provide you with higher detail versions as part of this week's Christmas update!

Added free pack of high fidelity 3D models.

  • B-1B
  • B-52H
  • S-3B (and tanker)
  • SA-10 (S-300 SAM)
  • M1A2
  • M1A2C SEP v3
  • MRAP MaxxPro
  • Centurion C-RAM

We hope you will enjoy these beautiful AI units, and to see them deployed in your missions and campaigns. We look forward to bringing you many more in the future.

DCS Update
Development Progress

In the most recent update to DCS Core, the “improved spotting dots” option has been replaced by a new Spotting Dots setting. This feature can be toggled Off or set to Auto, 1 Pixel, or 2 Pixels, and it can also be enforced through the Mission Editor. When peripheral VR quad views are active, the spotting dot size will default to 1 pixel.
Mission Editor functionality has been expanded. New triggers allow for toggling individual drawings on or off. Unloading multiple cargo items at once is now supported, and an error causing the display of non-cargo objects in the radio menu has been corrected. Issues related to multi-selection tools, rotating units, and loading templates have also been resolved. For the full list of changes, please read the full changelog.

The DCS: F-16C Viper has received noteworthy improvements to its heads-up display (HUD), flight model, and radar behavior. The HUD’s Limited Refresh Rate now updates airspeed, altitude, and acceleration at fixed intervals, making fast-changing parameters correctly skip values. Based on user feedback, corrections to excessive energy loss at higher angles of attack and slower speeds have been introduced, with further work planned for high-speed regimes. Deep stall issues have been addressed, along with yaw behavior during roll inputs in landing configurations. Various radar bugs have been fixed, including trackfile behavior in STT, TWS altitude rounding discrepancies, and lock range in ACM Bore mode. External fuel transfer now functions even if AIR SOURCE is set to RAM, and a flicker in the CCIP aiming marks has been eliminated. The developers have also released a revised Early Access Guide with new chapters on navigation and tactical employment, plus updates to the radio communications and datalink sections.

The DCS: F/A-18C benefits from fixes to weapons avionics crashes, the addition of gray-scale (will still appear green despite name) ground radar maps, and resolution of several texture and INS configuration errors.

The DCS: AH-64D has undergone a range of flight model improvements to make yaw control less sensitive, adjust rotor thrust at low speeds, and refine the vortex-ring state (VRS) condition that is accompanied by new visual and audio warnings. Minor rotor cone animation issues have been addressed, SCAS drift during hover has been corrected, and the interface for George AI has been enhanced to assist color-blind players. Multiple small bugs, including incorrect TADS camera clipping and error messages for en-route distances, have also been fixed.

The DCS: CH-47F has seen a range of additions: new trimmer options, windshield wipers, corrected LCT schedule, and improved Cyclic Stick position for air start. The crew animation speed has been raised when switching seats, and numerous fixes address engine repairs, IR strobe patterns, and ramp visualization.

The DCS: Supercarrier update addresses several issues with AI taxiing, deck crew animations, and spawn logic. Directors should no longer repeat “stop” gestures excessively, and wheel chocks function correctly after teleporting to the hangar. Catapult launching logic has also been improved. Despite these updates, a known issue persists regarding the “disable deck crew” option not functioning properly unless it is set beforehand in the general settings.

The newly remastered DCS: F-5E includes cockpit shake and vibration animations, wingtip oscillation at high AOA, and updated LERX vapor effects. RWR dimmer controls, service hatch panels, parking lot static aircraft placements, and theme loading pictures have all been adjusted.

Happy New Year!
Warm wishes

We wish you soaring spirits and skies full of cheer this holiday season. From everyone at Eagle Dynamics, may your days be filled with joy, love, and good health. Stay safe, enjoy the festivities, and here’s to reaching new heights together in the year ahead. Happy New Year!

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
Added free pack of high fidelity 3D models. Assets free of charge: B-1B, B-52H, S-3B (and tanker), SA-10 (S-300 SAM), M1A2, M1A2C SEP v3, MRAP MaxxPro, Centurion C-RAM.

Added a new Spotting Dots option which is replacing the “improved spotting dots” option. Improved spotting dots functionality which makes spotting dots independent from zoom FOV will be active all the time now. With new “Spotting Dot” setting you will be able to set:
OFF - to switch spotting dots off completely
AUTO - automatic spotting dot size calculation based on monitor or VR hardware parameters (how it worked before)
1 pixel size spotting dots
2 pixel size spotting dots
Also this setting is added to the mission editor and can be enforced through mission.
Spotting dots. Quad views peripheral render target spotting dot size forced to size 1 if dots are on
Sound. New mortar and cannon sounds and shells sonic boom sound added
AI Aircraft. if an AI AV-8B is set to takeoff from ground or takes off from a FARP, they will vertically climb to ~1000ft and then stop, immediately nose over, and crash - fixed
AI Aircraft. AI incorrect half loop maneuver calculation for the attack ending in ground collision - fixed
AI Aircraft. MQ-1A/RQ-1A Predator. Corrupt damage model - fixed
AI Aircraft. Aircraft AI can spot ground and air units through dense fog - fixed
AI Aircraft. Adjusted KC135 to maintain 25 degrees angle of bank for every turn
AI Aircraft. Helicopter AI calculate evasive maneuvers above water using sea floor and not water level altitude which ends up in crashes into water sometime - fixed
AI Aircraft. When AI helicopter has "Ground Escort" task set, it stops using flares for IR missile defense - fixed
AI Aircraft. Caucasus. Adler airfield. The AI wingman stands in line behind the parked lead aircraft and stops - fixed
AI Aircraft. AI pilots look left when taking off from Supercarrier - fixed.
AI Ships. Submarine water trail visible when submerged - fixed. (https://forum.dcs.world/topic/357886-298538-submarine-u-boat-issues/)
AI Ground. Sounds from some vehicles fade over time - fixed
Weapons. SA-2. V-750 missile. Decreased G-limit from 17 to 6.
Weapons. SA-3, 5V27 missile. Decreased G-limit from 16 to 6. Decreased counter-countermeasures level. Change liquid motor smoke tail to solid fuel. Decreased size of motor smoke plume.
Weapons. SA-5, 5V28 missile. Slightly decreased G-limit from 12 to 10. Slightly decreased counter-countermeasures level. Decreased second stage smoke transparency.
Weapons. Kh-25 and Kh-29 missile family. Total autopilot and seeker upgrade.
Weapons. AGM-88. Adjusted motor smoke. Added param of transparency of motor smoke depends on temperature (altitude).
Weapons. AIM-9 family. Smoke transparency tuning.
Weapons. Sea Dart SAM. Fuze parameters adjusted.
Weapons. AIs interceptors will be able to intercept cruise missiles.
Weapons. SM SAM. First SM missile goes to zenit without guidance to target - fixed.
Weapons. Improved BLG-66 Belouga bomblets release sequence
Weapons. Added new loadout definitions for AUF2 double point pylons with different bombs (Mirage F1 usage)
Weapons. Now Air-to-Air IR missiles take into account the transparency and density of fog when calculating the visibility range of a target.
Weapons. AIM-120. Changed coefficient of guidance system to increase agility to counter of the high-G roll maneuver.
Graphics. IR marker beam visible in daytime TV display - fixed.
ME. Added trigger "Smoke Marker Stop" and "Smoke Marker on Unit Stop” for the coloured target marking smoke.
ME. Added trigger functionality to allow individual drawings to be shown or hidden
ME. Improved advanced waypoint action for unload more than one cargo ability
ME. Cargo without the flag OBJECT CANNOT BE CARGO is still in the ALL CARGO radio menu - Fixed. (https://forum.dcs.world/topic/361923-cargo-without-the-flag-object-cannot-be-cargo-is-still-in-the-all-cargo-radio-menu-mi-8mtv2/)
ME. Multi-select tool. impossible to rotate any units when loading into a mission with units already placed, or loading in templates - fixed
Scripting API. Experimental fix for server crash after world.removeJunk being used (hosters please test, we are looking for feedback)

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics
Improved HUD Limited Refresh Rate (made airspeed, altitude and acceleration update rates fixed at a set refresh rate. As such, faster rates of change will result in skipped values. The acceleration updates are slightly faster than velocity and acceleration).
Improvement - Specific excess power. Based on user feedback, the difference in energy loss in the FM and E-M diagrams of instantaneous turn rates was noted. On the left edge (high angles of attack AoA >15 and low speeds below M<0.7), excessive energy loss (airspeed loss) was confirmed. On the right edge of the E-M diagram (M>0.7 and angles of attack AoA<15), there was noticeably insufficient energy loss. The left edge has been corrected, and energy loss has been reduced (closer to the reference points). Work on the right edge continues and will be resolved in a later update.
Fixed: Impossible to enter a deep stall.
Fixed: Excessive YAW With Roll Inputs in Landing Config.
Fixed: FCR entering STT deletes all trackfiles.
Fixed: RWS STT returns to search after TMS aft instead of SAM.
Fixed: ACM Bore does not lock targets beyond 10nm even with longer range selected.
Fixed: FCR TWS target altitude differently rounded between bugged and system targets.
Fixed: FCR trackfile information (aspect/speed/etc) are shown as all zeroes when first designating a track file.
Fixed: FCR Has a chance to drop track completely when commanding STT on TWS Bugged target.
Fixed: Aiming marks recalculate position way too fast. Results in CCIP mark flicker.
Fixed: External fuel transfer when AIR SOURCE in RAM.
Fixed: A-G Radar image goes sideways when the scanning zone limit is reached.
Fixed: AGM-65 VIS next maverick after firing no longer space stabilized/slaved to SPI.
Fixed: When radar antenna comes to maximum angle of deflection ground surface render starts its movement within MFD screen.
Fixed: FCR does not remember submode after emergency jettison or master mode change
Revised/Updated F-16C Early Access Guide
New Navigation chapter
New Tactical Employment chapter
Revised Radio Communications chapter
Revised Datalink chapter (work-in-progess)
Revised Appendix A - Added more checklists, added checklist index, and added hyperlinks on all checklist pages to return back to main index.
Other updates/revisions:
Hands-On Controls functions/commands
DED pages
RWR and CMDS Modes

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed crash on weapons avionics.
Added Gray Scale on MAP Ground Radar.
Fixed: Texture FPU_8A_VMFA251 not found.
Fixed: When user creates waypoint names in the editor blank waypoint will use another waypoints name.
Fixed: Hot start aircraft sets INS to NAV instead of IFA.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics
Improvement of the flight model and SCAS.
Improvement. The characteristic of the increase in the thrust of the main rotor has been refined in the speed range of 0-10 m/s (the helicopter's behavior at the moment of nose tilt to accelerate and when hovering after deceleration will become more realistic).
Improvement. There was overly sensitive yaw control.
The sensitivity of the control in the heading channel has been significantly reduced. Now the increase in angular velocity with a 1-inch pedal movement has been reduced by about 25%, which is beneficial for improving the comfort of control.
Improvement. There was overly sensitive pitch control.
The main rotor rotation characteristics in roll and pitch have been adjusted, which has slightly reduced the control sensitivity in the roll and pitch channels.
The VRS (vortex-ring state) phenomenon of the Main rotor.
Additional game notification about the VRS phenomenon. The player has been given the option to turn on sound and visual notifications about the onset of the phenomenon and its progress. Enabling/disabling is carried out in the SPECIAL tab in the module settings.
The conditions for the occurrence of the VRS phenomenon on the Main rotor have been reworked. Now the Main rotor "entry" into the VRS phenomenon takes a little longer than before. In addition, the critical vertical descent speed that leads to the appearance of VRS is no longer a "strict" value, which increases the realism of “entering” in VRS mode.
During an autorotation landing with the engines running, the helicopter could previously have been in the VRS phenomenon. Fixed
Animation of the Main rotor cone tilt disappeared.
There was no reaction of the rotor cone to the deflection of the helicopter cyclic stick - Fixed
Helicopter SCAS.
When hovering with Position Hold enabled, a slight drift would sometimes occur - Fixed
Independent deactivation of roll and pitch channel in ATT-hold mode. For ATT-Hold mode, separate disabling has been added in the roll and pitch channels if the disabling conditions have occurred only in one of the channels (previously, both channels were disabled if the disabling conditions occurred only for roll, for example). Displayed on the controls indicator.
The efficiency of the SCAS response has been increased when controlling the pilot and in the ATT-Hold (Position, Velocity, Attitude) mode family:
1) when controlling the pilot
the SCAS "blurs" the increase in angular velocity from the cyclic stick and pedals, thereby giving the pilot a little more time for piloting accuracy, which increases piloting comfort;
2) in the ATT-Hold mode family the SCAS reacts more sensitively to changes, trying to compensate for the deviation from the specified mode/parameter in the "bud".
Helicopter SCAS - known issues
When turning ON or OFF the Position-Hold mode, several damped oscillations in roll and/or pitch may occur
Added AI George interface enhancements for color-blind players. May be selected in the SPECIAL tab in the module settings.
Modify the George-as-CPG interface.
Fixed: Graphic glitch with cockpit displays when George finds targets during new Area search.
Fixed: Enroute "Distance to Point" value calculated very wrong.
Fixed: FIRE MSLS and LASE # TRGT message errors.
Fixed: TADS camera clips through model.
Fixed; George AI sees the target through the fog.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics
Petrovich AI. Added support for the new fog system so Petrovich AI wouldn’t see through it.
Rockets can be fired when the fire control switch is off - Fixed. (https://forum.dcs.world/topic/365237-rockets-can-be-fired-when-fire-control-switch-is-off/)
ASP-17 Pilot sight brightness adjustment done (Sight reticle brightness - Bugs and Problems - ED Forums)

DCS: UH-1H Huey by Eagle Dynamics
Created and implemented distant engine and main and tail rotors sounds. Adjusted sound radius.

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight by Eagle Dynamics
Added information about radio channels and frequencies to the kneeboard

DCS: CH-47F by Eagle Dynamics
Added. Trimmer options
Added. Trimming with HAT on stick
Added. Windshield wipers
Fixed. Wipers knob park position isn’t spring loaded
Fixed. Cyclic position for air start
Fixed. LCT indicator scale
Fixed. Ground crew fail to repair engines
Fixed. LCT schedule corrected
Fixed. IR strobe pattern for MP
Fixed. Ramp visualisation
Improved. DASH tweaks
Improved. Crew animation become faster when switching seats
Improved. Further work on CDU pages

DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed. Engine degraded with WEP usage

DCS: FW-190A-8 by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed. Cockpit glass

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed: Dynamic Spawn - Spawn on other players.
Fixed: Animation sticking after client exits.
Fixed: "Waiting for ATC Status" Message displayed in campaigns.
Fixed: IFLOS Lights showing backwards.
Fixed: Client doesn't get taxiing permission ("Awaiting requested crew member").
Fixed: No directors - Cat crew only launch 1st aircraft.
Fixed: AI carrier taxiing decreased dt, smooth break and pilot view correction.
Fixed: Taxi crew stuck in multiplayer with Awaiting crew 1 idle message.
Fixed: Wheel chock wont be placed when teleport to hangar (F/A-18C, F-14A/B).
Fixed: Velocity limit option works if turned OFF.
Fixed: Deck Crew Problems AI F-14s.
Fixed: AI on sixpack can't taxi.
Fixed: Yellow shirt director repeats 'stop' gesture.
Fixed: The director teleports after assigning a player to the next one, apparently teleporting to his initial point.
Fixed: Frequent change of commands by the director (Stop - Come forward) when taxi on the deck.

Known issues: Forced option 'disable deck crew' don't work - in order to create a mission with the deck crew disabled, you need to disable it in the general options..

DCS: F-5E3 Remastered
Added animation of shaking elements in the cockpit.
Added wingtip shake at high AOA.
Added LERX vapor trails.
Fixed: RWR Button Dimmer doesn't work as expected.
Fixed: Cannot open and close the service hatch panels.
Fixed: Incorrect theme loading picture if another theme is applied.
Fixed: Static aircraft parking lot.

DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior by Polychop Simulations
Fixed CTD when using VOIP PTT
Fixed: Inputs for:
Joystick inputs for Autostart / Autoshutdown
Radio hats and animations
Floodlight, position lights and blower switches
WPN/ASE, LMC, ACK/REC switches
Fixed: Multicrew flares
Fixed: Multicrew target points

DCS: SA-342 Gazelle by Polychop Simulations
Fixed: Minigun axis limits
Fixed: Duplicate HOT and Mistral missile definitions removed

DCS: MB-339A/PAN by IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations
Missing missing update of the previous DCS patch:
Fixed: Stand-by ADI not caged when mission starts cold & dark
Fixed: hundreds rotary of GunSight mills needs 9 clicks to go from 0 to 1
Improved: Flight Director bars visibility

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations
Fixed: some tiny bugs of radar/datalink contact fusion

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges
Automatic firing of radar guided missiles is fixed.
Fixed 'Nose wheel steering high sensitivity button' not popping out after nose wheel gear lift off, when autostart was performed before.
Changed F1CE/BE IDN logic in TE mode - the wide needle will stay at the last valid position instead of going to 0, when a TACAN station is not received.
Corrected bug in which, with additional vector selected and no TACAN signal, the wide needle always pointed to the West.
Fixed an issue with radios that were not tuning to Easy Comms frequency, if attempted to do this while being in AR (OFF) mode (but with electric bus power being available).
A radio will not be attempted to be autotuned in Easy Comms if it is not currently provided with electric bus power.
F1BE: Only TRAP-136 can be used now for Easy Comms frequency autotune from the rear seat.
F1BE: With Easy Comms option enabled, TRAP-136 priority is automatically switched to the seat from which the radio dialog was activated.
F1BE: Now the other seat radio panel is not affected by Easy Comms autotune. I.e., when TRAP-136 communication is activated from the rear seat, the forward seat panel frequency/mode is not changed, and vice versa.
Added several Single and Quick Start Afghanistan map missions (Mirage F1 CE, EE and BE).
Added Iraq Quick Start and Single missions.
Fixed texture of Mirage F1EE weapons panel integral light.
Fixed the issue with several weapons appearing rotated 90º on their pylons.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev
A radio will not be attempted to be autotuned in Easy Comms if it is not currently provided with electric power.
Now, in Easy Comms, always a radio of the current seat is used for frequency autotune. Accordingly, the radio priority is automatically switched to that seat.
Custom (defined in the module) Belouga BLG66 bombs were replaced by DCS standard ones.
Improved textures of CBL200, as well as of AN-M3 and DEFA-553 gun pods.
Fixed the issue with several weapons appearing rotated 90º on their pylons.

DCS: South Atlantic by RAZBAM Simulations
Introduction of Winter Textures with emphasis on providing Ultra-High detail around the Falklands Island
High-detail custom normal maps for the entire Falkland Islands
New Normal maps across Argentina / Chile
Further enhancements to ground vegetation, delivering a more realistic look and feel across the entire map
NOTE: June is the summer hemispheres winter and as the default date for the South Atlantic map is June the default will be winter

DCS: Kola map by Orbx
Added Bardufoss Airfield
Added Kattila Airfield
Added TACAN at Andoya airfield
Added towns next to new airfields
Enhancement to the terrain visual quality from lowish level
First pass optimization for some blocks
Winter Sale
Up to 50% discount

Now is the time to expand your hangar and sharpen your combat skills with new aircraft, terrains, and campaigns! Until the 6th of January 15:00 GMT enjoy deep discounts on a wide range of our most popular modules! The DCS Steam Edition Winter Sale is also now on until the 2nd of January at 18:00 GMT. Enjoy!

MiG-29A Fulcrum
Development Progress

The primary MiG-29A development efforts are focused on the design of the external model and cockpit, avionics, and general aircraft systems.

The DCS: MiG-29A is our first cockpit based on photogrammetry. The cockpit reference aircraft is located in Aircraft Museum Kosice, and we greatly appreciate their generous assistance. The textures and geometry of the new cockpit have been reworked from scratch, using new technologies that include high-polygon models for baking-in normal maps. This new technique gives us many opportunities, whilst also presenting challenges.

We generated a huge number of photos and videos of the aircraft, and we completely reworked the external model as well. Based on reference photos, videos, and diagrams, we were able to include an exceptional level of detail for items like rivets, screws, and panel joints. The new normal map shows the structure of the aircraft skin materials, and the texture resolution was increased 400%.

A lot of work is being done on avionics, including the Optical Laser System (OLS), which is an important component of the MiG-29. Its main elements are the InfraRed Search and Track (IRST) system and a laser range finder. Most of the air-to-air targeting modes are nearly complete.

The gun sight of a 4th generation fighter is never a simple task, but during the development of the MiG-29 we have developed a complex simulation of both the tracked-target mode and the non-tracked, “funnel” mode. The gun sights have been significantly redesigned for a much more accurate simulation. A new mode has been added for engaging visually invisible aerial targets with the gun.
Weapon employment modes when engaging ground targets with rockets and guns at fixed and moving targets in the presence of wind are in active development. We still have to develop the basic bombing modes.

We have recreated the Fire Control Radar (FCR) architecture and the main modes.

After primary work on the OLS and FCR is complete, we will model the interaction between the OLS and the FCR.

The SPO-15LM radar warning receiver, also known as Product L006LM, has been completely rewritten for DCS: MiG-29A Fulcrum. The new SPO-15 uses the same physics-based approach as the SPO-10, but with greater attention being paid to its second iteration of directivity patterns for transmitting and receiving antennas. The latter being of particularly high importance to Soviet RWR designs due to the independent processing of an output from each azimuth sector antenna. Additionally, the database has been expanded, with each radar having a unique signature in terms of signal properties and with the properties themselves covering additional details.

Thanks to these improvements, the new SPO-15 can be modelled to closely emulate the algorithms used in the real system, and it simulates many of its real-life quirks and limitations. Pilots will find themselves having to pay attention to these limitations to utilize its full potential. These include, but are not limited to, non-linear range indications that will properly display the signal power, blinding by high power radars, and many cases of incorrect threat type determination due to limited resolution with which the signal parameters are measured. The depth and accuracy of the simulations will make it possible to say that the new implementation of SPO-15 in DCS will be the most realistic and detailed in the world of PC simulators.

A Mission Editor data programming panel is being developed for the navigation system. This will allow you to program the flight before the start of the mission and use this program in flight during the simulation. We are developing the MiG-29A INS and its interaction with the navigation system. Special attention is being made to the modes of ground INS alignment and its accuracy in flight. This will be affected by the mode of the alignment and the presence or absence of radio correction from the programmed beacon.

Work remains on the Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) system, but we'll release the core functionality of IFF at early access launch, and then continue to work on more advanced IFF features.
Aircraft systems are being added and refined to a deep level of functionality. This includes a new hydraulic system, procedures and physics of starting and shutting down engines, expansion and reconfiguration of automatic control systems, new modes are being introduced, and transients are being improved.

Merry Christmas
Happy holidays!

In the spirit of the upcoming Christmas holiday, we wish you calm winds, clear horizons, and treasured moments with friends and loved ones. May your hangars be full, your aircraft finely tuned, and your upcoming sorties filled with excitement and discovery. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and your loved ones.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics