Carrier Command 2 News & Announcements

Dear Players,

Some members of the Grim Reapers Naval Ops community kindly gave their time to compiling detailed rebalance and requested change feedback. As always, we are reviewing player feedback (particularly that submitted via the issue tracker!) and thought to implement several of the requested changes.

Thankyou to the Grim Reapers and all the players who have given their feedback and helped make the game better. The naval simulation community is a tight group and a great set of people, and its a real pleasure to be making one of your games.

We are buffing a bunch of stuff that was difficult to utilize. The sonic pulse countermeasure system has range extended to be 4x larger. External fuel tanks are now much larger. Ship fuel capacity is now much larger. CIWS ammo capacity is up. Stuff like that.

We are also doing some minor rebalances to what stuff is included in a starting load out. There are many changes here which would require a huge spreadsheet to explain, so if this is of interest, jump into a game and see what is included in your loadout of choice.

Missiles are now more dangerous with a larger explosive radius and higher velocity, but AA missiles are also easier to avoid with the tracking warning being displayed much earlier, giving much more chance to react.

Mules are now more versitile as they can now rearm each other as well as helicopters, making for a useful mobile helicopter refuelling base if this is required. This change, alongside the increased external fuel capacity, makes helicopters much more versatile and specialist.

Please check out the patch notes below and let us know your feedback on these new changes!

A quick shout out to an upcoming game - Sea Power isn't a game by us (Geometa) but is also published by Microprose and is a game I am personally looking forward to very much.

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers


Rework - buffed sonic pulse generator
Rework - increased capacity of external fuel tank
Rework - increased ammo capacity of vehicle mounted CIWS
Rework - increased speed of missiles
Rework - barge blueprint unlocked by default
Rework - rebalanced starting loadouts
Rework - rebalanced item inventory weights
Rework - new team colors and reordered colors to match colors on UI
Rework - missiles now have larger explosion radius
Rework - increased fuel capacity of ships
Rework - mules can now supply nearby helicopters and other mules
Rework - missile track warning now alerts with incoming missile within 1000m rather than 200m
Fix - fixed mouse input control mode with tv guided missiles
Fix - fixed issue with incorrect axes for mouse control of aircraft

Dear Commanders,

Today we release a new minor update!

This update contains several VR fixes, including an important fix for aircraft controls.

We have also added the ability for dedicated servers to load save games, in order that servers can play custom senarios or specific island configurations, which is a request from the community.

We have also been checking out the online CC2 community. The Tricky gaming community host regular multiplayer events, with 4 teams battling it out with a single life, over games usually lasting 2 or 3 hours. I have joined in some of the games anonymously, and the community are very kind and welcoming. I can thoroughly recommend to anyone interested in getting into PvP.

Many of the players can also be found in the Grim Reapers community, who regularly play and are involved in modding. This is another great community with brilliant Youtube content and a lot of CC2 experience.

Please see the patch notes below for details.

We look forward to your thoughts and feedback on this new update!

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers


Feature - Dedicated servers can now load save games using "save_name" setting in config (name must correspond to save folder name inside "steamapps\common\Carrier Command 2\saved_games" folder)
Feature - VR voice chat with voice detection (toggle on from VR options menu)
Fix - VR switching from teleport to smooth mode now transitions correctly without using a seat
Fix - VR version no longer saves desktop screen resolution when saving settings
Fix - VR aircraft input axes corrected to use roll pitch on left stick and yaw throttle on right stick
Fix - Missing localization strings

Dear Commanders,

Today we release a new fixes and improvements update!

This update contains many important fixes and improvements that players have been asking for. From input fixes, to UI fixes, to the long standing issue with Petrels circling, there are some very important changes here and all players will surely benefit from this update.

Please see the patch notes below for details.

Our apologies for such a long wait for this update.

A special thank you to Bred, Bob, Kazzik and Thumble from the Grim Reapers who kindly sent us a christmas card! We love it.

We look forward to your thoughts and feedback on this new update!

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers


Fix - Petrel no longer gets stuck in orbiting pattern when picking up unit
Fix - MacOS version no longer soft locks when mod files are in temp folder
Fix - Air boss management no longer gets stuck if rotor vehicle is destroyed during take off
Fix - Carrier radar no longer functions when damaged
Fix - Keyboard / mouse flight control axes swapped back to how they were pre-hotas support
Fix - Fixed resupply line rendering to the wrong carrier when there were multiple carriers on team
Fix - Deck notifications no display on allied carrier propulsion screen
Fix - Ocean currents data now save/load correctly
Fix - Fixed selected attachment not resetting correctly when out of range of current vehicle
Fix - Fixed being able to hover and drag invisible barge waypoints on vehicle control screens
Rework - Resupply radius displayed on all team carriers when hovering ships
Rework - Manual updated to better explain barge behaviour
Rework - Torpedoes can now damage the vehicle that launched them

Dear Players,

Today we release a new minor update with various fixes and improvements!

This patch includes some very important changes including a fix which we believe will solve a memory related crash for the small number of players who were experiencing it.

Thanks to all the players who have given us feedback on the issue tracker, this has been a great help when making these changes.

Please see the patch notes below for full details.

We continue to enjoy making these improvements to the game! Until the best update...

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers


Fix - Fixed crash caused by game running out of memory in some instances
Fix - Pressing enter to confirm text input when saving game no longer opens chat box in multiplayer
Fix - Fixed vehicle controls (switch attachment/toggle mode/map etc) not being blocked by chat box
Fix - Fixed deployable droids refilling when carrier has no droids in stock after undocking/redocking
Fix - Fixed achievement badges not showing info tooltip when hovered
Fix - Fixed carrier pending orders appearing to reset after loading a saved game
Fix - Fixed gimbal turret not automatically targeting enemies in auto control mode
Rework - Increased barge transfer quantity of flares so they transfer 10 at a time

Dear Players,

The Carrier Fleet Major Update is out now!

Get ready for multiple carriers per team, HOTAS controller support, air support cannons, and more!

Allied Carriers

This new update introduces multiple carriers per human team! Coordinate your carriers, and get ready for some really big PvP battles.

HOTAS Support

We have reworked controller support, so now you have new controller binding options as well as absolute-mode for throttle inputs! This means you can set up your HOTAS controller to pilot your vehicles.

Air Support

We have added a new turret, specifically for aircraft! This turret is a gimballed cannon (for use on the gimbal camera slot), allowing you to fire rounds from above. This means you can set your helicopters up as gunships, or even use gimbal control on your fixed wing aircraft!

There are also several fixes and improvements. See the change notes below for full details!

Thanks for all the players who have shared their thoughts and ideas to make this update possible.

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers

Patch Notes


Feature - Added carrier count option for human teams in multiplayer hosting options
Feature - Indicator for carrier to respawn at when returning to bridge
Feature - Added team chat with channels
Feature - Air boss control to hold take off
Feature - Undock buttons signal aircraft to take off when in air boss hold state
Feature - Rotor aircraft can take off even when fixed wing is holding on runway
Feature - New gimbal turret for aircraft
Feature - Joystick input and binding support including axis inversion and absolute axis settings
Rework - Torpedoes now steer to target bearing even once active unless a target is acquired
Rework - Torpedoes now detonate when near target
Rework - Map screens now zoom to cursor position
Rework - Barge logic has been updated to support multiple carriers - barges now only load items ordered by the following carrier in waypoint queue
Rework - Inputs in controller bindings grouped into player, vehicle, UI categories
Fix - Resolving issue with lightning sometimes spawning incorrectly

Dear Players,

Major Update 5 will be released on 17th March 2023 at 5pm UTC!

We are calling this major update the "Carrier Fleet Update" (multiple player controlled carriers per team!) but there is actually much more, actually several new big features! Please read more below...

Allied Carriers

Multiplayer games will support multiple carriers per team, allowing players to cooperate and coordinate between crews, and teams can have many times more fire power. Team communication is greatly improved with the new text chat option, including team and global channels.

HOTAS Support

We have made some big improvements to our controller support and bindings, and added support for HOTAS controllers. This is something that players have been asking about for a long time, and provides some very immersive piloting simulation gameplay!

Gimballed Air Support Cannon

We are adding a new cannon for aircraft... mounted on a gimbal! You can now provide rounds from the air from winged and rotor aircraft, in a similar way to the cannon on a real world helicopter gunship such as the Apache or Hind. Again, this has been a very popular player request and we are really excited to add it.

Gameplay Improvements

We are also implementing several other smaller player requested changes such as air-boss controls to hold take offs (to assist take offs during heavy waves), changes to torpedo behaviour, etc.

This major update will be launching on Friday 17th March so please do join us for the launch then!

We also have minor updates including fixes and improvements in the works and due for release soon.

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers

Patch Notes

Fix - Fixed controller axis invert issue

Dear Players,

Today we release a new minor update with various fixes and improvements!

Thanks to all the players who have given us feedback and requested changes. This update brings some much needed improvements in specific areas.

Please see the patch notes below for full details.

We are hard at work on the next major update and plan to make a big announcement soon!

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers


Fix - Improved accuracy of aircraft when engaging moving targets with unguided weapons
Fix - Improved enemy aircraft takeoff from land-based runways so they are less likely to crash into cliffs/trees
Fix - Disabled obsolete camera stabilisation modes for stationary turrets
Fix - Destroyed ships no longer cause gaps in formation when supporting the carrier
Fix - Missile targeting behaviour is consistent with target diamonds displayed on attachment HUDs
Fix - Fixed island turrets not spawning in close proximity to drydock
Fix - Fixed actuated camera being able to rotate infinitely on Y-axis

Dear Players,

In this minor update, we have implemented a few fixes and improvements. This is a small update, but more are to come, and we will share these improvements in stages as we implement and test them.

Thanks to all the players who have reported these issues! We really appreciate your help and feedback.

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers


Fix - Fixed drydock elevator navmesh not being targetable in VR
Fix - Enemy carriers no longer continue to product fleet ships after being destroyed
Fix - Fixed virus bots triggering a vehicle destroyed notification as well as a retired notification when retiring
Fix - Manta landing gear no longer clips through gear doors when retracted
Fix - Fixed vehicles appearing to be docked when being dropped by the crane even when undocking

Dear Players,

The new major update is out now!

The Defence and Resupply Update is the new major update, featuring the ability to defend and fortify captured islands, the new land chassis to resupply deployed vehicles in the field, and new consumable fighting droids to flood the battlefield with fire power.


From the vehicle control map, you can select your captured command centers and build static defences. There are 3 static defence turret loadouts, and it's the players decision where to place their fortifications. Static defences take time to manufacture and build so it is important to plan and start early and invest in securing your islands.

The Mule

The Mule is a new land vehicle chassis, with 6 attachment slots of the new utility type. Attachment options include fuel and ammo resupply modules, as well as combat droids. This new vehicle and attachment set allows resupply and replenishment in the field. This has been a popular request, with limited ammo being a major logistics consideration when deploying a landing group.

The Combat Droid

The new combat droid is a deployable fighting unit, similar to virus bots, except equipped with dual chain guns. These droids are consumable and last only as long as their fuel and ammo lasts, but with the ability to carry up to 6 on a single Mule, then deployment can dramatically increase firepower for a limited time.

Once deployed, the new droids work a lot like the other land vehicles, and can be commanded from the map and remote controlled with movement and weapons control.

Please see the notes below for full details of the changes. We also have minor updates in the works and will have more updates out to you as soon as they are ready.

We look forward to your feedback on this new update, and let us know what you want to see next too!

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers


Feature - Defensive turrets can be built on captured islands by selecting the command center on the vehicle control map
- 3 turret loadouts can be constructed
Feature - Added new logistics support vehicle - the mule
- New logistics container attachments can be equipped on the mule
- Mules will automatically resupply nearby vehicles with ammo from their logistics containers
Feature - Added new deployable droid vehicle
- Droids can be attached to the mule and deployed using a deploy waypoint from the vehicle control map
- Droids have a finite amount of ammo but are powerful, making them a good temporary defense
- Up to 6 droids can be attached to a mule at once
- Droids retire and self-destruct when they run out of ammo or fuel
Rework - Rebalanced island control currency rewards
Fix - Fixed chaingun weapons not syncing in multiplayer in some situations

Dear Players,

Major Update 4 will be released on 29th September 2022!

This next major update is the island defense and resupply update. This is a gameplay focused expansion in response to player feedback and common requests, to extend your strategical capabilities.

The Mule

The mule is a new land vehicle chassis, designed specifically for a support role! This chassis has 6 attachment points for the new support modules. These modules include fuel resupply and various types of ammo resupply for replenishment in the field. Your other land vehicles can refuel and resupply when nearby these modules, allowing for extended operation time once ashore.

Fighting Droids

The new fighting droids are mounted to mules via the fighting droid support module - and can be deployed in a similar way to virus bots. These new droids are consumable, with limited power and lifetime, and cannot be recovered from the battlefield. However, they are also ferocious, with high damage output and up to 6 can be mounted to a mule at a time. They can also be remote controlled like any other vehicle.

Base Fortifications

In the next major update, you will be able to build defenses and turrets and fortify your captured islands. This is a critical capability, particularly for PvP games, where capturing neutral islands has been much more difficult than capturing player controlled islands.

This major update will be launching on Thursday 29th September so please do join us for the launch then!

We also have minor updates including fixes and improvements in the works and due for release soon.

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers

Dear Players,

In this minor update, we have continued to look at fixes and improvements. Please see below for the full list of changes in this update.

Changes are typically minor, as we have been keeping a close eye on issues and have been doing extensive internal testing throughout development. We are continuing to work through any remaining quality issues as we want the player experience to be tight and as smooth as possible.

Thanks to all the players who have reported these issues! We really appreciate your help and feedback.

You can expect more minor updates in the coming weeks and months, as well as details on our next major update which we are working on at the moment. The next major update will be gameplay focused with new gameplay features.

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers


Rework - VR version uses same application name as non-VR so saves/settings are in the same folder
Rework - Wheels no longer consume fuel on air vehicles
Rework - Fuel blueprint is always unlocked
Rework - Aircraft no longer fire guns at ground targets unless pitch delta is small enough
Rework - Waypoint line renders in grey if vehicle waypoints are unavailable
Fix - Safety hatch no longer appears interactable to non-admin players on dedicated servers
Fix - Fixed vehicle hud script not using modded script in multiplayer
Fix - Fixed dedicated server not restarting if all human teams have been defeated
Fix - Vehicle waypoints can no longer be modified when vehicle is in docking state
Fix - Fixed -dev command line option not live-reloading modded files
Fix - Splash sequence waits for main menu to finish creating before updating to fix splash sequence not rendering and starfield being visible when menu loads
Fix - Fixed map context menu opening when trying to add waypoint to docked vehicle
Fix - Fixed not being able to cancel air vehicle docking in some valid states
Fix - Fixed air vehicles sometimes failing to undock immediately after docking

Dear Players,

Today we release v1.3.2, including some fixes and improvements to Carrier Command 2.

We have more fixes and improvements planned in minor updates over the coming weeks and months, and are also working on the next major update which will have a gameplay focus. We will share more info as the work is completed!

Thanks to everyone who has reported issues on the official issue tracker, making this update possible.

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers


Fix - Fixed aircraft destroyed by impacting the ocean not showing on the ship log
Fix - Surface vehicles no longer try to pathfind through hangars or across runways to avoid collisions with aircraft
Fix - Selecting self-destruct monitor using VR controller no longer prevents deselecting
Fix - Fixed self-destruct timer overflowing UI when set to a value greater than 99
Rework - Enemy air units no longer run out of fuel and crash

Fix - Fixed crash on launch for Mac users
Fix - Fixed dedicated server password protection not working correctly
Fix - Fixed not being able to reconnect to a dedicated server after it has restarted at the end of the game
Fix - Fixed all players displaying as admins in the player list
Fix - Players with unsupported characters in their display name now display their player number in their name so they can still be identified
Fix - Specific "banned" message is now displayed when failing to connect to a server due to being banned
Fix - Fixed friend rich presence data not being set when playing on a dedicated server
Fix - Fixed password not being set in-game when connecting to a password-protected server from the Steam server list
Fix - Fixed Steam server list sometimes showing different number of players to actual player count
Fix - Fixed some minor UI inconsistencies
Rework - Admins can no longer kick/ban other admins from dedicated servers
Rework - Admins can join full servers for moderation purposes
Feature - Added option to mute an individual player's voice chat from multiplayer player list

Dear Players,

Major Update 3 is out now!

In this major update, we have added:

Dedicated Servers

We now include a new dedicated server with Carrier Command 2, and you can set up your own server by following the dedicated servers guide.

Public Server List

You can now browse and join public servers from the game (main menu > multiplayer > public games) and also from the Steam server browser that is built into Steam.


Servers can now be modded, and mods are shared automatically when you join a server. Modded servers show an icon in the server list so you can tell which servers are modded. Only certain files can be modded and the game scripts are all sandboxed to help protect players security.

These are frequently requested new features by the community, and an obvious next step for Carrier Command!

We hope you enjoy this new update and we look forward to supporting players more in the future with another major update and other improvements already in the works!

See you in the public servers!

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers


Feature - Added dedicated server program for hosting public servers (see
Feature - Added public server browser
Feature - Added in-game text chat box
Feature - Server mods are downloaded on clients when joining a game
Rework - Mods are no longer loaded on the main menu (except for translations)
Rework - Modding enabled for game objects and tile definitions
Rework - Rebalanced CIWS ammo capacity

Dear Players,

There are just a few days left until the big major update release!

As a reminder, major update 3 includes new dedicated server support, public server lists, mods-over-wire, and more!

Public server lists and dedicated servers are something that players have been asking for, and for a long time! We are really excited to bring these tools to players and support the community with this new and convenient way to meet and play with others. It is an obvious next step for Carrier Command 2, with multiplayer being such a fun aspect of the game.

In preparation for the new update, you can read our technical guide on hosting dedicated servers.

Mods will be supported over multiplayer, in an automatic way, with no need to sync your subscriptions in order to play on servers. You will be able to see if a server is using mods from the server list before you join. Only certain files can be modded in Carrier Command 2, and the scripts are sandboxed meaning that access is limited to a set of API game functions that we provide, with no access to files, internet, or any other function that we haven't specifically added a function for.

See you on Monday for the big update!

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers

Dear Players,

On the 23rd May 2022, we are releasing Major Update #3, including dedicated servers, public server lists, and mods-over-wire support!

From the 23rd May, you will be able to host and join public dedicated server games! This has been a popular and frequent request from players and we are really excited to introduce this to Carrier Command 2.

The new dedicated servers allow hosting multiplayer games without running the client. These servers are designed for non-attended operation and will automatically restart as required. Servers have various options and can be passworded, or otherwise open to anyone.

Dedicated servers will appear in the new public games server list in game, and in the Steam server browser. From the new public server list, players will be able to see a list of all dedicated servers, player counts, if they are modded, etc. and be able to join these servers.

Any modifications installed on the server are automatically downloaded and synchronized to all clients (for both dedicated and locally hosted games) meaning that servers can be run with their own custom modded content, and all players will see and use that same content.

This makes modding much more multiplayer friendly, where mod creators can have confidence that all players in a game are running the same mods, and players are not required to subscribe to join multiplayer games.

We are very excited for the big release and can't wait to share it soon! See you on the 23rd May for the big release!

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers

Dear Players,

We have just released v1.2.7 which includes some bug fixes as well as some long awaited VR features and fixes.

We are very busy completing the next CC2 major update but have found some time for some of the fixes and improvements, which are included in this build.

With much fewer issues remaining on the issues board, some of these fixes are minor, for example some spotlight rendering artifacts could sometimes be still seen through waves, which has now been resolved.

We have also revisited the VR tasks, most of which where cleaned up shortly after initial release, but a few remained where they were minor issues. Recentering now recenters orientation rather than just position (to be more consistent with other VR games), hearing now uses the correct VR head orientation, you can now see the hover info for achievements in VR, and input is correctly passed only to the hovered screen, which hasn't always been the case.

With regard to VR, our original plan was to have the VR edition be a separate App on Steam to make it clear to players that Carrier Command 2 is both VR and non-VR (which is otherwise very confusing). Ultimately, this hasn't worked well for the game. Because the apps are linked, Steam assigns all sales to the base game and considers CC2 to have sold zero copies, meaning zero promotion in the VR category. There is also the issue with cross-platform play where players need to start the game in an unusual way to play CC2 VR in multiplayer.

We have now decided to integrate the Carrier Command 2 VR client in the base game, and add a VR launch option to the base game. This doesn't affect anyones access to the VR version of the game, or changes our support plans for VR, it just moves the launch button in the Steam client. It makes it easier to play multiplayer and it makes it easier for us to release updates.

These changes will be rolled out over the next week or so.

We have big plans for the next major update and will be back here very soon to talk about what is in the next major update, release dates, and more!

Much love <3,

The Carrier Command Developers


Fix - spot light volume rendering appearing in front of ocean waves
Fix - map data now correctly synced in all situations after loading a game or connecting to an MP game
Fix - some safety code to avoid most common CTD
Fix - VR corrected head orientation for hearing audio
Fix - VR can no longer interact with the tablet from the back
Fix - VR screen interactions now always consider which screen is being hovered so input isn't shared between tablet and other screens
Fix - VR interaction reworked so hovering achievements now shows achievement data
Fix - carrier_command_vr.exe now included in base game AppID.