Motor Town News & Announcements
Hello, fellow drivers.
We got small fixes!

The Plastic pipe 6m pallet's width is reduced to under 2m to fit Mid-Duty, Olbe (Thanks to Kw4life)
Optimized net-sync bandwidth of cargo

Bug Fixed
Dump cargo mesh randomly not visible
Some furniture is not visible in building mode (Thanks to SleepyFops and osiris3634)
Atlas 8x4 Dump's exhaust FX at the wrong location (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Hello, fellow drivers!
We have another update!
Thanks to everyone who helped with the test!

Bob The Mad Man made this cool update overview!

Iron Ore, Warehouse and Steel mill
Iron Mine is added at the Gwangjin, just near the Coal mine
Steel Mill is added at the East-South part of Oji
Migeum Coal and Iron Ore warehouse is also added. You can stock up coal and iron ore from nearby mines.
Dasa Harbor now imports Coal and Iron ore

H-Beam and Coil Production
H-Beam and Steel Coil is now produced at the Steel mill.
Coal, Iron Ore, and Limestone are required for Steel production.
They can be delivered to Harbor and Formula SCM Factory. (More Factories will be added later)

A new 25t Forklift is added at the Steel mill Coil Factory
Note that this is our first forklift step.
So for now,
* Forklift is not ownable
* Forklift only has Ram folk, for Steel Coil

There are a lot of things to be ironed out with the forklift
So enjoy the new ride share any feedback, and give us time to make it better.

Manual loading of Coil
The coil doesn't support autoloading
You need to use a forklift with a Ram fork to load it by yourself.
Manually loaded cargo cannot be autoloaded once it's dropped. So be sure it's strapped.
Minds that Steel Coil is quite heavy. So putting it on the right spot is important for the truck's weight distribution

Atlas 8x4 Dump
A new 25t Dump is added at the Truck dealership
It has high truck-level requirements

Atlas Semi
4x2, 6x4, and 6x2 Tandem are added at the Truck Dealership

A new medium-duty old-style flatbed trailer has been added at the Migume Warehouse

Attachment Part UX Improvement
(Thanks to MrMagic87 and Bob The Mad Man)
Placing attachment on the vehicle now has a 1cm/1degree snap
You can tweak location/rotation/light mode in UI after placing it
You can browse all attachments by interacting with any attachment

Dedicated server optimize
Dedicated server CPU load is reduced

Road surface testing
Betty is testing new paved road surfaces in Oji.
Check it out and leave feedback!

Santa cabin is closed
See you next year!

Autopilot now pulls over to the side at the destination early when driving a large vehicle
Assigning truck route now only removes cargo that cannot be delivered with a new route (Thanks to Llama and Zed)
Cargo payment goes to the company even if cargo is loaded by a player (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
Company vehicle tow to the road is now limited to 500m (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
Brake light input dead zone is reduced (Thanks to Steiny)
Autoloading cargo is now disabled when there is manually loaded cargo (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Coil and some other heavy cargo's payment on large vehicles is increased (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
Reduced max weight for delivery payment scale on manual loading cargo(Coil), hence increase payment on large vehicle
Wood plank cargo's width is reduced to under 2m to fit into mid-duty trailer, Olbe (Thanks to Alice M and HappySavage)
Roof light item is added (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Localization is updated
A Warning message to admin is added when Dedicated is failing to save the game
Cargo movement sync is changed for better support for forklift
Dedicated server max player count is limited to 100
Server Password protection is improved (Thanks to yobson and Gantzyo)
Server admin isn't affected by the player count limit (Thanks to Pingu)
You can now set ban duration and reason (Thanks to tricky)
Optimized map icons
Tire smoke is optimized
Formula SCM production now uses Steel Coil. (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man. small box version production will be removed on the next update)
A Chat icon is added to the nametag when someone chats
Server Browser now has ping(dedi only), sorting, and filter by Dedicated server, Passwrd, Version (Thanks to AussiePanda)
Server browser now has favorites (Thanks to Delasangre4231)
A Warning message appears when driving a company vehicle with NPC-loaded cargo. (Thanks to Kadzuli)
Body damage by fork is reduced (Thanks to Raging)
Body damage by landing gear is reduced (Thanks to Kenn_Ethic)
DRW(Dual Rear Wheel) tire's max weight is increased (Thanks to Raging)
Vehicle lights soft on/off (Thanks to Airwolf)
Heavy Duty brake pads are whitelisted for compatibility-check with Oldum (Thanks to Raging, Skirakzalus)
Key binding is added to SPT1's control panel
Mirror curvature setting is added in the Control Panel (Thanks to nondin01)
Tire wear penalty by over-weight is increased (Thanks to Steem)
Rental/Dealer vehicle now lifts its tandem axle
Turn around the road is added near Sanho Refinery (Thanks to Frag)

Bug Fixed
Autopilot bad navigating at the Sanho Refinery entrance (Thanks to Rakmarok)
Vehicle AI drives into walls while pulling over (Thanks to Raging)
Cockpit camera shake with TrackIR + Auto recenter cockpit camera option (Thanks to Zetym)
Changing company bus/truck route doesn't apply to ai vehicles (Thanks to Raging)
Company AI truck's cargo was lost after disconnecting from dedi (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Company NPC vehicle not following the road, fall from the bridge (Thanks to Daniel and DEATH)
Controller's left stick works as UI navigation while assigning it to action (Thanks to Raging)
Force Feedback shake when the vehicle is stopped (Thanks to Howling Mad, Bob The Mad Man, and Richeeze)
Help popup keeps showing up by changing the input device (Thanks to Raging)
Autopilot turns off by a small jitter of controller input (Thanks to YnosNava and Paulo Roberto)
Disable controller in background option not working (Thanks to Era)
Force Feedback disappears after 35seconds with Simagic Wheel (Thanks to Mermaid Slam)
FFB missing or game crashes after using the UI menu (Thanks to Jama38, Hiking Viking, and Kewfy)
Random Dedi crash when company AI is driving Kira Trucks (Thanks to DeeJayh)
Delivery payment is not the same on the offline play or in some dedicated servers (Thanks to Paulo Roberto and mace)
Loaded cargo list UI merges cargo after restarting the game (Thanks to Roieke)
Autopilot not available after quit from on-going race event (Thanks to Flash)
Coal dumping fx not dark (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Low FPS during placing large garage building (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Printer is not visible on hand (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Text furniture's color error in multiplayer
Horn randomly stuck in multiplayer
Host password not working (Thanks to Devedse and Marv)
Player vehicle does not spawn due to server vehicle limit with company vehicle (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
Server-controlled vehicle laggy even after the player rams it (Thanks to The Proper Kit Cat)
Repaired brake pad and tire by other players not applied to the owner (Thanks to Shark)
Cannot pull cargo by winch (Thanks to Shark)
Shortcut by long vehicle (Thanks to Waffle458)
Skid mark randomly not visible (Thanks to Cylis)
Chatbox closed by daily company report (Thanks to Zed)
Delivery map icon merged in zoom-out (Thanks to Cain)
Friend list not scroll (Thanks to Sens)
Long announcement clipping (Thanks to Steem)
Vehicle powertrain info UI has a clipping error with Golima Rotator (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Friend list not scroll (Thanks to TrasInCar)
5t Fuel Tanker Trailer tire wears too fast (Thanks to Alice M)
Autopilot does not stop after roadside towing (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Autoshift cannot handle multiple reverse gears (Thanks to TGEmanuel)
Character not in the driver seat after restarting game in a non-own vehicle
Front tire wear much faster than others (Thanks to Llama)
Golima Rotator has no air brake sound (Thanks to Nick S)
Golima Rotator does not have an air parking brake sound (Thanks to Nick S)
Kira flatbed tailgate doesn't stop by collision (Thanks to Owlen)
Opening roadside UI from the control panel deactivates autopilot and crash (Thanks to SteamsYourClam)
Ranch pickup wheel keeps smoking with heavy loads (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Small light attachment item not visible in distance (Thanks to Toadstars)
Tow bar hooking is randomly available in multiplayer when the driver is in the target vehicle (Thanks to Amunky)
Tow job vehicle duplicated by restarting the game (Thanks to Raging, Smitty, and spook)
Tow to the nearest road has the same locations (Thanks to Raging)
Winch hooked a wheel doesn't affect to wheel (Thanks to Desir Arman)
Multiple hooked wreckers cannot be rehooked after force detached (Thanks to Shark)
Panther's fender has a shadow error (Thanks to TrasInCar)
Cannot uninstall invisible attachment parts (Thanks to The Proper Kit Cat)
Like doesn't go up until reopens (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Old Cheetah Mk1's workshop data is not visible (Thanks to Raging and TrasinCar)
Motor Town 0.7.11 Build 763 is released!
Cannot interact with installed attachment item on a vehicle (Thanks to stringless)

Hey guys, This is a small hotfix for better server browsing.

* Server name search has been added
* Server list is now sorted by player count
* Server FPS is visible in the browser

If you have more ideas, please post them in the in-game feature request, ⁠official discord #feedback, or steam feedback forum
-- Update #2 ------------------------
0.7.11 Build 760 Hotfix
Autopilot changes lanes too fast (Thanks to DEATH)
Random game crash during multiplayer

-- Update #1 ------------------------
0.7.11 Build 758 Hotfix
Randomly game freezes after joining multiplayer (Thanks to Ghosty)

Hello, fellow drivers!
We have another update!
Thanks to everyone who helped with the test!

Golima Rotator
Heavy duty wrecker is added at the Wrecker Dealership
It has sliding-crane with 2-stage-boom and 2 winches, and an underlift with one winch.
Both the center and rear outrigger are extendable

Dory Wrecker
Light duty wrecker is also added at the Wrecker Dealership
Mind its rear suspension is very hard.

PTO(Power Take-off) Hydraulic
Wrecker's hydraulic control is now using engine power
You can throttle up/down from the control panel to change the hydraulic speed
And some control button now has key bindings
Note that an improved Wrecker Control Panel UI will be added in future updates!

Lomax double folding ramp
Lomax's ramp is now double folding, allowing a lower angle.

Rotating Amber Light
You can buy a rotating amber light item at the Wrecker Dealership or Gujwa Car Supply Shop

Santa Cabin is now open
You can buy furniture, and costumes at the Cabin
Deliver presents to/from Santa Cabin for fortune
Krampus is also wandering on the street

Autopilot doesn't trigger maniac mode in comfort mode, even when the siren is on (Thanks to Thomas)
Dedicated server performance is optimized (Thanks to Llama)
Min. Force Feedback option help message is added
The Winch part is now highlighted in the garage parts menu (Thanks to Steem)
Tow job map icon shows trailer name (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Inventory utility slot added to Dory (Thanks to Ghosty)
Kira Rollback and Brutus Wrecker are now using PTO(Power Take Off), which allows throttle control for the hydraulic system
Oldum and Ollok's default brake pad is changed to Medium-Duty
Overload fine is not applying when Wrecker is towing tow request vehicle
Piston animation is added to Brutus Wrecker crane
Roadside tow to road service distance limit is added (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
SPT1's weight is reduced for better handling (Thanks to Altrac00)
Spawning large vehicles in small parking spaces is possible if nothing overlaps (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Wrecker parts now reset to default position after towing to garage (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Tow Truck dealership map label added
Character camera distance increased for the wrecker control panel (Thanks to EricChen)
Heavy duty towing job's destination is now changed to heavy duty garage (Thanks to majored1)
Tow/Rescue request vehicles now spawn with trailers.
Overload weight margin is added to Wrecker vehicles (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
Tow job destination box highlighted at arrival (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)

Bug Fixed
Autopilot drives into the sea at the Dasa harbor (Thanks to TrasinTrain)
Toy Pallet box overlaps (Thanks to Ἑκάτη)
Non-Corp-Company can be closed by server admin (Thanks to Bobbo)
Game crash by removed parts (Thanks to scailman)
The Cargo delivery tutorial quest doesn't have a navigation target (Thanks to ran)
Delivery list UI update slow in multiplayer (Thanks to The Proper Kit Cat)
Not strapped cargo dropped from the vehicle after moving away and returning (Thanks to yura2440)
Towed trailer disconnect does not disconnect logically (Thanks to Llama)
Spectating camera stuck (Thanks to Ἑκάτη)
Trailer/Hooked vehicle net sync unstable with pitch movement (Thanks to Raging)
Chat auto-scroll is not working randomly (Thanks to Llama)
Chatbox can be opened during 'hide UI' and input gets blocked (Thanks to Smitty)
Delivery list distance sorting has an error (Thanks to Ethmn)
Destination icon not visible in world map if 'All' filter is offed
Fuel pump fill-up button does not have focus if multiple fuel pump exists (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Rescue marker inside the vehicle when the vehicle is upside down (Thanks to Raging)
Crane winch hook float (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Dory's interior window has high opacity
Hooking winch randomly pulls the target immediately (Thanks to Llama)
Roadmaster's interior light is floating (Thanks to λ Liri28_5 λ and Cylis)
Tire smoke is too small, due to low temperature bug (Thanks to ParAn0id)
Vehicle pushed infinitely by putting winch hook to wrecker part (Thanks to Steem and Skirakzalus)
Wrecker's moving parts unsettle at the start-up when it's not in the default position (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Always rain option not working (Thanks to TrasinCar)
Compacty's rear towing point is too close to the rear axle (Thanks to k93_cj)
Rescue job vehicle already damaged before towing (Thanks to TheFox, Nighthawk, and Laytxn)
Hello, fellow drivers!
We have another update!
Thanks to everyone who helped with the test!

A new sport bike, Zero is added to the Jeju Bike shop
i4 100HP and 160HP engine is added for Zero
i2 100HP engine is added for Gunthoo (Thanks to Anders)

Bulko and Cement Factory
Bulko is a new Dry Bulk Trailer
You can buy it at the Trailer dealership

New Nobong Cement Factory produces cement from limestone
Cement can be delivered using a Dry Bulk Trailer(Bulko)

*Old Production Chain*
Quarry(Limestone) -> Concrete Factory(Concrete)

*New Production Chain*
Quarry(Limestone) -> Cement Factory(Cement) -> Concrete Factory(Concrete)

Tire Improvement
Tire simulation had a problem when the vertical load was high, which made tires lose stiffness in cornering(like low air pressure), especially with heavy loads or heavy vehicles.
It's now fixed and most vehicles will feel a little bit more sharp, large trucks will roll over instead of slide.

If your small vehicle feels too snappy and unforgiving in this version, use KM1-65 tire(high profile) and avoid KM2-45 tire(low profile soft compound)
Using KM2-45 on the rear wheel could help keep in straight, but spin recovery will be more difficult.

Top-speed increased
Vehicles had unintended drag that affects top speed, now top speed is a little bit increased.

Supermarket and Warehouse
Supermarkets are now receiving food cargo
You can deliver foods from the farm and factories to the supermarket directly, or stock them up at any warehouses to optimize logistics.
Mind that those supermarket drop points are usually in the narrow space, so small vehicles are recommended.

Town Effects
Now town effect is divided by each town
Each town has a terminal and a supermarket
Each town has its own bus/food/patrol/garbage coverage
More coverage increases the zone's population bonus
Population bonus increase zone's job payment

You can see town border at the world map (Check Town filter at the right bottom)

Current bonus formula is (Will be changed from time to time for better balance)
Town Population Bonus = Bus Coverage + Food Supply + (Patrol Coverage * 0.2) + (Garbage Collection * 0.2)
Town Payment Bonus = Town Population Bonus * 0.2 (Max 30%)

Gapa is currently covering all Oji areas and more towns will be added later.

Production Boost
Each delivery point's production speed is now boosted by the town population.
And some places have an additional boost by supplied cargo, like Fuel

Physcis 180 FPS
The physics framerate is changed from 160 to 180
Now it feels much smoother in the default rendering rate(60 FPS)

Automatic shift up rpm setting
You can now change auto shift up rpm at the Vehicle Control Panel -> Drive Mode (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)

Gwangjin Fuel Storage
Fuel storage is opened at Gwanjin

Jeju Police Station
New Police Station is added at the Jeju

Flatbed/Box truck's running cost is reduced
Interior light key binding is changed to 'L' (Thanks to Nord)
Cheese factory milk drop point name is changed (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Confirm popup is added when using roadside towing service for losing manually loaded cargo beyond auto loading capacity (Thanks to Mr Bug)
Dumping cargo now gives payment to the previous driver as long as stays nearby (Thanks to Owlen and Lennart)
Fine-sand's delivery payment is increased (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Food pallet size is reduced (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Fuel storage is reduced at the Ranch
Gas station's fuel consumption speed is reduced (Thanks to CatBox)
Limestone's weight is reduced and randomized (Thanks to Grumps)
Max delivery count for each delivery point is increased (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Orange, Cheese, Bread, and Water bottle pallet size is reduced and now shared by deliveries
Payment bonus of Gwangjin construction site and Coal mine is reduced
Plastic factory Oil drop location name is changed (Thanks to bobthemadman)
Plastic factory production is changed. Pallet is produced by Oil, Pipe requires both Oil and Container (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Production progress is now saved
Production time left is now visible at the delivery pickup UI
Wood plank storage is now shared for every delivery (like Fuel)
Town status help button is added
Rented vehicle now stops by full braking if the driver is disconnected (Thanks to clfcks)
Patrol UI now shows the current town name and its local patrol coverage
Patrol coverage rate and patrol spawn is re-balanced
Engine After-fire sound is temporarily removed due to low quality (Thanks to isharacomix)
Engine/Tire/Wind Noise volume option is added (Thanks to Reddington)
Newly added bike engine sound volume is reduced (Thanks to TophMoph)
Rain tire water splash sound volume and loop noise are reduced (Thanks to szityin)
Wind noise is improved (Thanks to Anders)
Company daily report now shows the Time-of-Day duration in minutes (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Company daily report text Day-0 is changed to Today (Thanks to Llama)
Delivery point's demand cargo is added to the world map tooltip
Fuel pump UI default focus is changed to 'Fill up' button
Vehicle spawn list now shows 'In-Use' when someone or NPC is driving it
Air resistance coefficient is rebalanced (Thanks to Llama)
Bike parts are now divided into a scooter, standard, and sport bikes (to avoid strange look & feel, and the lighter-one-always-win phenomenon)
Brake boost by connecting semi-trailer is reduced (Thanks to Blackcat_LPD)
Burnout and Lift Axle key is now allowed during autopilot
Decal detail is improved for Dumpy, Raton, Muhan, Pulio, and Stagon (Thanks to Vormir)
Dumbi's default Final drive ratio is lowered
Heavy duty truck's fuel tank size is increased to match it's visual size (Thanks to Toadstars and Nord)
Lowered Jemusi series chase camera height (Thanks to Nord)
More Final Drive Ratio parts are added (Thanks to hitman_2)
Rear spoiler parts are added for Nuke
Scooty wheel is now compatible with Standard bike, Gunthoo (Thanks to Anders)
Tronko's chase camera location is improved (Thanks to Ghosty)
Turn signal mode is added to the Attachment Light Item (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Winch slot is added to the Bongo (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Gapa-Miguem shortcut is changed to be easier to pass (Thanks to Nord)
Parking space is added to Biyang Gas station (Thanks to erasariel)
Small road sign is added to Oji
Weigh-in-motion at the Bridge is moved to the east side, allowing the by-pass route

Bug Fixed
AI vehicle blinks high beam by towed vehicle (Thanks to Taris and Grumps)
AI vehicle tries to u-turn at the Hanon Farm (Thanks tohitman_2)
AI vehicles randomly stuck at the crossroad (Thanks to hitman_2 and Bob The Mad Man)
Autopilot U-turn at the harbor
Stopping a bus decreased the town transportation rate (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Character looks down while driving a bike when the player looks back (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Cannot use own company bus route in multiplayer while joining a corporation (Thanks to Lawliet)
Company vehicle/trailer not spawning after restarting the game (Thanks to Skirakzalus and Grumps)
Own vehicle with same id acts like corporation vehicle (Thanks to 𝐼𝔃𝓲𝓬 ツ and The Proper Kit Cat)
Player gets paid by taking the company ai bus (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Truck route import overwrites previously exported route (Thanks to Raging)
Log delivery payment shows different values randomly (Thanks to william_LPD, Ethmn, Cylis, and Grumps)
Fixed dirt smoke fading
Building construction cargo delivery destination not saved (Thanks to NorthHopper)
Players disconnected when a new player joins with many Cabbage Pallets (Thanks to Nord)
Removed ban list not saved (Thanks to Laytxn)
"LOADING ..." message while driving at high speed, especially near Ansan Bridge (Thanks to Skirakzalus, Llama, and Bob The Mad Man)
Passenger not removed after vehicle towed to garage (Thanks to Anders, Raging, and Ghosty)
Chat does not auto scroll to the bottom randomly (Thanks to Tehlikelierd and Shazbotacus)
Dyno HP graph off the chart (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Event Ui shows up when pressing 'x' key in an in-game feature request (Thanks to BuhMann)
Fixed typo in moonlight brightness option (Thanks to samknightzomvi)
Garage UI shows the wrong bike engine count (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Loaded cargo list merged by destination after restarting the game (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Pinned message does not have a border (Thanks to Ghosty)
Roadside service help shows up while bike wheelie (Thanks to Anders)
Route editor confirms key binding executed while changing the name (Thanks to Raging)
Taxi UI's offroad text is localized using the system setting (Thanks to Aleksei)
World rental vehicle's fuel pump marker z-fighting (Thanks to catb0t)
Bike RPM unstable at low speed (Thanks to Anders)
Bike steering unstable after hitting an uphill at high speed (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
Lobo's wheel is bigger than others (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Ranch decal error (Thanks to p1syun_Official)
Roadside tow to the nearest road ends up overlapping with other vehicles
Trailer physics explode after unhooking and leave away (Thanks to The Proper Kit Cat)
Trailer sunk into tractor after unhooking (Thanks to Desir Arman, Cylis, and Bob The Mad Man)
Wheel spacer is available to bikes (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Semi Trailer jump and roll after disconnect and lower landing gear in multiplayer (Thanks to The Proper Kit Cat)
AI path not centered in Jeju harbor (Thanks to hitman_2)
Biyang Lake not effect as water (Thanks to Grumps)
Road line material is not reflective (Thanks to Llama)
Sprinkler water glow during nighttime (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Fixed crash while browsing Workshop (Thanks to Marty)
Hello, fellow drivers!
We have another update!
Thanks to everyone who helped with the test!

Atlas with Tandem Lift/Steer Axle
A New Tanker truck has been added to the Truck dealership
It's 6x2 with Tandem Lift/Steer 3rd axle (default key '-')
Kuda Container 6x2 is also getting lift/steer 3rd axle

Dabo is a new small truck. You can buy this at a cheap car dealership or truck dealership

A new small sedan has been added to the Jeju Dealership
Nuke Police is replacing the good old Interceptor at the Seo-Gui-Po Police Station

You can now see the GVW(Gross Vehicle Weight) and Axle Weight at the Delivery Pickup UI
The regulation is GVW 40t, Axle 10t
If you go over this, the weight UI becomes red

There are a few 'Weigh In Motion' stations on the road, which detect weight while the truck is still moving, and Fine if the weight is over the limit
Harbor Gate also has Weight In Motion but it doesn't fine, just shows weight.

'Weigh in motion' sensor is very sensitive, try not to make sudden movements while passing it, to get correct weight results.

Volume-type cargo(Tanker/Dump) now has Density.
This means a full tank of Fuel weighs less than a full tank of Milk.

Note that the overloading also affects tire wear.
High load capacity tire is added for Heavy Duty Class

Company Truck AI
You can now add a truck route and assign a company truck to it
Just like Bus AI, you can use this to get a small income and keep the production pipelines going!
AI driver can be activated from the company UI, or when you leave the driver's seat.
Mind that AI driver might lose their trailer from time to time.
You can turn on delivery notifications in the Company Vehicle UI (Thanks to Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)

Company Daily Report
The daily report shows up every midnight if there are Company AI vehicle
You can see 5 days of the report at the company UI (Thanks to Grumps)

Company Vehicle Slot
You can now buy a company vehicle slot, up to 5 more (Thanks to Steem)
Slot Price increases as you buy more slots.

Server Option - Allow Company NPC Driver
Both the player and Dedi host can decide not to allow the company NPC driver
Player host can set this at the 'Drive' menu
Dedi can set this at DedicatedServerConfig.json, 'bAllowCompanyAIDriver'

Pipe delivery
Plastic pipe is now produced at the Plastic Factory. They are required at the Construction site

Bike handling improvement
Bike control stability is improved, especially during braking
Soft RPM limiter now applied during reverse (Thanks to Parzival1702)
You can now Lift the bike up with the interaction key

Gsunsae is returned.
It's a traditional ghost from Jeju Island.
You will meet them from time to time on the road.
Spooky Mansion is also open. You can buy unique furniture and costumes.

Bus Terminal Group
Each bus stop is now assigned to a terminal (Thanks to MoistGoat)
You can see the grouping at the Company Bus Route editor
Passengers hop in buses that go to an assigned terminal of the current bus stop or destination bus stop
Gapa Terminal is covering all Oji area for now, more terminals will be added later

Delivery info on the world map
The delivery map icon now shows the type of delivery point (Thanks to WreckerBeerd)
The tooltip shows which cargo it produces and the required cargo bed types

Gwangjin shortcut
Another road to Gwangjin town is opened
It's slippery, so 4x4 is recommended

Modded vehicle dedicated server option
'bAllowModdedVehicle' option is added to the Dedicated server config file
The default is 'false'' and this will despawn modded vehicles.
Modded vehicle means a vehicle that has invalid parts or is owned/modified by bugs or using external programs

Modded vehicle warning
When the system detects a modded vehicle, a warning message shows up
You can restore to a normal vehicle by using Garage->Workshop
modded vehicles will not register to the leaderboard.

NPC vehicle and autopilot now ignore Ghost and push them (Thanks to Grumps)
Max Loan is increased to 300,000 at 30 driver level (Thanks to Rustyoutback777)
Change passenger seat button is added
Interaction is removed while seated in the passenger seat (Thanks to catb0t)
Randomize the seat when the player enters the passenger seat (Thanks to Steem)
Company vehicle UI now shows passengers and cargo list (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Despawning company vehicle also despawn trailer (Thanks to hitman_2)
Max company player count is now 200 (A company with more than 200 players cannot accept more players)
Supply contract cargo count is balanced with size (Thanks to Steem)
Decal Scale and Stretch min size are reduced (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
Number decal is added (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
Cargo delivery now uses mud road as payment calculation (Thanks to MoistGoat)
Coal production and consumption are rebalanced
Construction sites now consume fuel and plank more slowly
Container delivery is now split more for weight variations (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Delivery drop-off location name changed (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Log production and consumption is rebalanced
Max cargo loading in increased to 60t, now Lobovan can fill Plank (Thanks to Ethmn)
Nobong Cement factory construction site is added
Pallet A/B/C's size is reduced, and weight is randomized (Thanks to Llama)
Time attack is disabled while joining an event (Thanks to skirakzalus)
Localization is updated
Create company tutorial is added
'Auto Accept passenger - offroad' option is added to the taxi UI
Chat text border color is improved (Thanks to BlueEyedCam1)
Dialogue popup's default focus is changed to 'OK' (Thanks to NorthHopper )
Loaded cargo list now shows cargo weight (Thanks to hitman_2)
Rental vehicle acceptance popup is added
The Main Menu background world is changed
Vehicle recently used sort is improved (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
50% Suspension spring and damper parts added (Thanks to Llama)
Bike reverse rpm is reduced (Thanks to Parzival1702)
Garage parts show the tire's Grip value (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Modded vehicle is excluded from the achievement broadcast (Thanks to Ἑκάτη and NorthHopper)
Mud traction is changed. Heavy tires will struggle more. (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Old stock parts of Cheetah Mk1(Tire, Brakepad) and Tronko(260HP Heavy Duty Engine) is temporarily not flagged as modded vehicles. These parts will be migrated on the 0.7.10 update (Thanks to Raging and Paulo Roberto)
Oldum and Dumpy's cargo space size is changed to 10kL
Utility slot is added to the Atlas Tanker (Thanks to Nord and Pug)
Dirt surface's rolling resistance is increased
Landscape between Namdang and Yeongil is changed to be a little bit rough
Night time brightness(Moonlight brightness) option is added (Thanks to MrTonMonos)
Turn-around road is added to Miguem Warehouse (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)

Bug Fixed
AI vehicle doesn't yield at the crossroad
Missing bus stop name at the Seo-gui-po Dream APT (Thanks to MoistGoat)
Camera collides with Drone (Thanks to Backy)
Bongo company bus opens the tailgate at the bus stop (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Corporation members cannot use the company bus route (Thanks to MoistGoat)
Own company vehicle spawned in multiplayer when a company is inactive due to corporation
Random crash in company UI
Random crash while changing key binding options
Decal layer highlight doesn't clear (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Duplicated flame decal entry (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Pallet delivery not spawning (Thanks to johnweston)
Drone character view not working in multiplayer (Thanks to TrasinTrain)
Player Disqualifies after finish
Two Nimo in the event vehicle list (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Can take out trash from the truck while compressing (Thanks to Pug)
Wrong paint furniture at the Haunted mansion (Thanks to NikK)
Bad trailer movement in multiplayer (Thanks to Sky Sanctuary and Laytxn)
Drive mode change lags in multiplayer
Ending spectating not working after flying the drone (Thanks to Smitty)
Host player's preview cargo is visible to the client (Thanks to Ἑκάτη)
Avoid mud roads in navigation (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Patrol location update lag in multiplayer
Auto pickup chooses the passenger when it's already seated (Thanks to Laytxn)
Auto pickup doesn't consider filters (Thanks to Aleksei)
Nametag shows the private vehicle as a corporation vehicle (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
Server/Vehicle list highlight duplicated (Thanks to Llama)
Tow request map icon hidden by turning off job icon option (Thanks to Lawliet and Zlol)
Vehicle info shows ton instead of kL (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Vehicle spawn UI doesn't show 'spawned' for the company vehicle
Cannot reverse with first back button input after starting the game with auto reverse mode 1 (Thanks to Parzival1702)
Dabo side mirror pivot fixed (Thanks to hitman_2)
Dory Decal has a projection issue (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Flanker 5th wheel lock with heavy load (Thanks to Aleksei)
Fortem wheel's backside is missing (Thanks to Pingu)
Heavy load with soft suspension made tire response badly
Kira Rollback's rear light location fixed (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Lobo collides with the character (Thanks to Raging)
Lobo decal leaks (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
No turbo is available for Campy (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
Odometer doesn't count the reverse (Thanks to Backy)
Reset in race track not working (Thanks to Laytxn)
Side mirror control not working with Zydro, Zino, Kuda Container 6x2 (Thanks to TrasinTrain)
Tire weight is not distributed
Tow to the garage while wheel strapped causes lag (Thanks to Grumps)
Wheel weight distribution fixed (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Winch hard snap after hooking it near distance limit (Thanks to FIRAT155)
Biyang Lake does not affect vehicles as water (Thanks to Grumps)
Character cannot climb the slope from under-water at the Dasa harbor (Thanks to Ethmn)
Hello, fellow drivers!
We have another update!

Race Event
You can now open a race event

Press 'i' key or open the event tab at the in-game menu
Edit route. The route can be exported/imported to/from the clipboard.
(Optional) You can set vehicle/engine restriction

Other players can join an event at the event menu
Once everyone is ready to start, press 'Start' button. The race countdown will start.
Race finishes when everyone is finished or, event owner can force finish.
The event owner can start the event again by pressing 'Ready' button

Race XP and money are rewarded for everyone. (No money for solo race)
Reward is increased as you have more players behind you
Event chat is available with shortcut "/e"

Share your route at ⁠the discord (

Limestone Quarry
Limestone Quarry is added at the North-West side of Oji
Limestone is now required to produce Concrete
It's a good place for a race event.

You can buy drones at the Seo-Gui-Po Tech shop (Check the Vendor Icon on the world map)
3 Drones are available with different spec.
Drone can be lost if you fly it too far, fail to return it before it runs out of battery, or abandon it.
If you are lucky, you can pick it up at the last location

New Unique Semi-Truck is added at the Truck Dealership

Lobo Van
A special dry-van trailer for Lobo is added
It's located in a remote area.

Small AWD hot-hatch is added at the Limestone Quarry

Mirror Control
You can change the mirror angle from the Control Panel

Allow Player To Join With Company Vehicles
Player hosts and dedi can allow players to spawn with their company vehicles, keeping buses running without spawning them again.
Default off for Dedi

Languages added
Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Spanish(Latin America), Swedish, Ukrainian
Keep in mind that translation is not fully finished for most languages.
Anyone can help translation here:
Thanks to everyone who helped with localizations!

Loan interest rate is lowered
Corporation's idle day(not used by any player) count is now visible to the server admin
Warning popup is added for Missing/Parse error of dedi config file
Quickbar slot is increased to 5 (Thanks to 𝙍𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣)
Police patrol is now spawned less on offroad (Thanks to Matyáš_Pilz)
NPC Taxi passengers now sit in a random seat
Taxi/Ambulance payment is increased by 30%
Key binding is added at the Join menu
Removed UI scroll padding
Workshop install button is renamed to Configure (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Brake pad heating speed rebalanced by curb weight
The Semi-Tractor's brake is improved while the trailer is connected
Mud surface lighting is improved (Thanks to Backy)
Parking space is added to the Iseungag (Thanks to Guzyx)

Bug Fixed
Both Door open/close interaction show up at the bus stop (Thanks to Steem)
Garbage spawned with fresh session pays low (Thanks to Grumps)
The Offroad tag is missing in the multiplayer
Wood plank payment calculation error for large vehicles (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Part selection preview canceled while the rotating camera with the mouse (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Disabled/Hidden button's key binding works (Thanks to Nord)
Quest set destination button tooltip text error (Thanks to Steem)
Muhan Police has a missing bullbar (Thanks to Pingu and Ἑκάτη)
Muhan's side has a decal error (Thanks to TrasinTrain)
Police Interceptor has a green side mirror (Thanks to Pingu)
Breakable not break in highspeed-low-FPS (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
Hello, fellow drivers!
We have another update!

You can now share/download paint jobs, decals, and parts settings by Workshop at the garage

Bus Job Improvement
Passengers pay more based on the route to the nearest terminal
Bus schedule timer UI is improved (Thanks to RainbowStarMan)
Bus schedule timer pauses while at the bus stop (Thanks to RoadTrain)
Passengers prefer to spawn at a bus stop where buses are running
Population is increased
Route UI can be opened with an interaction key
You can stop the route from the route UI

A new coach bus has been added to the Namwon Bus Dealership

Migum to Gapa muddy shortcut road
This shortcut road is covered with heavy mud and only for 4x4 vehicles

Aero Dynamics
Small vehicles now have aero lift/downforce effect
Some cars have a small lift at high speed. And will flip over if going backward in highspeed.
Aero parts now have downforce/air resistance effects.

You can now see a preview before buying the building blueprint
You can now see a preview of the vehicle spawn list

Tuscan is now a starter car
Goodby good old Stinger

New construction site - Ara Harbor City
Betty started working on the new Harbor City at the bottom of Oji.
Let's help her out.

Nobong Landfill
Another garbage dump site is added at the Oji

Unreal Engine version is updated to 5.3

'Stop' bell sign is added to HUD (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Bus route editor bus stop add/up/down is improved (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Bus stops added at Dasa Harbor, Gwaning Coal mine, Miguem Warehouse
Bus stops merged at Ansan Speedway, Gwanjin Town
Open door help message is added for the bus stop
Standing seat is added to Liliput and Air City (Thanks to Cain)
Gamepad stick dead zone setting is added (Thanks to Karbine)
Key binding is added to decal layer order buttons
Top/Bottom button is added to the decal layer editor (Thanks to Pingu)
Weekly Challenge vehicle list is updated (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Localization is updated
Optimized server performance
Cinematic Shadow option is optimized
'Despawn Vehicle' key binding is added to vehicle spawn UI (Default 'Z' or gamepad 'X')
'Recently Used' sort order is added to the vehicle spawn list (Thanks to NorthHopper)
Improved vehicle spawn list (Thanks to Tehlikelierd and Bob The Mad Man)
Roadside towing to road service now lets the player to choose a location from the list (Thanks to MrM33seeks)
Vehicle info now shows seat count (Thanks to ĐoomGuy)
Vehicle spawn list now has preview and map for already spawned vehicles (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
Autopilot turns off after calling roadside towing service (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Chase view camera is raised with a high cargo stack (Thanks to Llama)
Cheetah Mk1's 3rd axle is now single wheel
Mid-duty vehicle's brake cooling is improved (Thanks to Raging413)
Rattle sound is added to buses
Rear engine vehicles now damage engine by rear-end collision (Thanks to Richeeze)
Oji coastal road scenery is improved
Removed some parking space from the warehouse
Truck/Trailer spawner is added to Dasa Harbor, Sanho Refinery (Thanks to Llama)

Bug Fixed
Autopilot loop around Jeju Airport (Thanks to Laytxn)
Passenger-tossing-coin sound kept playing while the seat was full (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
Character chase view camera stuck in an odd angle after getting into the passenger seat (Thanks to TrasinTrain)
Corporation not saved immediately in the dedicated server (Thanks to Raging413)
Random crash, especially with a large savefile size (Thanks to TWL server)
Decal doesn't update on aero parts in the layer editor (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Can pay rental over the limit in the laggy server (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Throttle not reset after player leaves the vehicle in multiplayer (Thanks to Steem)
Vehicle/Trailer location wrong place after leave in laggy server (Thanks to Temporal Wolf)
Bad navigation at the Oji lumbermill entrance (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Game does not save if the savefile size is over 10MB (Thanks to TWL server)
Cannot start single-player game with an empty session name (Thanks to Steem)
Delivery UI shows a longer route for selected delivery (Thanks to PD Plankton25)
Destination, Another Player map icon is off-centered (Thanks to skirakzalus)
Garbage map icon randomly hidden (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Map icon is not Z-ordered
Pinned announcement not wrapped with no-space texts (Thanks to Steem)
Seat counter for wreckers is wrong in vehicle info (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Cheetah Mk1's 3rd axle tire is DRW (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Compacty launch into the sky after loading trash dumpster in multiplayer (Thanks to downzy)
Engine sounds and turbo compressor works while out of fuel (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
Lipiput doesn't have a compatible brake pad (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Muhan's rear window has a gap (Thanks to Raging413)
Non-driven wheel not rolling in mud surface (Thanks to Llama)
Repair all not applied if change parts in multiplayer (Thanks to Llama)
Volume-type trailer launches into the sky after dumping (Thanks to Ghosty, Bob The Mad Man, Bitzer, Airwolf, TrasinTrain, MadMarky, Raging413, and TrasinTrain)
Player name is not updated after change name (Thanks to TrasinTrain)
Rendering becomes darker while watching marker UI (Thanks to Laytxn)
Toy factory entrance road rule removed (Thanks to Grumps)
Hello, fellow drivers!
We have another update!

Jemusi Semi and Dump/Logging Trailer
You can buy these new Mid-Duty small trailers at the Miguem Warehouse
Mind that some heavy-duty tractors will not fit with Mid-Duty Trailers due to the length

Server Password
You can now set the server password
The dedicated server also has a password setting in its config file

Taxi Control panel
You can now open the taxi control panel by entering a taxi or using the Interaction Key while in the driver's seat
You can filter passengers and accept, or turn on 'Auto Accept' (Default On)

Improved Tire frictions on Overloading
Fixed low tire friction bug on heavy load
Barrel Rolling with heavy vehicles is also fixed

Gwangjin Coal Mine
A coal mine is opened at the Gwangjin
Use a Dump truck to deliver Coal to Harbor
It's going to be tough travel.

Gwaning Town Construction
Gwaning Tow is added and you can help construction there.
It's a long way down the mountain, so prepare well before starting the journey

Multiplayer/Server Admin QoL (Thanks to Steem)
Spectating Prev/Next key is added
Spectating Kick/Ban key is added
Pinned Announcement is added. Usage: /ap <Message>
Whisper(Direct message) is added. Usage: /w <PlayerName> <Message>
Vehicle list is added to the Admin menu
You can browse all vehicles, filter abandoned or AI Company
You can despawn selected vehicle
You can see how long it was abandoned, who drove last time

Oji East side Coast Road
Betty started Oji Ring road construction, from East-North Side!

Fuel delivery to Construction sites added
Warehouse/Farm max delivery count is reduced for optimization and net-sync issue (Thanks to AussiePanda)
You can lower the dump truck with the interaction key while there is no other interaction
You can raise the dump truck with the interaction key at the destination
Random FPS drop with world loading is reduced (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Brake pad detailed option number is now colored, to show which one is better
Delivery pickup UI now shows the navigation route (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Dumping destination box is now highlighted when it's ready to dump (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Dumping message is added for right-place-dumping (Thanks to Llama)
Hide ban list from non-admin player (Thanks to Steem)
Offroad icon is added to a delivery and taxi job (Thanks to Raverness)
8ton Medium Duty winch is added
Jemusi Semi and Golima's rear fender is now paintable
Winch is added to the Jemusi series
You can use the Vehicle Control panel of the trailer from the tractor
Dasa Harbor now generates taxi jobs (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Large vehicle dealership's garage interaction box size is increased (Thanks to Chris Goleador)

Bug Fixed
Cannot stack 20ft logs in Eastwood (Thanks to Hoelleninferno)
Cannot strap loose cargo in Box type cargo space (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Cargo damage not saved after rejoining with Corp vehicle (Thanks to Beeto)
Housing boundary fence is not visible while placing the building
Large garage blueprint is missing from the vendor (Thanks to CJDrifts420)
Failed to register host message spam (Thanks to tras)
Winch slow in a laggy server while the player is in the driver seat (Thanks to Alice M)
Cargo explodes on flatbed after load in multiplayer (Thanks to Raging413)
Trailer hooked to wrecker on low bed not following in multiplayer (Thanks to Raging413)
Random FPS drop while moving (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Spike stip not working to suspect's trailer (Thanks to Grumps and MTXDownzyLPD)
Custom destination's navigation update tick is too slow (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Delivery contract list cannot scrolled by button or gamepad (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Delivery interaction point name bad color (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
HUD control UI shows the device key (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Part install text overlaps (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Police level down message is 'level up' (Thanks to B)
Typo in Cityhall company NPC dialogue (Thanks to Warviation)
Campy doesn't have compatible wheels and tires (Thanks to Raging413)
Compacty's compression randomly not working (Thanks to scailman, Herminator5000, and StoneyM)
Diff Lock fails after roadside recovery (Thanks to Llama)
Dumptray's door in the wrong position after rejoining (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Formula SCM's gauge needle is not at the right angle (Thanks to TcharliX)
Fuel pump tanker can be filled with electricity (Thanks to Scudmuffino)
Jemusi Barrel Roll while offroading (Thanks to kappa007)
Jemusi Dump/Log/Tanker hitbox error fixed (Thanks to hitman_2)
Missing trailer hitch for Townie (Thanks to Syrinx The Dragon)
Mud surface traction is reduced (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Muhan's rear center brake light is lit with a headlight (Thanks to Alex)
The Tow to the nearest road ends up too far with large semi-trailers (Thanks to delta450)
Townie bus has parts from the bus category (Thanks to randomtrainboy)
Trailer hooked to wrecker on low bed not loaded after restarting game
Blurry textures when there are many vehicles with decals (Thanks to TRAS_TRL and Anders)
FPS drop near Gangjung and Seo-gui-po (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Missing track map icon at the Aweol (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Modern dealership's garage door sensor is too small (Thanks to Raging413)
Road LOD changes in close distance (Thanks to Llama and Temporal Wolf)

Hello, fellow drivers!
We have a little update!

Gwangjin Construction Site
Betty is working on a new mountain area, south of the Miguem, and a construction site is added at the entrance.

You can buy this new minibus at the Gang-Jung dealership or Bus Dealership
Our good old Townie dealership is moved to Gapa Bus Terminal

Ambulance timer is increased in high-speed routes (Thanks to ekatn)
Wood Plank is now stackable (Minds total weight)
Chat background is added while chat input is activated
Mud surface is added

Bug Fixed
AI vehicle doesn't yield to the player when it's pushed from the side (Thanks to T0x1cZer0)
Overlap error message while strapping cargo (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Player name of the last vehicle user is added to the company vehicle detail UI (Thanks to is_unavailable)
Cannot add or remove the vehicle from the Corporation (Thanks to Paulo Roberto and Lera)
Company member can drive the company owner's vehicle (Thanks to Paulo Roberto)
Company vehicle status wrong in multiplayer (Thanks to NiNjA)
Oak delivery cargo count reduced after pickup (Thanks to Archam)
Cannot hook trailer with a parking ticket (Thanks to Steem)
Stock tire not supported with Small cage trailer (Thanks to Ghosty)
Road mesh LOD pop up near camera (Thanks to Llama)
Terrain collision error in Oji (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man and Llama)
Hello, fellow drivers!
We have a little update!

A small RR vehicle is added
You can buy this at the Dealership, east of Jeju downtown.

Jemusi Tanker and Dump
You can buy these at the Gosan Truck Dealership
Our World builder Betty is working on another village, deep in the mountains, prepare your Jemusi to help her in the next update!

Bus Dealership
Namwon Bus Dealership is added, east of Gang Jung

Noksan Fuel Storage
Another fuel storage is added on Jeju Island

Auto shift-up hold (Thanks to Zeak82 and Bob The Mad Man)
To avoid repeated shift up and down in up-hill,
Auto shift now holds shift up while
* Uphill
* Shift downed due to low rpm
* Slope and Throttle not changed

'HOLD' shows up in HUD(bottom of gear number) while this is activated
You can deactivate this by throttle change

Note that you can also Hold auto-shift by burn-out key (Default 'Shift')
This is especially useful in offroad climbing

Server Vehicle spawn limit doesn't count company vehicles driven by non-owners (Thanks to Lera)
Plastic and Toy delivery payment now changes by demand and supply status
Payment is removed from the Priority delivery list
Brutus Tanker's weight is reduced, tanker capacity is increased
Improved auto shift to avoid down/up/down shift pattern in up-hill (Thanks to Zeak82 and Bob The Mad Man)
Dealership map icon and vehicle sell box is removed from Gujwa Heavy Duty (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Vehicle sell box is added to new dealerships
Vehicle delivery is added to Dasa Harbor and more destinations are added in Oji (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)

Bug Fixed
Bad navigation near Jeju airport (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Bus stop interaction is available for non-bus vehicles (Thanks to Luka1988 and Paulo Roberto)
Character stuck inside the trailer after spawning it (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Online Access and Fast Travel is available at the drop-only delivery point (Thanks to bobthemadman)
Control panel in Jemusi dump has buttons overlap (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Gamepad left stick changes windows focus in Decal Editor (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Missing race track map icon at the Ansan (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Vehicles with long company name text too small in spawn list (Thanks to Raging413)
Brutus Tanker left blink error (Thanks to luggage66 and Burger)
Roadside tow to road ends up stuck in the bridge with wheel spacer (Thanks to NorthHopper)
Tank axle stick out with Jemusi Wheel (Thanks to EricChen and T0x1cZer0)
Tanker with fuel pump ignores collisions (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Tow to the nearest road mixed up after changing drivers (Thanks to NikK)
Bug Fixed
Cannot remove a vehicle from Company (Thanks to Danger Noodle)
Hello, fellow drivers!
The company was the most wanted feature in our in-game feature request.
In this update, you can now invite other players or join other player's company.
And you can create a Corporation in a Dedicated server that has its own Vehicle list and Budget, which allows it to keep running while owner is offline.

If you want to create a company, visit the Cityhall, near Gang-Jung.

Now you can invite other players to your company (from the player list in the in-game menu)
Or you can request to join another player's company (from the company list in the in-game menu)
If you already have a company and join another company, your own company will be deactivated in that session
Company is only available while the owner is online.

Corporation is another type of Company, that only available in a Dedicated Server
You can create a 'Corporation' with $100,000 seed money
Corporation has its own Vehicles and Money balance
Corporation Owner can hand over their own vehicle to the Corporation, or take it back (By the Add/Remove Company Vehicle menu)
Corporation don't require owners to be online.

Company members can be assigned to 'Manager' role (More roles and permission will be added later)
Managers can accept join requests or invite other players
Manager can kick members or assign manager role

Company Chat
You can use the'/c' command to send a company chat

Announcement Chat
If you are a server admin, you can use the '/a' command to send an announcement

This is an early test of the new contract system
You can browse the contract list at any delivery point
Only a Company owner or manager can sign a contract
'Online Access' contract allows company members to see the production & delivery lists from map
'Supply' contract gives a bonus for each delivery and a completion bonus once required deliveries are finished
'Fast Travel' contract allows company members to teleport to a delivery point from the map

Migeum Logging Area
A new logging area has been added on the East side of Oji
It has several logging places with different payment and logs
The deepest area is not easy to access, so prepare your vehicle before the trip.
Use Miguem Logging warehouse to stock up small Logs and use a larger trailer for finish delivery to Lumbermill

A new 6x6 'Jemusi' logging truck is added at the entrance of the Miguem logging area
Use this truck to climb Oak Logging places

New Logging trailer
Eastwood is added at the Tosan Trailer shop
20ft log cargo is added and stackable

More dealerships
A Wrecker dealership has been added near Gu-Jwa
Gosan Truck dealership is open. The west side of Jeju Island and the small cage trailer is now buyable.

More delivery points
Plastic factory is opened near Power Plant
Dasa Harbor is opened at the northern side of the Refinery

Delivery payment balance
The delivery payment is now based on navigation distance, not direct distance (Thanks to Llama)
Climbing distance and road speed limit are also applied to delivery payment calculation (Thanks to Shazbotacus)

Online delivery payment balance
A new dynamic delivery payment balance is on the test
Cargo payment will be changed from time to time to balance between each cargo
This only works while playing with an internet connection

Cargo Damage
Oak Log can be damaged
More cargo will become fragile in future updates

Flatbed cargo count limit change
Now only non-strapped cargo is limited to 10
Cargo loading UI has a 'paid auto strap' button
Large flatbed delivery payments for single cargo might be reduced by this change

Police patrol overhaul
Now each patrol increases the Town Patrol Rate
Town Patrol Rate is consumed in real-time, multiplied by the player count

Garbage collection town buff is renewed
Now each collection increases town buff
And each player consumes a town buff

Autopilot overtake is improved (Thanks to Ghosty)
Removed XP reduction by vehicle owner profit share (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Wrecker job payment is reduced
Logs are now stackable
Now Log is shared for all destinations (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Company vehicle state name changed from 'Not available' to 'Spawnable' (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Period(.) is now allowed in the company name (Thanks to NorthHopper)
Cargo delivery reward UI is added
Delivery allocation prefers the production line to the warehouse (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Garbage cargo payment is increased
Oil production is separated from Fuel production (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Plastic delivery to Furniture Factory is added (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Show the housing owner's name in the map icon (Thanks to NorthHopper)
Shows object limit after place/remove (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Taxi/Ambulance passenger payment is increased by 30%
Garage repair now keeps the next item selected (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Jake brake key is added to HUD info, Jake toggle message is added (Thanks to moko256)
Motorhome world map icon filter is added (Thanks to Steem)
The Nametag of the attached trailer is removed (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Overlapping nametags fade out (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
World map icon filter for 'Home' is added (Thanks to Zarkov)
Diff Lock, Up/Down shift, Toggle Interior Light, Jake Brake, Siren is now available while autopilot (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Roadside service tow to the nearest road now prefers the last traveled road
Vehicle for sale restock if someone buys or rents it (Thanks to Burnz)
Car dealership stock updated near Gang-Jung
Garage is added to Gosan Truck Dealership (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Headlight strength is reduced for better eye-adaptation
Nighttime lighting is raised a little bit
SPT1 is added to Tow Truck dealership (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Sand is removed from Gim-Nyeong Beach house (Thanks to CBRsDJ2flyforu)
Small cage trailer is added to Tosan Trailer Dealership

Bug Fixed
AI not using the right turn lane (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
AI stop or reverse in 4 lane road (Thanks to RafaelG)
AI vehicle stuck at the crossroad (Thanks to 𝙍𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣 and NorthHopper)
Autopilot missing turn at the crossroad
Autopilot/AI vehicle losing path randomly
Bus schedule starts with -1 (Thanks to GillanCodes)
Cannot interact with bus stop with SV200 due to ground clearance (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Cannot strap cargo after moving it to another vehicle (Thanks to Steem)
Container can be strapped (Thanks to mrcosmos)
Dropped cargo can be strapped (Thanks to Lord2Dark)
FPS camera mode malfunctions after entering and exiting a vehicle (Thanks to scailman)
Decal missing after changing aero parts (Thanks to catb0t)
Dedicated server not visible on the host list, if config file was copied from a client that has 'Allow Join' as 'Deny'
Cargo payment mismatch in cargo list (Thanks to Llama)
Delivery cargo count keeps increasing after loading it, beyond the demand count
Delivery not spawning in crowded multiplayer (Thanks to Lord2Dark and Bob The Mad Man)
Fuel/Oil delivery loading cargo also reduces other delivery's cargo count (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Pizza on Voltex marked as dropped (Thanks to Llama)
Strapped cargo can be marked as dropped (Thanks to Steem)
Tow to the garage doesn't remove cargo in the cargo list (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
'Repair all' doesn't repair all if the list is long (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
Building max count error also triggers a not-valid location error message (Thanks to GamerCP)
Cannot place Speaker (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Housing owner name not updated after changing character name (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
False jump distance registration (Thanks to scailman and Llama)
Exit vehicle right after releasing handbrake not working (Thanks to RcCookie)
Suspect map icon at the origin in multiplayer (Thanks to Mrpanther)
Infinite horn sound during multiplayer (Thanks to catb0t)
Temporal workaround for Camera/Input stuck after joining multiplayer (Thanks to Raging413, Bob The Mad Man, Steem, kappa007, Skirakzalus, and many more!)
Vehicle warp to the previous position after leaving it in multiplayer (Thanks to Pingu)
Winch controller drop while standing on Lomax Bed ramp in multiplayer (Thanks to Raging413)
Winch suddenly pulls after leaving the vehicle in multiplayer (Thanks to Raging413)
Getaway NPC did not despawn after finishing the job (Thanks to chadstevens)
Parking ticket warning in parking space (Thanks to Raging413)
Offtrack laptime is now ignored (Thanks to Takoyaki9887)
Roadside towing doesn't empty passengers (Thanks to Llama)
Bad level-up message in Russian (Thanks to Jesus)
Cannot navigate repair list with arrow or gamepad (Thanks to catb0t)
Control Panel Diff Lock button not updated (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Control panel sub-menu doesn't have a default focus (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Decal list highlighted before selection (Thanks to Ghosty)
Delivery map icon missing place name in multiplayer (Thanks to Llama)
Garage vehicle parts bad gamepad navigation (Thanks to Laytxn)
In-game menu time-attack browser is not scroll-able (Thanks to Llama)
Nametag blue for players without company (Thanks to Ghosty)
Police arrest reward UI has a delivery title (Thanks to Steem)
Reward UI entries do not scroll (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Reward number texts overlap (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Set as destination tooltip cleaned up (Thanks to Steem)
Wrong error message when over vehicle spawn limit (Thanks to Raging413)
Brutus Tanker doesn't show Truck level in HUD (Thanks to Grumps)
Cage trailer paint not applied to corner (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Cage trailer has an invalid paint template (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Cheetah Mk1 default brake pad is not heavy duty (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Decal disappears after changing aero parts (Thanks to catb0t)
EV regen brake increased while reversing (Thanks to TRAS_TRL and Ἑκάτη)
Essam's decal leaks (Thanks to Llama)
Essam's interior light in sideway (Thanks to Llama)
Jemusi or other high-CG vehicle roll-bounce too much (Thanks to Llama and Skirakzalus)
Roadside tow to garage kept trailer attached (Thanks to Alice M)
Roadside towing service ends up on uneven terrain like a bridge (Thanks to NorthHopper)
Tanker refueling is still available after moving away (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
Towed vehicle fell through a low bed while pushing by a tow truck (Thanks to Raging413)
Trailer paint doesn't reset after canceling painting in Multiplayer (Thanks to Vormir)
Trailers wobble at low speed (Thanks to Harmar)
Turbo spool while engine offed (Thanks to Tehlikelierd)
Vehicle on low bed gets mileage (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Winch does not disconnect when the target is despawned (Thanks to Raging413)
Winch does not stop if the controller is dropped or moved out of range (Thanks to Steem)
Cannot spawn both trailer and tractor in same truck spawner (Thanks to Llama)
Cannot spawn long vehicles at the Kupa warehouse truck spawner (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Eye adaptation error with building window during nighttime (Thanks to ĐoomGuy)
Old dry-van trailer at the Ansan (Thanks to MrCosmos)
Road direction sign clip camera (Thanks to theBasstian)
Surface lighting has a strange shadow on dirt/grass uphill (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Owner profit share triggered while using a delivery vehicle (Thanks to Raging413)
Vehicle delivery destination too close (Thanks tmrcosmos)
Vehicle delivery marker not removed while driving it (Thanks to Llama)
-- Update --
0.7.4 Build 587 Hotfix

Bug Fixed
Random game crash with breakable object
The Game crashes by picking up a Snowball (Thanks to Arthur-BatmanLPD)
Cargo in Gunthoo located at the wrong place (Thanks to Pupert)
Cannot enter Townie by the driver-side door (Thanks to Raging413)

Hello, fellow drivers!
You can now own more trailers!

New Trailers
Two 20ft Container and one 40ft Container Trailer are added
Lowbed Trailer is added
40t Tanker Trailer is added
New Dryvan Trailer is added
Old container, tanker, and dryvan trailer area removed
You can summon these at the trailer spawner or buy them at the Tosan Trailer, west side of Gu-Jwa

New Trucks
Cuda Container truck is added
Brutus Tanker truck is added, with a fuel pump feature (See below)
You can buy these new trucks at the Gu-Jwa Heavy Duty

Brutus Tanker Fuel Pump
You can fill fuel into a tanker at the gas station
You can change the configuration of 'access' and 'price' at the back of the tanker
Anyone who has 'access' can buy fuel from the tanker
Note that only one type of fuel(gasoline or diesel) can be loaded
Note that you cannot load cargo while your own fuel is loaded, and vice versa

More Vehicle Deiveries
Heavy/mid-duty vehicles and buses are added to Vehicle Delivery at the Jeju Harbor

Housing Multiplayer Support (Dedicated Server Only)
You can now rent a house on a dedicated server
The rental fee is 10% of buying cost every 7 Days (Dedicated server admin can change max days and fee rate)
You can pay the rental fee for up to 7 days
If you miss the due date, the house and all of its buildings will be lost
Server admin can cancel the rent or destroy buildings

Housing Dedicated Server Config
3 parameters are added to DedicatedServerConfig.json
MaxHousingPlotRentalDays: Setting max rental period. Default 7
HousingPlotRentalPriceRatio: Setting rental price per period. Default 0.1 (Meaning 10% of buying cost per period)
MaxHousingPlotRentalPerPlayer: Setting max housing rental per player. Default 1 (Thanks to Colin)

More Housing Spots are added
Open the world map and look for House icons!

More housing buildings
Five Desert houses are added. You can buy them from the Architect

Sanho Refinery
Sanho Refinery is opened at the South-West ends of Oji
It receives Crude Oil and produces Fuel
You can boost Fuel production by delivering Containers

Wood Plank's size is reduced (Thanks to Alice M)
Container delivery to Refinery is increased
You can now abandon vehicle delivery
The Housing plot border fence is now visible while placing the new building
You can now destroy a building while in a construction state
Trailer net-sync is improved
Server performance is improved
Parking ticket time for Wrecker vehicles has increased (Thanks to Alice M)
AI vehicles population is now reduced on a laggy server
Trailers are added to the rescue mission (Thanks to Alice M)
Wrecker job payment is balanced with size and weight (Thanks to Llama)
Abandon tow job is only available to admin in multiplayer
Job marker is now hidden while being towed (Thanks to Raging413)
Map icon for Jeju Decoration Shop is added (Thanks to 𝙍𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣)
Vehicle info UI now shows cargo spaces (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Brutus's brake heating is reduced (Thanks to Alice M)
Decal resolution is improved on Dory, new trailers, and Cheetah MK1 (Thanks to Drew and Raging413)
Leaving the vehicle while paused game with 'LOADING..' is now forbidden (Thanks to Steem)
Max vehicle name length is increased from 8 to 16 (Thanks to 𝙍𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣)
Roadside service tow to the garage now detach trailers (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
SPT1 is now buyable at the Tosan Trailer (Thanks to Llama)
SRT's 5th wheel location is moved backward to avoid collision with Vamos3. Suspension is also stiffened. (Thanks to Arthur-BatmanLPD)
SRT's size is reduced (Thanks to catb0t)
Stella's size is reduced
Vani's size is reduced
Brutus Wrecker is added to wrecker spawner at the Jeju Harbor (Thanks to delta450)

Bug Fixed
AI vehicles shake left and right
AI vehicles stop at the crossroad with no vehicle to yield (Thanks to 𝙍𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣)
Strap is not visible after joining multiplayer (Thanks to AviaTuned)
Unstable physics after loading Pizza into Flatbed (Thanks to Ἑκάτη)
Character randomly teleports to the origin while using the trailer's control box (Thanks to AviaTuned and catb0t)
Character stuck in seating position in multiplayer (Thanks to Steem)
Mouse Wheel Throttle is not disabled during chat (Thanks to Raging413)
Force Feedback shakes while the world map is opened (Thanks to Bobbo)
Camera not reset to decal after selecting a layer with Trailer vehicle (Thanks to Raging413)
Cargo missing in UI after rejoin (Thanks to Liamo_Isomo, Steem, and randomtrainboy)
Delivery to Corn Farm is randomly changed after rejoining (Thanks to Vormir)
The Attachment part can be duplicated in the laggy server (Thanks to TRAS_TRL)
Jake brake sound is not net-synced (Thanks to PD Plankton25)
Other player's trailers can be duplicated by rejoining (Thanks to AviaTuned)
Vehicle on the rear end of lowbed trailer randomly falls (Thanks to Raging413)
Random frame drop during multiplayer (Thanks to AviaTuned)
Backward towing can trigger wrong-way penalty (Thanks to Zarroc)
Getaway vehicle can be parking-ticketed (Thanks to A Bored Railway Idiot)
Cannot abandon parking ticket tow job (Thanks to Steem)
Container return message is fixed (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
ESC key closes two-step of the menu in the garage (Thanks to Shazbotacus and TRAS_TRL)
In-game menu cannot be closed by gamepad (Thanks to Laytxn)
Refueling UI's button icon is wrong (Thanks to Llama)
Vehicle info UI doesn't show tuned parts (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Attached light in reverse mode not working with trailers (Thanks to Steiny)
Bike physics explodes after strapping to Lomax (Thanks to Moped Launcher and Anders)
Brake not cooling in multiplayer while the player is not driving it (Thanks to Alice M)
Brutus wheel is not available to Brutus Tanker (Thanks to Raging413)
Cannot decal Zydro's spoiler (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
Car carrier's cargo vehicle was not loaded after joining a server (Thanks to Llama)
Cheetah Mk1 has a missing anti-rollbar on the 3rd axle (Thanks to Lappe)
Decal leak on Stella (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Golima Semi's 5th wheel doesn't have collision (Thanks to Zarroc)
LSD on 6x4 trucks cannot be installed on the 3rd axle (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Roadside tow to road ends up overlap with other vehicles (Thanks to Llama)
Trailer overlaps with tractor and explodes in multiplayer (Thanks to Llama)
Trailer's control box is randomly invisible (Thanks to catb0t)
Top Speed recorded while in the air (Thanks to NorthHopper and Llama)
Trailer falls underground after joining multiplayer
Trailer's odometer not updated (Thanks to Bob The Mad Man)
Utility box randomly not interactable in distance (Thanks to Raging413)
Vehicle reset underground at the Ae-Wol Racetrack (Thanks to TRAS_TRL)
Vehicles pushing each other can go through in a laggy server (Thanks to Alice M)
Winch can be attached to a light part and hang in the air (Thanks to Arthur-BatmanLPD)
Zino has bad shadowing on Fender (Thanks to Alice M)
Aewol Racetrack volume overlaps nearby roads (Thanks to Ghosty)
Road randomly not visible (Thanks to Skirakzalus and Business Goose)
No wrecker job icon with trailer (Thanks to Llama)
Hello, fellow drivers!
We got another update!
Sorry it takes too long, we had to do some long tests with new server optimizations.

Server Optimize
Multiplayer Server performance is improved, meaning more players with stable server FPS!
There are still some minor issues, which will be fixed in a future update!

Oji Moved
Oji island has moved north a little bit (Thanks to Aviatuned)
Ocean Highway is also changed temporarily and will be changed again as Oji developments further
Any vehicles parked in Oji are moved to the nearest road

Gapa town is added in Oji with Farms, a Bus Terminal, and a Police office

Jake Brake
Heavy Duty Engine now has Jake Brake
A default toggle button is 'B'

Brake Pad and Brake Temperature
Brake Pad part is added
Brake's temperature is simulated for both the surface and core
Brake will smoke when it gets hot
Brake will wear faster when it gets hot
Brake will get weaker when it gets too hot
Brake will make a squeaking noise when it's almost worn out

You can buy a Thermometer at the Garage Vendor
Use this to check Tire and Brake temperature (Thanks to catb0t)
Each Tire and Brake has 2 temperature values, Surface and Core

Police Gunthoo
Police bike is added, with emergency lighting

Police Tow Request (Multiplayer Only)
If a player abandons a vehicle near a road, a warning message shows up and a no parking icon appears after some time.
Police players can request a towing on this vehicle

Decal Options
Two decal options are added (Thanks to Ghosty and Stevenn)

* No Opposite Side
: Decal doesn't affect the opposite side of the vehicle (This was default before)

* No Backface
: Decal doesn't affect the backface (This is a new default)

The old decal(painted before this update) is checked 'No Opposite Side' by default
A newly created decal will be checked 'No Backface' by default

Player vehicle spawn limit on Dedicated Server
A dedicated server owner can set max vehicle spawn per player

Payment Balance
Bus/Taxi/Ambulance payment is increased
Small cargo payment is increased
The on-time bonus of premium pizza is reduced

Santa's cabin is now closed!
See you at next x-mas!

More color is added to AI Kira rollback (Thanks to 𝙍𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣)
Handbrake now stays the same after autopilot ends (Thanks to Raging413)
Mouse steering reset to center when autopilot stops (Thanks to noshenim and Raging413)
Toggle High Beam key binding is added (Thanks to Greg)
Vehicle doesn't stop while the Control Panel is opened
Decal is now not drawn on backface by default, fixing leaking on the Golima nose and some car's interior (Thanks to Ἑκάτη and Laytxn)
Dedicated server now has Max Vehicle per Player setting (Thanks to catb0t)
More items added to the vendor, including Jerrycan can and strap (Thanks to NorthHopper)
Roadside towing service cost is reduced for Police Player (Thanks to Pingu)
You can now abandon Towing job from the world map (Thanks to RC Tow Truck)
Furniture and car supply vendor map icon is added (Thanks to Gasman)
Vehicle spawn filter and the sort order are now saved for the game session
Environment temperature drops a little bit during rain

Bug Fixed
AI jumps into 1st lane after the highway ramp (Thanks to hitman_2)
Autopilot cannot stop Golima with 30t Log in the highway (Thanks to Ἑκάτη)
Cargo can be strapped in the air after lift up with a winch (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
Using seat after seat can end up teleporting back to the first seat (Thanks to Fuel Rat)
Company lost randomly in multiplayer (Thanks to Raging413)
Auto reverse is not working while Chat Box is opened (Thanks to Arthur)
The Re-center camera doesn't work at low speed with the chase camera (Thanks to Raging413)
Decal wrong position on Rollback Bed at a distance (Thanks to 𝙍𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣)
Cannot place the Nutcracker Doll in the house (Thanks to Paulo Roberto)
Brake core temperature not synced (Thanks to Llama)
Company route data is lost randomly in multiplayer (Thanks to Expt and Shazbotacus)
Rollback Bed lagging in low FPS server (Thanks to Scudmuffino)
Stop refueling and resume can reduce cost in multiplayer (Thanks to delta450)
FPS stutter in Ansan Speedway at the same location (Thanks to Llama)
Company bus receiving no parking ticket (Thanks to Lappe)
Duplicated no parking message with trailer (Thanks to Steem)
No parking message in parking space (Thanks to Raging413)
Spikepad and 'refuse to stop' not working (Thanks to Feda)
Suspect vehicle can be hidden by own trailer (Thanks to Ἑκάτη and Raging413)
Skid sound not stopping while the tire is in the air (Thanks to Llama)
Camera shakes with Track IR after press re-center camera (Thanks to obeyeveryday)
Control panel submenu cannot be closed by ESC key (Thanks to Raging413)
Map icon z-order is not applied (Thanks to raging413)
Modaless UI like Quest popup didn't have input key icon
Bike cockpit camera horizontal lock doesn't work while manual camera rotation (Thanks to scailman)
Brutus Wrecker shakes while towing Kira Tanker (Thanks to Ἑκάτη)
Brutus Wrekcer's hooking line is not attached to the hook (Thanks to Mundus_Dog)
Brutus's seat has opacity (Thanks to ♪D.J C♂mb1nE♫)
Golima's window doesn't have opacity (Thanks to ♪D.J C♂mb1nE♫)
Gunthoo Police Speedometer needle is too big (Thanks to scailman)
Handbrake sensitivity stuck in 100 (Thanks to hitman_2)
Kira Box/Flatbed/Tanker's suspension feels too soft (Thanks to Raging413)
Mammoth's wheel can get stuck underground in sands (Thanks to TRAS_TRL)
Mixi randomly doesn't fit into parking space (Thanks to Raging413, Backy, and Chewy.exe)
Non-DRW wheels can be put into DRW vehicle
Roadside tow service can end up overlapping and launching (Thanks to Cpt. Jack Sparrow)
Trashbag falls on Compacty's loading bay (Thanks to Sato)
Wheel not turning at low speed after hours of play (Thanks to SpreadsheetSaysNya)
Hello, fellow drivers!
We have some hotfixes!

Memory Usage Reduced (Thanks to Joko_P)
There was a problem with the engine code which made New Island Oji use too much system memory.
Some systems with low memory could have crashed while loading the Island or had a random crash while playing.

2 more x-mas decos are added to the Santa's Cabin

You can find these items on the 2nd floor (Use the stairs behind the building)

Bug Fixed
AI vehicles overlap and explode
Floating x-mass line at the Gang-Jung Terminal (Thanks to Raging413)
Hello, fellow drivers!
We got another update!

(Edit) The updated game version is 0.7.2+T3 (+T3 is there by mistake, sorry!)

(Edit) I forgot to mention about Santa Cabin!
Santa's Cabin is now opened again!
Gift Box delivery is added (Produced at the Santa's Cabin with Toy Boxes and Container/Pallets)
You can buy Santa Costume and Xmas decorations at Santa's Cabin
You can pick up some snowballs at Santa's Cabin and throw them to others!

Oji (오지)
With Unreal Engine5's large world support, we are starting to expand our Island map!
'Oji' means 'Middle of nowhere, or Hinterland' in Korean.
It's a beautiful and vast place, with a challenging environment.
Keep eyes on the Fuel gauge and don't skip the Gas station!

Oji is still under development.
While our World builder Betty is working on putting new stuff into Oji,
Enjoy 'OJI BUILDER' leaderboard by delivering goods to Oji.

Brutus Wrecker
Our first Part-Time 4WD
Press 'T' to toggle between 2WD(RWD), 4H(4Wheel Drive High), 4L(4Wheel Drive Low-Range), 4L-Locked(4Wheel Drive Low-Range with Diff-Lock)
(You can also use Control Panel for these)
Both Crane and Hook can be raised/lowered and extended
A stronger winch for the wrecker is also added to the garage

Golima Semi
Another long-nose semi with a sleeping cabin is added to the Heavy-duty shop
540HP Heavy duty engine is also added at the garage

More decal shapes are added
Fuel delivery to Ansan Ring and Harbor is added
Fuel production now requires Crude Oil
Highlighting attachment part while placing (Thanks to 𝙍𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣)
Driving AI is optimized
Night time dynamic light optimized (Thanks to Maddog)
Random frame drop is improved
Air drag is improved for large vehicles
Lockable LSD part is added, it's required by part-time 4WD (Thanks to Llama)
Tire rolling resistance is improved to affected by speed and weight
Grass density is lowered (Thanks to Llama)
Sand-type surface physics is added

Bug Fixed
AI vehicle too slow on road bump (Thanks to hitman_2)
Hitting a cone with a tire doesn't count as penalty (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Tree falls over when vehicles are around (Thanks to Avia)
Cannot bind XInput type Steering wheel (Thanks to kingsofleigons)
Server crash while towing semi with trailer (Thanks to Llama, Majored1, and SpreadsheetSaysNya)
Random crash, usually while exit game (Thanks to RafaelG and Luki)
Decal duplication doesn't keep Flip and Mirror
Small house's window not transparent (Thankst o DarkStar2604)
Fuel price not synced (Thanks to Raging413)
Join/Leave message in system locale, not game locale (Thanks to 8Sh1t)
Lift not visible in multiplayer (Thanks to Raging413)
Server lags after player with loaded dump truck joins (Thanks to NorthHopper)
Frame drops at the Harbor container drop (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Spikepad randomly not working (Thanks to Ghosty)
Tow job icon not removed after hook (Thanks to Raging413)
All AI Schoolbus is white (Thanks to Anubis)
Kira Box's price tag is too low (Thanks to DarkStar2604)
Roadside recovery service doesn't cut winch rope (Thanks to majored1)
SPT1's ramp is unstable while loading a vehicle (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
TCS interrupt starting (Thanks to Ghosty)
Tire stuck underground at the Ansan Ring garage (Thanks to Richeeze)
Wrecker's crane winch can be removed (Thanks to NorthHopper)
Wrecker's hydraulic position not saved (Thanks to EricChen)
Towed vehicle gets damaged randomly in multiplayer client (Thanks to Steem and Laytxn)
Low FPS while towing semi with trailer (Thanks to Steem)
Semi death-roll when the trailer is in opposite angle (Thanks to tereflam and Luki)
Semi not colliding with trailer in multiplayer client
Missing name for Mixi's cargo space painting (Thanks to LochnessMonsterr and Beeto)
Bad landscape shadow (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Cloud warp (Thanks to Bobbo)
Jeju landscape clip at a distance (Thanks to 8Sh1t)
Speed limit not working near Ansan Speedway (Thanks to Guzyx)
Wrong navigation near Jeju warehouse (Thanks to hitman_2)
Low FPS in Cinematic view distance (Thanks to Luki)
Hello, fellow drivers!
Finally, the new update is here!

Since our one and only world builder Betty was taking a break for a new baby, it was good timing to upgrade to Unreal Engine 5.
Although it took longer than expected, we finally have some stable build, thanks to all the Testers!

Unreal Engine5 doesn't make it look or feel different much for now.
But it opens new possibilities for future updates, and Betty is now back in business with new tools in her hands, so stay tuned!

NOTE: Unreal Engine 5 uses DirectX 12 as default, if you have trouble, try using '-DX11' launch option (How to set Launch Option)

New Vehicles
Tuscan: Old Muscle

Micky: Old FF hatchback

Dafty: Very old FF

You can find them at the Junkyard and Ae-Wol

Vehicle Decals
You can now put decals on vehicles at the Garage
Currently limited to 30 layers
Each new decal costs a little money

Anti-Aliasing Setting
You can choose an anti-aliasing method at the Graphic Setting
FXAA: cheapest
TAA: Unreal Engine4's default (Still default in Motor Town)
TSR: Unreal Engine5's new feature

High-performance machine: 50% Screen Resolution with TSR
Mid-performance machine: 50% Screen Resolution with TAA
Low-performance machine: 50% Screen Resolution with Anti-aliasing method 'Off'

Vehicle LOD Setting
You can change vehicle LOD at the Graphic Setting
Lower Vehicle LOD means more vehicles will look simpler and simulate lightly at a distance to lower CPU load

Color Palette
You can now save your own color for Body Painting and Decal

Delivery list sorting order is now saved (Thanks to m0dbot)
Elisa's taxi skin is removed('Taxi' word decal is added instead)
Parking space and truck spawner are added to the Concrete factory
Road divider's collision is improved
Toggle all icon button is added to the world map (Thanks to scailman)
More lights to the tunning shop (Thanks to 𝙍𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣)
Toggle interior key binding is added (Thanks to Paw)
Brake light mode is added for the Attachable Light Item (Thanks to Striker)
Voltex wheel is now available for small vehicles (Thanks to Cpt. Jack Sparrow)

Bug Fixed
AI vehicle bumps into player vehicle while vehicle stopped for map loading
AI vehicle doesn't back for trailer or towed vehicle (Thanks to vaio)
AI vehicle doesn't move in a slow server (Thanks to scailman and NorthHopper)
Towing achievement is not shared by a party (Thanks to m0dbot)
Furniture's strap not saved (Thanks to EricChen)
Character's Pushing direction doesn't change (Thanks to Llama)
Busstop randomly removed from company route (Thanks to Luggage)
'Move backward' shows as 'Move forward' in duplicated key popup (Thanks to Raging413)
Binding 'Hide UI' makes the same key not usable for other actions (Thanks to Skirakzalus)
Gamepad key binding randomly malfunction
Cannot finish trailer delivery in multiplayer after left vehicle (Thanks to aweepingangel)
Cargo delivery randomly cannot be done during Multiplayer (Thanks to smithnz)
The Military supply box's destination is merged together in delivery UI (Thanks to scailman)
Missing vehicle delivery destination interaction after rejoining session (Thanks to Llama)
Multiple delivery destination box for dumping cargo (Thanks to Llama)
Pumpkin Farm has the wrong production (Thanks to hitman_2)
Too many dump fx in the multiplayer client (Thanks to Llama)
Fuel price randomly not synced to the client (Thanks to CaptainCheesy)
Vehicle on trailer de-synced at a distance (Thanks to Chris Goleador)
Low FPS while vehicles overlap (Thanks to Llama)
5000Kg Winch had 3000Kg power (Thanks to Toadstars and webdestroya)
Speeding tag in race track (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Suspect tag and passenger regained after restarting game after finishing getaway job (Thanks to Raging413)
Tire bump sound while raising the lift (Thanks to Anubis)
HUD shows truck level while driving Campy (Thanks to Toadstars)
Low FPS at the control setting after clicking the screen (Thanks to Llama)
Mouse Thumb button's name not showing (Thanks to 𝙍𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣)
Attached lights move or are missing after rapidly changing suspension parts (Thanks to Raging413)
Autopilot stalls if auto anti-stall assist is offed (Thanks to 𝕋𝕤𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕤𝕒)
Bike with cargo doesn't upright (Thanks to 𝕋𝕤𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕤𝕒)
Cannot place attachment light to Zino's door (Thanks to Raging413)
Cargo space rendering cull malfunction (Thanks to scailman)
Chase view/Character mode Mirror rendering option not working (Thanks to Llama)
The Company vehicle doesn't consume fuel while the player drives it (Thanks to Shazbotacus)
Dumbi has a duplicated seat (Thanks to Cylis)
Formula SCM's body2 color slot name missing (Thanks to LochnessMonsterr)
Tire stuck underground even after reset
Towing Compacty from behind gets 'too far' error (Thanks to LochnessMonsterr)
Trailer shakes in multiplayer if spawned at join (Thanks to 태양 두더지)
Vehicle repairing lost if owner respawns (Thanks to Paw)
Vista's engine and lower frame are painted with body color (Thanks to Richeeze)
Wrong vehicle spawns in single-player after leaving multiplayer (Thanks to raging413)
Missing nav path near the airport (Thanks to Anubis)
Small bushes don't break
Hello, fellow drivers!
We are working on Unreal Engine 5 migration, so the next update will take some time.
Meanwhile, we will drop small fixes from time to time!

Bug Fixed
Bus passenger with bad terminal destination is now fixed, which means more profit for Bus job and Bus Company! (Thanks to Raging413)
Character location not synced for a while after exiting the passenger seat (Thanks to RainbowStarMan)
Ticket by police vehicle without driver (Thanks to Raging413)
Money change sound doesn't work at the second game session (Thanks to Ghosty)
LED Strip's lighting has offset (Thanks to Raging413)
200% Antirollbar tune is actually 120% (Thanks to webdestroya)
Breakable object doesn't break in high-density areas (Thanks to Raging413)