ČSLA Studio
TO: Arma 3 Creator DLC Users
UNIT: ČSLA Iron Curtain
ACTIVITY: Update 1.2.1 Hotfix
SIZE: ~4.4 GB
ADDED: Feature - When the gunner dies, the commander switches to the gunner position (in vehicles where the commander and gunner share the same compartment)
ADDED: MAAWS iron sight view
ADDED: New 2D optics for vehicle crews (BMP-1 driver, T-72 driver, M1A1 driver, M113 driver, LAV-25 driver, OT-62 driver, T-72 gunner, M1A1 loader)
ADDED: SMAW iron sight view
FIXED: Added to CfgPatches: "US85_M60E3LB", "US85_M60E3SB"
FIXED: Adjusted surface definitions in CFG for Gabreta (overwriting vanilla classes)
FIXED: AFMC, CSLA, FIA, US - Replaced vanilla mine detectors in vehicles with US/CSLA versions
FIXED: Air weapons - Proxy - autocenter=0 (disabled auto-centering of missile models to ensure correct positioning in pylons)
FIXED: An-2 - Added the ability to move the pilot’s head
FIXED: An-2 - Incorrect damaged texture
FIXED: AN/PAQ-1 LTD function (now able to target for laser-guided bombs)
FIXED: CSLA - Grenades - Speed adjustment
FIXED: CSLA - Increased turret traverse and elevation speed for PLDvK-53/59
FIXED: CSLA - Para Knapsack and Pouch vz. 85 (Engineer)
FIXED: CSLA - Stringtable - Fixed magazine labels for 7.62×45 PU-52
FIXED: CSLA - T-72 optics
FIXED: CSLA Desert - Added hats to inventory
FIXED: CSLA Engineers - Added ammunition and backpacks
FIXED: CSLA Helmet vz.53 - LOD 4 had sharp edges
FIXED: CSLA Para Knapsack and Pouch vz. 85 (Engineer) - Added ammunition
FIXED: CSLA Paratroopers - Added berets to inventory
FIXED: CSLA_Turret AGS-17 - Player could kill themselves by shooting - Increased grenade fuse distance
FIXED: EXPO Vltava 86 - Helicopters collide mid-air
FIXED: F813 Goliath - wrong unit ingignia position on cargo door in MP
FIXED: F813 Goliath vehicles lacked license plates when generated via script
FIXED: F813 Goliath, CATOR 2009 - After turning off beacon, it remained floating in the air
FIXED: FIA - Random headgear (missing helmets after respawn in MP)
FIXED: FIA AZU 469 - missing texture of rear-view mirror
FIXED: FIA desert hats - Removed CSLA insignia
FIXED: Field Manual - Typos in M136 Volcano section
FIXED: HUD on Mi-24V (was inheriting a virtual HUD from vanilla helicopters)
FIXED: INT GH #326 EH Killed: Replacing gunners in emplacements and vehicles with another crew member – adjusted EventHandler to prevent deletion of user-added EHs
FIXED: LAV-25 (all variants) - Missing optic glass
FIXED: LAV-25 (All Variants) Added optics glass for gunner/commander periscope
FIXED: LAV-25 optics glass in the interior - Added reflections
FIXED: LAV25, M1A1, T-72 - driver optics centered
FIXED: M1025 - Inventory contained vanilla toolkit
FIXED: M1025, M1043 and M998 (all variants) - Missing damaged material on dashboard
FIXED: M1025, M1043, M998 - Added camo5 selection for dashboard
FIXED: M113 (Mk. 19) - Persistent muzzle flash in LOD
FIXED: M113 (Mk. 19) - Selections for turret/weapon in LOD 2
FIXED: M113A1 (TOW) - Fixed PIP periscopes for the driver
FIXED: M60, M60E3, M23 - Adjusted bolt animation, should now move from rear to front during firing
FIXED: M923A1 GT - Mk. 19 adjusted to prevent ammo from clipping through the magazine during shake animation
FIXED: M923A1 GT - Mk. 19 ammo belt animation was not hiding correctly when changing the magazine
FIXED: MH-60A - Handle on left door doesn't move with the door
FIXED: Missing strings (STR_CSLA_DNS_Ch25ML, STR_CSLA_9M32M, STR_CSLA_9M14M, STR_CSLA_9M113, STR_DN_US85_dym)
FIXED: Mk. 19 - Belt clips into ammunition box while firing
FIXED: Mk. 19 sight/rear sights misaligned on M113, M1008 CUCV, M1025 and M1043
FIXED: Mk. V3S and M923A1 Gun Trucks - Disabled manual fire (driver was able to fire the main MG)
FIXED: Mk. V3S GT, M923A1 GT - Disabled manual fire
FIXED: Mk. V3S vehicles lacked license plates when generated via script
FIXED: Multiple tweaks to aircraft weapons and pylons
FIXED: OT-62 - Missing optic glass
FIXED: PP-Mi-Sr-II - Effectiveness adjustment
FIXED: PP-Mi-Sr-II - Mass value adjustment
FIXED: Rocket disappears from Launcher-wielding infantry after respawn
FIXED: Stringtable - PP-Mi-Sr-II.
FIXED: T-72 - Adjusted RVMAT for collimator (high reflections issue)
FIXED: T-72 - Fixed front mudguard selection, fixed shadow LOD selections
FIXED: T-72 shadow LOD - Added commander turret and NSV parts
FIXED: T-72/M1A1 - Changed LOD for OpticsIn from 1100 to 1
FIXED: T-72M/T-72M1 - Destroyed wreck had stretched vertices above the turret
FIXED: Turrets now remove all "Killed" event handlers from units that exit them (replacing gunner in emplacements and vehicles with another crew member)
FIXED: Pu-52, Pu-52/57 - Rear sight misaligned with front sight between 400m-900m zeroing
FIXED: UH-60A – Adjusted names of cargo entry points
FIXED: Updated selection for M1008 CUCV (Mk. 19), M1025 and M1043 (Mk. 19)
FIXED: US/CSLA/AFMC - Adjusted durability of plastic helmets
FIXED: US85 - USMC Grenadier (M16 +203), Airborne Grenadier (M16 + M203) Incorrect vests, Airborne now uses: Vest (M81, M16 + M203, Airborne)
FIXED: US85 LAV-25 - Commander MG mount had no damage material when destroyed - Fixed turret selection damage
FIXED: Winter Uniform (FIA) - Invetory icon does not match the uniform
FIXED: ZSh-5 Removed improper property LodNoShadow=1 from shadow LOD (shadows were disabled)
UPDATED: AN/PAQ-1 LTD battery - New icon
UPDATED: Darkened textures for FIA desert helmet/hat
UPDATED: Decreased elevation on NSV mounted on T-72
UPDATED: Disabled zeroing on vehicles equipped with Mk. 19
UPDATED: Glass material for Tank and APC interior optics
UPDATED: M1025, M1043, M998 (M60) - Ammo belt animation in the ammo box
UPDATED: M1025, M1043, M998 SF GT (M60) - Animation for ammo belt in ammo box
UPDATED: New rear sight for M60, M60E3 in GunnerView
UPDATED: Reduced zoom on driver optics for APCs/tanks
UPDATED: T-72 gunner - Added an additional optic for periscope view (for more efficient turret rotation without 3rd-person view)
UPDATED: VG-70, M203 - Smoke and flare rounds added to ammo boxes, backpacks, and vehicles