Hello, fellow drivers!
The company was the most wanted feature in our in-game feature request.
In this update, you can now invite other players or join other player's company.
And you can create a Corporation in a Dedicated server that has its own Vehicle list and Budget, which allows it to keep running while owner is offline.
If you want to create a company, visit the Cityhall, near Gang-Jung.
Now you can invite other players to your company (from the player list in the in-game menu)
Or you can request to join another player's company (from the company list in the in-game menu)
If you already have a company and join another company, your own company will be deactivated in that session
Company is only available while the owner is online.
Corporation is another type of Company, that only available in a Dedicated Server
You can create a 'Corporation' with $100,000 seed money
Corporation has its own Vehicles and Money balance
Corporation Owner can hand over their own vehicle to the Corporation, or take it back (By the Add/Remove Company Vehicle menu)
Corporation don't require owners to be online.
Company members can be assigned to 'Manager' role (More roles and permission will be added later)
Managers can accept join requests or invite other players
Manager can kick members or assign manager role
Company Chat
You can use the'/c' command to send a company chat
Announcement Chat
If you are a server admin, you can use the '/a' command to send an announcement
This is an early test of the new contract system
You can browse the contract list at any delivery point
Only a Company owner or manager can sign a contract
'Online Access' contract allows company members to see the production & delivery lists from map
'Supply' contract gives a bonus for each delivery and a completion bonus once required deliveries are finished
'Fast Travel' contract allows company members to teleport to a delivery point from the map
Migeum Logging Area
A new logging area has been added on the East side of Oji
It has several logging places with different payment and logs
The deepest area is not easy to access, so prepare your vehicle before the trip.
Use Miguem Logging warehouse to stock up small Logs and use a larger trailer for finish delivery to Lumbermill
A new 6x6 'Jemusi' logging truck is added at the entrance of the Miguem logging area
Use this truck to climb Oak Logging places
New Logging trailer
Eastwood is added at the Tosan Trailer shop
20ft log cargo is added and stackable
More dealerships
A Wrecker dealership has been added near Gu-Jwa
Gosan Truck dealership is open. The west side of Jeju Island and the small cage trailer is now buyable.
More delivery points
Plastic factory is opened near Power Plant
Dasa Harbor is opened at the northern side of the Refinery
Delivery payment balance
The delivery payment is now based on navigation distance, not direct distance (Thanks to Llama)
Climbing distance and road speed limit are also applied to delivery payment calculation (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Online delivery payment balance
A new dynamic delivery payment balance is on the test
Cargo payment will be changed from time to time to balance between each cargo
This only works while playing with an internet connection
Cargo Damage
Oak Log can be damaged
More cargo will become fragile in future updates
Flatbed cargo count limit change
Now only non-strapped cargo is limited to 10
Cargo loading UI has a 'paid auto strap' button
Large flatbed delivery payments for single cargo might be reduced by this change
Police patrol overhaul
Now each patrol increases the Town Patrol Rate
Town Patrol Rate is consumed in real-time, multiplied by the player count
Garbage collection town buff is renewed
Now each collection increases town buff
And each player consumes a town buff
Autopilot overtake is improved (Thanks to Ghosty)
Removed XP reduction by vehicle owner profit share (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Wrecker job payment is reduced
Logs are now stackable
Now Log is shared for all destinations (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Company vehicle state name changed from 'Not available' to 'Spawnable' (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Period(.) is now allowed in the company name (Thanks to NorthHopper)
Cargo delivery reward UI is added
Delivery allocation prefers the production line to the warehouse (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Garbage cargo payment is increased
Oil production is separated from Fuel production (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Plastic delivery to Furniture Factory is added (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Show the housing owner's name in the map icon (Thanks to NorthHopper)
Shows object limit after place/remove (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Taxi/Ambulance passenger payment is increased by 30%
Garage repair now keeps the next item selected (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Jake brake key is added to HUD info, Jake toggle message is added (Thanks to moko256)
Motorhome world map icon filter is added (Thanks to Steem)
The Nametag of the attached trailer is removed (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Overlapping nametags fade out (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
World map icon filter for 'Home' is added (Thanks to Zarkov)
Diff Lock, Up/Down shift, Toggle Interior Light, Jake Brake, Siren is now available while autopilot (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Roadside service tow to the nearest road now prefers the last traveled road
Vehicle for sale restock if someone buys or rents it (Thanks to Burnz)
Car dealership stock updated near Gang-Jung
Garage is added to Gosan Truck Dealership (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Headlight strength is reduced for better eye-adaptation
Nighttime lighting is raised a little bit
SPT1 is added to Tow Truck dealership (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Sand is removed from Gim-Nyeong Beach house (Thanks to CBRsDJ2flyforu)
Small cage trailer is added to Tosan Trailer Dealership
Bug Fixed
AI not using the right turn lane (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
AI stop or reverse in 4 lane road (Thanks to RafaelG)
AI vehicle stuck at the crossroad (Thanks to 𝙍𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣 and NorthHopper)
Autopilot missing turn at the crossroad
Autopilot/AI vehicle losing path randomly
Bus schedule starts with -1 (Thanks to GillanCodes)
Cannot interact with bus stop with SV200 due to ground clearance (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Cannot strap cargo after moving it to another vehicle (Thanks to Steem)
Container can be strapped (Thanks to mrcosmos)
Dropped cargo can be strapped (Thanks to Lord2Dark)
FPS camera mode malfunctions after entering and exiting a vehicle (Thanks to scailman)
Decal missing after changing aero parts (Thanks to catb0t)
Dedicated server not visible on the host list, if config file was copied from a client that has 'Allow Join' as 'Deny'
Cargo payment mismatch in cargo list (Thanks to Llama)
Delivery cargo count keeps increasing after loading it, beyond the demand count
Delivery not spawning in crowded multiplayer (Thanks to Lord2Dark and Bob The Mad Man)
Fuel/Oil delivery loading cargo also reduces other delivery's cargo count (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Pizza on Voltex marked as dropped (Thanks to Llama)
Strapped cargo can be marked as dropped (Thanks to Steem)
Tow to the garage doesn't remove cargo in the cargo list (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
'Repair all' doesn't repair all if the list is long (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
Building max count error also triggers a not-valid location error message (Thanks to GamerCP)
Cannot place Speaker (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Housing owner name not updated after changing character name (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
False jump distance registration (Thanks to scailman and Llama)
Exit vehicle right after releasing handbrake not working (Thanks to RcCookie)
Suspect map icon at the origin in multiplayer (Thanks to Mrpanther)
Infinite horn sound during multiplayer (Thanks to catb0t)
Temporal workaround for Camera/Input stuck after joining multiplayer (Thanks to Raging413, Bob The Mad Man, Steem, kappa007, Skirakzalus, and many more!)
Vehicle warp to the previous position after leaving it in multiplayer (Thanks to Pingu)
Winch controller drop while standing on Lomax Bed ramp in multiplayer (Thanks to Raging413)
Winch suddenly pulls after leaving the vehicle in multiplayer (Thanks to Raging413)
Getaway NPC did not despawn after finishing the job (Thanks to chadstevens)
Parking ticket warning in parking space (Thanks to Raging413)
Offtrack laptime is now ignored (Thanks to Takoyaki9887)
Roadside towing doesn't empty passengers (Thanks to Llama)
Bad level-up message in Russian (Thanks to Jesus)
Cannot navigate repair list with arrow or gamepad (Thanks to catb0t)
Control Panel Diff Lock button not updated (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Control panel sub-menu doesn't have a default focus (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Decal list highlighted before selection (Thanks to Ghosty)
Delivery map icon missing place name in multiplayer (Thanks to Llama)
Garage vehicle parts bad gamepad navigation (Thanks to Laytxn)
In-game menu time-attack browser is not scroll-able (Thanks to Llama)
Nametag blue for players without company (Thanks to Ghosty)
Police arrest reward UI has a delivery title (Thanks to Steem)
Reward UI entries do not scroll (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Reward number texts overlap (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Set as destination tooltip cleaned up (Thanks to Steem)
Wrong error message when over vehicle spawn limit (Thanks to Raging413)
Brutus Tanker doesn't show Truck level in HUD (Thanks to Grumps)
Cage trailer paint not applied to corner (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Cage trailer has an invalid paint template (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Cheetah Mk1 default brake pad is not heavy duty (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Decal disappears after changing aero parts (Thanks to catb0t)
EV regen brake increased while reversing (Thanks to TRAS_TRL and Ἑκάτη)
Essam's decal leaks (Thanks to Llama)
Essam's interior light in sideway (Thanks to Llama)
Jemusi or other high-CG vehicle roll-bounce too much (Thanks to Llama and Skirakzalus)
Roadside tow to garage kept trailer attached (Thanks to Alice M)
Roadside towing service ends up on uneven terrain like a bridge (Thanks to NorthHopper)
Tanker refueling is still available after moving away (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
Towed vehicle fell through a low bed while pushing by a tow truck (Thanks to Raging413)
Trailer paint doesn't reset after canceling painting in Multiplayer (Thanks to Vormir)
Trailers wobble at low speed (Thanks to Harmar)
Turbo spool while engine offed (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
Vehicle on low bed gets mileage (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Winch does not disconnect when the target is despawned (Thanks to Raging413)
Winch does not stop if the controller is dropped or moved out of range (Thanks to Steem)
Cannot spawn both trailer and tractor in same truck spawner (Thanks to Llama)
Cannot spawn long vehicles at the Kupa warehouse truck spawner (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Eye adaptation error with building window during nighttime (Thanks to ĐoomGuy)
Old dry-van trailer at the Ansan (Thanks to MrCosmos)
Road direction sign clip camera (Thanks to theBasstian)
Surface lighting has a strange shadow on dirt/grass uphill (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Owner profit share triggered while using a delivery vehicle (Thanks to Raging413)
Vehicle delivery destination too close (Thanks tmrcosmos)
Vehicle delivery marker not removed while driving it (Thanks to Llama)